14th of Adar, 5785 י״ד בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Monday, July 11, 2005

G-d will not abandon His people!

By the grace of G-d
Shalom uBrocha!
This story bellow is reprinted here from the current edition of Beis Moshiach International Magazine to make it easier for you to imagine and understand how G-d often saves his people even when all natural means seem exhausted which seems to be very much the situation now as far as far as the terible decree to exile of more than 8000 Jews from their homes in the Land of Yisrael which is just another test of our faith in G-d in these last moments before the completion of the redemption.
Also check out http://moshiachtv.blogspot.com/2005/07/disengagement-in-5765.html
With respect and blessing.
Ariel Sokolovsky

HU RA: The Rest of the Story By Prof. Shimon Silman, RYAL Institute and Touro College

Author: Boruch Merkur

It was January 1953. The torture of the doctors was in full force. False confessions were flowing like the blood of the victimized doctors. And the city of Moscow was morose.
In this final section, we describe the dark days in Russia as the case of the doctors was being prepared for a public “show trial.” Then came Purim and the call of “Hu Ra!” at the Purim farbrengen, bringing Stalin’s scheme to a sudden halt – and his own death. * Part 3 of 3

(Continued from Issue #506)

The winter in Moscow was unusually snowy and cold. There were no thaws, and the ice on the streets of Moscow grew thicker and thicker. Reports circulated of a certain “Day X” when millions of Jews throughout Russia would be deported. Each day brought new reports of threats, plots, and expulsions, and lists of Jews were being drawn up in Moscow, Leningrad, and other major cities. As far away as Kiev, a Jewish doctor was advised by one of his non Jewish patients to leave the city and move to a small town, if possible.

More Jewish plots and conspiracies were being “discovered” and Jews were being arrested en masse.

Meanwhile, Stalin worked tirelessly to ensure that every detail of the plot and its exposure would achieve maximum impact while appearing completely credible.

On January 13, an article in Pravda titled “Spies and Murderers Under the Mask of Professor-Doctors” revealed the Doctors’ Plot to the public. It described a “band of doctor-poisoners” who were aggressively involved in murdering Soviet leaders. It listed the names of the Jewish doctors and claimed that they were working for U.S. and British intelligence. The Jews in general were identified as enemies of the state, along with the Americans and British.

More newspaper articles were printed to incite the public against the Jews. They told people to look for enemies and referred to the purges of the 1930’s, an indication that they were about to be repeated. Anti-Semitic meetings at offices and factories vehemently demanded that the criminals be put to a terrible death. Many volunteered their services.


On February 17, a memorandum was sent to Malenkov recommending the construction of 4 prison camps in remote areas of Russia: 1 in Kazakhstan, 1 in Irkutsk, and 2 in Komi. It was to these camps that the Jews were to be deported. The construction of the camps began immediately.

Khrushchev later told a Communist Party meeting how, during the Doctors’ Plot, Stalin became inflamed with hatred against the Jews. His rage grew until, shortly before his stroke, “he told a meeting of Soviet leaders that he had decided to gather all the community together and transport them to a northern region within a new pale.” Khrushchev told his audience that when Mikoyan and Voroshilov protested and said that such conduct was worthy of Hitler, Stalin worked himself into a fury.

Another cynical and sadistic element was introduced into the story. It was not enough for Stalin to just deport the Jews. He wanted them to request the deportation! A letter was drafted in which the Jews would appeal to Stalin for “protection from the justifiable anger of the Russian people” by transferring them to a far-off region. This was to be an open letter to Stalin signed by prominent Jewish personalities. The letter, however, was not publicized at that time. (A copy of the letter was found and published in a Russian journal in 1997.)

Meanwhile, the interrogation of the doctors continued. By mid-February all the doctors had confessed except for Dr. Sophia Karpai. On Feb. 18 they brought Karpai to a face-to-face confrontation with Dr. V. N. Vinogradov, who had worked with her at Valdai. He had just confessed to murdering Zhdanov and the purpose of the confrontation was to pressure Karpai to confess also. They could not go to an open trial with the doctors until each told the same story. But it did not succeed. Karpai continued to refuse to admit any guilt. “No, I don’t confirm it,” was her response.

None of the other doctors held out so long. Her face-to-face confrontation with Vinogradov certainly made her realize that she was truly alone. However, notwithstanding the fact that she was brutally beaten and kept in a refrigerated cell without sleep to compel a confession, she did not confess. Her heroism in the face of all this is truly astounding.

The delay in the trial caused by her courageous stand may have saved the lives of millions of Jews, for in the meantime, Stalin died and the decree was annulled. As Brent and Naumov write, “The fate of the Jews of Russia might have depended on this latter day, unknown Esther.”


“The Doctors’ Plot ended much as it began, in mystery,” write Brent and Naumov as they begin to discuss what is known about the death of Stalin. They continue, “There is more that we don’t know about Stalin’s death than that we do....Each published version of his death significantly contradicts every other.”

Another author writes, “It is a paradox that while the details of his final illness were

broadcast to the whole world, the atmosphere of mystery shrouding the circumstances of the death of Stalin has never been dispersed. A number of people, satisfied with the information given, accept the fact that Stalin died of cerebral hemorrhage. Many, suspecting that his end was altogether too opportune, speak of it as a miracle that saved Russia from a new reign of terror. Some are of the opinion that the ‘course of nature was assisted.’ Others, dismissing his illness as fictitious, believe that Stalin was murdered.”

As we mentioned at the beginning of this paper (see Part 1), the death of Stalin was brought about by Melech HaMoshiach – “By the breath of his mouth he shall put the wicked to death” – at the farbrengen of Purim, 5713. We will now trace the sequence of events leading up to Stalin’s death and try to correlate them with the events occurring in “770” at the same time, noting an eight-hour time difference.

While the reports of Stalin’s death contradict each other also in the times of certain events, Brent & Naumov have attempted to sort out and analyze this information. In addition to documents available to earlier researchers, they have had access to the report of the doctors who treated Stalin while he was dying. This report was submitted to the Central Committee in July 1953, stamped “Top Secret” and filed away. It was apparently unread for fifty years until 2003, when Brent and Naumov were given access to it.

Purim 5713 was Sunday, March 1, 1953. On the night of Purim (Saturday night, February 28), Stalin sat down to a party in his dacha with Beria, Malenkov, Khrushchev, and Bulganin. Sometime around 4:00 a.m. [9:00 p.m., the night of Purim, in New York], in the middle of an angry tirade about the slow progress of the Doctors’ Plot, Stalin suddenly broke off in the middle of a sentence and went into his room. This was to be his last tirade.

Stalin did not come out of his room the next day, nor was there any sign of movement in his room. Though worried, the staff could not enter his room without permission. At 6:30 p.m. [10:30 a.m. – Shacharis, Purim morning, in New York] a light went on in Stalin’s room. At 10:30 p.m. or later [2:30 p.m. – Mincha time – in New York], a guard found Stalin sprawled on the floor near his writing table. Around 11:00 p.m., Beria phoned the dacha and told the guards not to say anything about Stalin’s sickness. Doctors did not arrive until 7:00 a.m., or later, the next morning [11:00 p.m. in New York, during the Purim farbrengen]. Why was there such a delay in calling the doctors? There are two possible reasons: 1) They may have been afraid that they would be held responsible for any mistakes made in Stalin’s treatment or, more likely, 2) they wanted him to die.

In any case, it appears that the declaration of “Hu Ra” at the Purim farbrengen occurred around the time that the doctors began treating Stalin. They found him in a deep unconscious state from which he never recovered and diagnosed a cerebral hemorrhage. His condition steadily worsened until Thursday, March 5 when, at 9:50 p.m., the evil Stalin died. Haman was dead: “When the wicked are gone there is rejoicing.”

Many have suggested that Stalin was poisoned. If so, the man who would have done it, or at least have been responsible for it, would have been Beria. And it would have been with Khrushchev’s complicity. There is, in fact, reason to believe this. Molotov said that Beria told him, “I did him in! I saved all of you!” claiming to be responsible for Stalin’s death. In fact, Beria had good reason to kill Stalin since Stalin was in the process of preparing a case against Beria with the goal of having him eliminated.

Brent & Naumov describe a scenario, suggested by a Dr. Lawrence S. Cohen, in which Beria would have slipped a poison, such as warfarin crystals, into the wine that Stalin was drinking at the party on Feb. 28. Warfarin is a tasteless and colorless blood thinner which was administered to patients with heart disease. A high dosage over several days could induce hemorrhaging and a stroke in a patient with acute arteriosclerosis, which Stalin had. (Another Russian historian, Edvard Radzinski, interviewed the guard that found Stalin on the night of March 1. He said that after Stalin’s party was over, an order was given by the head guard, Khrustalev, for all the guards to go home. Radzinski speculates that it may have been at this time that Stalin was poisoned by Khrustalev, at Beria’s orders.)

Following this line of thought, one must wonder if such a poison might not have been administered by the doctors who treated Stalin, at Beria’s orders. Recall that they began their treatment of Stalin around the time that everyone was calling out “Hu Ra!” at the Purim farbrengen in “770.”


Immediately after Stalin dies, the Doctors’ Plot was reversed. Beria, the head of the newly created MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs), in one of his first official acts, ordered a “complete review” of the Doctor’s Plot. To expedite the process, he appointed a special commission. On March 17, Ryumin (the other Haman) was arrested and accused of falsifications and perversion in the Doctors’ Plot.

On March 31 a “Decree on the termination of criminal prosecution and the freeing of the prisoners in the Doctors’ Plot” was issued by the MGB under Beria’s direction. It stated in part, “Taking into account that all the arrested doctors in the present case were illegally imprisoned...we decree: In view of the absence of crimes...to free from custody and with full rehabilitation those imprisoned in this case.”

On April 3, during Pesach, the doctors were freed. The same day, the Soviet press published a communiquי issued by the MVD which said, “On the basis of the finding of the investigation commission specially set up by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR to verify the case, the above-mentioned [doctors] and others implicated in this case have been fully cleared of the charges preferred against them and...have been released from custody. The persons guilty of the improper conduct of the investigation have been arrested and are criminally held responsible.”

On April 6, Pravda reported that “The result of a review of the Doctors’ Plot showed that the doctors had been arrested by the former Ministry of State security (MGB) incorrectly, without any legal basis....The examination showed that accusations brought forward against the accused were false.” It called Ryumin “a secret enemy of the government” and a “criminal adventurist.” He was later executed.

* * *

“And he [Melech HaMoshiach] will judge the poor with justice and he will admonish with fairness the humble of the earth; and he will strike [the evil ones of] the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the speech of his lips he will put the wicked to death.”

Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu V’Rabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach L’olam Va’ed!

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