14th of Adar, 5785 י״ד בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Rally for Gush Katif in Boston

חדשות חב"ד

Rally for Gush Katif in Boston

A demonstration for Gush Katif was held in Boston in front of the Israeli Consulate at the Park Plaza.  Among those attending the demonstration were R. Leib Schaeffer, organizer of the Gush Katif solidarity flight,  Rabbi Michoel Green, a shliach of the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlit"a in Westboro, MA, and Rabbi Dan Rodkin of the Boston's Russian Jewish Center.

Leib Schaeffer and R. Michoel Greene
R. Dan Rodkin of the Boston Russian Jewish Center.

The photos is this post are from Mentalblog.com

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