Wednesday, November 23, 2005

"I.. Will Fight to Topple Government

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"I.. Will Fight to Topple Government

Today Sharon announced that he is leaving the Likud party, which is the first positive step in the downfall of the regime that abandoned Jewish land to terrorists and put all Jewish lives in Israel in danger.  Although it is unfortunately too late for the settlements in Gush Katif and Northern Shomron (may they immediately be rebuilt!) the downfall of Sharon will at least prevent him from doing further damage to Israel's security.

In connection with this news we publicize this sicha of the Rebbe MH"M to minister Moshe Katzav:  We must see to it that Shamir immediately nullifies the decision and talks about autonomy... and if he will continue in this vein regarding such talks, then I Menachem Mendel will be the first to fight against him with all my strength and power to topple the government.  (Yud Shvat 5752)

It is no secret that since that sicha, not a single government that gave over land or even spoke of it ever completed its term in office.  To conclude with the Rebbe's words:  "I do not mix in to politics. The main thing is that I hope that very soon the head of state there will be Moshiach Tzidkeinu."

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