Wednesday, November 23, 2005

"Welcome Back" Kinus in Bnei Brak

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"Welcome Back" Kinus in Bnei Brak

A "welcome back" kinus was held in Bnei Brak for all those returning to Israel after spending Tishrei with the Rebbe.  The kinus was chaired by Rabbi Chaim Sasson. Speakers included Rabbi Velvel Kesselman, Rabbi Aryeh Levi, Rabbi Chaim Levi Yitzchak Ginsburg, Rabbi Gedaliah Axelrod, Hatamim Eliyahu Dickstein, Rabbi Elazar Kenig, Rabbi Shalom Dovber Halevi Volpa, R. Shimon Veitzenhandler and R. dovid Nachshon.  The crowd danced to songs of geulah performed by singer Shmuel Shapiro and his son Mendy.

The kinus closed with a live broadcast of mincha in 770, followed by words of bracha from mashpia of 770 Rabbi Yitzchak Springer.


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