Saturday, October 01, 2005

Chadera: Tzedaka with Dignity

חדשות חב"ד

Chadera: Tzedaka with Dignity

Matan B'Seser is not just a slogan.  By Chabad of Chadera, it is part of life.  Chabad Chadera has gone out on a campaign to bring cases of food worth hundreds of shekalim to families who don't have the means to make Yom Tov.

The volunteers deliver the boxes to the door of each family, to spare the families the burden of having to pick up the packages on their own and be identified as "charity cases".  The shame of standing in food lines kept many families from picking up the food packages and they endured Yom Tov without the most basic necessities.  By delivering the packages door-to-door, Chabad of Chadera allows each family to have its holiday needs while preserving its dignity.


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