| | Righteous Gentiles Support N. Shomron | | |
| | On Tuesday evening, August 2nd, a large crowd of Righteous Gentiles hosted R. Efy Biran, a representative of the N. Shomron Chabad communities, along with Leib Schaeffer, the Achdus Flight to Israel organizer. At the gathering in Fitchburg, MA, R. Biran informed the audience of the actual facts and dangers on the ground in the N. Shomron, and the disastrous consequences of the planned Expulsion, R"L, of Jews from Eretz Yisrael. The congregational leader, Don Long (pictured in orange shirt), passionately spoke of the vast majority of American gentiles who support the entire Land of Israel and are against the American government joining with Ariel Sharon in this "crime against Hashem and His Torah". Mr. Long pleaded with his congregagation to open their hearts and wallets to the Jews of the N. Shomron in order to defray the costs of emergency supplies of food, water, tents and vehicles to be utilized the next few weeks in the Holy endeavor of protecting Jewish lives
חדשות חב"ד | | 900 Years Since Rashi's Passing | | |
| | Today marks 900 years since the passing of Rashi, one of the all-time greatest commentators on Chumash and Gemara. Rashi was born in Troy, France in 4800, and passed away in year 4865, at the age of 65. The Rebbe devoted many sichos to analyzing Rashi's interpretations, and for many years the Rebbe delivered a Rashi sicha at every Shabbos farbrengen. The Rebbe gave a special directive, especially pertinent for our times, to publicize the first Rashi of the Torah: Bereishis: R. Yitzchok says: The Torah should have begun with "This month will be for you..", the first mitzvah that the Jewish people were commanded. For what reason does the Torah begin with 'Bereishis'? The reason is that "the power of His actions he made known to His people, to give them the inheritance of the nations." For if the nations of the world will say that you are robbers, that you conquered the land of the seven nations, they will tell them that the entire land belongs to Hashem, He created it and gave it to whomever He saw fit. With His will He gave it to them, and with His will He took it from them and gave it to us."