Sunday, November 06, 2005

LESSONS IN TANYA: Monday, November 7, 2005


Cheshvan 5, 5766 * November 7, 2005


Today's Lesson:

Iggeret HaKodesh
(Middle of Epistle Twenty-Six)

Now, at first glance, what the words of this passage imply to those who lack understanding [10] is that the study of [the laws of] ritual prohibition and permission, and the Order of Taharot, [where the laws of purity and impurity are found], relates [only] to the Tree of [Knowledge of] Good and Evil.

Now this is most surprising in itself, [that a particular area within the Torah should be designated as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, thus relating it to kelipat nogah, which is an admixture of good and evil]; moreover, this contradicts the plain meaning of Scripture and the teachings of our Sages, of blessed memory, that the entire Torah that has been revealed to us and to our children, [i.e., the dimension of nigleh], is called [11] "A tree of life to those who hold fast to it," [and not only the Book of the Zohar].

This is especially so, since [the Zohar] was [still] concealed in their days; indeed, the whole wisdom of the Kabbalah was hidden in their days and concealed from all the Torah scholars, except for a select few, and even then, [it was studied] in a concealed manner and not publicly, as stated in the Gemara. [12]

Thus R. Isaac Luria, of blessed memory, wrote [13] that it is only in these latter generations that "it is permitted and obligatory to reveal this wisdom" - [i.e., the Kabbalah, which illuminates the esoteric dimension of the Torah] - but not in the earlier generations.

[On this entire subject, see the introduction of R. Chayim Vital to Shaar HaHakdamot, which also appears as the first addendum to Kuntres Etz Chayim by the Rebbe Rashab (in the Kehot edition entitled Otzar HaChassidim), as well as the intro-duction of the Rebbe Rayatz to this Kuntres].

R. Shimon bar Yochai, too, stated in the sacred Zohar [14] that permission to reveal [the secrets of the Kabbalah] was only granted to himself and his associates.

Now this, too, is a remarkable wonder.

For if so, [i.e., according to a superficial reading of the above quotation from Ra'aya Mehemna, from which it would appear that only the Zohar is called the Tree of Life, while the revealed plane of the Torah is considered the Tree of Knowledge of Go od and Evil], then the study of [the laws of] ritual prohibition and permission, and surely [the study of] civil laws, such as litigation on monetary matters, [15] should not override the obligation of prayer, which is set out according to the secrets of the Zohar and on the Supernal Unions [of the various Divine Names and Supernal Sefirot], for those who are familiar with them, such as R. Shimon bar Yochai and his associates.

But this is not the case. [In fact, the study of the laws of what is ritually prohibited or permitted, and even the study of civil law, does override the obligation to pray at fixed times.]

As stated in the Gemara, [16] R. Shimon bar Yochai and his associates, and likewise any others whose Torah study is their sole occupation, do not interrupt [their Torah study] for prayer. [17]

[This applies] even when one is occupied with the study of civil law, like Rav Yehudah, all of whose studies were in the Order of Nezikin [18] [lit., "damages"]; nevertheless, [in order not to interrupt his studies], he prayed only every thirty days [19] when reviewing his studies, as stated in the Gemara. [30]

Also, in the Talmud Yerushalmi, in the first chapter of Berachot, [21] R. Shimon bar Yochai is of the opinion that even for the Reading of Shema one interrupts only the study of Scripture, but not of Mishnah, [the Oral Torah], the study of which is superior to the study of Scripture, [22] according to R. Shimon bar Yochai.

He did not differentiate between [studying] the Orders of Zera'im, Moed and Kodashim, and [studying] the Orders of Taharot and Nezikin. [23]

[He thus holds that even when studying the monetary laws in the Order of Nezikin one should not interrupt one's studies for the Reading of Shema.]

[24] (Actually, he [here] contradicts his own opinion, given in a number of instances in Ra'aya Mehemna, [25] that Mishnah [relative to Scripture] is termed a "handmaiden" [Heb.: shifchah], and so on; and Scripture, the Torah of Moses, is surely superior to the Kabbalah, which is termed a "queen" [Aram.: matrunita] in the above-quoted passage in Ra'aya Mehemna, while the Written Torah is termed a "king" [Aram.: malka.

Thus, according to the last-quoted set of terms from R. Shimon bar Yochai, Scripture is superior even to Kabbalah and surely to Mishnah. From the previous passage, however, as cited in the Talmud Yerushalmi, it would seem that he maintains that Mishnah is superior to Scripture, for one does not interrupt one's study of Mishnah in order to read Shema at its prescribed time, though one does interrupt one's study of Scripture.

Here the Alter Rebbe interpolates a Kabbalistic definition of the term malka "king":]

[24] (This is the Yesod of Abba vested in Z'eir Anpin, as stated by R. Isaac Luria, of blessed memory. [26] ))

[To resume the discussion of R. Shimon bar Yochai]:

Moreover, we find that R. Shimon bar Yochai dealt considerably [not only with the mere statements of law in the Mishnayot, but] also with the argumentation of problems and solutions, which [according to the original quotation from Ra'aya Mehemna] derive from the side of evil and from the spirit of impurity.

[This he did] even when he was in the cave, [where legal adjudication, especially in civil suits, was obviously uncalled for].

Indeed, the very fact that he underwent anguish [when forced to hide] in the cave made him worthy of these attainments.

For, as stated in the Gemara, [27] he countered every problematic query posed by R. Pinchas ben Yair with twenty-four solutions, and [R. Shimon] said to him: "If you had not seen me like this," [in this sorry state in the cave, ["you would not have found me like this"].

[24] (In fact, their principal occupation in the cave - [the principal occupation of Rashbi and his son, R. Eliezer] - must have been with the teachings of the Mishnayot, i.e., the six hundred Orders extant in those days [28] until the time of our holy Master, [R. Yehudah HaNasi, who compiled the Mishnayot in six Orders].

For he could have completed the Zohar and the Tikkunim, [the Tikkunei Zohar], in two or three months; for surely he did not repeat the same subject twice. [29])

[Surely, then, he was occupied almost the entire time with the study of the six hundred Orders of the Mishnah].

Moreover, our Sages, of blessed memory, have taught [30] that "Since the day the Temple was destroyed, the Holy One, blessed be He, has only the four cubits of Halachah." [The study of Torah law thus takes the place of the Holy Temple.

How, then, can we possibly say, as the above passage from Ra'aya Mehemna might superficially indicate, that the study of the laws of ritual permissibility, and the like, is designated as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and thus related to kelipat nogah, which is an admixture of good and evil]?


10. Following early editions of the Tanya, the correct Hebrew
text here reads chaseirei (spelled with a resh), meaning
"those who lack." Other editions appear to read chassidei
(spelled with a daled), and have led to some mistranslation.
11. Mishlei 3:18.
12. Chagigah 11b; 13a.
13. See Shaar HaGilgulim, end of Introduction XV; et al.
14. Note of the Rebbe: "See beginning of Idra Rabbah
(Zohar III, 127b ff.) and many other places in the Zohar
where Rashbi expresses himself similarly."
15. Note of the Rebbe: "It could be suggested that civil
law is singled out, for in this field the law of the Torah
[sometimes] takes into account `the custom of local
merchants' or `the law of the land' or a waiver by one of
the parties to a transaction; and so on." [Hence the most
"remarkable wonder" would be that the study of such a
seemingly mundane level of law should override the seemingly
more spiritual occupation of prayer.]
16. Shabbat 11a.
17. Note of the Rebbe: "Many have asked: `If so, how were
the Supernal Unions (yichudim) usually effected by daily
prayer, accomplished [by them]?' For an answer, see Torah Or
38d, 69a, et al. [where it is explained that these holy
Sages were so self-effacing and so G-d-fearing that their
Torah study bore spiritual results which others can only
achieve through prayer]."
18. Berachot 20a.
19. See note 17, above.
20. Rosh HaShanah 35a.
21. End of Law 2.
22. Note of the Rebbe: "It could be suggested that the
Alter Rebbe adds the reason, since the reason too is part of
the question, as is soon stated. Note that Mishnah is the
revealed level of the Torah, while Scripture is related to
Kabbalah ( see the commentary in Likkutei Torah on the
maamar beginning Lo Tashbit). But see Hilchot Talmud Torah
of the Alter Rebbe, beginning of sec. 2, [from which it
would seem that Kabbalah is related to the Oral Torah, not
to Scripture]."
23. Note of the Rebbe: "The Alter Rebbe omits the Order
of Nashim, etc. (See Likkutei Levi Yitzchak on Tanya.)"
[Explaining this omission, the father of the Rebbe
states there that the Alter Rebbe's point could not be
proved from the fact that the study of Nashim (which deals
with marriage and divorce, etc.) overrides the Reading of
Shema. For, as the Gemara says regarding the erasing of the
Divine Name in the course of the purification of a sotah
(the woman suspected of adultery), G-d is even willing to
allow the Divine Name to be erased, so long as this will
restore peace between a husband and h is wife. It is thus to
be expected that the Reading of Shema, whose essence is the
affirmation of the unity of the Divine Name, should defer to
the study of this particular Order. Other Kabbalistic
reasons are offered there as well.]
24. These parentheses/brackets are in the original text.
25. Note of the Rebbe: "This requires further examination
and research [to find where Rashbi actually states this in
Ra'aya Mehemna]. See Zohar I, 27b (and in the Introduction
to Tikkunei Zohar XIV, foot of p. 71 ff.); also Biurei
HaZohar ther e [by the Mitteler Rebbe], (as well as by the
Tzemach Tzedek, Volume II)."
26. Shaar HaMitzvot, Parshat Vaetchanan; et al.
27. Shabbat 33b.
28. Chagigah 14a and Rashi there.
29. The author of Minchat Elazar poses the following question
(Divrei Torah 8:70): The study of the Mishnayot would
likewise not have taken more than several months, if
they did not debate all the legal problems and solutions
involved. We can thus say the same for their study of
the Zohar and Tikkunei Zohar: while several months would
suffice for the bare-bone text itself, even thirteen years
would not suffice for discussing and plumbing its depths!
The Rebbe answers this by noting that the Alter Rebbe
anticipated this question in this very letter.
He prefaces the fact that it took the compiler of the
Gemara, R. Ashi, a full ten years to study the first and
second editions of the Talmud which then comprised only six
Orders. R. Shimon, who was of far greater stature (see
Eruvin 54a) and studied the six hundred Orders of the
Mishnah in much greater depth, propounding twenty-four
solutions to every problem, surely was fully occupied in the
cave with the study of the Mishnah.
With regard to the Zohar and Tikkunei Zohar, however, since
the Alter Rebbe here quoted the Ra'aya Mehemna to the effect
that they contain "no problematic query, which emanates from
the side of evil, and no controversy, which emanates from
the spirit of impurity," there were then no questions nor
disputations. Surely, then, this took no more than several
30. Berachot 8a.



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DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Monday, November 7, 2005


Cheshvan 5, 5766 * November 7, 2005

D A I L Y M I T Z V A H (M A I M O N I D E S )

Today's Mitzvot (Day 66 of 339):

Positive Mitzvot 153, 59

Positive Mitzvah 153: The New Moon - Calculating the Months and Years

-Exodus 12:2 "This month shall be to you the beginning of months"

Have you noticed how the moon changes its shape throughout the

At times, it shines brightly like a cream-colored ball.

Other times, we can compare it to a slice of honeydew. On some
nights, it looks like a split banana! Sometimes, you can't see
it at all!

While in bed watching the moon, take a peek through your window,
shut your eyes for a moment and imagine a scene taking place many
years ago in Eretz Yisrael.

In the Great Beit-Din, the chief Rabbi sits in his honored place,
greeting the Jew who just arrived in the court.

"I saw the moon last night, Rabbi, and I believe it is the beginning
of a new month," reports the Jew.

The Rabbi motions to a chart with many different moon shapes hanging
on the wall. "Is this the shape you saw?" asks the Rabbi, pointing
to a particular shape.

The man who witnessed the moon would be questioned until the judges
were satisfied. When the judges heard proper testimony from at
least two witnesses, they would declare that a new month had arrived.

Determining the new month is very important to the Jewish calendar.

HaShem commands us to celebrate specific holidays in their set seasons
and on particular dates. In order to fulfill these commandments, we
must know when a new month begins and count the days accordingly.

This way, we will be assured of celebrating the holiday on the
correct date.

The Great Beit-Din (Sanhedrin) in Eretz Yisrael is commanded to
determine and calculate the counting of the months.

The Rabbis knew when the moon would first begin to shine again. They
informed the people to be alert and immediately report their findings.

Proper eye-witness testimony would serve as proof of the new month's
arrival. Afterwards, news of the new moon would be spread promptly
enabling all Jews to count the days of the month in a unified manner.

In this way, the Jewish calendar was set and followed.

In addition, HaShem commanded that the holidays of Pesach and Sukkot
be celebrated in the spring and fall.

The Jewish calendar is a "Lunar Calendar" which means that it follows
the phases of the moon. However, the seasons change according to the
sun's yearly cycle.

There is an eleven and a quarter day difference between the cycle
of the sun and the twelve lunar months.

Because of this, we might reach the proper Hebrew date for Passover,
but the spring season will not yet have arrived!

There is a way to overcome this problem.

If such a situation arises, the Rabbis would foresee it and the Beit-
Din would declare a leap-year.

The last month of the Hebrew calendar - Adar, would be doubled,
(First-Adar and Second-Adar) and Pesach would then arrive in the
spring time!

The Torah commands the Beit-Din to calculate the months and declare
the necessary leap years. The manner in which it was done, as
described above, applies only to the time of the Great Beit-Din in
Eretz Yisrael.

Today, we follow the Jewish calendar which was established by Rabbi
Hillel HaNasi, a descendant of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi.

He calculated the precise arrivals of the new moon and the years
which would be considered leap years.

We rely on this calendar until the arrival of Mashiach, when we
will return to the original method of the eye-witness report.


Positive Mitzvah 59: Blowing the trumpets in the Sanctuary

-Numbers 10:10 "Also on the day of your gladness... you shall blow
with your trumpets"

It was Lag Ba'Omer and Benny was at the grand "Torah and Mitzvot"
parade. The band was playing and the floats were passing by. It was
exciting and fun watching the parade march by.

Suddenly, a bugle horn sounded and the blast caused a stir in the

The tone was loud and clear and many bystanders leaned forward
trying to catch a glimpse of the horn player.

The sound of a horn blowing calls for attention!

In the Beit HaMikdash while certain sacrifices are offered, we
are commanded to sound trumpets.

The sound arouses a stir in the hearts of all the people who were
present in the Beit HaMikdash.

Each one will concentrate and resolve to strengthen his bond
of closeness with HaShem.

Similarly, we are commanded to blow the shofar in times of need
and despair, calling for HaShem's attention and requesting His help.



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"The Holocaust forces us to grapple with the existence of evil and suffering. It challenges us to find faith and optimism in the face of devastation and despair. And it awes us as we encounter heroes of the spirit who fought for truth and decency in the darkest of times."

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"TODAY'S DAY": Monday, November 7, 2005


Cheshvan 5, 5766 * November 7, 2005

"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"

Wednesday, Cheshvan 5 5704

Torah lessons: Chumash: Lech L'cha, Revi'i with Rashi.
Tehillim: 29-34.
Tanya: Now, at first (p. 551)...cubits of Halacha.
(p. 553).

The Jewish people are compared to the stars twinkling in the high heavens. By their light, even he who walks in the darkness of night shall not blunder.

Every Jew, man or woman, possesses enough moral and spiritual strength to influence friends and acquaintances, and bring them into the light.



"Beyond Never Again: The Holocaust - A View from the Soul"

"Explore the ways in which the Holocaust continues to affect our generation and colors what it means to live as a Jew today.

"The Holocaust forces us to grapple with the existence of evil and suffering. It challenges us to find faith and optimism in the face of devastation and despair. And it awes us as we encounter heroes of the spirit who fought for truth and decency in the darkest of times."

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Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).

For a glossary of terms used in "Today's Day" please click here:

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TODAY IN JUDAISM: Monday, November 7, 2005


Cheshvan 5, 5766 * November 7, 2005


* Laws * Customs * Jewish History * Daily Quote * Daily Study *

Today is: Monday, Cheshvan 5, 5766

Daily Quote

From the time that G-d said to our father Abraham, "Go from your land..." and "Abraham went on, journeying southward", began the process of "birurim" -- of extracting the sparks of holiness that are scattered throughout the universe and buried within the material existence... By the decree of Divine providence, a person wanders about in his travels to those places where the sparks that are to be extracted by him await their redemption. The Cause of All Causes brings about the many circumstances and pretexts that bring a person to those places where his personal mission in life is to be acted out.

- Rabbi Sholom DovBer of Lubavitch (1860-1920)

Daily Study

Chitas and Rambam for today:

Chumash: Lech-Lecha, 2nd Portion Bereishit 12:14-13:4 with Rashi
• English Text:

Tehillim: Chapters 29 - 34
• Hebrew text:
• English text:

Tanya: Iggeret HaKodesh, middle of Epistle 26
• Lesson in Tanya:
• RealAudio:
• Windows Media:

• Sefer Hamitzvos:
• 1 Chapter: Genevah Chap. 6
• 3 Chapters: Kiddush haChodesh Chap. 18, 19, Ta`aniyot Chap. 1

Hayom Yom:
• English Text:



"Beyond Never Again: The Holocaust - A View from the Soul"

"Explore the ways in which the Holocaust continues to affect our generation and colors what it means to live as a Jew today.

"The Holocaust forces us to grapple with the existence of evil and suffering. It challenges us to find faith and optimism in the face of devastation and despair. And it awes us as we encounter heroes of the spirit who fought for truth and decency in the darkest of times."

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DAILY DOSE: Fool With Answers


Fool With Answers

One who has all the answers is less than a fool.

A fool at least asks a question.

A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe
-words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman
Cheshvan 4, 5766 * November 6, 2005



"Beyond Never Again: The Holocaust - A View from the Soul"

"Explore the ways in which the Holocaust continues to affect our generation and colors what it means to live as a Jew today.

"The Holocaust forces us to grapple with the existence of evil and suffering. It challenges us to find faith and optimism in the face of devastation and despair. And it awes us as we encounter heroes of the spirit who fought for truth and decency in the darkest of times."

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A7news: Minister Shalom: Hamas Can't Run in PA Election

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Minister Shalom: Hamas Can't Run in PA Election
Israel's position regarding the participation of the Hamas terrorist group in the upcoming PA elections continues to be unclear. Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom has come out strongly against.
Full Story Below

 1. Minister Shalom: Hamas Can't Run in PA Election
 2. Compromise Plan Makes Inroads in Likud Vote Test
 3. Peres Leads Labor Primaries Polls
 4. Hadera Terror Attack Toll Rises to Six
 5. Gush Katif Events
 6. Two Versailles Wedding Hall Owners Sentenced to 2.5 Years
 7. MK Porush: Gov´t Hiding $2 billion Surplus
 8. On A7 Radio: Jews Cut Christian Throats on Syrian Show

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Editor: Hillel Fendel
Sunday, November 06, 2005
4 Cheshvan 5766

Visited Your Mother Lately?

Our Matriarch Rachel Emeinu's Yartzeit is on the 11th of Cheshvan, Sunday November 13th.  She has been awaiting our return for 2000 years!

Arutz Sheva's Israel National News and the Jerusalem Capital Development Fund are organizing a special visit to Kever Rachel (the Tomb of Rachel). The trip includes bulletproof buses, a guided tour of the area, refreshments, singing, dancing, and praying.

When: Sunday, Nov 13th, 11th of Cheshvan
Where: Meet at Binyanei Ha'Umah at 9:30AM
Cost: 80 NIS

We will return to Binyanei Ha'Umah at approximately 2:30PM

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Veshavu Banim Legvulam


1. Minister Shalom: Hamas Can't Run in PA Election
By Hillel Fendel

Israel's position regarding the participation of the Hamas terrorist group in the upcoming PA elections continues to be unclear. Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom has come out strongly against.

At the weekly Cabinet meeting this morning (Sunday), Minister Shalom totally rejected Hamas' participation in the elections. "Do we really believe that an organization that has engraved on its banner the goal of destroying Israel would give up its party platform after being elected?" Shalom asked the ministers with incredulity.

"It is unreasonable for Israel to cooperate with the participation of terrorist organizations in the elections," Shalom said as he provide an overview of the political situation. "Hamas has no place in the future of this region."

Prime Minister Sharon said he accepts Shalom's position. He has said in the past that Israel "will never agree that this armed terrorist organization participate in the elections," and that "we will make every effort not to help them in their elections." However, Israel's objections have been mooted of late, in light of the U.S. Administration's plans to do nothing to stop Hamas from taking part in the election.

Just a few days ago, Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz told U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice that Israel would not interfere with Hamas' participation in the election. He added, though, that if Hamas joins a future PA government, Israel would not cooperate with its representatives.

Shalom's declaration today appears to have given new life to Israel's objections. Not only Sharon, but also Ministers Yisrael Katz, Gideon Ezra and Tzippy Livny expressed their agreement with Shalom's position.

Prime Minister Sharon said that Israel's final position on the issue will be formulated in an upcoming meeting of the security mini-Cabinet.

Israel position against Hamas' participation in the elections, because of its declared intentions to destroy Israel, apply just as well to the PA's ruling Fatah organization. Just today, Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigades declared solidarity with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad's call for the destruction of Israel. The Brigades said that the destruction of Israel is "G-d's will," adding that they "consider the recognition of Israel as an underestimation of the Palestinian people, who give sacrifices of blood for the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem."

Despite the PA declaration in late 1998 that it had eliminated the destruction-of-Israel clauses from its charter, Fatah's official website presents its charter just as it was written in 1989. The Fatah charter still declares its ambition to bring about the "total liberation of Palestine and the liquidation of the Zionist entity economically, politically, militarily and culturally." This will be done, the charter states, via armed popular revolution - which Fatah's Al-Aksa and other groups have taken upon themselves to carry out.

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2. Compromise Plan Makes Inroads in Likud Vote Test
By Scott Shiloh

A compromise designed to unite the Likud in a crucial Knesset vote Monday on new cabinet appointments may be making inroads in a breakaway Likud faction opposed to Prime Minster Sharon’s policies.

The Knesset is scheduled to vote tomorrow on the appointments of MKs Roni Bar-On and Ze’ev Boim (Likud) to cabinet posts, and officially designate Ehud Olmert as the country’s Finance Minister. Olmert has held this post in a temporary capacity since Binyamin Netanyahu resigned in August in protest of the disengagement plan.

Sharon's aides have threatened in the past that he might call new elections if his appointments do not win Knesset approval.

Winning such approval, however, is far from guaranteed, so long as a number of Likud MKs who have established their own party faction in opposition to the Sharon’s disengagement policy do not vote in favor of the appointments.

The compromise proposal was drafted by Likud MKs Michael Eitan and Gidon Sa'ar. It is designed to let the faction keep the governing coalition alive by voting in favor of the appointments, and at the same time, leave room for disputes over more substantive issues, such as government policy regarding Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

The compromise would establish a forum for resolving policy disputes that arise among the Likud’s Knesset facton.

MK Uzi Landau, who heads the group of MKs (known by sympathizers as the “Likud faithful” and by opponents as the “rebels”) said the document was positive, but insufficient to forestall a nay vote in tomorrow’s Knesset ballot.

But according to commentators, two of Landau’s party associates, MKs Ehud Yatom and Gilad Erdan, may split with the faction on the appointments issue. Although Yatom has denied such reports, he said earlier that the compromise was “acceptable,” calling it a “basis for allowing the coalition to continue to function, unifying the Likud, and keeping the government in power until the end of its term.” The Likud-led government’s term ends in November 2006.

The defection of as few as two MKs from Landau’s faction could tip the scales in favor of Sharon in Monday’s vote.

Another MK in Landau’s group, Yuli Edelstein, also expressed support for the compromise proposal in principle. However, he suggested amending it with a statement declaring the party’s support for “preserving and strengthening settlement blocs” in Judea and Samaria.

Edelstein said, referring to the government’s disengagement plan which saw the destruction of 25 Jewish communities in Gaza and northern Samaria and the expulsion of their residents last August, that “those faithful to the land of Israel in the Likud have paid a heavy price. In order to support the compromise, there has to be more discussion of the ideological issues that are important to us.”

In another effort to keep the government afloat over the appointments quandary, some of Sharon’s advisors have suggested holding separate ballots for the finance minister appointment and the appointments of Boim and Bar-On. A number of MKs in Landau’s bloc said they would not stand in the way of making Olmert finance minister.

If Olmert’s appointment wins Knesset approval, it appears less likely that Sharon would bring down his own government over the issue of two relatively minor cabinet appointments.

Sharon has nominated Boim to be Minister of Immigration Absorption and Bar-On to be Minister of Industry and Trade.

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3. Peres Leads Labor Primaries Polls
By Hillel Fendel

Labor Party primaries are scheduled for Wednesday, and perennial candidate Shimon Peres is the front-runner. The 4th-place candidate says he won't quit, but the one above him may.

The vote is to determine the party's leader for the national election, which is to be held sometime in the coming year. The vote will take place in 330 polling booths at 256 locations around the country, from 10 AM until 10 PM.

Though Peres promised not to run for the position when he was chosen Acting Party Chairman in 2003, he has since changed his mind. His main challenger is Histadrut Labor Union chief MK Amir Peretz, and the two others are Ministers Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and Matan Vilnai. If none of the candidates receive at least 40% of the vote, a run-off between the top two candidates will be held.

At present, most polls show Peres leading Peretz, with the other two lagging behind. A Maariv/Teleseker polls shows Peres with 40%, Peretz - 25%, Vilnai with 15% and Ben-Eliezer with 8%.

A poll conducted by Channel Two shows different results: Peres leads with 36%, Ben-Eliezer and Vilnai both have between 14-15%, and Peretz is in last place with 10%. It is widely assumed that on Election Day, Peretz - with the backing of the Histadrut - will make up in organizational ability to 'get the vote out' what he lacks in popularity.

Though Ben-Eliezer stated categorically today that he will not quit the race under any circumstances, Vilnai is waffling on the matter. Party leaders have told Vilnai that since he has no chance to win, his continued presence in the race is liable to lead to a victory for Peretz.

Vilnai himself is reported to be disappointed that he appears to have no chance to even make it to a second round, and will apparently make a decision regarding his future by Monday.

Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak was also in the running until recently, but withdrew three months ago when he found himself in last place. He threw his support behind Shimon Peres - with whom his past enmity was less pronounced than with Amir Peretz. Barak has said privately, however, that he does not believe Peres will win the race. He called on Friday for both Ben-Eliezer and Matan Vilnai to quit the race and leave Peres and Peretz to fight it out.

Peretz, who fears that supporters of Vilnai and Ben-Eliezer are more likely to support Peres than himself, hopes they will not drop out. He said last night that for one of them to withdraw his candidacy would show "a lack of a personal and ideological message, and an attempt to team up against me."

A major issue of the campaign is the future of the national unity government. While Peres is in favor of continuing it, Peretz has said that if elected, he would dismantle the unity government with the Likud within "less than a week," and bring about new elections.

Past Labor Party chairmen since its inception in 1977 include Peres three times (from 1977 until 1997, except for the three Rabin years, and again since 1993), Yitzchak Rabin (from 1992 until his untimely death in 1995), Ehud Barak, Ben-Eliezer, and Amram Mitzna.

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4. Hadera Terror Attack Toll Rises to Six
By Hillel Fendel

Genya Polis, 66, who was mortally wounded in the murderous suicide terror attack in Hadera eleven days ago, has died of her wounds - bringing the number of victims to six.

A Palestinian terrorist entered the outdoor market in downtown Hadera in the afternoon hours of Wednesday, October 26, and blew himself up outside a falafel stand. Five people were killed on the spot or shortly afterwards: Yaakov Rachmani, 68; Michael Koifman, 68; Pirhiya Mahluf, 53; Sabiha Nissim, 66; and Jamal Kaada, 48.

Genya Polis died last night, while her husband Vitali is still hospitalized in Hillel Yafeh Hospital in Hadera with wounds now described as moderate. The couple has one son, Leonid. Four other people were seriously wounded in the attack, and 22 were lightly hurt.

A week ago, IDF forces entered the PA-controlled city of Jenin in the Shomron and killed Jihad Awidat, the Islamic Jihad terrorist who masterminded the Hadera attack.

Some 280 Israelis have been murdered in Palestinian terror attacks since the Road Map was officially adopted by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, PA Chairman Abu Mazen, and U.S. President George Bush at the Aqaba Summit in early June 2003. An average of approximately 10 victims have been killed per month since then.

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5. Gush Katif Events
By Hillel Fendel

A large protest demonstration is planned for Tuesday evening in Jerusalem against the government's post-expulsion treatment of the Gush Katif/Shomron expellees. Another event will be held Wednesday.

The Tuesday protest, to be held at 6 PM outside the Prime Minister's Residence near the Sheraton Plaza and Kings Hotels, is entitled, "Have you both expelled and thrown to the trash?" It was initiated by residents of the community of Talmon in the southern Shomron.

"Our brothers from Gush Katif and northern Shomron were thrown to the garbage by the government," the promotional literature states. "Their situation is deteriorating, and we are silent!"

The purpose of the protest is three-fold:
• to place the issue of the expellees' plight on the national agenda
• to create pressure on the government to speed up the solutions
• to show solidarity with our brothers the expellees

Those who wish to participate have been asked to spread the message to their acquaintances and relatives, to prepare signs and posters, and to bring laundry clips as well; the purpose was not explained.

On Wednesday at the Binyanei HaUmah Convention Center in the capital, various "orange" [anti-disengagement] groups will hold an event entitled, "We will not forget and we will not forgive." In the course of the event, the organizers will declare the establishment of a museum called "The Destruction of Ariel," which will memorialize the expulsion of the Jews of Gush Katif and northern Shomron.

The event is planned as the "opening shot" for the continued campaign to preserve Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty. Soldiers who refused disengagement orders and some of those who were imprisoned for their anti-expulsion efforts will receive certificates of honor. Rabbis and public figures will address the audience.

The organizers say that the gathering will be a "penetrating reckoning of what happened, and a way of learning lessons in anticipation of the future, in order to do all we can to stop the continued destruction and withdrawals." A very large response has already been registered for attendance, the organizers report.

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6. Two Versailles Wedding Hall Owners Sentenced to 2.5 Years
By Hillel Fendel

The Jerusalem Magistrates Court has sentenced two owners of the ill-fated Versailles Hall to 30 months in prison. The hall collapsed 4.5 years ago, killing 23 wedding guests and injuring over 350.

Adi Avraham and Efraim Adiv, two of the three partners who owned the hall, were convicted a year ago of causing death by negligence. Though they saw a depression in the floor shortly before the collapse, the judge ruled that they chose to cover it up rather than consult with an engineer. In addition, they even moved a drinks bar to the defective spot so that the depression would not be seen.

The two will not have to begin their prison term for another 45 days, in order to allow them to appeal. A third owner was sentenced to four months in prison, which will be converted to public service.

Relatives of the deceased wedding guests expressed bitterness at what they see as a light sentence.

During renovations on the Versailles Hall some time before the crash, support beams were removed from the building. However, most of the criticism surrounding the tragedy related to the Pal-Kal method with which the structure was built. The Israeli-patented method was ruled unacceptable by the Interior Ministry in 1996. However, many existing buildings were built with Pal-Kal beforehand, and some were built afterwards.

No one single Pal-Kal technique exists; a variety of construction methods incorporating Pal-Kal have been used. The method is a money-saver in that in place of reinforced steel installed between concrete layers, it uses corrugated boxes as the stress support system. However, the problem is that the boxes can end up "floating" between the concrete layers if something goes wrong with the concrete or they way it is poured.

As a result of the Versailles collapse, the government established a national commission of inquiry, the City of Jerusalem waged its own internal investigation of the tragedy, and the Local Government Center has instructed all municipalities to carry out a comprehensive check of all buildings that use the Pal-Kal construction method.

Dr. Yoav Sarna, Chairman of the Engineers Union, said today that thousands of standing buildings built with Pal-Kal must be checked, but that a delay in the release of official government guidelines is holding up the work. "Not all of the buildings are dangerous, of course," he said, "but they have to be checked. We have been waiting for the guidelines for 2.5 years; if we wouldn't have had to wait, we could have done it ourselves. It's a dangerous situation."

Sarna explained that the problem is not with Pal-Kal buildings in general, "but rather with buildings in which structural changes have been made."

Eli Ron, the inventor of Pal-Kal, is still on trial for his role in the Versailles collapse.

Three months after the collapse of the Versailles, it turned out that the collapse actually led indirectly to the saving of up to 50 other lives. In August 2001, 15 people were killed in the terrorist blast at the Sbarro restaurant in downtown Jerusalem - but that number could have been four times higher, had the owner not taken Versailles-related precautions. City inspectors making the rounds of public buildings after the Versailles tragedy informed Sbarro's owner Noam Amar that his building technically met all the requirements, but that it might be advisable for him to install extra supporting pillars. Even after he learned that the cost of the extra columns would be $110,000, Amar decided to go ahead with it. After the fatal terrorist blast, engineers told him that his actions had prevented the building from collapsing further, thus saving the lives of possibly 50 other people in the restaurant at the time.

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7. MK Porush: Gov´t Hiding $2 billion Surplus
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

The government is hiding a $2.1 billion budget surplus while low-income families suffer from budget cuts and a hike in the price of bread, according to MK Meir Porush (United Torah Judaism).

He said that State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss agreed to demand that the Bank of Israel and Finance Ministry reveal the true budget figures.

Porush revealed that government statistician Prof. Shlomo Yitzchaki has charged that the government is not informing the public of the huge expected 2005 surplus despite the original budget forecast of a deficit.

"It is safe to assume that this is not a convenient time" for the Finance Ministry to reveal the huge cash position, Porush added. He said the surplus proves it is possible to cancel the cuts in child support allowances and reduced support to yeshiva students.

If the charges of a $2.1 billion surplus are substantiated, the government will likely face heavy criticism for withholding payments to expulsion victims and for not subsidizing the price of bread, which was raised by 6.5 percent last week.

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8. On A7 Radio: Jews Cut Christian Throats on Syrian Show
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Syrian Show: Jews Cut Christian Throats
Aaron Klein, Jerusalem Bureau Chief for, exposes the Syrian media which teached that rabbis cut the throat of Chrisitian boys, and uses the drained blood to bake Matzah. Also, Klein reports that disillusioned PLO terrorists are renouncing their Hamas membership and setting up Al-Qaeda cells because Hamas is not radical enough for them.

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Ed Koch Slams Iran and Cindy Sheehan
The outspoken former mayor of New York City, Edward I. Koch, comes out swinging and insists that the time has come for Israel to bomb Iran and declares that Cindy Sheehan is an anti-Semite. Also, Jeff King, spokesman for International Christian Concern, describes in a heartbreaking interview how Islamic terrorists beheaded three Christian teenage girls in Indonesia.

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PM Sharon optimistic on Likud deal over ministers.

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Minister Shalom: Hamas Can't Run in PA Election
Israel's position regarding the participation of the Hamas terrorist group in the upcoming PA elections continues to be unclear. Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom has come out strongly against.
Full Story Below

 1. Minister Shalom: Hamas Can't Run in PA Election
 2. Compromise Plan Makes Inroads in Likud Vote Test
 3. Peres Leads Labor Primaries Polls
 4. Hadera Terror Attack Toll Rises to Six
 5. Gush Katif Events
 6. Two Versailles Wedding Hall Owners Sentenced to 2.5 Years
 7. MK Porush: Gov´t Hiding $2 billion Surplus
 8. On A7 Radio: Jews Cut Christian Throats on Syrian Show

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Editor: Hillel Fendel
Sunday, November 06, 2005
4 Cheshvan 5766

Visited Your Mother Lately?

Our Matriarch Rachel Emeinu's Yartzeit is on the 11th of Cheshvan, Sunday November 13th.  She has been awaiting our return for 2000 years!

Arutz Sheva's Israel National News and the Jerusalem Capital Development Fund are organizing a special visit to Kever Rachel (the Tomb of Rachel). The trip includes bulletproof buses, a guided tour of the area, refreshments, singing, dancing, and praying.

When: Sunday, Nov 13th, 11th of Cheshvan
Where: Meet at Binyanei Ha'Umah at 9:30AM
Cost: 80 NIS

We will return to Binyanei Ha'Umah at approximately 2:30PM

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Veshavu Banim Legvulam


1. Minister Shalom: Hamas Can't Run in PA Election
By Hillel Fendel

Israel's position regarding the participation of the Hamas terrorist group in the upcoming PA elections continues to be unclear. Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom has come out strongly against.

At the weekly Cabinet meeting this morning (Sunday), Minister Shalom totally rejected Hamas' participation in the elections. "Do we really believe that an organization that has engraved on its banner the goal of destroying Israel would give up its party platform after being elected?" Shalom asked the ministers with incredulity.

"It is unreasonable for Israel to cooperate with the participation of terrorist organizations in the elections," Shalom said as he provide an overview of the political situation. "Hamas has no place in the future of this region."

Prime Minister Sharon said he accepts Shalom's position. He has said in the past that Israel "will never agree that this armed terrorist organization participate in the elections," and that "we will make every effort not to help them in their elections." However, Israel's objections have been mooted of late, in light of the U.S. Administration's plans to do nothing to stop Hamas from taking part in the election.

Just a few days ago, Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz told U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice that Israel would not interfere with Hamas' participation in the election. He added, though, that if Hamas joins a future PA government, Israel would not cooperate with its representatives.

Shalom's declaration today appears to have given new life to Israel's objections. Not only Sharon, but also Ministers Yisrael Katz, Gideon Ezra and Tzippy Livny expressed their agreement with Shalom's position.

Prime Minister Sharon said that Israel's final position on the issue will be formulated in an upcoming meeting of the security mini-Cabinet.

Israel position against Hamas' participation in the elections, because of its declared intentions to destroy Israel, apply just as well to the PA's ruling Fatah organization. Just today, Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigades declared solidarity with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad's call for the destruction of Israel. The Brigades said that the destruction of Israel is "G-d's will," adding that they "consider the recognition of Israel as an underestimation of the Palestinian people, who give sacrifices of blood for the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem."

Despite the PA declaration in late 1998 that it had eliminated the destruction-of-Israel clauses from its charter, Fatah's official website presents its charter just as it was written in 1989. The Fatah charter still declares its ambition to bring about the "total liberation of Palestine and the liquidation of the Zionist entity economically, politically, militarily and culturally." This will be done, the charter states, via armed popular revolution - which Fatah's Al-Aksa and other groups have taken upon themselves to carry out.

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2. Compromise Plan Makes Inroads in Likud Vote Test
By Scott Shiloh

A compromise designed to unite the Likud in a crucial Knesset vote Monday on new cabinet appointments may be making inroads in a breakaway Likud faction opposed to Prime Minster Sharon’s policies.

The Knesset is scheduled to vote tomorrow on the appointments of MKs Roni Bar-On and Ze’ev Boim (Likud) to cabinet posts, and officially designate Ehud Olmert as the country’s Finance Minister. Olmert has held this post in a temporary capacity since Binyamin Netanyahu resigned in August in protest of the disengagement plan.

Sharon's aides have threatened in the past that he might call new elections if his appointments do not win Knesset approval.

Winning such approval, however, is far from guaranteed, so long as a number of Likud MKs who have established their own party faction in opposition to the Sharon’s disengagement policy do not vote in favor of the appointments.

The compromise proposal was drafted by Likud MKs Michael Eitan and Gidon Sa'ar. It is designed to let the faction keep the governing coalition alive by voting in favor of the appointments, and at the same time, leave room for disputes over more substantive issues, such as government policy regarding Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

The compromise would establish a forum for resolving policy disputes that arise among the Likud’s Knesset facton.

MK Uzi Landau, who heads the group of MKs (known by sympathizers as the “Likud faithful” and by opponents as the “rebels”) said the document was positive, but insufficient to forestall a nay vote in tomorrow’s Knesset ballot.

But according to commentators, two of Landau’s party associates, MKs Ehud Yatom and Gilad Erdan, may split with the faction on the appointments issue. Although Yatom has denied such reports, he said earlier that the compromise was “acceptable,” calling it a “basis for allowing the coalition to continue to function, unifying the Likud, and keeping the government in power until the end of its term.” The Likud-led government’s term ends in November 2006.

The defection of as few as two MKs from Landau’s faction could tip the scales in favor of Sharon in Monday’s vote.

Another MK in Landau’s group, Yuli Edelstein, also expressed support for the compromise proposal in principle. However, he suggested amending it with a statement declaring the party’s support for “preserving and strengthening settlement blocs” in Judea and Samaria.

Edelstein said, referring to the government’s disengagement plan which saw the destruction of 25 Jewish communities in Gaza and northern Samaria and the expulsion of their residents last August, that “those faithful to the land of Israel in the Likud have paid a heavy price. In order to support the compromise, there has to be more discussion of the ideological issues that are important to us.”

In another effort to keep the government afloat over the appointments quandary, some of Sharon’s advisors have suggested holding separate ballots for the finance minister appointment and the appointments of Boim and Bar-On. A number of MKs in Landau’s bloc said they would not stand in the way of making Olmert finance minister.

If Olmert’s appointment wins Knesset approval, it appears less likely that Sharon would bring down his own government over the issue of two relatively minor cabinet appointments.

Sharon has nominated Boim to be Minister of Immigration Absorption and Bar-On to be Minister of Industry and Trade.

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3. Peres Leads Labor Primaries Polls
By Hillel Fendel

Labor Party primaries are scheduled for Wednesday, and perennial candidate Shimon Peres is the front-runner. The 4th-place candidate says he won't quit, but the one above him may.

The vote is to determine the party's leader for the national election, which is to be held sometime in the coming year. The vote will take place in 330 polling booths at 256 locations around the country, from 10 AM until 10 PM.

Though Peres promised not to run for the position when he was chosen Acting Party Chairman in 2003, he has since changed his mind. His main challenger is Histadrut Labor Union chief MK Amir Peretz, and the two others are Ministers Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and Matan Vilnai. If none of the candidates receive at least 40% of the vote, a run-off between the top two candidates will be held.

At present, most polls show Peres leading Peretz, with the other two lagging behind. A Maariv/Teleseker polls shows Peres with 40%, Peretz - 25%, Vilnai with 15% and Ben-Eliezer with 8%.

A poll conducted by Channel Two shows different results: Peres leads with 36%, Ben-Eliezer and Vilnai both have between 14-15%, and Peretz is in last place with 10%. It is widely assumed that on Election Day, Peretz - with the backing of the Histadrut - will make up in organizational ability to 'get the vote out' what he lacks in popularity.

Though Ben-Eliezer stated categorically today that he will not quit the race under any circumstances, Vilnai is waffling on the matter. Party leaders have told Vilnai that since he has no chance to win, his continued presence in the race is liable to lead to a victory for Peretz.

Vilnai himself is reported to be disappointed that he appears to have no chance to even make it to a second round, and will apparently make a decision regarding his future by Monday.

Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak was also in the running until recently, but withdrew three months ago when he found himself in last place. He threw his support behind Shimon Peres - with whom his past enmity was less pronounced than with Amir Peretz. Barak has said privately, however, that he does not believe Peres will win the race. He called on Friday for both Ben-Eliezer and Matan Vilnai to quit the race and leave Peres and Peretz to fight it out.

Peretz, who fears that supporters of Vilnai and Ben-Eliezer are more likely to support Peres than himself, hopes they will not drop out. He said last night that for one of them to withdraw his candidacy would show "a lack of a personal and ideological message, and an attempt to team up against me."

A major issue of the campaign is the future of the national unity government. While Peres is in favor of continuing it, Peretz has said that if elected, he would dismantle the unity government with the Likud within "less than a week," and bring about new elections.

Past Labor Party chairmen since its inception in 1977 include Peres three times (from 1977 until 1997, except for the three Rabin years, and again since 1993), Yitzchak Rabin (from 1992 until his untimely death in 1995), Ehud Barak, Ben-Eliezer, and Amram Mitzna.

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4. Hadera Terror Attack Toll Rises to Six
By Hillel Fendel

Genya Polis, 66, who was mortally wounded in the murderous suicide terror attack in Hadera eleven days ago, has died of her wounds - bringing the number of victims to six.

A Palestinian terrorist entered the outdoor market in downtown Hadera in the afternoon hours of Wednesday, October 26, and blew himself up outside a falafel stand. Five people were killed on the spot or shortly afterwards: Yaakov Rachmani, 68; Michael Koifman, 68; Pirhiya Mahluf, 53; Sabiha Nissim, 66; and Jamal Kaada, 48.

Genya Polis died last night, while her husband Vitali is still hospitalized in Hillel Yafeh Hospital in Hadera with wounds now described as moderate. The couple has one son, Leonid. Four other people were seriously wounded in the attack, and 22 were lightly hurt.

A week ago, IDF forces entered the PA-controlled city of Jenin in the Shomron and killed Jihad Awidat, the Islamic Jihad terrorist who masterminded the Hadera attack.

Some 280 Israelis have been murdered in Palestinian terror attacks since the Road Map was officially adopted by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, PA Chairman Abu Mazen, and U.S. President George Bush at the Aqaba Summit in early June 2003. An average of approximately 10 victims have been killed per month since then.

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5. Gush Katif Events
By Hillel Fendel

A large protest demonstration is planned for Tuesday evening in Jerusalem against the government's post-expulsion treatment of the Gush Katif/Shomron expellees. Another event will be held Wednesday.

The Tuesday protest, to be held at 6 PM outside the Prime Minister's Residence near the Sheraton Plaza and Kings Hotels, is entitled, "Have you both expelled and thrown to the trash?" It was initiated by residents of the community of Talmon in the southern Shomron.

"Our brothers from Gush Katif and northern Shomron were thrown to the garbage by the government," the promotional literature states. "Their situation is deteriorating, and we are silent!"

The purpose of the protest is three-fold:
• to place the issue of the expellees' plight on the national agenda
• to create pressure on the government to speed up the solutions
• to show solidarity with our brothers the expellees

Those who wish to participate have been asked to spread the message to their acquaintances and relatives, to prepare signs and posters, and to bring laundry clips as well; the purpose was not explained.

On Wednesday at the Binyanei HaUmah Convention Center in the capital, various "orange" [anti-disengagement] groups will hold an event entitled, "We will not forget and we will not forgive." In the course of the event, the organizers will declare the establishment of a museum called "The Destruction of Ariel," which will memorialize the expulsion of the Jews of Gush Katif and northern Shomron.

The event is planned as the "opening shot" for the continued campaign to preserve Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty. Soldiers who refused disengagement orders and some of those who were imprisoned for their anti-expulsion efforts will receive certificates of honor. Rabbis and public figures will address the audience.

The organizers say that the gathering will be a "penetrating reckoning of what happened, and a way of learning lessons in anticipation of the future, in order to do all we can to stop the continued destruction and withdrawals." A very large response has already been registered for attendance, the organizers report.

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6. Two Versailles Wedding Hall Owners Sentenced to 2.5 Years
By Hillel Fendel

The Jerusalem Magistrates Court has sentenced two owners of the ill-fated Versailles Hall to 30 months in prison. The hall collapsed 4.5 years ago, killing 23 wedding guests and injuring over 350.

Adi Avraham and Efraim Adiv, two of the three partners who owned the hall, were convicted a year ago of causing death by negligence. Though they saw a depression in the floor shortly before the collapse, the judge ruled that they chose to cover it up rather than consult with an engineer. In addition, they even moved a drinks bar to the defective spot so that the depression would not be seen.

The two will not have to begin their prison term for another 45 days, in order to allow them to appeal. A third owner was sentenced to four months in prison, which will be converted to public service.

Relatives of the deceased wedding guests expressed bitterness at what they see as a light sentence.

During renovations on the Versailles Hall some time before the crash, support beams were removed from the building. However, most of the criticism surrounding the tragedy related to the Pal-Kal method with which the structure was built. The Israeli-patented method was ruled unacceptable by the Interior Ministry in 1996. However, many existing buildings were built with Pal-Kal beforehand, and some were built afterwards.

No one single Pal-Kal technique exists; a variety of construction methods incorporating Pal-Kal have been used. The method is a money-saver in that in place of reinforced steel installed between concrete layers, it uses corrugated boxes as the stress support system. However, the problem is that the boxes can end up "floating" between the concrete layers if something goes wrong with the concrete or they way it is poured.

As a result of the Versailles collapse, the government established a national commission of inquiry, the City of Jerusalem waged its own internal investigation of the tragedy, and the Local Government Center has instructed all municipalities to carry out a comprehensive check of all buildings that use the Pal-Kal construction method.

Dr. Yoav Sarna, Chairman of the Engineers Union, said today that thousands of standing buildings built with Pal-Kal must be checked, but that a delay in the release of official government guidelines is holding up the work. "Not all of the buildings are dangerous, of course," he said, "but they have to be checked. We have been waiting for the guidelines for 2.5 years; if we wouldn't have had to wait, we could have done it ourselves. It's a dangerous situation."

Sarna explained that the problem is not with Pal-Kal buildings in general, "but rather with buildings in which structural changes have been made."

Eli Ron, the inventor of Pal-Kal, is still on trial for his role in the Versailles collapse.

Three months after the collapse of the Versailles, it turned out that the collapse actually led indirectly to the saving of up to 50 other lives. In August 2001, 15 people were killed in the terrorist blast at the Sbarro restaurant in downtown Jerusalem - but that number could have been four times higher, had the owner not taken Versailles-related precautions. City inspectors making the rounds of public buildings after the Versailles tragedy informed Sbarro's owner Noam Amar that his building technically met all the requirements, but that it might be advisable for him to install extra supporting pillars. Even after he learned that the cost of the extra columns would be $110,000, Amar decided to go ahead with it. After the fatal terrorist blast, engineers told him that his actions had prevented the building from collapsing further, thus saving the lives of possibly 50 other people in the restaurant at the time.

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7. MK Porush: Gov´t Hiding $2 billion Surplus
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

The government is hiding a $2.1 billion budget surplus while low-income families suffer from budget cuts and a hike in the price of bread, according to MK Meir Porush (United Torah Judaism).

He said that State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss agreed to demand that the Bank of Israel and Finance Ministry reveal the true budget figures.

Porush revealed that government statistician Prof. Shlomo Yitzchaki has charged that the government is not informing the public of the huge expected 2005 surplus despite the original budget forecast of a deficit.

"It is safe to assume that this is not a convenient time" for the Finance Ministry to reveal the huge cash position, Porush added. He said the surplus proves it is possible to cancel the cuts in child support allowances and reduced support to yeshiva students.

If the charges of a $2.1 billion surplus are substantiated, the government will likely face heavy criticism for withholding payments to expulsion victims and for not subsidizing the price of bread, which was raised by 6.5 percent last week.

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8. On A7 Radio: Jews Cut Christian Throats on Syrian Show
A7 Radio's "The Tovia Singer Show"
Syrian Show: Jews Cut Christian Throats
Aaron Klein, Jerusalem Bureau Chief for, exposes the Syrian media which teached that rabbis cut the throat of Chrisitian boys, and uses the drained blood to bake Matzah. Also, Klein reports that disillusioned PLO terrorists are renouncing their Hamas membership and setting up Al-Qaeda cells because Hamas is not radical enough for them.

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Also on Tovia Singer:

Ed Koch Slams Iran and Cindy Sheehan
The outspoken former mayor of New York City, Edward I. Koch, comes out swinging and insists that the time has come for Israel to bomb Iran and declares that Cindy Sheehan is an anti-Semite. Also, Jeff King, spokesman for International Christian Concern, describes in a heartbreaking interview how Islamic terrorists beheaded three Christian teenage girls in Indonesia.

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