Monday, November 07, 2005

LESSONS IN TANYA: Tuesday, November 8, 2005


Cheshvan 6, 5766 * November 8, 2005


Today's Lesson:

Iggeret HaKodesh
(Middle of Epistle Twenty-Six)

There is yet further cause to be exceedingly amazed - [at how "those who lack understanding" comprehend this quotation from Ra'aya Mehemna.

This statement comes in addition to the two preceding causes for surprise at their misunderstanding of this quotation:

(a) that a portion of the Torah could be termed the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil;
(b) according to their understanding of th e Ra'aya Mehemna
the study of issur and hetter does not supersede the
obligation to pray at fixed times, even though the
prayers were arranged according to the secrets of the
Zohar and the Supernal Unions; whereas the fact is that
for those individuals whose only occupation is the study
of Torah, the study of issur and hetter does indeed take
precedence over the mitzvah of prayer.

In addition to these two problematic queries, there is now a third]:

How is it possible that in the days of Mashiach people will not need to know the laws of ritual prohibition and permission, and of impurity and purity?

For how will they slaughter the sacrifices, and likewise animals for common use, if they will not know the laws of drassah, [31] chaladah, [32] and shehiyah, [33] any of which disqualifies the slaughtering, [34] and [likewise, the laws regarding] a defective knife?

Will there ever be born a man who by his very nature will [invariably] slaughter without shehiyah or drassah? Will the knife also remain perfect and unblemished forever?

[Since these are physical impossibilities, people will obviously have to know the practical laws governing ritual slaughter].

There are also many more laws relating to sacrificial offerings and so on, [such as those regarding] fat, blood, and other prohibitions. People then will also need to know [the laws regarding] the impurity imparted by a corpse; as it is written, [35] "A young man will die at the age of a hundred." [36]

[And if there will be death in the world, these laws will of course be needed].

It will be further necessary to know the laws governing the impurity of a woman who has given birth; as it is written, [37] "A pregnant woman, and one who gives birth [38] together" [will be among those restored to the Holy Land at the time of the Redemption through Mashiach].

If a woman will give birth every day, [these successive births] resulting from one marital union, nevertheless, the law with respect to the restrictions resulting from her impurity will not change.

[In Time to Come pregnancy will not last nine months; on the same day that a woman conceives she will give birth. Moreover, additional children will be born on successive days from that same conception.

It will thus still be necessary to know the laws regarding the ritual impurity of a woman who has given birth.

The Rebbe writes that the above elucidation - that a woman will give birth on the very day that she conceives - "accords with the explanation by the AriZal [of the teaching of the Sages in Tractate Shabbat 30b, that `In future time a woman will give birth every day'], in Likkutei HaShas (cited in the Miluim to Tehillim by the Tzemach Tzedek, ch. 20; also [in Biurei HaZohar of the Tzemach Tzedek, Vol. II, p. 827 ff.] at the end of s.v. Ginta).

It differs from the commentary of Rashi [on the above teaching] in Tractate Shabbat 30b. See also Chiddushei Aggadot [of Maharsha] there."

Commenting on the above-quoted phrase ("A pregnant woman, and one who gives birth together"), from which the Gemara derives its teaching that "In future time a woman will give birth every day," Rashi explains that on the day a woman conceives a new child she will bear a previously-conceived child. For, as the Maharsha explains: It cannot mean that the conception and birth of the same child will take place on the very same day, for then the proof offered there in the Gemara regarding a chicken that laid eggs daily would not apply.

For even a chicken does not lay the egg on the same day that it was fertilized; as the Gemara states in Tractate Bechorot, it takes twenty-one days. This means, as Rashi explains, that twenty-one days must elapse from the time of fertilization to the time the egg is laid. The AriZal, however, understands the Gemara in Tractate Shabbat to mean that a child will be conceived and born on the same day.

Parenthetically, the Tzemach Tzedek in the source quoted above quotes the Midrash Rabbah on Parshat Noach (beginning of sec. 36), to the effect that before the Flood as well, a woman would conceive and give birth on the very same day.

A further point: The Alter Rebbe added that the above-mentioned successive daily births would result "from one marital union."

This translation assumes that the unvocalized Hebrew text pronounced mibiah achat. Others, however, have assumed that it is to be pronounced meiviah achat; hence, "if a woman will give birth every day, she brings one [offering]."

On this interpretation the Rebbe comments: "What connection does this have to our subject? (Especially, since this law [of impurity] also applies nowadays [i.e., prior to the arrival of Mashiach]. My opinion is that the phrase means `from one marital union.' [I.e., further children will be born on subsequent days from that one marital union.]"

The Rebbe concludes: "This also solves the problem raised by the Maharsha."

In his Chiddushei Aggadot, the Maharsha asks: How can there possibly be additional births on subsequent days, when marital relations are forbidden for seven or fourteen days after birth? This question is answered by the above statement, that successive births will result from a single conception.

This statement also accords with the reference made in the Gemara to a chicken, which lays eggs on different days from the same fertilization.

The Rebbe also refers to the Gemara (Niddah 27a) which relates that a certain woman's conception resulted in the birth of two children, three months apart].

There is no need to dwell on something so obvious - [as the fact that these laws will still apply in the time of Mashiach, so that then, too, it will be necessary to know the laws of issur and hetter, and purity and impurity], when the entire Talmud and the Midrashim make known the reverse [of the misleading impression formed by a superficial reading of our opening quotation from Ra'aya Me-hemna].

[For example:] The question is asked, [39] "A law for the time of the Messiah?!"

[I.e., why state now a law that will only apply to Messianic times? At that time, however, it will obviously be necessary to know it.]

Likewise we find that Elijah will come to clarify all doubts; [40] and "This passage Elijah will expound in the future"; [41] and so on.

Also not understandable is the statement [in Ra'aya Mehemna] that "the Torah scholars will not be sustained by illiterate people, and so on."

[As stated above, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is the root of issur and hetter, will not dominate the Jewish people, because "the Torah scholars will not be sustained by illiterate people]," - nor by the mixed multitude, who eat that which is ritually unfit, impure, and prohibited, heaven forfend.

Even [42] during the time of the Second Temple they were not supported by the illiterate people who ate that which is ritually unfit and prohibited, heaven forfend, for the Torah scholars had fields and vineyards of their own, just like the illiterate people.

Nevertheless, they engaged in the study of [the laws of] issur and hetter, and of impurity and purity - [for example,] all the pairs [of leading Sages] who lived at the time of the Second Temple [43] - and they raised disciples in the legal of the Torah in the thousands and tens of thousands, [44] while the study of the esoteric [of the Torah] took place in secret, and so on.

[We thus see that the fact that Torah scholars need not be sustained by the illiterate is in no way a cause for their not studying (G-d forbid) the laws of issur and hetter and purity and impurity.


31. "Pressing" [on the knife].
32. "Passing [the knife] under" (instead of over) the windpipe
and gullet.
33. "Pausing" and thus interrupting the act of slaughter.
34. Note of the Rebbe: "The Alter Rebbe does not mention
hagramah [i.e., cutting in a slanting direction] or ikkur
[i.e., severing the pipes by tearing]."
35. Yeshayahu 65:20.
36. Note of the Rebbe: "I.e., there will then be death."
37. Yirmeyahu 31:7.
38. Note of the Rebbe: "I.e., there will then be birth."
39. Sanhedrin 51b.
40. See Eduyot 8:7 and commentaries there.
41. Menachot 45a.
42. This sentence has been emended above in Hebrew and English
according to the gloss of the Tzemach Tzedek as cited in
Luach Ha-Tikkun (Table of Corrections) at the end of Hebrew
editions of Tanya.
43. Note of the Rebbe: "Chagigah 2:2."
44. Rambam, Introduction to Yad HaChazakah



"Beyond Never Again: The Holocaust - A View from the Soul"

"Explore the ways in which the Holocaust continues to affect our generation and colors what it means to live as a Jew today.

"The Holocaust forces us to grapple with the existence of evil and suffering. It challenges us to find faith and optimism in the face of devastation and despair. And it awes us as we encounter heroes of the spirit who fought for truth and decency in the darkest of times."

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DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Tuesday, November 8, 2005


Cheshvan 6, 5766 * November 8, 2005

D A I L Y M I T Z V A H (M A I M O N I D E S )

Today's Mitzvot (Day 67 of 339):

Positive Mitzvah 59

Positive Mitzvah 59: Blowing the trumpets in the Sanctuary

-Numbers 10:10 "Also on the day of your gladness... you shall blow
with your trumpets"

It was Lag Ba'Omer and Benny was at the grand "Torah and Mitzvot"
parade. The band was playing and the floats were passing by. It was
exciting and fun watching the parade march by.

Suddenly, a bugle horn sounded and the blast caused a stir in the

The tone was loud and clear and many bystanders leaned forward
trying to catch a glimpse of the horn player.

The sound of a horn blowing calls for attention!

In the Beit HaMikdash while certain sacrifices are offered, we
are commanded to sound trumpets.

The sound arouses a stir in the hearts of all the people who were
present in the Beit HaMikdash.

Each one will concentrate and resolve to strengthen his bond
of closeness with HaShem.

Similarly, we are commanded to blow the shofar in times of need
and despair, calling for HaShem's attention and requesting His help.

* * *

PLEASE NOTE: The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily
study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are
instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively
while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth



"Beyond Never Again: The Holocaust - A View from the Soul"

"Explore the ways in which the Holocaust continues to affect our generation and colors what it means to live as a Jew today.

"The Holocaust forces us to grapple with the existence of evil and suffering. It challenges us to find faith and optimism in the face of devastation and despair. And it awes us as we encounter heroes of the spirit who fought for truth and decency in the darkest of times."

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"TODAY'S DAY": Tuesday, November 8, 2005


Cheshvan 6, 5766 * November 8, 2005

"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"

Thursday, Cheshvan 6 5704

Torah lessons: Chumash: Lech L'cha, Chamishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 35-38.
Tanya: There is yet (p. 553)...was in secret...
(p. 555).

When the Alter Rebbe wished to bless R. Yekusiel Liepler with wealth, the latter said he did not want it; he did not want wealth to distract him from studying Chassidus and from his involvement with Avoda.

When the Rebbe wished to bless him with longevity, his answer was: "But not `peasant years' (1) - men that have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear, who do not perceive G-dliness nor do they hear G-dliness.

Footnote: 1. I.e. the life of boors.



"Beyond Never Again: The Holocaust - A View from the Soul"

"Explore the ways in which the Holocaust continues to affect our generation and colors what it means to live as a Jew today.

"The Holocaust forces us to grapple with the existence of evil and suffering. It challenges us to find faith and optimism in the face of devastation and despair. And it awes us as we encounter heroes of the spirit who fought for truth and decency in the darkest of times."

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Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).

For a glossary of terms used in "Today's Day" please click here:

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TODAY IN JUDAISM: Tuesday, November 8, 2005


Cheshvan 6, 5766 * November 8, 2005


* Laws * Customs * Jewish History * Daily Quote * Daily Study *

Today is: Tuesday, Cheshvan 6, 5766

Daily Quote

Your friend has a friend, and the friend of your friend has a friend

- Talmud, Ketubot 109b

Daily Study

Chitas and Rambam for today:

Chumash: Lech-Lecha, 3rd Portion Bereishit 13:5-13:18 with Rashi
• English Text:

Tehillim: Chapters 35 - 38
• Hebrew text:
• English text:

Tanya: Iggeret HaKodesh, middle of Epistle 26
• Lesson in Tanya:
• RealAudio:
• Windows Media:

• Sefer Hamitzvos:
• 1 Chapter: Genevah Chap. 7
• 3 Chapters: Ta`aniyot Chap. 2, 3, 4

Hayom Yom:
• English Text:



"Beyond Never Again: The Holocaust - A View from the Soul"

"Explore the ways in which the Holocaust continues to affect our generation and colors what it means to live as a Jew today.

"The Holocaust forces us to grapple with the existence of evil and suffering. It challenges us to find faith and optimism in the face of devastation and despair. And it awes us as we encounter heroes of the spirit who fought for truth and decency in the darkest of times."

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A7news: Labor Party Abuzz

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Labor Party Abuzz: Was There a Deal or Wasn´t There?
Matan Vilnai, dropping out of the race for Labor Party chairman, says he accepts Peres' offer to be a "full partner." Peres says Vilnai will be his Defense Minister. Vilnai says there was no deal.
Full Story Below

 1. Labor Party Abuzz: Was There a Deal or Wasn´t There?
 2. Likud to Help Vote Down PM's Appointments
 3. Slogan in Debate: "We Won´t Forgive and We Won´t Forget"
 4. Netanya College's Rabin Seminar Left-Wing Line-Up
 5. Armed Wing of PA Ruling Party Wants to Wipe Israel Off the Map
 6. Senior Olympic Games Begin in Jerusalem
 7. On A7 Radio: Slice Her Up! The Un-doing of Israel

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Editor: Hillel Fendel
Monday, November 07, 2005
5 Cheshvan 5766

Visited Your Mother Lately? 

Our Matriarch Rachel Emeinu's Yartzeit is on the 11th of Cheshvan, Sunday November 13th.  She has been awaiting our return for 2000 years!

Arutz Sheva's Israel National News and the Jerusalem Capital Development Fund are organizing a special visit to Kever Rachel (the Tomb of Rachel). The trip includes bulletproof buses, a guided tour of the area, refreshments, singing, dancing, and praying.

When: Sunday, Nov 13th, 11th of Cheshvan
Where: Meet at Binyanei Ha'Umah at 9:30AM
Cost: 80 NIS

We will return to Binyanei Ha'Umah at approximately 2:30PM

To Join, email:
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Veshavu Banim Legvulam!   


1. Labor Party Abuzz: Was There a Deal or Wasn´t There?
By Hillel Fendel

Matan Vilnai, dropping out of the race for Labor Party chairman, says he accepts Peres' offer to be a "full partner." Peres says Vilnai will be his Defense Minister. Vilnai says there was no deal.

The race for Labor Party chairman, which has been underway for over two years, is in its final stretch - and continues to cause the party embarrassment. The party's primaries will be held this Wednesday, in 330 polling stations throughout the country. Though four candidates remained as of yesterday, the main competition is between Shimon Peres and Amir Peretz. The other two candidates, Matan Vilnai and and former party leader Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, were pressured to drop out - and last night, Vilnai did.

At around 6:30 PM last night (Sunday), Shimon Peres officially called upon Vilnai to withdraw from the race, offering him a "full partnership" in running the party. Peres even said that if he forms the next government, Vilnai - a former Deputy Chief of Staff in the IDF - would be his Defense Minister.

Some two hours later, Vilnai held a press conference at his Tel Aviv office, and said, "Out of a sense of responsibility and with a heavy heart, I accept Shimon Peres' offer to be his partner in leading the party and to be the first one behind him in the process of rehabilitating the party, preparing it for the coming elections against the Likud, and then leading the State of Israel."

Vilnai explained that though "there is a very large sector in the party that supports me, it is only the third-largest. As a realistic and open-eyed leader, I understand that my victory will have to wait..."

This morning, Vilnai denied allegations that he had sold his ideals and made a "political deal" with Peres. Denying that he had been promised the Defense Ministry, he said, "What deal was there? There is deep trust between Shimon and myself." Asked how he could now support Peres when only recently he said that Peres would lead the party to defeat, Vilnai said, "When I am with him, the entire situation looks different."

Amir Peretz, the Histadrut Labor Union chairman who recently joined Labor and now wishes to lead a "social revolution," says that the Vilnai-Peres partnership is simply a way of ganging up against his own candidacy. Peretz said that the recent developments appear to be an attempt to "buy power [by promising] jobs," and in fact his aides were reported to be considering turning to the courts to review the Peres-Vilnai understandings.

Peretz aides said it appears that "all means are acceptable" to stop Peretz: "First they changed the date of the election, then they changed the voters [by disqualifying allegedly fraudulent registrations - ed.], and now they're changing the candidates."

Shimon Peres is in favor of remaining in the national unity government with the Likud, while Amir Peretz says that Labor must quit the unity government immediately.

Pressure is now being brought to bear upon Binyamin Ben-Eliezer to withdraw from the race, but these efforts appear to be futile. Ben-Eliezer continues to insist that he will not drop out of the race, saying that while Peres is content with being second to Sharon, "I plan to lead the party to victory over the Likud."

  Comment on this story

2. Likud to Help Vote Down PM's Appointments
By Hillel Fendel

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon appears headed for a loss in the Knesset this afternoon in his proposal to appoint three disengagement-supporters to ministerial positions.

Bolstered by the support of most of the anti-expulsion camp in the Likud, the opposition appears likely to succeed in rebuffing Sharon's ministerial appointments. Sharon has nominated MK Roni Bar-On as Minister of Industry and Trade, and Ze'ev Boim as Minister of Immigrant Aborption. In addition, for his third appointment, Sharon will be proposing Acting Finance Minister Ehud Olmert as permanent Finance Minister.

Several of the Likud "rebels" - they call themselves the "loyalists" - say they would gladly vote for Olmert as Finance Minister, if only Sharon would agree to separate that vote from the other two. Sharon refuses to do so - though he may do so tomorrow if he fails to pass the appointments today.

Sharon's advisor Eyal Arad told Army Radio, "Sharon does not plan to make any deals to get these appointments passed."

Behind the scenes, however, efforts are being made to come to a working understand between the Likud "rebels" and the government that would enable the Likud to rule for the coming year, until the national elections next November.

The arrangements include an internal "coordination" forum of party leaders that will include Sharon-allies Olmert and Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, as well as leaders of the anti-expulsion camp Binyamin Netanyahu and Uzi Landau.

If the appointments are not passed, however, some analysts feel that Sharon will have no reason not to break up the government - and possibly form another party. "I have no intention of returning to the grave situation that I have faced over the past several months," Sharon said last night. "The Likud faction cannot continue to function the way it has until now."

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3. Slogan in Debate: "We Won´t Forgive and We Won´t Forget"
A new motto has taken over much of the anti-disengagement camp - but not everyone agrees with it.
Even the Yesha Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza - which some say was overly cooperative with the expulsion forces during the disengagement - has produced a calendar and other items with the motto "We Won't Forgive and We Won't Forget." Events have been held under this heading, youths wear T-shirts with this slogan, and bumper stickers advertising this message have been mass-produced and distributed.

B'Sheva correspondent Hagit Ritterman asked several religious-Zionist leaders how they feel about the slogan. Excerpts from their responses, which appear in this past week's edition of B'Sheva, follow:

Yesha Council Chairman Bentzy Lieberman:
"Regarding the first part, 'we won't forget,' it is certainly forbidden under any circumstances to forget the act of expulsion. The expulsion must be a meaningful Zionist narrative engraved in the public consciousness. But we must look into the second part. What does it mean not to forgive - are we divorcing ourselves from the State? ... In my opinion, we can't forgive as long as the wound is still bleeding. We are not divorcing ourselves from the army or the State. But as long as the people of Gush Katif and northern Shomron have not yet reached their final homes, we can simply not forgive... He who sinned by carrying out the expulsion must carry out counter-measures. If [the sinners] meet the needs of those who were expelled and remedy the injustices, then there is room to carry out the act of forgiveness."

Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira, head of Yeshivat Ramat Gan - a leading institution in the anti-expulsion campaign:
"One cannot forgive one who does not ask for forgiveness. When someone carries out a crime, supports it, and intends to do similar things in the future, he cannot be forgiven. The motto is therefore very correct. A terrible crime was committed, and we are obligated to express the clear voice of the truth, honesty, justice and Torah...

"Why is this sin different than others which we [are more quick to forgive]? The answer is that this sin is [beginning] now. When the sin of public Sabbath desecration first began, it was correct to cry out - but a person who desecrates the Sabbath today is doing so because that's what his parents did. Now that the situation exists as it does, we must bring them closer with love. But the struggle over the Land is different; our secular brothers also sacrificed themselves for it, and they 'belong' to it, and therefore we can demand that they fulfill it...

"And the main thing is that the danger is still at our doorstep, and we continue to fight for Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem; the slogan [at issue] is part of the public expression of this struggle...

"At the same time, we must also find a long-term solution - namely, to bring our brother Jews closer to our Father in Heaven, for there will not be a [national revival here] without a great return/repentance [Teshuvah]. It is incumbent upon us to establish a Teshuvah movement."

MK Gila Finkelstein (National Religious Party):
"I don't forgive the State of Israel and its organs for the purging of the Jewish communities from Gush Katif and northern Shomron. I don't forgive the Cabinet ministers and Knesset Members who approved the expulsion. I don't forgive the media that encouraged it and ignored the breaking of the principles of democracy. I don't forgive the army, police and security forces, and certainly not the public that supported, accepted or reacted with apathy to the expulsion from Gush Katif and northern Shomron. Yes, a State without compassion is not worthy of forgiveness... True forgiveness can only occur when the [sinner] abandons his former ways. But at present, it appears that they are not doing so..."

Educator and Author Rabbi Ze'ev Karov, of Karnei Shomron:
"The motto is doubly-sinful - one in its framework, and one in its content. The first is connected with its style and how it sounds: out of four words, two of them are 'no' [if translated as 'No forgetting, no forgiving']. Many people know what not to say and what not to do, but the question is what yes to do? The Torah way is to find out how to repair and how to improve, and to be involved in positive actions and positive talk... The motto is one of despair, crisis, putting down others, detachment and hatred...

"But the sin of content in this slogan is even worse. First of all, whom are we not forgiving? Every policeman and soldier who was involved in any way? Every Jew who supported [the disengagement]? The rabbis who supported or who did not sharply condemn it?... Secondly, it represents a lack of faith in the Congregation of Israel. We believe that there is no such thing as a total spiritual breakdown in Israel or total assimilation. Belief in the Congregation of Israel is the cardinal belief in the coming of the Messiah. It is accepted that Israel will ultimately repent... and one of the fundamentals of Judaism is forgiveness..."

MK Tzvi Hendel (National Union), who was expelled from his home in the Gush Katif community of Ganei Tal:
"I generally try to be a forgiving person. I believe that the natural Jewish desire is to forgive. But here it's not only me, my home and my life's work, but rather an unprecedented national crime. This was a cruel move carried out by a Prime Minister of Israel for corrupt motives and with the advice of advisors lacking in values and faith. For this, there is no forgiveness and no atonement.

"The destruction and cruelty are reflected from every angle. Security-wise, the Chief of Staff warned that it would lead to a supportive wind for terrorism, and this is coming true: The terrorists were convinced by this move that only by murdering Jews will they get rid of us, and in this way Sharon empowered Hamas and Islamic Jihad... Values were trampled. A Prime Minister elected by the nationalist camp spat in the faces of those who sent him in order to push aside his criminal files... Even now, after they were so shamelessly thrown out, Sharon and his government continue to humiliate them and trample the honor of these great pioneers of our generation. Therefore, even when I try to call up all my spiritual capacities, I can never forget and forgive. I know of no other issue since the establishment of the State [in 1948] about which we can say, 'No forgetting and no forgiving.'"

MK Michael Ratzon (Likud):
"We must not forget, and we must forgive. We are one nation, and if we desire life, we must be united. But this means that we must concede to each other. We are Jews, and forgiveness is a Jewish value...

"But at the same time, we must be on guard and do everything we can to prevent another expulsion... If Jews had been expelled from their homes in other countries, we would have been up in arms. The fact that it took place in the Land of Israel, at the hand of Jews, increases the pain so much more. The Prime Minister acted against the wishes of his voters, and is leading Israel to the 1967 borders. He was elected to put down terrorism, and instead he leads a unilateral process that encourages the Palestinians to demand gestures without giving anything in return... At the same time, we must not refrain from forgiveness, because we are brothers and that which was done cannot be undone... The expulsion is a grave chapter and unforgettable in our history, and as we move on to the next chapter, we must remember it - but we must also be able to forgive."

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4. Netanya College's Rabin Seminar Left-Wing Line-Up
By Hillel Fendel

The Academic College of Netanya will be holding a two-day seminar in memory of the 10th anniversary of the murder of Yitzchak Rabin. Jibril Rajoub was invited to speak.

The rostrum of speakers at the seminar, which is also sponsored by the Rabin Heritage Center, slants sharply towards the left. The most right-wing speaker is Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz - a supporter of the disengagement/expulsion plan from Gaza and Northern Shomron.

Conference spokesman Shaya Segal confirmed that the organizers considered inviting PA terrorists Jibril Rajoub and Muhammed Dahlan to participate, and that contact was in fact made with Rajoub, but neither of them will appear.

Labor MK Danny Yatom, Chairman of the College's Strategic Dialogue Center, which is organizing the conference, issued a statement regarding the above. Yatom said, "Peace is made with enemies, not with friends, our enemies include also those who fought with us and killed us, and whom we killed as well... We must also remember that these are Palestinain figures with whom both the Likud and Labor governments had and have official contacts."

Arutz-7 asked why the organizers did not see fit to include representatives of the right-wing camp, sometimes known as the "orange" camp. Several answers were received. The spokesman for the Netanya College said, "I don't know... I speak only with the regional press, not the national press."

A staffer at the Strategic Dialogue Center of the Netanya College, which is hosting the seminar, said that whether the rostrum is left-wing or right-wing is "a matter of analysis/opinion."

Shaya Segal, former press advisor to both Ariel Sharon and Binyamin Netanyahu, serves as seminar spokesman. He explained that the purpose of the seminar is to discuss Yitzchak Rabin and his influence on various processes in the Middle East. "The purpose of the seminar is not to discuss the disengagement or to bridge the gap in Israeli society," Segal said.

"Could no one on the right-wing side of Israeli public life be found who had something to say about Yitzchak Rabin or the diplomatic process he initiated?" Arutz-7 asked. "Wasn't there someone who had at least as strong of a connection with events involving Rabin as Jibril Rajoub?"

Segal repeated that the issues to be discussed at the seminar did not necessitate the inviting of speakers other than those included.

Finally, when this question was raised to Prof. Joseph Ginat, Director of the Strategic Dialogue Center, he said though this was an academic conference, and not a political one, he would raise the matter at the next meeting, and that he hopes to have an answer by Thursday.

The seminar is billed as "develop[ing] a basis for a future plan of action which will create hope for cooperation and peace." The promotional literature states that "conference participants will concentrate on creating a balanced dialogue between leading figures from the Arab countries and Israel..."

The following speakers, among others, are scheduled to appear at the "Vision of Peace" seminar:

Past and present Labor Party MKs Shimon Peres, Dalia Rabin, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, and Amnon Lipkin-Shachak;

Dr. Osama El Baz, Political Advisor to the President of Egypt

Dr. Abdel Salam Majali, Former Prime Minister of Jordan

Saeb Erekat, Head of PLO's Negotiations Affairs Department, representative of President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen)

Dr. Munther Haddadin - Former Minister of Water, Jordan

Prof. Ibrahim Soliman, Director of Syria/Israel Projects, Institute for Middle East Peace and Developments

Prof. Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland

Dr. Alfred Abed Rabbo - Bethlehem University

Prof. Itamar Rabinovich, President of Tel Aviv University and former Ambassador of Israel to the U.S

Vice Prime Minister Ehud Olmert

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk

Former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt and Israel Dan Kurtzer

Ambassador to Israel Richard H. Jones, former Ambassador to Lebanon, Kazakhstan and Kuwait

Lionel Jospin, Former Prime Minister of France

Justice of the Supreme Court Elyakim Rubinstein, former Attorney-General

The Stategic Dialogue Center at the Netanya Academic College can be reached by phone at (+972- 9) 860 7885, fax at (+972-9) 860 7701, and by email at or

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5. Armed Wing of PA Ruling Party Wants to Wipe Israel Off the Map
By Scott Shiloh

The armed wing of Fatah, the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority and of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas, has called for wiping the State of Israel off the map.

Fatah’s military wing, the Al Aksa Brigades, said in a pamphlet distributed in the Gaza district that "anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury. Any [Islamic leader] who recognizes the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world."

Harking back to its pre-Oslo days when Fatah, an international terrorist organization, led the Arab struggle against the Jewish state, the group’s armed wing has become the first Palestinian organization to publicly identify with Iran’s president’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent call to “wipe Israel off the map.”

Israel responded to Ahmadinejad’s statement by demanding that the United Nations revoke Iran’s membership in the world body.

The statement published in the Fatah group’s leaflet strongly supported Ahmadinejad’s bellicose remark. "We affirm our support and backing for the positions of the Iranian president toward the Zionist state which, by God's will, will cease to exist," read the pamphlet. "Recognizing Israel's right to exist means underestimating the Palestinian people, who are making daily sacrifices to liberate Palestine and Jerusalem."

Israel has not responded to the Fatah group’s statements. Officially, Israel has backed the creation of a Palestinian state under the U.S. roadmap plan. Both the United States and Israel had been hoping that such a state would be led by the Fatah, the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority and of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas.

Israel opposes Hamas participation in the upcoming PA elections because that terror group vehemently opposes the existence of the state of Israel. In regard to the Hamas, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said ironically at Monday’s cabinet meeting, "Do we really believe that an organization that has engraved on its banner the goal of destroying Israel would give up its party platform after being elected?"

Under a plan supported by the United States and Israel, hundreds of terrorists from the Fatah’s Al Aksa Brigades have been recruited into the PA’s security forces. The PA cabinet decided last month to set up five training camps to prepare the recruits for their new tasks. The camps will be built in territories controlled by the PA in Judea and Samaria.

The Fatah group’s brazen invective against Israel, however, runs in direct contravention of the Oslo accords. According to those agreements signed by the late Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin in 1993, the Palestine Liberation Organization, led by Fatah leader Yasser Arafat, formerly recognized Israel’s right to exist.

The ideas behind the Fatah group’s latest statements have received support from PA academia. A professor at Al Najah University in Shechem, Abdel Sattar Kessem, berated western countries such as the United States, Britain, and France for condemning the Iranian leader’s anti-Israel remarks.

“These aggressive countries, which specialize in political fraud and the exploitation of other people, did not express reservations when Palestine was wiped off the map in 1948," he said.

"Millions of Palestinian refugees have been living for the past 60 years under harsh conditions so that Israel could continue to exist. And these countries, which have been emphasizing their keenness about human rights, insist on preventing these refugees from returning to their homes and property. Israel remains an alien organ in the Arab and Muslim region," the professor said.

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6. Senior Olympic Games Begin in Jerusalem
By Ezra HaLevi

The second annual Seniors Olympics began Monday in Jerusalem.

The games, which are open to competitors over the age of 60, will take place for two days and will include a 10- kilometer race, discus and javelin throwing, shot put, swimming, tennis, cycling, table tennis, lawn bowling and badminton.

More than 350 participants will compete in the games. The oldest participant is a 93-year-old. In the 2004 games, a 91-year-old distance-runner competed in the run.

The event is sponsored by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the Municipality of Jerusalem and the Association of Community Centers. Organizers say it is aimed at highlighting the positive side of aging. The official press release announcing the event proclaims that the aim is to demonstrate that “age is not a barrier to rigorous physical competition and to encourage seniors to remain physically active.”

The Senior Olympics, officially called "SABA" - a Hebrew acronym for Sport, Health, Quality of Life, and which literally means “Grandpa” - “were created to highlight the positive side of aging and improve the general image of the elderly in Israel," said JDC spokesman Joshua Berkman.

According to the JDC, Israel has a higher proportion of seniors than any other nation in the world. "Senior citizens have so much to contribute to Israel and the Jewish world,” Berkman added, “we want to ensure that they can remain active and independent for as long as possible."

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7. On A7 Radio: Slice Her Up! The Un-doing of Israel
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