Sunday, December 04, 2005

LESSONS IN TANYA: Monday, December 5, 2005


Kislev 4, 5766 * December 5, 2005


Today's Lesson:

Kuntres Acharon
(Middle of Essay Four)

[The performance of mitzvot, however, as the Alter Rebbe will now explain, connects a Jew with the essence of Divinity.

When he holds an etrog together with the other three kinds of vegetation and fulfills the mitzvah of the "Four Species" on Sukkot, he is holding on to the essence of Divinity.

And so too with regard to all the practical mitzvot.]

But as to the performance of mitzvot, these are the works of G-d, [unlike other worldly actions, from which Divinity is utterly concealed.

The Alter Rebbe now explains how this comes about]:

In the process of the chain of descent from the vessels of Atzilut to Beriah, Yetzirah and Asiyah, [for the vessels of Atzilut that descend into these worlds are the Divinity of these worlds], from the very nature and essence of their external aspect - as, for example, within the etrog and its "kinds" - the Holy One, blessed be He, clothed something of the very nature and essence of the [internal] (24) attributes of Kindness of Za, meaning from their outward state, [from the external aspect of these internal attributes], as is known in the case of all mitzvot requiring action.

Man, by contrast, [who by means of his intellect or spiritual emotions can attain intellectually-generated love and fear], even if he possesses a soul of Atzilut, yet since it is clothed in a body, cannot detect and apprehend through (25) his soul the nature and essence of the inward attributes of Kindness of Za of Atzilut.

(24) (For in general terms Atzilut represents the state of Chayah in the Four Worlds of Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah and Asiyah, and [Chayah] denotes encompassing transcendence, not being vested within any vessel whatever.)

[Specifically, each of the Four Worlds possesses all four soul-levels of Nefesh, Ruach, Neshamah and Chayah.

In a general sense, however, each of these Four Worlds corresponds to one of these levels.

Asiyah corresponds to Nefesh;
Yetzirah to Ruach;
Beriah to Neshamah; and
Atzilut corresponds to Chayah.

Unlike the soul-level in man called Neshamah, which reflects his power of comprehension, or Ruach, which reflects his spiritual emotions, and so on, each of these soul-levels having their specific "location" within the body, Chayah is a transcendent soul-level that encompasses the individual from above.

So, too, with regard to the worlds, Chayah (paralleled by the World of Atzilut) is the spiritual level that encompasses from above and does not vest itself at all within a vessel.

Thus, a person living within a body cannot possibly apprehend the essence of an entity at the level of Atzilut.

With regard to the internal attributes of Kindness of Za, man is able to apprehend] only their existence, through intellectually-generated awe and love.

As to the statement, (22) "You shall see my hinderpart" - [and seeing penetrates to the essence of a matter] - this refers only to prophecy.

(24) (For prophecy entails divestment of the physical,( 26) as explained in Ra'aya Mehemna, Parshat Mishpatim.) (27)

[Thus, Moses' apprehension of the essence of Divinity resulted from a state of prophecy that entails divestment from the physical.

Through other, non-prophetic means, it is impossible for the soul to apprehend the essence of any of the levels of Atzilut.]

This, then, is the reason:

No created being is capable of grasping anything whatsoever of the essence of Divinity, the Creator.

And without comprehension there is no real investiture, or grasping, or cleaving.

[Man is thus incapable of truly cleaving to G-d's attributes, i.e., the attributes of Atzilut.

In light of the above it is clear that the love and fear of G-d that a Jew generates through meditation during prayer, grasps and cleaves to no more than the external aspect of the existence of Divinity, and not His essence.]

However, as to the etrog by way of example, its life is drawn and descends from the very essence of the outer aspect of the vessels of nukva of Za of Atzilut, which is truly a state of Divinity, as stated in Etz Chayim, (28) that all the fruits are [rooted] in Atzilut.

For the thirty vessels of Atzilut descended into Beriah, Yetzirah and Asiyah in order to become the Divinity of those Worlds (24) (and these are the Ten Utterances (29) by which the world was created through enclothement in nukva of Asiyah, essence in essence). (30)

The essence of the vessels of Malchut of Atzilut vests itself in the essence of Malchut of Asiyah, which is the source of all created beings of that world.

Included among them are the fruits of that world, such as the etrog.

While the G-dliness found in other physical matters is concealed, in an object used for a mitzvah it is manifest, as explained in Tanya, chapter 23.]

For the vessels of Atzilut became the soul of Asiyah, which is actually a state of Divinity.

For in Atzilut (31) "He and His vessels are one" - the Emanator [the infinite light] and the emanation [the vessels of Atzilut].

And through the enclothement of the essence of the soul [of the vessels of Atzilut] in the essence of the vessels of nukva [i.e., Malchut] of Asiyah, the etrog came into being.

The result is that in holding the etrog and waving it as the law requires, one is actually holding the life-force which is clothed within it and which derives from the nukva [i.e., Malchut] of Atzilut, and [Malchut] is united with the [infinite] Ein Sof-light, the Emanator of Atzilut, blessed be He.

[But is this not also the case when one holds any other fruit, where no mitzvah is involved?

The answer is, as previously explained, that in other physical objects the G-dly life-force is concealed, whereas it is revealed in objects used for a mitzvah, for these are the "works of G-d."]

This is not the case concerning one's intention [while performing the mitzvah of the etrog.]

Here, even if he is familiar with the mystical [Kabbalistic and chassidic] meanings involved, he does not grasp and hold on to the essence [of Malchut of Atzilut, the source of the etrog], but only to the external fact of its mere existence.

[This is entirely unlike holding a physical etrog and performing the mitzvah with it, at which time one grasps the essence of the physical etrog together with its source in Divinity.]

However, by studying the laws of the etrog one does attain and grasp the etrog proper and its mitzvah appropriately, by speech and thought.

[For here he is articulating or understanding or thinking about the laws of the physical etrog, whose essence he can grasp, and not its spiritual intent in the heavenly realms.]

Even more so, he who studies the esoteric dimension [of the mitzvah of the etrog according to the teachings of the Kabbalah and Chassidut.

For here, too, we are speaking of the esoteric dimension of the physical etrog, whose essence he can comprehend, and not of the spiritual intentions of the mitzvah or, yet higher, the relevant configurations of Sefirot in the World of Atzilut.


24. The brackets/parentheses are in the original text.
25. (This footnote is only relevant to the Hebrew text, in the printed
version. YY.)
26. Note of the Rebbe: "Cf. the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch,
Orach Chayim, beginning of sec. 98; Hilchot Talmud Torah 4:9."
27. Note of the Rebbe: "Possibly the intent is p. 116b ff."
28. Note of the Rebbe: "At its conclusion. This requires some
examination, for there the text makes a point of enumerating seven
29. Avot 5:1.
30. The closing parenthesis (in this new printed version) has been
relocated according to the Table of Glosses and Emendations.
31. See Iggeret HaKodesh, beginning of Epistle 20 (above).


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DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Monday, December 5, 2005


Kislev 4, 5766 * December 5, 2005

D A I L Y M I T Z V A H (M A I M O N I D E S )

Today's Mitzvot (Day 94 of 339):

Negative Mitzvot 353; Positive Mitzvah 149

Negative Mitzvah 353: It is prohibited to act immodestly with any
person that we are forbidden to marry

-Leviticus 18:6 "No person shall approach a close relative and act

A person must not act immodestly in any way.

In the previous Negative Mitzvot, the Torah listed certain cases
where one person may not have a relationship with another.

In this Negative Mitzvah, the Torah further warns us that a
person should not act even slightly immodestly with any of
the people with whom marriage is forbidden, even if one does not
intend to take that woman as a wife or that man as a husband.


Introduction to Mitzvot 149 -153:

Signs for Kosher Animals

Can you think of the many different signs you use to set aside one
type of thing from another? There are plenty! Let's try to list some

In the kitchen, your mother may have meat cabinets and towels marked
in red, while the dairy is marked in blue.

Your older sister may have round stickers for her cassettes that play
only music and square ones for songs with words. In your own school-
bag, your notebook has different colored dividers to separate one
subject from another.

In the Torah, we also find the use of signs to specify different

HaShem gave certain animals special signs to enable us to tell that
they are kosher and can therefore be eaten.

There are specific kosher signs for animals and beasts, birds, fish
and flying insects. If those signs are found, the animal may be then
prepared in the special kosher manner and eaten.


Positive Mitzvah 149: Checking for Signs in Animals and Beasts

-Leviticus 11:2 "These are the beasts which you shall eat~'

The Torah commands us to search for the kosher signs on the animal.
These signs are:
1) chewing the cud; and,
2) having split hooves (see Negative Mitzvah 172).


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"TODAY'S DAY": Monday, December 5, 2005


Kislev 4, 5766 * December 5, 2005

"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"

Wednesday, Kislev 4 5704

Torah lessons: Chumash: Vayeitsei, Revi'i with Rashi.
Tehillim: 23-28.
Tanya: But the performance (p. 605)...of the law.
(p. 607).

With Mmayim Acharonim, wash the fingertips and, while they are still moist, pass them over the lips.


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Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).

For a glossary of terms used in "Today's Day" please click here:

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TODAY IN JUDAISM: Monday, December 5, 2005


Kislev 4, 5766 * December 5, 2005


* Laws * Customs * Jewish History * Daily Quote * Daily Study *

Today is: Monday, Kislev 4, 5766

Daily Quote

And you shall burst forth to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south.

- Genesis 28:14

Daily Study

Chitas and Rambam for today:

Chumash: Vayeitzei, 2nd Portion Bereishit 29:1-29:17 with Rashi
• English Text:

Tehillim: Chapters 23 - 28
• Hebrew text:
• English text:

Tanya: Kuntres Acharon, middle of Essay 4
• Lesson in Tanya:
• RealAudio:
• Windows Media:

• Sefer Hamitzvos:
• 1 Chapter: Chovel uMazzik Chap. 7
• 3 Chapters: Issurey Bi'ah Chap. 21, 22, Ma'achalot 'Asurot Chap. 1

Hayom Yom:
• English Text:


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DAILY DOSE: Complacent



(The Rebbe spoke about the suffering in the world, and when he came to these words, began to choke and sob:)

If He is truly capable of anything,
then why can't He provide good without the bad?

And if His Torah contains the answers for all questions, why does it not answer this one?

There could be only one answer:

He does not wish us to know,
because if we knew
we might consent.

A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe
-words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman
Kislev 3, 5766 * December 4, 2005


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A7news: Expulsion Victims Injured in Kassam Rocket Attack

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Expulsion Victims Injured in Kassam Rocket Attack
The Kassam rockets that chased Israel and its residents out of Gaza are now pursuing those same residents in their new temporary homes. Three people were treated for shock after last night's attack.
Full Story Below

 1. Expulsion Victims Injured in Kassam Rocket Attack
 2. Navy Sinks Illegal PA Boat, Terrorists Cross through Rafah
 3. Sharon Moves Closer to Geneva Proposal on Territorial Exchange
 4. Critical Zionist Election Underway in U.S.
 5. Sharon and Peres Trade Compliments
 6. Kaare Kristiansen, Friend of Israel, Passes Away
 7. First Outreach Center for Brazilian Anousim Opens
 8. On A7radio: ´No Land for Jews´

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Editor: Hillel Fendel
Sunday, December 04, 2005
3 Kislev 5766


1. Expulsion Victims Injured in Kassam Rocket Attack
By Hillel Fendel

The Kassam rockets that chased Israel and its residents out of Gaza are now pursuing those same residents in their new temporary homes. Three people were treated for shock after last night's attack.

Fifty-three families of the former northern Gaza communities of Nisanit and Elei Sinai are living in the temporary housing complex of Carmiya, located between Gaza and Ashkelon, and just two kilometers east of the region's main power plant. The government euphemistically calls it a "caravilla" community, while others refer to it as a refugee camp.

Palestinian terrorists in Gaza capped off a week of several rocket and mortar shell attacks with three Kassam rockets towards Carmiya late Saturday night. One of them passed just overhead and landed several dozen feet outside the camp, sending one woman and two children into a form of hysteria and shock.

The IDF Spokesman's Office informed Arutz-7 that the Kassams landed "just outside Carmiya." In addition, a mortar shell landed just to the south, in a field outside Netiv HaAsarah, damaging hothouses and an electric pole.

The IDF responded with artillery fire into Gaza.

The residents of Carmiya staged an angry demonstration this morning, protesting the fact that their government-imposed troubles have been compounded by the fact that their temporary home community has no shelters or reinforced buildings. The pre-fab homes are built to last for only three years.

In the meanwhile, the army continued to relax restrictions on Gaza Arabs, allowing another 2,000 workers to cross from Gaza into Israel. Another 1,000 merchants are also being permitted to cross, bringing the total to 2,000. Though Israel "disengaged" from Gaza in order to separate between Jews and Arabs, the current total of Gaza Arabs allowed to enter Israel daily thus now stands at 10,000.

The numbers of workers from Judea and Samaria were also raised this morning, bringing the total to 28,500.

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2. Navy Sinks Illegal PA Boat, Terrorists Cross through Rafah
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

An Arab fishing boat crossed into prohibited waters off the Gaza coast Saturday & fired at an Israel Navy vessel, whose return fire killed one. The PA allowed 15 terrorists into Gaza via Rafiah.

The Arab vessel, designed to carry two people, sailed from Egypt towards the Gaza area, the IDF reported. The area is prohibited to Arab ships, in order to prevent weapons smuggling and attacks.

Navy officers ordered the boat out of the area and fired warning shots into the air. In response, the Arab crew shot at the Israeli boat. Shots also were fired from the Gaza shore.

When the Arab boat attempted to flee, sailors aboard the Israel Navy's Shaldag gunboat shot at and sank the boat.

Following an investigation, the IDF suspects that the boat was carrying at least one terrorist trying to infiltrate into Israel.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) claimed that fishermen were on the boat and did not intend any illegal activities. It also said the boat was not in prohibited waters. The body of a 22-year-old identified as Ziad Dardawel was recovered from the water.

In another incident, the IDF killed one man Friday night after he and two others tried to cross the security fence from the Gaza area. The other two were injured, and PA medics took them to a hospital. PA sources said the men were trying to find work in Israel. Arab terrorists recently have placed several roadside bombs near the security fence.

Earlier Friday, the PA allowed 15 wanted terrorists to enter Rafiah, violating a deal to provide Israel with on-line video surveillance.

Several of the terrorists had been expelled by Israel, including Ahmed el-Malah, a founder of the Hamas terrorist organization, whom Israel deported to Lebanon 14 years ago.

Israel, under pressure from American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, recently backed down from demands that it place security officials at the border. It agreed to depend on viewing border activity via on-line video cameras and to accept the presence of European observers, although they have no authority over the PA.

The agreement does not prohibit terrorists from entering from Egypt, and PA officials asserted that anyone with a local identity card can cross the re-opened border in Rafiah, which straddles Egypt and the Gaza area.

Israeli officials have complained that the cameras do not always provide live communication. Aides to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon have said that the crossing is operating properly, and one source said that the lack of constant on-time monitoring was due to a "technical problem."

The Prime Minister previously has threatened to rescind custom arrangements with the PA if "we don't have real-time monitoring of who is coming in."

Rice is sending State Department official Philip Zelikow to the area next week to observe procedures at the crossing.

Yuval Shteinitz, chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, told Israel Radio, "I said three or four weeks ago that the Rafiah agreement was destined to fail."

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3. Sharon Moves Closer to Geneva Proposal on Territorial Exchange
By Scott Shiloh

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told a Moroccan newspaper that if security and quiet are attained, he is definitely ready to recognize a Palestinian state and to “go a long way” in negotiations.

In an interview in Le Economist, Sharon said that while Israel would not return to the borders that existed prior to the 1967 Six Day War, it was ready to exchange territories with a Palestinian state.

The idea of retaining settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria, in exchange for other territories liberated by Israel in the 1948 War of Independence, is similar to proposals set forth in the “Geneva Initiative,” a draft agreement for a negotiated settlement which would set up a Palestinian state.

That initiative has been strongly supported by Meretz-Yahad leader Yossi Beilin, and provides for handing over the Old City of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, to Arab control.

Regarding Jerusalem, Sharon said, “neighborhoods bordering Jerusalem, located outside Jerusalem’s municipal boundaries where Palestinians live, will be returned in a comprehensive settlement to the State of Palestine, as we have no interest in annexing them.”

According to reports, Sharon is willing to retain Maaleh Adumim, the northern part of Gush Etzion, and Ariel as settlement blocs. They are areas that are being included within Israel’s security barrier. The Geneva Initiative, however, does not provide for retaining the city of Ariel under Israeli control.

The idea of retaining settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria in exchange for territories held prior to the Six Day War has also been touted by right-wing former MK Avigdor Lieberman, head of the Yisrael Beiteinu party. Lieberman has proposed exchanging Arab populated towns within the pre-1967 borders, such as Taibe and Um el Fahm, for certain settlement blocs.

Under the maps outlined in the Geneva Initiative, Israel would give the PA territories in the western Negev adjacent to Gaza, as well as areas east of Hevron in the Lachish area in exchange for Maaleh Adumim and parts of Gush Etzion.

Sharon, ironically, initially justified the Disengagement Plan as a means of forestalling or precluding the adoption of the Geneva Initiative. Under that plan, which was implemented last August, Israel destroyed 25 Jewish communities in Gaza and northern Samaria, expelling close to 9,000 Jews from their homes. Following the demolition of the communities in Gush Katif, Israel relinquished control of the Gaza district to the Palestinian Authority.

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4. Critical Zionist Election Underway in U.S.
By Hillel Fendel

Up to a billion dollars in support for various Jewish and Zionist organizations and causes are at stake in the election now underway in the U.S. for the World Zionist Congress.

The vote-by-mail election in the United States will choose the 145 American delegates to the all-important Congress, which will be held in Jerusalem in June 2006. The American delegation is the largest from outside of Israel, accounting for 30% of the entire Congress and therefore having a major impact on setting policy.

According to the constitution of the World Zionist Organization, delegations from all countries except Israel are determined by internal elections. The Israeli representation is set according to the Zionist parties' relative strength in the Knesset at the time of the Congress.

In the tradition of the first Zionist Congress assembled by Binyamin Ze'ev (Theodore) Herzl in Basel in 1897, the Congress - sometimes known as the "Parliament of the Jewish People" - convenes every 4-5 years in Israel to set Jewish Agency and World Zionist Organization policies.

Since 1948, the Jewish Agency and WZO have served as the extra-governmental arm of the State of Israel in areas in which the government cannot operate. They work to preserve and enrich Jewish life around the world, strengthening and supporting Jewish and Zionist education, promoting Aliyah, and even rescuing Jews from distressed countries.

Various Jewish-U.S. organizations are making great efforts to sign up voters for their slates. Religious and nationalist organizations, in particular, are anxious to ensure that the current election does not follow the pattern of the last one. "Four years ago," writes Susie Dym of Cities of Israel, "the extreme left (Reform, Meretz, Peace Now) grabbed half of the votes simply because they registered people diligently. It is to be hoped that the hawks (right) will follow their good example this time."

A website promoting support for the Religious Zionist slate notes that in the last American election, the Religious Zionist delegation emerged as the third largest delegation in the U.S., surpassed only by the Reform and Conservative movements. "As a result," it explains, "the Religious Zionist movement retained or achieved control for such critical WZO departments as the Settlement Division and the Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora... In order to protect these gains and build on them, the Religious Zionist movement must surpass the results of the last election."

The religious-Zionist slate in the current election includes delegates from Young Israel, Yeshiva University, AMIT, Religious Zionists of America and the Orthodox Union.

Other lists promoting religious or nationalist views include the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), whose delegates include ZOA President Morton Klein, Steven Orlow, Dr. Irving Moskowitz, and others; Herut North America; and American Friends of Likud.

Other slates in the race include the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, Hatikvah and ARZA (Association of Reform Zionists in America), all of which prominently promote pluralism in their agendas.

Eligible voters are Jews who will be 18 by June 30, 2006, who reside permanently in the United States, and who accept the Jerusalem Program. The Jerusalem Program is a Zionist manifesto expressing the agreed-upon goals of Zionism, including Aliyah, Jewish unity, Jewish bonds to the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, settlement, Jewish education, and more.

Registration, which costs $7 ($5 for students), can be effected here or here.

A list of the platforms can be seen here.

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5. Sharon and Peres Trade Compliments
By Hillel Fendel

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says he has offered Shimon Peres "any job he wants" in a future Sharon government. Sharon and Peres traded praises today at a joint press conference.

The two elderly leaders were surprisingly grave as they sat aside one another at the Prime Minister's Bureau in Jerusalem. Peres refused to answer reporters' questions about his departure from the Labor Party he headed for most of the last 28 years.

"Any movement in the world would be blessed to have a man like Shimon, a man with such great vision," Sharon said, "and I am sure that together, we will yet do great things. This will be a true partnership... Shimon can fill any job with great success." Sharon said that in addition to whatever post Peres fills in the government, he will also continue to work in the area of developing the Negev and the Galilee.

Peres said, "I am joining the great and important partnership, and I'm doing it very consciously and out of a sense of obligation and privilege. I am sad to part with the past, and I am happy to join a new hope... In addition to the need to continue the peace process without stopping, we must not allow negative and destructive forces to move into the breaks in the process, but we must rather continue the momentum of our own initiative and outlook in this great and true partnership with the other side."

"I would not have forgiven myself," Peres said, "if I had not lent my hand to this process, at the helm of which stands today Arik Sharon, out of party excuses or excuses of what is convenient or inconvenient. The frameworks have become outdated, the situation has changed, and we have to relate to this situation."

Emanuel Shilo, Editor of the B'Sheva weekly newspaper, wrote in this week's edition that the recent acquisitions of Sharon's Kadima Party are no great find. He was dismissive of the party's Knesset candidates in general:

"Most of them [are one-term Likud MKs who] entered the previous Knesset in slots that had been reserved for various sectors, or were otherwise emplaced by a committee [and not a popular vote]. In primaries [in the Likud or Labor], they would have found themselves off the list altogether. Sharon is interested in them in order to receive their Knesset party campaign funding, and also as dirty-work jobbers who will know that they're dependent upon him. To this list were added Ehud Olmert, Sharon's son Omri, and other personal loyalists who decided to bind their futures with Sharon's. Then came [Chaim] Ramon, [Dalia] Itzik and Peres, the losers who lost steam in their Labor Party. This is a dream team? Not by a long shot."

At present, however, most of the Israeli electorate still seems impressed by Sharon's list. Recent polls give the Kadima Party between 30 and 37 seats in the next election, with Labor receiving roughly 25, and the Likud - between 10 and 13. The election is still almost four months away, however.

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6. Kaare Kristiansen, Friend of Israel, Passes Away
By Hillel Fendel

Kaare Kristiansen, who resigned from the Nobel Peace Prize Committee in 1994 to protest the decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize that year to Yasser Arafat, has passed away.

Kristiansen, 85, who died Saturday morning, was Norway's Minister of Oil and Energy from 1983 to 1986, and served twice as the leader of the Christian People’s Party, for a total of six years. He was a Member of Parliament for 12 years, finally resigning on the grounds that his party had distanced itself from its original purpose and course.

The Norwegian Israel Center Against anti-Semitism (NIS) released a statement of condolences, saying Kristiansen "was a truly righteous person [who] never compromised with his deep-felt conviction about things right and wrong. This was clearly demonstrated when he resigned from the Nobel Peace Prize Committee... We have had during a great many years the pleasure of his friendship, [and of] his thoughtfulness and deep understanding of the Jewish people's situation, both here in Norway and in Israel."

In 1997, Kristiansen led a group of political and religious leaders in Norway in submitting a petition to the country's Foreign Ministry, demanding that the Norwegian Embassy in Israel be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He later visited Israel as part of this campaign.

He more than once called upon the Nobel Peace Prize Committee to "publicly deplore" its 1994 decision to grant arch-terrorist Arafat the respected prize. In 1997, four years after the signing of the Oslo Agreement, he said that his "forebodings" about the diplomatic process had come true, citing Palestinian Authority corruption, its continued terrorism, and the Arab killings of compatriot land-dealers who sold land to Jews.

Aryeh Gallin, founder and President of Root & Branch Association, Ltd., said, "In a place where there were few if any men, Kaare Kristiansen was a man."

Just this past August, Kristiansen expressed his opposition to the Disengagement in an official statement, in which he said,

" in to Arab terrorist pressure, whether that pressure comes from PLO terrorists or members of other terror groups, adds fuel to the fire of Arab terrorism against Israel. I fear that Palestinian Arabs perceive the Israel Government expulsion of Gush Katif Jews as proof that Arab terror pays after all. I also fear that throughout the world, [it] will strengthen the false belief that the Land of Israel belongs to Arabs and that Jews have no rights there at all.

"The Israel Government expulsion of Gush Katif Jews is not an internal Israeli affair. It is everyone's affair. This expulsion is an immoral and illegal act violating international ethical, human, legal and social rights.

"Over a decade ago, I protested as immoral the Nobel Prize Committee awarding a 'peace' prize to Yasser Arafat in December, 1994, and resigned from the Nobel Prize Committee as an expression of that protest then. Over a decade later, I protest as immoral the illegal Israel Government expulsion of the Gush Katif Jews today."

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7. First Outreach Center for Brazilian Anousim Opens
By Baruch Gordon

For the first time, a Jewish educational center has opened in Brazil aimed at reaching out to the large numbers of Bnai Anousim living in the area.

Bnai Anousim are descendants of Jews forcibly converted to Catholicism during the Inquisition which began in the 15th century.

“Beit Aryeh - the Shavei Israel Center for Bnai Anousim” is located in the northern Brazilian city of Recife. It was launched at the initiative of the Jerusalem-based Shavei Israel organization, which reaches out and assists “lost Jews” seeking to return to the Jewish people.

Heading the center is Rabbi Avraham Amitai, who was dispatched last year as Shavei Israel’s official emissary in Recife, where he also serves as rabbi of the local Jewish community. A graduate of Israeli rabbinical seminaries, Rabbi Amitai is fluent in Hebrew, English and Portuguese.

“The center will serve as a focal point of our outreach work to Bnai Anousim here in northern Brazil,” Rabbi Amitai said, noting that “there are large numbers of people in this part of the country whose families are of Jewish descent and who wish to return to their roots.”

“We have already begun holding classes,” he said, “for those interested in learning more about their Jewish heritage and reconnecting with the Jewish people.” Subjects taught at the Center include Hebrew language, Jewish history and tradition, as well as Jewish practice and thought.

“Historians believe that northeastern Brazil is home to one of the largest concentrations of Bnai Anousim in the world,” said Shavei Israel Chairman Michael Freund. “Portuguese crypto-Jews arrived in Recife back in the 16th century, and there were said to be as many as 10 secret synagogues operating in the area.”

By the 1590s, the Inquisition began to operate in Recife, and many “secret Jews” were sent back to Lisbon, Portugal where they were burned at the stake for their beliefs, Freund said. “Nonetheless, countless others succeeded in preserving their Jewish identity, covertly passing it down through the generations until today, and it is our obligation to reach out to these people and to help them to return.”

The Center, he added, is named “Beit Aryeh” after Freund’s great-great-grandfather, Reb Aryeh Chaim Kottler of blessed memory, “who was forced to leave his home in Russia together with his family to flee anti-Semitic persecution, just as the ancestors of the Bnai Anousim had to leave Spain and Portugal in order to escape their tormentors.”

Click here to listen to the interview with Freund on Israel National Radio

In addition to Brazil, Shavei Israel currently has emissaries in Spain and Portugal working to facilitate the return of the Bnai Anousim to the Jewish people. It also operates Machon Miriam, a Spanish-language conversion institute in Jerusalem under the auspices of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate, where many Bnai Anousim complete their formal process of return to Judaism.

For more information, contact:

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8. On A7radio: ´No Land for Jews´
A7 Radio's "The Tovia Singer Show"
New Greek Orthodox Patriarch: No Land for Jews
Aaron Klein, Jerusalem Bureau Chief for, reveals that the man enthroned last week as Greek Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem signed a secret document obliging him to nullify the recent sale to Jewish groups of land in Jerusalem's Old City, and made statements against Jews living in parts of Jerusalem.

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Should Gentiles be Missionaries to the Jews or should Jews be Missionaries to the Gentiles?
How does Tovia respond to a Christian Zionist when she expresses her love for Israel, and asks why Christians and Jews can?t evangelize each other?

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