Wednesday, October 19, 2005

LESSONS IN TANYA: Thursday, October 20, 2005


Tishrei 17, 5766 * October 20, 2005


Today's Lesson:

Iggeret HaKodesh
Epistle Twenty-Three

[In the letter that follows, the Alter Rebbe urges chassidim to devote the daily interval between Minchah and Maariv to the group study of Ein Yaakov, and to the laws in the Shulchan Aruch that have frequent and practical application.

He introduces this appeal by explaining how sublime is the Divine Presence that dwells within Jews when they study Torah publicly.

Indeed, only in the World to Come can this lofty level of Divinity be manifestly received as a reward - except when it abides over Jews and within Jews when, in this world, they study Torah together].

"This statement is made by decree of the wakeful [angels] and by the word of [those] holy ones,"

[This phrase (1) is used by the Sages (2) (and here by the Alter Rebbe) to denote eminent Torah scholars, who are likened to ministering angels; (3) specifically] - the Mishnaic Sages, peace be upon them, who taught in their Mishnah: (4) "If ten people sit together and engage in the study of the Torah, the Divine Presence [the Shechinah] rests among them."

[A similar teaching (5) - "The Shechinah hovers over every gathering of ten Jews" - means only that the Divine Presence hovers over them in a transcendent (lit., "encompassing") manner, as explained at the end of chapter 11 of Tanya. In this instance, howev er, where ten Jews are studying Torah together, the Shechinah rests "among them" - in an internalized manner].

"For this is the whole [purpose] of man." (6)

[As the Gemara (7) interprets this verse: "The entire world was created solely for this purpose]."

Moreover, [the soul's] very descent to this world was for the purpose of this ascent, [which is accomplished through public Torah study], and no [possible] ascent is higher than this.

[The ultimate ascent of the soul, the reason for which the soul initially descended, is attained not only after it completes its descent, after it leaves the body; rather, through public Torah study while the soul is still within the body, it causes the Shechinah to rest in this nether world, and is thereby elevated more than by any other means].

For the Shechinah of [G-d's] Might which is in the supernal heights, and Whose awesomeness (8) "the heavens and the heavens of the heavens cannot contain," dwells and becomes magnified among the Children of Israel, as it is written, (9) "For I, G-d, dwell among (toch) the Children of Israel," as a result of [their] study of the Torah and observance of the commandments in groups of [at least] ten, [for ten Jews constitute a congregation].

For, as our Sages of blessed memory said, (10) "We infer a conclusion from [two appearances of] the word toch."

[In certain specified cases, the Sages draw an analogy from one expression in the Torah to the identical expression in a different context.

A comparison of this kind (a gezeirah shavah) is made between two appearances of the above word.

One verse states, (11) "I will become sanctified in the midst (toch) of the Children of Israel," while another verse, referring to ten of the spies dispatched by Moses, states, (12) "...from the midst (toch) of this congregation."

From this we learn that the congregational recital of a davar shebikedushah, a text involving the sanctification of G-d's Name, requires a quorum of ten.

The Rebbe Rayatz asks: (13) Of all the possible contexts, why do our Sages derive this rule from the evil assemblage of the spies, concerning whom the above-quoted verse in fact states, "Separate yourselves from the midst of this congregation"?

Answering his own question, the Rebbe Rayatz explains that with these words Moses sought to insulate the people from the makkif of evil, from the transcendent [and most intense] dimension of evil.

(As far as the pnimi of evil was concerned, the perme ating [but less intense] dimension of evil, Moses was able to rectify it.) Now, since everything in the realm of holiness has its counterpart in kelipah, in the forces of evil, (14) it follows that the level of holiness referred to here is the transcendent level.

Thus, when a congregation of at least ten participants engages collectively in prayer or in Torah study or in the observance of a mitzvah, they elicit a response from a transcendent level of Divine light, from an or makkif, that is utterly superior to the light called forth by a group of fewer than ten].

Concerning this it is written, (15) "The Holy One is within you."

[This means to say that a level of Divinity which is holy in the sense that it is initially distinct from this world, is thereby drawn down and integrated within the ten or more people involved.

As the Rebbe Rayatz explains in the above-mentioned talk, the Alter Rebbe had spoken earlier of the transcendent degree of illumination that merely encompasses one; at this point he cites the phrase "The Holy One is within you" to indicate that this encompassing illumination can also become internalized within a Jew].

Likewise, "[the congregational recital of] a davar shebi-kedushah, [a text involving the sanctification of G-d's Name], requires a quorum of ten," as quoted above. (10)

[Thus, in order that the holiness be "within you," it is necessary that the Torah be studied in groups of at least ten].

This also explains why our Sages, of blessed memory, had to derive from Scripture [an answer to their question], (16) "From where do we know that even one person who sits and engages in the study of the Torah, [the Holy One, blessed be He, sets a reward for him]?"

[The Mishnah (16) derives its answer from the verse, (17) "He sits alone and [studies] in stillness; indeed, he takes [the reward] unto himself." Evidently, then, a proof text was needed to show that even individual study is rewarded].

And even so [the Sages] did not find in Scripture support for that, [i.e., they did not find support for the proposition that an individual can bring about the previously-mentioned indwelling of G-d's holiness], but only for the allotment of a reward to the individual, proportionate to himself [and]Á¥ in proportion to the many.

[If there are fewer than ten individuals, the reward is divided equally among them. According to the version "[and] in propor-tion...," the more individuals participate, the greater the reward for each of them].

But as to causing an indwelling of G-d's holiness, (19) [the individual] cannot be compared to [the congregation] at all.

[The sanctity drawn down through group study of the Torah is immeasurably more sublime].


1. Daniel 4:14.
2. Note of the Rebbe: "Pesachim 33a."
3. Note of the Rebbe: "Rashi, loc. cit.; see there."
4. Avot 3:6.
5. Sanhedrin 39a.
6. Kohelet 12:13.
7. Berachot 6b.
8. Cf. I Melachim 8:27.
9. Bamidbar 35:34.
10. Berachot 21b.
11. Vayikra 22:32.
12. Bamidbar 16:21.
13. Sefer HaSichot 5704, p. 29.
14. Kohelet 7:14.
15. Yeshayahu 123:6.
16. Cf. Avot 3:6.
17. Eichah 3:8.
18. Brackets are in the original text.
19. Note of the Rebbe: "The question here is well known - that
the above-quoted mishnah (Avot 3:2) teaches that [even if only]
`two people sit together and exchange words of Torah, the
Shechinah dwells in their midst.'
"This may be understood in the light of Or HaTorah [by the
Tzemach Tzedek] on Parshat Eikev, p. 542; see also Berachot 6a.
"At the end of Part VI of Magen Avot: (1) there is a different
version of the above letter; (2) according to the explanation
there (evidently taken from the Tzemach Tzedek), the above
difficulty can be resolved." See also Tanya, Mahadura Kama, p.
261, footnote 13, line 48.


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DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Thursday, October 20, 2005


Tishrei 17, 5766 * October 20, 2005

D A I L Y M I T Z V A H (M A I M O N I D E S )

Today's Mitzvah (Day 48 of 339):

Negative Mitzvah 320

Negative Mitzvah 320: It is forbidden to work on Shabbat

-Exodus 20:10 "You shall not do any manner of work"

Before the first Shabbat of the world, HaShem completed His work
of creation.

Everything had been created during the first six days and He
declared Shabbat a holy day of rest.

HaShem wants us to rest from our weekday work, too.

He commanded us to keep the Shabbat holy and not do any work.

What work is forbidden?

What one person may find a fun hobby, another may view as a
tedious job.

What does HaShem define as work?

The Torah defines thirty-nine forbidden activities which are
called "Melachah" - work - and which may not done on the Shabbat.

Using those rules as a base, our Rabbis have taught us a code
of laws instructing us how to keep Shabbat.

We are not allowed to do any of those activities which the
Torah considers to be Melachah on Shabbat.


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"TODAY'S DAY": Thursday, October 20, 2005


Tishrei 17, 5766 * October 20, 2005

"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"

Shabbat, Tishrei 17 5704

Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukot

In Kabalat Shabbat we say: Gam B'Simcha Uv'Tzahala. (p. 132).

Shalom Aleichem, Eishet Chayil, Mizmor L'David, Da Hee S'udata (pp. 144-6) and V'yitein L'cha (p. 235) are said in an undertone.

At Musaf - Uminchatam V'nisskeihem (p. 260) is said after each verse recounting that day's offering. On Shabbat do not say Hosha'anot (p. 326).

Torah lessons: Chumash: B'racha, Shevi'i with Rashi.
Tehillim: 83-87.
Tanya: XXIII. "The matter is (p. 523)...multitude) at all.
(p. 525).

The soul-aspect of Yechida emerges through the Avoda of being tested. As is written (in the Hosha'anot service, p. 327):

"She clings and cleaves to you" - the binding of the soul to G-d.
This leads to...

" She bears your yoke," observing Torah and mitzvot with
self-sacrifice; and then...

"She, the One People (Yechida), affirms Your Oneness" - Yechida
of the soul is revealed.

Through this revelation the Yechida of the animal soul is transformed into G-dliness. (1)

This finds expression in the intensity with which one fulfills Torah and mitzvot, with an inner enthusiasm, with a sense of great delight and tremendous pleasure in serving G-d.

(To a person on that lofty level) there is total equanimity to all worldy matters; "yes" and "no" have become absolutely equal to him, for he is now divested of the sense of delight in and appetite for material things.

Footnote: 1. The animal soul is not comitted to evil, or even
to self-indulgence. Its primary desire is pleasure;
but its concept of pleasure can be modified, so that
it need not seek physical delights.


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Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).

For a glossary of terms used in "Today's Day" please click here:

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TODAY IN JUDAISM: Thursday, October 20, 2005


Tishrei 17, 5766 * October 20, 2005


* Laws * Customs * Jewish History * Daily Quote * Daily Study *

Today is: Thursday, Tishrei 17, 5766
Sukkot (Chol Hamoed)

Today's Laws & Customs

• Chol Hamoed

The seven days of the festival of Sukkot consist of two days of "Yom Tov", followed by five days of "Chol Hamoed" ("weekdays of the festival"; also called "the intermediate days"). In the Land of Israel, there is only one day of Yom Tov, followed by six days of Chol Hamoed.

On Yom Tov all creative work is forbidden as on Shabbat, except for the tasks involved in food preparation (e.g., lighting a fire from a pre-existing flame, cooking, carrying "from domain to domain"); on Chol Hamoed, work whose avoidance would result in "significant loss" is permitted. Otherwise, all the mitzvot and customs of Sukkot apply: eating in the sukkah, taking the "four kinds", etc. The "Yaale V'yavo" prayer is included in all prayers and Grace After Meals. Hallel (partial), Hoshaanot and Musaf are recited following the Shacharit (morning) prayers.

It is the Chabad custom not to put on tefillin during Chol Hamoed, as on Shabbat and the festivals.

• Eat in Sukkah (7 days)

The festival of Sukkot, commemorating G-d's enveloping protection of the Children of Israel during their 40-year journey through the desert (1313-1273 BCE), is celebrated for seven days, beginning from the eve of Tishrei 15. During this time, we are commanded to "dwell" in a sukkah -- a hut of temporary construction, with a roof covering of raw, unfinished vegetable matter (branches, reeds, bamboo, etc.) -- signifying the temporality and fragily of human habitation and man-made shelter and our utter dependence upon G-d's protection and providence. "How [does one fulfill] the mitzvah of dwelling in the sukkah? One should eat, drink, and live in the sukkah, both day and night, as one lives in one's house on the other days of the year: for seven days a person should make his home his temporary dwelling, and his sukkah his permanent dwelling" (Code of Jewish Law, Orach Chaim 639:1).

At least one k'zayit (approx. 1 oz.) of bread should be eaten in the sukkah on the first evening of the festival, between nightfall and midnight. A special blessing, Leishiv BaSukkah, is recited. For the rest of the festival, all meals must be eaten in the sukkah (see the Code of Jewish Law or consult a Halachic authority as to what constitutes a "meal"). Chabad custom is to refrain from eating or drinking anything outside of the sukkah, even a glass of water.

Also see: the Ushpizin []

Links: The Big Sukkah []; The Temporary Dwelling []; The Easy Mitzvah []

• The "Four Kinds" (6 days)

"And you shall take for yourself on the first day," instructs the Torah in Leviticus "the splendid fruit of a tree, fronds of dates, the branch of the thick-leafed tree and aravot of the river." Torah SheBaal Peh (the oral tradition given to Moses at Sinai and handed threough the generations, and later documented in the Mishnah and Talmud) identifies the four kinds as the etrog (citron), lulav (unopened palm branch), hadass (myrtle twig, of which three are taken) and aravah (willow, two twigs). The palm branch, three myrtle twigs and two willow twigs are bound together (with rings made from palm leaves).

Each day of Sukkot -- except Shabbat -- we take the lulav in hand, recite a blessing over it, take hold of the trog, hold the "Four Kinds" together, and move them back and forth in all directions (right, left, forward, up, down and back). An additional blessing, shehecheyanu, is recited the first time that the Four Kinds are taken during the festival. We also hold the Four Kinds during the Hallel prayer (moving them as above in specified places in the text) and the Hoshaanot prayers (duriung which we march around the reading table in the synagogue) which are included in the daily service each day of Sukkot.

Link: The Four Mysteries of King Solomon []

• "Water Drawing" Celebrations (7 nights)

When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, one of the special Sukkot observances was to pour water on the Altar. The drawing of water for this purpose was preceded by all-night celebrations in the Temple courtyard; on the 15 steps leading to the azarah (inner courtyard) stood Levites with playing a variety of musical instruments, sages danced juggled burning tourches, and huge oil-burning lamps that illuminated the entire city. The singing and dancing went on until daybreak, when a procession would make its way to the Shiloach Spring which flowed in a valley below the Temple to "draw water with joy." "One who did not see the joy of the water-drawing celebrations," declared the sages of the Talmud, "has not seen joy in his life."

While water was poured each day of the fetival, the special celebrations were held only on Chol Hamoed [] since many of the elements of the celebration (e.g., the playing of musical instruments) are fornidden on Yom Tov.

Today, we commemorate these joyous celebrations by holding Simchal Beit HaShoeivah ("joy of the water drawing") events in the streets, with music and dancing. The Lubavitcher Rebbe initiated the custom of holding such celebrations on Shabbat and Yom Tov as well -- without musical instruments of course. The fact that we cannot celebrate as we did in the Temple, said the Rebbe, means that we are free to celebrate the joy of Sukkot with singing and dancing every day of the festival.

Link: The Taste of Water []

Daily Quote

Send forth your bread upon the surface of the water, for after many days you will find it

- Ecclesiastes 11:1

Daily Study

Chitas and Rambam for today:

Chumash: Vezot Hab'rachah, 5th Portion Devarim 33:22-33:26 with Rashi
• English Text:

Tehillim: Chapters 83 - 87
• Hebrew text:
• English text:

Tanya: Iggeret HaKodesh, beginning of Epistle 23
• Lesson in Tanya:
• RealAudio:
• Windows Media:

• Sefer Hamitzvos:
• 1 Chapter: Nizkey Mamon Chap. 2
• 3 Chapters: Eruvin Chap. 3, 4, 5

Hayom Yom:
• English Text:


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A7news: Arab Arrested Smuggling a Mortar North of Jerusalem

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Arab Arrested Smuggling a Mortar North of Jerusalem
Soldiers manning a standard IDF checkpoint arrested a 50- year-old Arab on Sunday as he tried to smuggle a mortar shell, described as "almost operational", in the Binyamin region.

 1. Arab Arrested Smuggling a Mortar North of Jerusalem
 2. International Community Seeks to Strengthen Faltering PA
 3. Volunteers Join Search for Temple Relics
 4. Police Defy Ruling Allowing Jews to Pray at Temple Mount
 5. US Urges Restraint Following Fatah Terror Attacks
 6. Funeral of Gush Katif Evictee Costs Family NIS 30,000
 7. Leading Kabbalist Urges Jews to Israel - More Disasters Coming

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
16 Tishrei 5766

Arutz Sheva wishes its readers a happy Sukkot holiday.

1. Arab Arrested Smuggling a Mortar North of Jerusalem
By Naomi Grossman

Soldiers manning a standard IDF checkpoint arrested a 50-year-old Arab on Sunday as he tried to smuggle a mortar shell, described as "almost operational", in the Binyamin region.

IDF reservists were stationed at the Bir Zeit roadblock, where they checked the identification documents of those seeking to pass through from among the local Arab population, when they discovered the mortar shell hidden in the trunk of the suspect's car, along with a spare firing mechanism. The driver did not think that he would be stopped at the roadblock, which had been moved from its former position at the edge of town to a more effective location. The driver has been taken to the Jerusalem police headquarters at the Russian Compound for interrogation.

The mortar, which was homemade, was manufactured to a high standard and was very similar to a missile in range - up to five kilometers.

Bir Zeit is adjacent to the community of Ateret in Binyamin, north of Jerusalem.

The Jewish communities in the Samaria-Binyamin region have seen an escalation in violence among the Arabs of Judea and Samaria, particularly in villages nearby and along local roads. There have been an escalating series of shooting, firebomb and rock-throwing attacks on Jews on the roads in recent weeks. Three Israelis were murdered and six wounded in two drive-by shootings by Arab terrorists on Sunday.

In June, Arutz Sheva reported that terrorist organizations in Arab villages of Judea and Samaria have acquired various weapons. At the same time, Arab villagers have stocked up on medicines and food in preparation for long periods of curfew.

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2. International Community Seeks to Strengthen Faltering PA
By Naomi Grossman

As the situation in the Palestinian Authority deteriorates, world leaders are seeking to prop up the PA leader Mahmoud Abbas, primarily by allowing appeasement of Hamas.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called upon Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) to continue efforts toward renewed dialogue in order to avoid "losing the momentum" created by the implementation of the Disengagement Plan by Israel.

In a letter to President Moshe Katsav and PA leader Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), the Russian leader calls for continued diplomatic talks between the two, offering Russia as a forum to host an international summit.

At the same time, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has called upon Israel to cease putting too much pressure on the Palestinian Authority regarding the Hamas terror organization. He asked Israel not to set the disarming of Hamas as a precondition for the Islamist organization's inclusion in the upcoming PA elections in January. Annan said that so doing would prevent the elections, and this would "harm the pragmatic ones, most of all PA leader Abu Mazen."

Annan made these remarks during a meeting with veteran Knesset Member Yossi Sarid of the left-wing Meretz party. Annan did state that he opposes "armed militias taking part in the parliament and therefore, if Hamas is successful, it must lay down its arms prior to entering government."

Yet, despite these statements from leaders abroad, anarchy continues to rage in the Palestinian Authority, while its leader is currently traveling between France and the United States.

One example of the chronic state of disharmony and lawlessness that continues to prevail in Gaza is another Fatah kidnapping that has been reported in Khan Yunis. Meanwhile, 244 members of Abu Mazen's ruling Fatah faction have announced their resignations in a demonstration of no-confidence in the PA leader.

In addition, earlier this week, hundreds of unemployed PA residents protested outside a Gaza government office, blaming the PA leader for the deteriorating situation.

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3. Volunteers Join Search for Temple Relics
By Nissan Ratzlav-Katz & Naomi Grossman

A nature reserve below Mount Scopus in Jerusalem was the scene of an ongoing archaeological rescue project Wednesday.

Dozens of volunteers searched through refuse dumped at the site by the Muslim Wakf (religious authority) in Jerusalem's Old City during the Wakf's construction of underground mosques on the Temple Mount. Archaeologists have found among the refuse many artifacts of historical import, including seals discovered just three weeks ago that date from the era of the First Temple (that built by the Biblical King Solomon).

The volunteers are working at the Ein Tzurim reserve under the direction of archaeologist Tzachi Twig. The general public has been invited to take part in the work, although a poor response was expected due to rainy weather. Sukkas (booths), in honor of the Sukkot holiday, have been erected at the site to display the artifacts recently found during the excavations.

The organizers have faced a number of difficulties from the police regarding the construction of the booths at the site and a permit for the dig. They have lodged a petition with the High Court of Justice requesting an injunction against the police, which would allow the sukkas at Ein Tzurim, as was originally agreed with the Nature and Parks Authority.

"The police have caused problems for us," stated one of the organizers. "They said that the event wasn't authorized. This is the police - which is particularly unhelpful to the Jews."

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4. Police Defy Ruling Allowing Jews to Pray at Temple Mount
By Naomi Grossman & Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

The Jerusalem police station responsible for security on the Temple Mount defied a High Court of Justice ruling permitting Jews to worship on the Temple Mount Wednesday morning.

On Monday, the eve of the Sukkot holiday, the High Court of Justice handed down a ruling officially permitting Jews to pray on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount on Wednesday, between 7:30-9:00am. The court’s decision was in response to a petition filed by the Temple Mount Faithful organization. The ruling stipulated that in order to prevent a confrontation with Muslims, prayers must conclude by 9:00 o'clock, when Islamic worshippers usually arrive.

The decision sets a precedent, as it permits Jews not only to visit the Mount but also to pray there. Such a position has not been taken by the court since at least 1976.

When worshippers arrived on the scene on Wednesday morning at the appointed time, however, the police did not allow them to enter the area, telling them that they were unaware of the High Court ruling. This was in spite of the fact that according to the conditions laid down by the court, the police do not have the authority to unilaterally decide to cancel the permit based on security concerns, as has generally been the case in previous rulings.

“I don’t recognize such a ruling at all,” stated one of the officers at the Temple Mount police station. In the end, officers allowed only three groups to enter the Temple Mount, but they informed them that prayer was strictly prohibited. One of the visitors later told Arutz Sheva that when he asked a policeman if he could pray at the site, the officer replied, “If you intend to pray, it’s better that you don’t go up at all because we’ll only bring you down again.”

However, according to some of those present this morning on the Mount, in practice, the police did not interfere when two groups of Jews ascended the Mount in succession and read from printed pages of the morning prayers. Those who were allowed to enter could only do so from 7:45 till 08:15, in contravention of the High Court ruling.

When the ruling was issued, Justices Cheshin, Beinish and Jubran agreed with the petitioners that a sweeping decision preventing Jews from praying on the Temple Mount only rewarded terror. However, they felt that it was important to take into account the possible dangers that such a visit could precipitate. When Commander Ilan Franco, police commissioner of the Jerusalem region, pointed out that the Arabs only visit the Temple Mount after 9:00am, the judges therefore ruled that the site could open for Jewish prayer before that time.

Originally, the Temple Mount Faithful wanted to visit the Temple Mount from 9:00-10:30am, from where they wished to hold a procession to the Shiloach spring in David’s City, where they wanted to hold a gathering. They also wished to lay a foundation stone for the next Temple at the Givati parking lot near the Temple Mount. However, the court accepted police opposition to the laying of the foundation stone due to concerns that this could lead to rioting. Despite lawyer Naftali Werzberger’s assertion that the police did not have any concrete information of any planned riots, the risk was considered to be too great.

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5. US Urges Restraint Following Fatah Terror Attacks
By Naomi Grossman & Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

The United States has criticized Israel after restrictions were placed on the movements of Arabs in Judea and Samaria in the wake of Sunday’s terror attacks in Gush Etzion and at the Eli Junction.

In a message relayed by Lieut. Gen. William Ward, the US security envoy to the Middle East, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s office asked Israel to “take steps to ease the daily suffering of the Palestinians.” At the same time, Rice added that “Israel has the right to defend itself against terror” and that the Palestinians are also obliged to fight against it.

The IDF has taken a series of measures following the two attacks, in which three Israelis were killed and seven injured. Security forces in the Beit Lechem and Hevron areas have also been beefed up, and both cities have been encircled by an army presence. Roadblocks have been restored around Ramallah, Beit Lechem and Hevron. It was the removal of the blockades that facilitated the terrorists’ getaway on Sunday, providing them a clear escape route to nearby PA autonomous areas.

Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz also reversed an earlier decision to relax travel restrictions on PA residents. PA motorists are banned from driving on roads used by Israelis in private vehicles, a restriction that has proven effective in the war against terror.

PA leader Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) is accusing Israel of inflaming the situation by renewing the roadblocks against PA motorists throughout Judea and Samaria.

At the same time, the Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, associated with the Palestinian Authority leader's Fatah organization, has taken responsibility for the roadside shootings. According to Dr. Michael Widlanski, a specialist in Arab politics and communication, PA radio emphasized, "Both armed attacks were carried out by the Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, which are part of the Fatah movement." No PA officials or media condemned the terrorist attacks, and an initial reaction by PA spokesmen denied Fatah involvement.

Al Aksa spokesman Abu Uday has denied reports that PA security forces have arrested two of the Brigades’ members in Beit Lechem, stating that the terror group has “good” relations with the PA security establishment. Members of the Brigades are included among Fatah’s list of candidates for PA parliamentary elections, due to take place in January 2006.

The terrorists responsible for the shooting attacks still remain at large, in spite of the military having sealed the area immediately following the attack and launching a manhunt. IDF officials are indicating that at this stage of the investigation, intelligence information will be the key factor in apprehending those responsible for the murders.

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6. Funeral of Gush Katif Evictee Costs Family NIS 30,000
By Naomi Grossman

When the late Chezi Chazani - of the destroyed community of Netzer Chazani - passed away last week, his family was forced to pay NIS 30,000 to conduct his funeral - because they are homeless.

The reason given for the fee, paid to the Chevra Kaddisha (Burial Society) of Rishon Lezion, is that the Chazanis - homeless since the Gaza expulsion - are not residents of the municipality and hence not entitled to burial services of the city.

Chezi Chazani (pictured above courtesy of was a leader in the struggle against the recent expulsion from Gaza and northern Samaria.

Chazani’s family wanted him to be laid to rest in Rishon Lezion, where the graves of his parents and grandparents are located. However, the local Chevra Kaddisha informed the family members that because they are not local residents they would have to pay. The family explained how difficult this would be because, since their expulsion from Netzer Chazani, they are living in temporary accommodation in Chispin in the Golan Heights.

According to reports in Yediot Acharonot, the director of the Chevra Kaddisha in Rishon Lezion started to bargain with the family. Chazani’s son told the paper that “they started at [NIS] 12,000, went up to 20,000 and settled for 30,000.” He added that, “the rabbi only agreed to the burial once the check was in his hand.”

The Chevra Kaddisha in Rishon Lezion have denied that this story is true. “It is insolence on the part of the family to make such claims. They didn’t have to pay. The state is paying for it. The deceased wasn’t a resident of Rishon Lezion and he doesn’t need to be buried here,” stated a spokesman.

According to the report, when Minister Matan Vilnai heard the story he intervened and has promised that the Prime Minister’s Office would reimburse the family for the expense.

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7. Leading Kabbalist Urges Jews to Israel - More Disasters Coming
By Baruch Gordon

On Thursday night, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri said, "Jews must come to the land of Israel to receive our righteous Mashiach (Messiah), who has begun his influence and will reveal himself in the future."

It was during the meal after the 24-hour Yom Kippur fast that several followers approached the 104-year-old leading known Kabbalist Rabbi in Israel. A family member asked him about his remarks last month regarding natural disasters in the world. The Rabbi said that the disasters are directly related to the redemption process, which will culminate in the coming of the Mashiach.

The Rabbi added that in the near future, another wave of natural disasters will strike the world.

Last week before Yom Kippur, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri's grandson, Rabbi Yosef Kaduri had a private audience with the elder Rabbi, along with an Arutz-7 journalist who is closely linked to Kaduri's court. Rabbi Yosef Kaduri said to his grandfather, "Not many Jews are coming from overseas. Why should they come?" The Kabbalist answered, "Because of impending danger." Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri then added a quote from Deuteronomy 4:15: "Be extremely protective of your lives."

According to Rabbi Yosef Kaduri and the Arutz-7 journalist, the Kabbalist elder referred to a known esoteric concept of a "struggle between the oceans," and said that the large oceans [Haokeanus hagadol] would strike the world. Rabbi Yosef Kaduri said that grandfather's warning includes were Jews of the Americas.

The elder Rabbi Kaduri told the two that on Yom Kippur he would have more things to say.

During the afternoon Mincha prayer on Yom Kippur, the Kabbalist scholar surprised his students and fellow worshippers with secrets relating to the coming of the Mashiach. During the service, Rabbi Kaduri lowered his head and entered a deep mystical concentration which lasted uninterrupted for some 45 minutes. The Rabbi covered his eyes as though reciting the Sh'ma prayer and only his lips were seen moving.

Students who thought the elderly Rabbi was suffering an attack of sort tried to communicate with him, but he did not break his intense concentration for a moment, even to nod.

Only after some 45 minutes, the Rabbi raised his head and looked around the room at the students and worshippers who were gathered at his Nachalat Yitzhak Yeshiva, in the Bucharim neighborhood of Jerusalem. With a broad smile on his face familiar to his students when he has a revelation, he declared, "With the help of G- d, the soul of the Mashiach has attached itself to a person in Israel" [In the original Hebrew: 'Hit'abra bezrat hashem nishmat mashiach b'adam m'yisrael'].

At the conclusion of his short declaration, murmuring was heard among the congregants as the Kabbalists' words were repeated for those who could not hear.

Rabbi Kaduri has spoken repeatedly about the Final Redemption and referred to the calculations of the Vilna Gaon regarding the redemption, which appear in the Gaon's writings and are considered difficult to decipher.

According to the writings of the Vilna Gaon, a sign of the Gog and Magog war is its breaking out on the Jewish holiday of Hoshana Rabba (the 7th day of the Sukkot holiday), just after the conclusion of the 7th or shemittah [agricultural sabbatical] year.

On September 24, 2001, Channel One Israel TV broadcast an item on what Torah and other mystics were saying in the wake of the World Trade Center attack. Speaking from the room adjacent to where Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri receives visitors, Arutz Sheva Hebrew radio showhost Yehoshua Meiri, a close confident of the Kabbalist, explained to the cameras Rabbi Kaduri's understanding of the events based on the calculations of the Vilna Gaon: "On Hashanah Rabba, the actual war of Gog and Magog will commence and will last for some seven years," said Meiri. [ Click here to view the Channel One clip in Hebrew and Rabbi Kaduri's prediction communicated by Meiri at the 1:40 minute mark.]

Precise to the minute, 13 days later on October 7th as the sun was setting and the Jewish holiday of Hoshana Rabba was ushered in, US and British forces began an aerial bombing campaign targeting Taliban forces and Al-Qaida. That year was the Hoshana Rabba just after the shemitta year of 5761.

According to the calculation, a 7-year count from that Hoshana Rabba is the date of a major revelation associated with Mashiach. Those close to Rabbi Kaduri say in his name that the 5th year of this redemption process is now beginning.

They explain that the above-mentioned "attaching" of a righteous soul to a person of Israel makes the recipient a candidate for Mashiach, but not yet the actual Mashiach. This person gets an additional soul which finds expression in the adding of a letter to his name, without changing its pronunciation. The elder Rabbi Kaduri says that the letter added to this person's name is "vav" and the secret of his power is a Star of David hidden in his attire.

Before he reached the age of 13, the young Yitzhak Kaduri studied with the renowned Rabbi Yosef Chaim (the Ben Ish Chai) of Iraq. Rabbi Kaduri tells that the Ben Ish Chai blessed him that he would live to see the revelation of the Mashiach. The Ben Ish Chai passed away, and Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri immigrated to Israel soon after.

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Today on
Israeli Salad with Yoni Kempinski

An Open Letter to S.A. Halevy
As a journalist with nearly three decades of professional experience, I have to say that your article, while well-written, was the type of piece that one writes and puts in a drawer for a few days. Then, after calming down, one looks at it again and rewrites it without the anger, or simply leaves it in the drawer.
Yedidya Atlas
The Politically Incorrect Nobel Laureate
Alas, the academic Left was in for a surprise. Prof. Aumann is not only politically incorrect, he is strongly opposed to the entire Oslo "peace process", he believes Ariel Sharon's Gaza "disengagement" was the height of folly, and - Marx protect us! - he actually believes in God.
Steven Plaut
The Aristocrat
Must we suffer to flourish? Sukkos tell us no. But start at the beginning.
Rabbi Shimon Posner
The Jewish Obesity Epidemic
For all those who naively thought that religious Zionism's philosophy is on the rocks because of the Disengagement, I can only offer a letter written over 100 years ago by Rabbi A. Y. Kook to his father-in-law, the Aderet.
Dr. Aryeh Hirsch
Jerusalem Dentist
International Sephardic Journal
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