Monday, December 05, 2005

LESSONS IN TANYA: Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Kislev 5, 5766 * December 6, 2005


Today's Lesson:

Kuntres Acharon
(Middle of Essay Four)

contrary..., even though he does not apprehend the essence [of the spiritual intent of the mitzvah as it applies to the visages of Atzilut.

Moreover, his understanding of the essence of the etrog, the object with which the mitzvah is observed, grants him some comprehension of the essence of the mystical reaches of the subject at large.]

It does not apply to [the study of] the order of Hishtalshelut, [the chainlike stages of progressive self-screening whereby the Divine light descends from level to level until ultimately this corporeal world is created]:

Even if one does comprehend the external aspect [of the existence of the Sefirot and spiritual levels involved, this is not intrinsically as worthy as the study of the laws of the mitzvot, where one comprehends and grasps their essence.

[Knowledge of the various spiritual levels may indeed be superior for an unrelated reason, namely, that it leads to a "complete heart" (lev shalem), a wholehearted awe of G-d - and this, as the Alter Rebbe will later say, is the purpose of all the mitzvot.

Intrinsically, however, gaining this knowledge is not superior to studying the laws governing the performance of the mitzvot, whose essence he can understand.]

Moreover, this [study] is considered [in certain cases] the equivalent of actual performance, as it is written, (32) "This is the law [of the burnt offering and the meal offering...]."

[The Gemara comments on this, (33) "He who occupies himself with these laws is considered as if he had actually offered a burnt offering and a meal offering."

Mastering the revealed laws of the commandments is thus, in one sense, superior to delving into the innermost dimension (the pnimiyut) of the Torah, on esoteric subjects such as the order of Hishtalshelut.

For the study of the laws relates to the essence of the subject at hand, such as the physical objects with which the commandments are performed.

G-d's wisdom, moreover, which is inherent in these laws, descends and permeates the physical objects around which the laws revolve.

It is thus the essence of G-d's wisdom that the student comprehends, and thereby he becomes involved in the "wondrous union" described in chapter 5 of Tanya, whereby his mortal intellect simultaneously "encompasses and is encompassed by" the Divine wisdom embodied in the Torah which he is studying.

This intellectual union in turn unites his soul (which transcends his intellect) with the infinite light that is vested in the wisdom of the Torah.

The above is true only when he understands the essence of his subject.

This is the case when he studies (for example) the laws regulating the observance of the commandments.

If, by contrast, his subject is the hierarchies of angels in the Worlds of Beriah, Yetzirah and Asiyah, or, yet higher, the configurations of Sefirot within the World of Atzilut, then his grasp is no more than external: he may indeed be aware of his subject's existence, but he will be unable to know its essence.

And now, all the above notwithstanding, the Alter Rebbe is about to point out the superior aspect of the study of Hishtalshelut.]

However, the knowledge of the existence of the Hishtalshelut is also a lofty and exalted mitzvah. (34)

Indeed, it outweighs them all, [all of the mitzvot and the study of the laws of the Torah.]

Thus it is written, (35) "Know this day [...that the L-rd is G-d]," and (36) "Know the G-d of your father..."; [i.e., there is an obligation to attain a knowledge or apprehension of Divinity.]

Moreover, this leads to a "whole heart," [for the latter verse concludes, "and serve Him with a whole heart"; i.e., a knowledge of G-d leads one to serve Him with one's entire being.

As explained in Likkutei Torah, in the discourse beginning VeLo Tashbit, this refers to serving G-d with awe - and this is the ultimate intent of all the mitzvot, as the Torah states, (37) "G-d has commanded us to perform all these statutes so that we may fear the L-rd our G-d."

And it is the study of the innermost dimensions of the Torah and a knowledge of the various spiritual levels which comprise the order of Hishtalshelut that enable one to fulfill the mitzvah of "knowing G-d," which leads in turn to the "whole heart" of "fearing Him."

Thus the Alter Rebbe concludes]:

And this is the essential thing: [the wholehearted awe of G-d is the ultimate purpose of all the commandments.

As mentioned above, one can attain this state only through a knowledge of the order of Hishtalshelut, even though this knowledge is merely an awareness of its existence and not a grasp of its essence.]

The comprehension of existence entails divesting [this subject] of any physicality....

[In other words, one should endeavor to picture its spirituality.

Hence, as the Rebbe has often stressed, one should study the innermost and mystical dimension of the Torah in such a way that one (38) "derives sustenance from it" (yitparnesun min'ay) - viz., the "sustenance" derived from comprehension.

And soundly-based comprehension can be secured only when this dimension of the Torah is studied with the intellectual elucidation afforded by the teachings of Chabad.]

However, this mitzvah [of knowing G-d and apprehending Divinity] is but one mitzvah of the 613, and a man must fulfill all 613, for they descend from the essence of the external aspect of the vessels of Atzilut, [a source whose standing was explained above.]

Hence, one must extensively study all 613 mitzvot, and [hence] fulfill them in actual practice in thought, speech and deed - which parallel Beriah, Yetzirah and Asiyah respectively - in order to purify whatever needs purification [beirur] there.

[As previously explained, the extraction and elevation of the sparks exiled in the various worlds is the ultimate purpose of creation.]

In addition:

[The Alter Rebbe will now state that beyond the above-discussed superior quality of mitzvot requiring action (as well as the study of their laws), they are also essentially superior to the source of the soul, by virtue of their source.

Thus, the love and awe experienced by the soul, though spiritual in nature, pale in comparison to these mitzvot (even though they are performed with physical entities), not only because these mitzvot and the extraction of the sparks accomplished thereby are the ultimate purpose of creation, but in essence too they are superior to the source of the soul.]

For the truth is that the purifications in Beriah, Yetzirah and Asiyah of the 288 [sparks of Tohu] by means of the Torah and mitzvot that man fulfills in thought, speech and deed, are superior in their source to the Nefesh-Ruach-Neshamah of man [that possess the love and fear of G-d.]

For they derive from the Divine Name Sa'g of the internal aspect of Adam Kadmon, while the Nefesh-Ruach-Neshamah that has already been corrected through the Divine Name Ma'h issues [i.e., this Name issues] from the "forehead" [of Adam Kadmon], being a mere reflection [of it, but not of its essence.]

[The Divine Names Sa'g and Ma'h are two of the four Names that echo the varying numerical values which result when the names of the four letters that comprise the Name Havayah are spelled out in any of four different ways.

For example, one possible spelling entails the repeated use of the letter vav, while another possible spelling entails the repeated use of the letter alef.

When the Hebrew names of the four letters yud and hei and vav and hei are written out with the full complement (milui) of the letter vav, the numerical equivalent of the letters used totals 63 (hence the Divine Name sa'g).

When it is written with the full complement of the letter alef, the numerical equivalent of the letters used totals 45 (hence the Divine Name ma'h).

The Kabbalah explains how the Name Sa'g is related to the World of Tohu, while the Name Ma'h is related to the World of Tikkun, which is inferior to it.

The Alter Rebbe is thus stating here that the purifications of the action-related mitzvot find their source in the Divine Name Sa'g that derives from the internal aspect of Adam Kadmon, the primal Divine thought of creation that encompasses all subsequent stages and levels of creation.

By contrast, since the souls of Jews derive from the World of Tikkun (lit., "correction"), the Nefesh or Ruach or Neshamah is of a level at which it was already corrected by means of the Divine Name Ma'h. And this Name is but a glimmer that derives from the "forehead" of Adam Kadmon.]

Hence it is written, (39) - "...before a king ruled [over the Children of Israel]."

[The verse reads thus: "These are the kings who ruled in the land of Edom before a king ruled over the Children of Israel."

The Kabbalah understands these "kings" as a reference to the Sefirot in the World of Tohu who reigned before (i.e., on a superior level to) "a king who ruled over the Jews," i.e., the World of Tikkun, which is the source of their souls.

For the World of Tikkun is merely a glimmer of Adam Kadmon, while Tohu (from whence derive the exiled sparks and their purification) stems from the Divine Name Sa'g, which is rooted in the internal level of Adam Kadmon.]

For this reason man is sustained by food of the inorganic, vegetative, and living classes, and purifies them by the Ma'h within him, and lives through them, because they derive from Sa'g.

[Since the soul derives from the World of Tikkun and incorporates the Divine Name Ma'h, it is thereby able to extract and purify the sparks found within the inorganic, vegetative and living classes.

Having refined these sparks that are found within the inorganic, vegetative, and living classes, and having drawn Divine energy upon them from their lofty source in Tohu, man in turn is then invigorated by them with an additional measure of spiritual vitality.

But is it not paradoxical that man, who is so far superior to the inorganic, vegetative and living classes, should derive his sustenance from them?

The teachings of Chassidut find the answer in the verse, (40) "Not on bread alone does a man live, but on all that comes forth from G-d's mouth does a man live."

It is not the physical, vegetative bread alone that sustains man, but the creative Divine utterance that is found within the bread.

However, since man is provided with his ongoing existence by his own creative Divine utterance, viz., (41) "Let us make man," why does he need to be sustained by the creative word that sustains vegetative growth (or, for that matter, the inorganic and living classes of existence)?

The answer lies in the fact that the creative utterance that animates bread derives from a loftier source (the World of Tohu) than the source of the creative utterance that animates man (the World of Tikkun).

In terms of the Divine Names, Sa'g transcends Ma'h.]

Furthermore, [there is yet another reason as to why action-related mitzvot are loftier than the soul's love and fear of G-d], as it is written, (42) "My Face - [i.e., My innermost dimension, My pnimiyut, as implied by the word panim] - shall not be seen." (43)

This means that the inwardness of a truly higher degree cannot descend below [in a revealed manner, but only the external aspect and the hinderpart, which are shades of the Supreme Wisdom.

[Thus the love and awe by which a man connects with the Supernal attributes (middot), which are the innermost essence of the Sefirot, cannot draw down into the soul the innermost essence of these attributes, but merely their external aspects.

The action-related mitzvot, by contrast, derive from the Netzach - Hod - Yesod - the external and revelatory aspect - of the Sefirot.

This lower level can descend below in its essential and inward state in action-related mitzvot.]


32. Vayikra 7:37.
33. Menachot 110a.
34. Current Hebrew editions of Tanya read, "a great and exalted
mitzvah," which the Rebbe amends to read "a lofty and
exalted mitzvah." This is how the phrase is quoted (and explained)
in Likkutei Torah on Vayikra, in the discourse entitled VeLo
35. Devarim 4:39.
36. I Divrei HaYamim 28:9.
37. Devarim 6:24.
38. Tikkunei Zohar, end of Tikkun 6; discussed in Likkutei Sichot,
Vol. XV, p. 42ff. et al.
39. Bereishit 36:31.
40. Devarim 8:3.
41. Bereishit 1:26.
42. Shmot 30:23.
43. Note of the Rebbe: "On this entire subject see above in
Iggeret HaKodesh, Epistle XIX."
42. Shmot 30:23.
43. Note of the Rebbe: "On this entire subject see above in
Iggeret HaKodesh, Epistle XIX."


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DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Kislev 5, 5766 * December 6, 2005

D A I L Y M I T Z V A H (M A I M O N I D E S )

Today's Mitzvot (Day 95 of 339):

Positive Mitzvot 150, 151, 152; Negative Mitzvot 172, 174

Positive Mitzvah 150: Checking for Signs in Birds

-Deuteronomy 14:11 "You may eat all clean (kosher) birds"

The Torah lists all the non-kosher birds that are not to be eaten.

Research of that list has shown some common characteristics between
the birds that are forbidden as food. Almost all the prohibited birds
are hunters. We are commanded to check that list and eat only those
which are kosher (see Negative Mitzvah 174).


Positive Mitzvah 151: Checking for Signs in Grasshoppers

-Leviticus 11:21 "Yet these you may eat of every flying creeping thing"

The Torah describes the flying insects that use four legs for walking,
as non-kosher. Only those with the special signs - knees extending
above their feet, using these longer legs to hop on, are allowed to
be eaten.

We are commanded to check for these signs before eating these
grasshoppers. Today, we are unable to determine which grasshoppers
are kosher and which are not.


Positive Mitzvah 152: Checking for Signs in Fish

-Leviticus 11:9 "These you shall eat of all that is in the water"

We are commanded to check for the kosher signs in fish.
These signs are:

1) fins; and
2) scales (see Negative Mitzvah 173).


Introduction to Mitzvot 172-188:

Kosher & Non-Kosher - Different Types of Animals and Meats

Eli had a rash that wouldn't go away.

It itched and irritated him constantly and made him very
uncomfortable. His doctor had prescribed some different creams
for him to put on the rash, but none of them helped.

Finally, the doctor suggested that Eli's mother take him to an
Allergy specialist to do some tests. After a complete examination
and blood tests, the specialist discovered that Eli was allergic
to some foods that he ate.

"You mean I can't eat those foods any more?" Eli asked the doctor.
"No," the doctor answered gently. "They're not good for your

"But all my friends eat them and they don't get these rashes!"
Eli objected.

"Every person's body functions differently - and some people are
more sensitive than others to certain things" the doctor
explained. "These foods are just not right for your body, Eli."

We take our bodies for granted.

When we wake up every morning we expect our hands and feet to
move, our eyes to see and everything to work just fine. Even while
we are sleeping, we are sure that our hearts won't stop beating.

But what is it that makes all our limbs work? Muscles? Oxygen?
Blood cells? Even a person who is not alive has a heart, a brain,
hands, feet, muscles, and cells - and there is plenty of air
around for him to breathe! So why can't he breathe?

Each part of our body has a function and works in a special way.

We have to provide the proper "fuel" and the body works - food,
liquids, air and more. What makes the air activate the lungs? What
makes our stomach digest the food?

The answer is, the "Life force"!

This is the power that makes the body work the way it should.

A person's body may be strong and healthy and function fine to the
tiniest detail - but if the Life Force is taken away - he is not

HaShem gives us this Life Force. It is called our "Neshamah"
our soul.

It keeps our bodies alive and enables us to understand things even
if we can't see, hear or touch them. It helps us to come closer to
HaShem and His Torah and Mitzvot.

Our Neshamah needs "fuel" to keep it going! A different kind of
fuel - something we cannot see or touch. This fuel is spiritual.
When we keep Torah and Mitzvot we are nurturing our Neshamah.

HaShem gives us our Neshamah, and teaches us what is good for it.

The Torah tells us that some types of food are just not right for
us. Our Neshamah is, in a sense, "allergic" to these foods. The
Neshamah of non-Jews are not affected by eating these foods.

This is the way HaShem created the world!

The following Mitzvot concern certain types of meat and foods
which we are forbidden to eat. We must remember that even Kosher
animals must still be slaughtered, prepared cooked and eaten in
a specific way required by Torah.


Negative Mitzvah 172: It is forbidden to eat non-kosher animals

-Deuteronomy 14:7 "These you shall not eat of those that only chew
the cud, or of those that only have the cloven

The Torah gives us two signs to look for in animals (see Positive
Mitzvah 149) in order to determine if the animal is kosher.

They must chew their cud and have split hooves. Any animal which
does not have both these signs (even if it does have one of them)
is not considered to be kosher.


Negative Mitzvah 174: It is forbidden to eat non-kosher birds

-Leviticus 11:13. "And these are they which you shall detest among
the birds, they shall not be eaten"

The Torah lists the types of birds that are not kosher and,
therefore, may not be eaten. We are forbidden to eat any of those
birds that are mentioned. (For a complete list of those birds that
are not kosher see Leviticus 11:13-20.)


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"TODAY'S DAY": Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Kislev 5, 5766 * December 6, 2005

"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"

Thursday, Kislev 5 5704

Torah lessons: Chumash: Vayeitsei, Chamishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 29-34.
Tanya: Here we speak (p. 607)...within those worlds.
(p. 607).

"A ladder was standing on the ground." (1).
Prayer is the ladder that connects souls and G-dhood. And although it stands "...on the ground," the start of Davening being no more than acknowledgement, yet "it's top (2) reaches the Heavens" (3) - a state of total Bitul, self-nullification. But one reaches this level through the prior attainment of comprehension and understanding (4) inherent in P'sukei D'zimra, (5) in the B'rachot of Sh'ma and in Sh'ma proper.

Footnotes: (1) Bereishit 28:12, Yaakov's dream.
(2) I.e. the "peak" of Davening, which is the silent
devotional Amida (or Shemona Essrei).
(3) This is the concluding phrase of the verse "A ladder
(4) Of G-dliness.
(5) "Verses of praise," second section of Shacharit.
Siddur pp. 30-42.


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Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).

For a glossary of terms used in "Today's Day" please click here:

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TODAY IN JUDAISM: Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Kislev 5, 5766 * December 6, 2005


* Laws * Customs * Jewish History * Daily Quote * Daily Study *

Today is: Tuesday, Kislev 5, 5766

Today in Jewish History

• Passing of Maharsha (1631)

Kislev 5 is the yahrtzeit (date of the passing) of Rabbi Shemuel Eliezer Eidel's (1555-1631), known by the acronym "Maharsha". Rabbi Shmuel authored a highly regarded and widely used commentary on the Talmud and its primary commentaries, Rashi and Tosfot.

Daily Quote

In advancing from one state of existence to another state of existence, there is always a "nothingness" in between

- The Chassidic Masters

Daily Study

Chitas and Rambam for today:

Chumash: Vayeitzei, 3rd Portion Bereishit 29:18-30:13 with Rashi
• English Text:

Tehillim: Chapters 29 - 34
• Hebrew text:
• English text:

Tanya: Kuntres Acharon, middle of Essay 4
• Lesson in Tanya:
• RealAudio:
• Windows Media:

• Sefer Hamitzvos:
• 1 Chapter: Chovel uMazzik Chap. 8
• 3 Chapters: Ma'achalot 'Asurot Chap. 2, 3, 4

Hayom Yom:
• English Text:


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DAILY DOSE: Questioning the Divine


Questioning the Divine

(To Elie Wiesel:)

Abraham, father of us all, questioned G-d's justice. So did Moses. So did Rabbi Akiva. So did many enlightened souls. You are not the first.

Of all those who questioned, there were two approaches: Those who meant it, and those who did not.

Those who wanted understanding gained understanding --a sense of nothingness encountering a reality far beyond our puny minds.

Those who asked but did not want to understand
gained nothing.

A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe
-words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman
Kislev 4, 5766 * December 5, 2005


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A7news: Palestinian Terrorism - Five Murdered in Netanya Attack

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Palestinian Terrorism: Five Dead in Netanya
Second time in five months: A Palestinian suicide terrorist murders five people at the HaSharon Mall in Netanya. Some 50 were wounded, including at least three in critical condition.
Full Story Below

 1. Palestinian Terrorism: Five Dead in Netanya
 2. Israel Threatens Iran
 3. Landau Quits Race, and Other Election Tidbits
 4. Mofaz Orders Army to Kill Kassam Rocket Terrorists
 5. Kassams Near Netivot; Two Treated for Shock; Home Damaged
 6. Expelled Residents are Dispersed Throughout the Country
 7. PA Party Campaign Slogan: "Destroy the Zionist Enterprise"
 8. John Batchelor To Broadcast From Arutz Sheva Studios
 9. On A7radio: Veteran Composer Moshe "Mona" Rosenblum on New CD

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Editor: Hillel Fendel
Monday, December 05, 2005
4 Kislev 5766

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1. Palestinian Terrorism: Five Dead in Netanya
By Hillel Fendel

Second time in five months: A Palestinian suicide terrorist murders five people at the HaSharon Mall in Netanya. Some 50 were wounded, including at least three in critical condition.

The blast occurred at approximately 11:30 AM. Some 55 people are reported wounded in light and moderate condition. Approximately half of them were evacuated to Laniado Hospital in Netanya, and the others were taken to Hillel Yafeh in Hadera and Meir in Kfar Saba

Large police forces flooded the area and erected checkpoints, causing large traffic jams, and helicopters were sent into the air, to try to track down those responsible for driving the murderer to the site. Two cars were reportedly seen speeding away from the site of the attack.

As has occurred many times in the past, the terrorist was unsuccessful in entering the mall, and was forced to detonate himself outside the building. A policewoman who was lightly wounded reported that a passerby alerted her to a suspicious figure, who began to run when she gave chase in her police car. "He was blonde, tall and holding a large bag. One of the [mall's] guards grabbed him by the shoulder, but I yelled, 'Forget the shoulder, get his hand!' because I saw that he had his hand in the bag. But then he blew himself up..." She said it was the seventh time she had been present at the scene of a terrorist attack.

Other witnesses that the guard pushed the terrorist away from the entrance to the mall. Police Chief Moshe Karadi said the explosion occurred about ten meters from the mall entrance.

It is assumed that the Islamic Jihad is behind the murderous attack. The Palestinian Authority issued an immediate condemnation - but Israeli sources say it has almost never taken concrete action against the terrorists in its midst.

The HaSharon Mall has seen similar scenes before. Five months ago, on July 12, five people were killed when a suicide terrorist blew himself up outside the entrance to the mall. Close to 90 people were wounded. The 18-year-old murderer was a resident of Tul Karem, just a few kilometers to the east of Netanya. In May 2001, a suicide terrorist blew himself up in the same place, killing five.

Less than a half-hour after the attack, commentators noted that once again, the controversial partition fence/wall had not succeeded in keeping the terrorists out. One surmisal is that the terrorist had simply hitched a ride into Netanya.

This was the fifth such attack this year. Just six weeks ago, a terrorist bombing in an open-air market in the city of Hadera, to the north of Netanya, killed five people and wounded more than 30.

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2. Israel Threatens Iran
By Hillel Fendel

The Iranian nuclear threat has been known for years, but only now has it suddenly become a hot issue in Israel. PM Sharon: "We cannot allow a situation in which Iran becomes a nuclear power."

Speaking at a joint press conference with his new political partner Shimon Peres on Sunday, Prime Minister Sharon said, "We see Iran as a great threat. This is an international problem, and not just ours. I think it's clear that we cannot allow a situation in which Iran becomes a nuclear power. Israel is not the one leading the process, but it is a partner with those countries that are concerned about this dangerous development. We are working together with Europe and the U.S. It seems to me that the most correct expression was that of President Bush who said, 'I don't think that this topic can be left on the agenda without fundamental treatment.'"

International Atomic Energy Agency Chairman Mohammed El Baradei told the British newspaper “The Independent” that once Iran resumes the enrichment of uranium, it will be only “a few months” away from manufacturing an atomic bomb. El Baradei estimates that the Iranians will resume uranium enrichment at its reactor in Bantaz over the next few days.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz said on Sunday that he does not believe that diplomacy will solve the problem of the Iranian threat. Speaking with members of the foreign press in Tel Aviv, Halutz said he does not believe American and European pressure on Iran regarding ongoing nuclear enrichment efforts will bear fruit.

The IDF commander pointed out that Iran has continued its nuclear program to date, despite international pressure.

MK Dr. Yuval Shteinitz (Likud), Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said that Israel must take seriously a warning by an Iranian official that Tehran is working towards establishing 20 nuclear reactors.

The head of Iran’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, has said that Iran has issued permits for the construction of another 20 nuclear power plants. Two are slated to be built in March 2006.

Shteinitz added that Iran is seeking to become a global nuclear power, working toward building tens of nuclear weapons in the coming years.

Iran reacted with threats of its own. "Israel knows that if it takes a mistaken step, it will be met with a strong response from Iran," said a Foreign Ministry spokesman in Tehran. "Israel's declarations are influenced from the internal crisis of the Zionists, and its threats indicate that it is an element that endangers the region."

Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, a candidate for Chairman of the Likud Party, was asked this morning on Army Radio why this issue has suddenly come to the fore. Does it have something to do with the current election, he was asked? "You'll have to ask those who brought it up," he responded. "I have been dealing with this issue for a long time, trying to get it on the United Nations agenda. Up until about two months ago, it was thought that this was only Israel's problem - but now the world is realizing that Iran is also manufacturing missiles that can reach London, Rome, Paris, and Madrid."

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3. Landau Quits Race, and Other Election Tidbits
By Hillel Fendel

MK Uzi Landau announced his withdrawal this afternoon from the race for Likud Party Chairman and Prime Ministerial candidate. He now supports Binyamin Netanyahu.

Landau denied last night that he was quitting. However, he met with front-running Binyamin Netanyahu afterwards, and the two came up with an agreement on diplomatic and other issues. "I don't think that Netanyahu will join a Sharon-led government," Landau said, "and that's why I'm supporting him."

Though Landau threw his support behind the candidacy of former Prime Minister Netanyahu, Minister Katz said he expects many Landau supporters to vote for him [Katz]. Katz is currently in last or next-to-last place in the 5-man race, according to most polls.

Another candidate, Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz, said, "The union of Uzi Landau and Binyamin Netanyahu will diminish even further the number of Knesset seats the Likud will receive. They did it because Netanyahu is feeling the strain, and because support for me is growing."

Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, who is also running for Likud head, was forced to deal with an uncomfortable endorsement this morning. Finance Minister Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon's #2 man in the new Kadima party, said, "I don't want to intervene in the affairs of another party, but if someone were to ask me, I would say that Shalom is the candidate with whom Sharon will best be able to work and form a coalition after the elections."

Minister Shalom responded by saying that most of those who support him in Kadima are people who supported him since their days in the Likud. "I was the one who brought them into the Likud in the first place," he said - but he did not explain why they transferred their support to Sharon and Kadima.

It was also reported that Omri Sharon, the Prime Minister's son, has instructed his supporters who remained in the Likud to vote for Shalom. Omri Sharon denied the reports.

Elsewhere in the right-wing camp, talks between the National Union and the National Religious Party regarding their election merger have stalled somewhat. A National Union aide said that the talks are in fact stuck on several issues, "but they will continue until we either overcome them or do not."

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4. Mofaz Orders Army to Kill Kassam Rocket Terrorists
By Hillel Fendel

Following several days of rocket attacks from Gaza, Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz has instructed the army to resume targeted killings against those involved in the rocket attacks.

Three or four Kassam rockets were fired yesterday at the community of Shuva, to the west of Gaza. Two women were treated for shock, and damage was caused to a home.

Shuva is over six kilometers (four miles) from Gaza. By contrast, long-time popular Kassam rocket target Sderot is only 3.5 kilometers from Gaza.

Shuva is also located just five kilometers to the west of Netivot, one of the largest cities in the Negev.

Mofaz informed the IDF that the policy of liquidating terrorist leaders in Gaza must be resumed, in order to put a stop to the rocket firings towards southern Israel. Among the targets, he said, would be those who manufacture the rockets and those who fire them.

Shortly after the rockets hit Shuva, IDF artillery fired at areas from where it was assumed the Kassams were fired. A defense official said this would not be the only Israeli retaliation.

Eran Sternberg, former spokesman of what was the Gaza Coast (Gush Katif) Regional Council, said, "The IDF has used planes and artillery in the past, and now Mofaz says that they must respond with 'sharp' measures. Does he mean to add paprika? ... Of course all he plans to do is to fire at open areas; Heaven forbid he should harm the upcoming elections in the Palestinian Authority. It appears that the 'fruits of the disengagement' are still ahead of us."

MK Zahava Gal'on (Meretz) said that Mofaz’s decision to renew targeted killings in Gaza was based on electoral considerations. “There are those who think that a small war will help them in their election campaign,” she said. “The targeted killings only bring about an intensification of violence in the region.”

Mofaz is running for head of the Likud Party.

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5. Kassams Near Netivot; Two Treated for Shock; Home Damaged
By Scott Shiloh

Two Kassam rockets fell on the town of Shuva at 5:00 Sunday afternoon. Two persons were treated for shock, and a home was damaged from shrapnel.

The rockets were fired from the PA-controlled Gaza district. One landed in the yard of a house which was lightly damaged from shrapnel. Another fell in open territory. Two women from the town were treated for shock after the Kassams exploded.

Shuva, west of Netivot, is located eight kilometers from the Gaza border. According to IDF officials, this is the average range of a Kassam rocket.

Earlier on Sunday, terrorists from the PA attempted to fire mortar shells into Israeli territory. One shell landed near the former Erez industrial zone, just south of the crossing into Israel. No injuries were reported in that incident.

The attacks occurred despite an earlier Israeli air strike against the Islamic Jihad terror group in an effort to hit an area where the terrorists are suspected of firing rockets into Israel.

In that raid, the first air strike against Gaza in a month, Israeli jets fired missiles into a target which fronted as an Islamic charity that gave out money to the families of dead terrorists.

The IDF said that no persons were injured in the raid.

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6. Expelled Residents are Dispersed Throughout the Country
By Hillel Fendel

A list has been compiled depicting the dispersion of the Katif/Shomron residents. One former resident responded: "Scary and shocking how they separated us. This is exactly what they tried to do!"

The list was compiled by Orit Yogev of the Orange Cell organization and appears on - former Ganei Tal resident Moti Sender's website that has unified all of Gush Katif with up-to-date news, announcements and articles. In chart form, the list shows that the expelled families are spread out in over 35 locations throughout the country.

The dispersion list shows the following distribution of the 1,796 expelled families:
* 260 families have separated from their original communities and have found independent solutions throughout Israel

* 624 families are still in temporary housing such as tent sites and hotels

* 912 families are in the structures that will house them for the next 2-3 years, until their permanent communities are ready. These include 370 families living in the light-construction pre-fab village of Nitzan, north of Ashkelon.

The 370 families in Nitzan include families from 15 destroyed Jewish communities, including two from Ganim in the Shomron. Among them are 150 from N'vei Dekalim, 82 from Nisanit, 32 each from Bdolach and Gadid, and 1 each from Tel Katifa, Elei Sinai, Slav and Pe'at Sadeh.

Kibbutz Yad Chana in the Galilee has 236 families from the destroyed Shomron communities of Chomesh, Ganim and Kadim.

In Yad Binyamin, roughly halfway between Jerusalem and Ashdod, 202 families are trying to rebuild their lives. These include 100 families that lived in N'vei Dekalim or were otherwise a part of the Torat HaChaim yeshiva there, the entire community of Ganei Tal, and others.

Other more-or-less settled sites include:
* Yevul in the Halutza Sands area, south of Gaza (from Netzarim),
* nearby Yated (Atzmonah),
* Mavkiim near Ashkelon (Pe'at Sadeh and Rafiah Yam),
* Or HaNer near Sderot (Elei Sinai and Nisanit), and
* Teneh-Omarim in the Har Hevron Regional Council of Judea (mostly from Morag).

On the other hand, more than a third of the total of 1,796 expelled families still live - almost four months after the expulsion - in ultra-temporary sites such as hotels and tent sites. Close to 120 families, from Katif, N'vei Dekalim, and elsewhere, live in two Ashkelon hotels, while the 60 families of Kfar Darom are still in the Paradise Hotel in Be'er Sheva. 181 families from N'vei Dekalim are spread among six Jerusalem hotels.

70 families from Atzmonah and Katif are living in the Faith City encampment outside Netivot, while another 39 - mostly from Gadid, but also from three other destroyed communities - are in Chafetz Chaim.

36 families from Elei Sinai are in an encampment outside Yad Mordechai, between Ashkelon and northern Gaza. Over 50 families from Netzer Hazani are split between Hispin in the Golan Heights and Ein Tzurim near Ashkelon. Most of Tel Katifa, 14 families, are in Even Shmuel.

A visitor to the site offered the following comment:
"We must not forget this 'Diaspora.' As people who were uprooted, their emotional state is very difficult, and is made harder because they are not in their originall communities, but are rather alone, among people who, with all their sympathy, cannot really understand. In addition, I imagine that they are also experiencing the nice bureaucracy of the Disengagement Authority..."

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7. PA Party Campaign Slogan: "Destroy the Zionist Enterprise"
By Scott Shiloh

Destroying the Zionist enterprise is the electoral platform of the PFLP, the veteran PLO faction responsible for the murder of Minister Rehavam Ze'evi, which is running in the PA election.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a veteran component of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), will be running in January’s Palestinian Authority election under the banner, “Destroy the Zionist Enterprise.”

At the head of the PFLP’s list for the PA parliament is Ahmed Sa’adat, the organization’s chairman, who ordered the assassination of Israeli minister Rehavam Ze’evi in October 2003. Another prominent figure on the list is Mohammed Alrimawi, who led the hit men who shot Ze’evi.

Sa’adat and Alrimawi are supposed to be serving time in a Jericho prison for that assassination. The PA agreed to imprison the two men under pressure from the United States and Great Britain.

The terrorist group’s platform for the PA elections was composed by George Habash, who founded the Marxist-Leninist organization in 1968.

Although the group’s ideology has become anachronistic in an era when most Arab terror groups base their terror on Islamic jihad, or holy war, the PFLP, which has strong ties to the ruling clique in Syria, remains a significant force in the PLO.

In an open letter commemorating the UN decision on November 29, 1947, to partition the land of Israel between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River into separate Arab and Jewish states, Habash said the main goal of his group is “the total liberation of Palestinian land and putting an end to the Zionist enterprise.”

Excerpts from Habash’s letter, which serves as the platform of the PFLP, appear below:

“We stand today on the anniversary marking the decision to partition Palestine, a difficult day of remembrance when the Zionist occupiers won international recognition in the form of Security Council Resolution 181. For 56 years we are still struggling with the ramifications of the partition plan…including frequent attempts to annul the right of return [of Arabs who fled Israel in 1948], the seizure of land in the West Bank through the expansion of settlements and construction of the racist separation barrier.”

“The Palestinian endeavor to attain liberation and independence, and the establishment of an independent state…is a comprehensive initiative that starts with the liberation of all of the West Bank and [Gaza] Strip, and ends with the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine, the realization of the return of the Palestinian people in the diaspora, and the liquidation the Zionist enterprise that was established with the support of Western imperialism.”

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8. John Batchelor To Broadcast From Arutz Sheva Studios
By Baruch Gordon

( ABC Radio's nationally-syndicated "John Batchelor Show" will broadcast live Monday night from the Arutz Sheva Radio War Wagon alongside Israel's border with Gaza.

For the next three days, Arutz Sheva joins in hosting John Batchelor and his cohost,'s Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein.

In an exclusive interview with Arutz-7, Batchelor explained the purpose of his trip to the Middle East: "This is where the war is. The bad guys are in every direction. I'm going to talk to the bad guys and make it very clear to my audience back home, who the threat is." After a pause, Batchelor added, "And it ain't Israel."

Arutz Sheva's Yedidya Atlas will join Batchelor for segments of his broadcast. The show will be coming to listeners from inside Arutz Sheva's mobile studio or "War Wagon," parked near an Israeli Defense Forces artillery outpost in a Negev town that borders Gaza. The IDF artillery unit is used to fire at rocket launching sites in Gaza following Arab rocket and mortar attacks at Jewish towns in the border area.

A good portion of the Monday night show will focus on today's deadly terrorist attack in Netanya, Israel's upcoming parliamentary and prime ministerial elections, and the aftershocks of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's destruction of 25 Jewish communities this past summer in Gaza and northern Samaria.

On Wednesday night, Batchelor will broadcast from the Beit El studios of Arutz Sheva, located just north of Ramallah in Samaria. On Thursday and Friday, Batchelor will continue on to an undisclosed country, next to Israel.

Batchelor, New York City's No. 1 rated nighttime talk-show host, quickly achieved the highest ratings on WABC-AM during the 9-11 aftermath with his insightful and passionate debate surrounding the war on terrorism. Batchelor began national syndication in March 2003, and can now be heard on over 30 affiliated stations, including WABC 770 in New York, WMAL 630 in Washington, WKRO 680 in Boston and WWBA 1040 in Tampa – all of which provide Internet links for listening to the program online.

His show covers a wide variety of topics – from military battles, presidential campaigns, planetary exploration and Hollywood politicos, to Batchelor's own international travel. He has broadcast from all corners of the world and regularly brings on guests from New York, Jerusalem, Des Moines, Kazakhstan, Manchester, Morocco, Boston, Taipei, Washington and Baghdad.

Batchelor has published seven political novels, as well as the best-known history of the Republican Party, "Ain't You Glad You Joined the Republicans?"

For more information about Batchelor, or to listen online, visit the show's interactive website. To request Batchelor in your area, contact your ABC affiliate manager at (212) 735-1700.

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