Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Portland Moshiach Center Menorah

DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Dedicated in the merit of the complete recovery of Tzvi Meir Ben Sosha
Vita, who is looking for a kidney donor, please call (323) 634-7371
or email mitzvah@juno.com if you can help, blood type O+ or O-
(Dedicate an email: http://www.chabad.org/161795)

Kislev 27, 5766 * December 28, 2005

D A I L Y M I T Z V A H (M A I M O N I D E S )

Today's Mitzvot (Day 117 of 339):

Positive Mitzvot 115, 116, 117

Positive Mitzvah 115: Donating the Value of Animals

-Leviticus 27:11-12 "Then he shall present the animal before the
priest and the priest shall value it"

A person may want to make a donation to the service of HaShem
equal to the value of a non-kosher animal or an animal that may
not be sacrificed.

He is to consult the priest to evaluate the animal according to
specific Torah guidelines.

The amount that the priest determines the animal to be worth will
be the amount that the donor must contribute.


Positive Mitzvah 116: Donating the Value of Houses

-Leviticus 27:14 "And if a man shall sanctify his house...the priest
shall estimate it"

A person may want to make a donation to the service of HaShem, equal
to the value of his house. The priest determines the amount according
to guidelines set in the Torah and the donor is commanded to
contribute that amount.


Positive Mitzvah 117: Donating the Value of Fields

-Leviticus 27:16-22 "And if a man shall dedicate some part of a field"

A person who wants to make a contribution to the service of HaShem
equal to the value of his field, consults the priest.

The field is evaluated according to the guidelines set in the Torah
and the donor is commanded to contribute that amount.


Chanukah is just around the corner!

Our extensive Chanukah website has how-to’s, stories, lessons, games and even recipes! It's sure to make your holiday more meaningful and insightful! All this at:


Tip: Join a public menorah lighting or Chanukah event in your area too!


Send Chanukah Greeting Cards to friends and family:


New! Featured Chanukah Videos:

SEASONS: A Chanukah Thought: http://www.chabad.org/335975
MIRACLES: A Chanukah Film: http://www.chabad.org/329867
MIRACLE LIGHTS: An Animated Production: http://www.chabad.org/339352

Wishing you and your family a Happy Chanukah!


Brought to you by Chabad.org

To listen to an audio version of today's lesson, please click one of the following links:

MP3: http://www.chabad.org/dailystudy/audio.asp?what=seferhamitzvot&tDate=12/28/2005&format=m3u
Real: http://www.chabad.org/dailystudy/audio.asp?what=seferhamitzvot&tDate=12/28/2005&format=rm

To view this lesson online with its many features please visit: http://www.chabad.org/dailystudy/seferHamitzvos.asp

For more daily Torah study, please visit: http://www.chabad.org/dailystudy/


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LESSONS IN TANYA: Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Dedicated in the merit of the complete recovery of Tzvi Meir Ben Sosha
Vita, who is looking for a kidney donor, please call (323) 634-7371
or email mitzvah@juno.com if you can help, blood type O+ or O-
(Dedicate an email: http://www.chabad.org/161795)

Kislev 27, 5766 * December 28, 2005


Today's Lesson:

Likutei Amarim
Chapter Four

In addition [to its ten faculties - discussed in ch. 3], every divine soul [nefesh elokit] possesses three garments.

[The soul possesses three auxiliary powers, which are its instruments of expression. Like garments, they can be donned or shed at will. When the soul utilizes any of these three powers it is `clothed' in them; when it does not use them, it is `divested' of them.

Also, just as garments give expression to their wearer's beauty and importance, so, too, when the soul dons and utilizes these `garments', its intellect and emotion find expression.]

They [the garments] are: thought, speech and action [as they find expression] in the 613 commandments of the Torah.

[The Alter Rebbe now goes on to explain how the divine soul expresses itself through these three garments.]

For, when a person actively fulfills all the precepts which require physical action [e.g., when he dons the tefillin or fulfills the commandment of tzitzit, etc.], and with his power of speech he occupies himself in expounding all the 613 commandments and the laws governing their fulfillments, [i.e., the person's speech is immersed in the study of Torah which includes the exposition of the commandments.

For example, Tractate Berachot deals with the commandments and the laws of blessings; Tractate Shabbat deals with the commandments and laws of Shabbat observance, etc.], and with his power of thought he comprehends all that he is capable of understanding in the Pardes [i.e., the four levels] of Torah,

[The word Pardes, whose literal meaning is `orchard', is here used as an acronym of the four Hebrew words, Pshat, Remez, Derush and Sod, meaning, respectively: plain sense, intimation, homiletical exposition and esoteric meaning - the four levels of Scriptural interpretation.]

then all of his soul's 613 `organs' are clothed in the 613 commandments of the Torah.

[Just as the human body consists of 248 organs and 365 blood vessels, corresponding to the Torah's 248 positive commandments and 365 prohibitive commandments (613 in all), the soul similarly comprises 613 `organs' - the spiritual counterpart of the 613 bodily organs - each `organ' corresponding to a specific commandment.

When, through its three `garments' (thought, speech and action), the soul embraces all 613 commandments, then all 613 `organs' of the soul are enclothed in all 613 commandments - each `organ' of the soul in its related commandment.

(Note the Alter Rebbe's emphasis of the word `all' (`all the precepts which require physical action, `in expounding all the 613 commandments, `all that he is capable of understanding'). Should his `garments' fail to include all 613 commandments - were he to omit one specific commandment - then the corresponding `organ' of the soul will remain bereft of its mitzvah-`garment'.)

Thus we see, in a general sense, how fulfillment of all the commandments with one's thought, speech and action, `clothes' the entire soul in all 613 commandments of the Torah. The Alter Rebbe now goes on to specify which components of the soul are `clothed' by which particular garment.]

Specifically: the CHaBaD of his soul [i.e., his intellectual faculties] are clothed in the comprehension of the Torah, which he comprehends in [the four levels of] Pardes of the Torah, to the extent of his mental capacity and according to the supernal root of his soul.

[One's mental capacity determines how much he may understand; the root of his soul determines the area in Torah for which he will have the greatest aptitude. For example, one whose soul is related to the level of Pshat is more likely to comprehend the straightforward meaning of the words of Torah; a soul related to Remez will delve to the stratum of implied meaning underlying the words; and so on.

When the person comprehends Torah to the extent of his mental capacity then the CHaBaD components of his soul are clothed in the garment of thought of Torah, i.e., thought as it is related to Torah.]

And the middot, namely [the emotions of] fear and love [of the Al-mighty] together with their offshoots and ramifications, are clothed in the fulfillment of the commandments in deed and in word, [`in word'] meaning in the study of Torah, which is (1) `the equivalent of all the commandments.'

[The Alter Rebbe's previous statement, that in comprehending Torah the soul's faculty of intellect clothes itself in thought, requires no further elaboration; it goes without saying that the intellect can comprehend Torah only through the vehicle of thought.

His latter statement, however (that the middot are clothed in the fulfillment of the commandments in deed or in word), requires further amplification. What connection do the middot of fear and love have with action and speech? The seat of the emotions is in the heart; how do they come to clothe themselves in actions which are done with one's hand (in donning tefillin, for example), or in speech where one uses his mouth (such as in oral Torah study)?

In answer to this question, the Alter Rebbe explains that completeness in the performance of the commandments demands love and fear of G-d; one can bring to his fulfillment of the commandments the fullness generated by vitality and depth of feeling only when he is imbued with fear and love of the Al-mighty. In the Alter Rebbe's words]:

For love is the root of [a Jew's observance of] all the 248 positive commands; from it they issue forth, and without it they have no true substance.

For he who fulfills them in truth, is he who loves G-d's Name and who truly desires to cleave to Him.

Now, one cannot truly cleave to Him except through the fulfillment of the 248 positive commandments, [Thus, one's love of G-d and desire to cleave to Him dictate that he observe the commandments. Why is it possible to cleave to G-d only by fulfilling the commandments]? for they are the 248 (2) `organs of the King' [of G-d, King of the universe], as it were, as is explained elsewhere. (3)

[Just as each of the organs of a human being is a vessel for the particular soul power that clothes itself in it (e.g., the eye is a vessel fot the power of sight, the ear for hearing, and so on), so is each commandment a vessel for the specific aspect of G-d's Will (the `Supernal Will') which clothes itself in that particular commandment.

Each commandment expresses not only the Supernal Will that a specific act be carried out, but also the particulars of its observance. Thus it is understood that by performing the commandments one achieves unity with G-d, Whose Will they express.

It follows, then, that love of G-d clothes (or expresses) itself in one's performance of the 248 positive commandments; it is their root and life-force, which leads one to observe them with the totality of one's being. For when one loves G-d and desires to cleave to Him, he will perform His commandments as he would perform a task for a dear friend - with delight and zest, and with all of his being.]

Fear is the root of [one's observance of] the 365 prohibitive commands, for he [the G-d-fearing person] will fear to rebel against the Supreme King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He [by acting in defiance of His Will; he will therefore refrain from any thing that G-d forbade. At this level, the word `fear' is taken in its simple sense - trepidation before the severity of G-d's command.]

Or a deeper [level of] fear - that he feels ashamed before G-d's greatness, so that he will not rebel against the [all-seeing] eyes of His glory by doing what is evil in His eyes, namely, any of the abominable things hated by G-d, which are the kelipot and sitra achra [the `other side' - that which is the opposite of holiness], which draw their nurture from man below [in this world] and have their hold in him [so that they be able to derive their nurture and life through him] through [his violation of] the 365 prohibitive commandments.

[When a person transgresses a prohibitive commandment, G-d forbid, he provides the kelipot with additional strength and vitality. Since kelipot and the sitra achra are entities which conceal G-dliness and holiness and are as such despised by G-d, the Jew therefore guards himself against transgressing. He is `ashamed' to transgress and give the kelipot strength and life. Thus, fear of G-d clothes itself in the observance of prohibitive commandments; for one's fear of G-d enables him to withstand temptation and refrain from transgression.

We now understand clearly how fear and love of G-d are related to the fulfillment of the commandments, and how the middot are the root and life-force in the performance of commandments in both action and speech.


1. Mishnah, Peah 1:1.
2. Tikkunei Zohar, Tikkun 30.
3. See further, ch. 23.


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New! Featured Chanukah Videos:

SEASONS: A Chanukah Thought: http://www.chabad.org/335975
MIRACLES: A Chanukah Film: http://www.chabad.org/329867
MIRACLE LIGHTS: An Animated Production: http://www.chabad.org/339352

Wishing you and your family a Happy Chanukah!


© Copyright
Kehot Publication Society
770 Eastern Parkway / Brooklyn, New York 11213
(718) 774-4000 / FAX (718) 774-2718

Brought to you by Chabad.org

To listen to an audio version of today's lesson, please click one of the following links:

MP3: http://www.chabad.org/dailystudy/audio.asp?what=tanya&tDate=12/28/2005&format=m3u
Real: http://www.chabad.org/dailystudy/audio.asp?what=tanya&tDate=12/28/2005&format=rm

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"TODAY'S DAY": Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Dedicated in the merit of the complete recovery of Tzvi Meir Ben Sosha
Vita, who is looking for a kidney donor, please call (323) 634-7371
or email mitzvah@juno.com if you can help, blood type O+ or O-
(Dedicate an email: http://www.chabad.org/161795)

Kislev 27, 5766 * December 28, 2005

"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"

Sunday, Kislev 27, Third Day of Chanuka, 5703

Torah lessons: Chumash: Mikeitz, first Parsha, with Rashi. *
Tehillim: 120-134.
Tanya: Ch. 3. Now, each (p. 9)...and dread of Him
(p. 11).

During the Alter Rebbe's second arrest (1) in 5561 (1800) he was not incarcerated as harshly as the first time. However the charges were more ominous for they were aimed at the doctrines of Chassidus and the opposition was intense. He was held in "Taini Soviet" prison and released on the Third Light of Chanuka.

Footnote: (1) See "On Learning Chassidus" Kehot, p. 24.


Chanukah is just around the corner!

Our extensive Chanukah website has how-to’s, stories, lessons, games and even recipes! It's sure to make your holiday more meaningful and insightful! All this at:


Tip: Join a public menorah lighting or Chanukah event in your area too!


Send Chanukah Greeting Cards to friends and family:


New! Featured Chanukah Videos:

SEASONS: A Chanukah Thought: http://www.chabad.org/335975
MIRACLES: A Chanukah Film: http://www.chabad.org/329867
MIRACLE LIGHTS: An Animated Production: http://www.chabad.org/339352

Wishing you and your family a Happy Chanukah!


Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).

For a glossary of terms used in "Today's Day" please click here:

© Copyright
Kehot Publication Society
770 Eastern Parkway / Brooklyn, New York 11213
(718) 774-4000 / FAX (718) 774-2718

Brought to you by Chabad.org

To view this lesson online with its many features please visit: http://www.chabad.org/dailystudy/hayomyom.asp

For more daily Torah study, please visit: http://www.chabad.org/dailystudy/


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TODAY IN JUDAISM: Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Dedicated in the merit of the complete recovery of Tzvi Meir Ben Sosha
Vita, who is looking for a kidney donor, please call (323) 634-7371
or email mitzvah@juno.com if you can help, blood type O+ or O-
(Dedicate an email: http://www.chabad.org/161795)

Kislev 27, 5766 * December 28, 2005


* Laws * Customs * Jewish History * Daily Quote * Daily Study *

Today is: Wednesday, Kislev 27, 5766
Chanukah Day 3

Today's Laws & Customs

• Kindle Four Chanukah Lights tonight

In commemorartion of the miracle of Chanukah (see "Today in Jewish History [http://www.chabad.org/225034]" for Kislev 25) we kindle the Chanukah lights -- oli lamps or candles -- each evening of the eight-day festival, increasing the number of lights each evening. Tonight we kindle four lights. (In the Jewish calendar, the day begins at nightfall; this evening, then, commences the 4th day of Chanukah).

The icon below displays the ideal Chanukah lighting time for your location; the lighting can be done, however, later in the evening as well. For more on Chanukah lighting times, click here [http://www.chabad.org/224506]. (If no time is displayed, click on icon to set your location.)

For more a more detailed guide to Chanukah lighting click here [http://www.chabad.org/103868]. For text and audio of the blessings recited before lighting, click here [http://www.chabad.org/219029].

Additional Chanukah observances and customs are listed below:

• Hallel & Al HaNissim

Special prayers of thanksgiving -- Hallel (in its full version) and Al HaNissim -- are added to the daily prayers and Grace After Meals on all eight days of Chanukah. Tachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted for the duration of trhe festival.

• Latkes, Sufganiot & Dairy Foods

On Chanukah we eat foods fried in oil -- such as latkes (potato cakes) and sufganiot (doughnuts) -- in commemoration of the miracle of the oil.

It is also customary to eat dairy foods in commemoration of the Judith's heroic deed [http://www.chabad.org/103019].

• Dreidel

It is customary to play dreidel -- a game played with a spinning top inscribed with the Hebrew letters Nun, Gimmel, Hei and Shin, which spell the phrase Nes Gadol Hayah Sham, "a great miracle happened there." (It is said that when the Greeks forbade the study of Torah, Jewish children continued the study with their teachers in caves and cellars; when the agents of the king were seen approaching, the children would hide their scrolls and start to play with spinning tops...)

• Chanukah Gelt

It is an age-old custom to disribute gifts of Chanukah gelt ("Chanukah money [http://www.chabad.org/search/keyword.asp?kid=228]") to children on Chanukah. (It was the custom of the rebbes of Chabad-Lubavitch to give Chanukah gelt to their children and other family members on the fourth or fifth night of Chanukah; more recently, however, the Lubavitcher Rebbe encouraged the giving of Chanukah gelt every day of the festival -- except for Shabbat, when handling money is forbidden.)

Today in Jewish History

• Flood rains cease (2105 BCE)

The forty days and nights of rainfall which covered the face of earth with water in Noah's time ended on Kislev 27 of the year 1656 from creation (2105 BCE. The flood itself lasted a full year, as related in Genesis 6-8).

Links: Chronology of the Flood; The Torah's account [http://www.chabad.org/9168] (Parshat Noach); The 40-Day Mikvah [http://www.chabad.org/61320]

• 3rd Day of Chanukah Miracle (139 BCE)

On the 25th of Kislev in the year 3622 from creation, the Maccabees liberated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, after defeating the vastly more numerous and powerful armies of the Syrian-Greek king Antiochus IV, who had tried to forcefully uproot the beliefs and practices of Judaism from the people of Israel. The victorious Jews repaired, cleansed and rededicated the Temple to the service of G-d. But all the Temple's oil had been defiled by the pagan invaders; when the Jews sought to light the Temple's menorah (candelabra), they found only one small cruse of ritually pure olive oil. Miraculously, the one-day supply burned for eight days, until new, pure oil could be obtained. In commemoration, the Sages instituted the 8-day festival of Chanukah, on which lights are kindled nightly to recall and publicize the miracle.

Link: The Story of Chanukah [http://www.chabad.org/102816]

• Passing of R. Chaim of Tchernovitz (1817)

Rabbi Chaim of Tchernovitz (1760-1817) was a disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch [http://www.chabad.org/search/keyword.asp?kid=1506] and of Rabbi Yechiel Michel of Zlotchov [http://www.chabad.org/search/keyword.asp?kid=1326]. He authored Be'er Mayim Chayim ("Well of Living Waters"), a commentary on Torah. Rabbi Chaim passed away on the 3rd day of Chanukah.

Link: More on Rabbi Chaim of Tchernovitz

Daily Quote

Listen to what the Chanukah lights are telling us

- Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch

Daily Study

Chitas and Rambam for today:

Chumash: Mikeitz, 4th Portion Bereishit 41:53-42:18 with Rashi
• English Text:

Tehillim: Chapters 120 - 134
• Hebrew text:
• English text:

Tanya: Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 4
• Lesson in Tanya:
• RealAudio:
• Windows Media:

• Sefer Hamitzvos:
• 1 Chapter: Mechirah Chap. 9
• 3 Chapters: Arachin vaChamarim Chap. 2, 3, 4

Hayom Yom:
• English Text:


Chanukah is just around the corner!

Our extensive Chanukah website has how-to’s, stories, lessons, games and even recipes! It's sure to make your holiday more meaningful and insightful! All this at:


Tip: Join a public menorah lighting or Chanukah event in your area too!


Send Chanukah Greeting Cards to friends and family:


New! Featured Chanukah Videos:

SEASONS: A Chanukah Thought: http://www.chabad.org/335975
MIRACLES: A Chanukah Film: http://www.chabad.org/329867
MIRACLE LIGHTS: An Animated Production: http://www.chabad.org/339352

Wishing you and your family a Happy Chanukah!


Check out our other Calendar Tools:

Candle Lighting anywhere: http://www.chabad.org/article.asp?AID=6226
Zmanim - Halachic Times: http://www.chabad.org/article.asp?AID=143790
Jewish/Civil Date Converter: http://www.chabad.org/article.asp?AID=6225
Jewish Birthday Calculator: http://www.chabad.org/article.asp?AID=6228
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Calculator: http://www.chabad.org/article.asp?AID=6227
Yahrtzeit Calculator: http://www.chabad.org/article.asp?AID=6229

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TODAY IN JUDAISM: Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Dedicated in the merit of the complete recovery of Tzvi Meir Ben Sosha
Vita, who is looking for a kidney donor, please call (323) 634-7371
or email mitzvah@juno.com if you can help, blood type O+ or O-
(Dedicate an email: http://www.chabad.org/161795)

Kislev 26, 5766 * December 27, 2005


* Laws * Customs * Jewish History * Daily Quote * Daily Study *

Today is: Tuesday, Kislev 26, 5766
Chanukah Day 2

Today's Laws & Customs

• Kindle Three Chanukah Lights tonight

In commemorartion of the miracle of Chanukah (see "Today in Jewish History [http://www.chabad.org/225034]" for Kislev 25) we kindle the Chanukah lights -- oli lamps or candles -- each evening of the eight-day festival, increasing the number of lights each evening. Tonight we kindle three lights. (In the Jewish calendar, the day begins at nightfall; this evening, then, commences the 3rd day of Chanukah).

The icon below displays the ideal Chanukah lighting time for your location; the lighting can be done, however, later in the evening as well. For more on Chanukah lighting times, click here [http://www.chabad.org/224506]. (If no time is displayed, click on icon to set your location.)

For more a more detailed guide to Chanukah lighting click here [http://www.chabad.org/103868]. For text and audio of the blessings recited before lighting, click here [http://www.chabad.org/219029].

Additional Chanukah observances and customs are listed below:

• Hallel & Al HaNissim

Special prayers of thanksgiving -- Hallel (in its full version) and Al HaNissim -- are added to the daily prayers and Grace After Meals on all eight days of Chanukah. Tachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted for the duration of trhe festival.

• Latkes, Sufganiot & Dairy Foods

On Chanukah we eat foods fried in oil -- such as latkes (potato cakes) and sufganiot (doughnuts) -- in commemoration of the miracle of the oil.

It is also customary to eat dairy foods in commemoration of the Judith's heroic deed [http://www.chabad.org/103019].

• Dreidel

It is customary to play dreidel -- a game played with a spinning top inscribed with the Hebrew letters Nun, Gimmel, Hei and Shin, which spell the phrase Nes Gadol Hayah Sham, "a great miracle happened there." (It is said that when the Greeks forbade the study of Torah, Jewish children continued the study with their teachers in caves and cellars; when the agents of the king were seen approaching, the children would hide their scrolls and start to play with spinning tops...)

• Chanukah Gelt

It is an age-old custom to disribute gifts of Chanukah gelt ("Chanukah money [http://www.chabad.org/search/keyword.asp?kid=228]") to children on Chanukah. (It was the custom of the rebbes of Chabad-Lubavitch to give Chanukah gelt to their children and other family members on the fourth or fifth night of Chanukah; more recently, however, the Lubavitcher Rebbe encouraged the giving of Chanukah gelt every day of the festival -- except for Shabbat, when handling money is forbidden.)

Today in Jewish History

• 2nd Day of Chanukah Miracle (139 BCE)

On the 25th of Kislev in the year 3622 from creation, the Maccabees liberated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, after defeating the vastly more numerous and powerful armies of the Syrian-Greek king Antiochus IV, who had tried to forcefully uproot the beliefs and practices of Judaism from the people of Israel. The victorious Jews repaired, cleansed and rededicated the Temple to the service of G-d. But all the Temple's oil had been defiled by the pagan invaders; when the Jews sought to light the Temple's menorah (candelabra), they found only one small cruse of ritually pure olive oil. Miraculously, the one-day supply burned for eight days, until new, pure oil could be obtained. In commemoration, the Sages instituted the 8-day festival of Chanukah, on which lights are kindled nightly to recall and publicize the miracle.

Link: The Story of Chanukah [http://www.chabad.org/102816]

• Raavad's Passing (1198)

Rabbi Avraham ben David of Posquieres (Provence), known by the acronym "Raavad", wrote the famed hagaot critical notations to Maimonides' Mishnah Torah. Born approximately 1120, he passed away on the 26th of kislev of the year 4959 from creation (1198).

Link: The Lubavitcher Rebbe's analysis of a famous dispute [http://www.chabad.org/54492] between Maimonides and Raavad on the subject of free choice.

Daily Quote

All these eight days of Chanukah, these lights are holy; we are not permitted to make use of them, only to see them

- From the "Haneirot Halalu" prayer recited after kindling the Chanukah lights

Daily Study

Chitas and Rambam for today:

Chumash: Mikeitz, 3rd Portion Bereishit 41:39-41:52 with Rashi
• English Text:

Tehillim: Chapter 119, Verses 97-176
• Hebrew text:
• English text:

Tanya: Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 3
• Lesson in Tanya:
• RealAudio:
• Windows Media:

• Sefer Hamitzvos:
• 1 Chapter: Mechirah Chap. 8
• 3 Chapters: Nezirut Chap. 9, 10, Arachin vaChamarim Chap. 1

Hayom Yom:
• English Text:


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A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe
-words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman
Kislev 26, 5766 * December 27, 2005


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A7News: IDF Launches Air Strikes in Gaza

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IDF Launches Air Strikes in Gaza
The IDF has increased air strikes and created a buffer zone in Gaza to stem the increasing wave of Kassam rocket attacks on Israeli towns since the Disengagement.
Full Story Below

 1. IDF Launches Air Strikes in Gaza
 2. Chanukah Party Miracle at Kindergarten in Kibbutz Sa’ad
 3. 65% of Palestinians Applaud Terror Attacks on US and Europe
 4. Netanyahu Addresses Central C´tee, Vote Called into Question
 5. New Film Calls on N. American Jews to Move to Israel
 6. Train Collides With Bus - No Serious Injuries
 7. Python, Rare Birds Recovered
 8. Diverse Artists Celebrate Chanukah

For the past two nights of Chanukah, we have sent lots of Chanukah DONUTs (and pizza & burgers too) to thousands of appreciative soldiers wishing them a happy Chanukah from many people like you all around the world. There is still time for you to send your gifts and personal messages to our soldiers, and also to the Gush Katif refugees. Chanukah Sameach from PizzaIDF.
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Editor: Ezra HaLevi
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
26 Kislev 5766


1. IDF Launches Air Strikes in Gaza
By Ezra HaLevi

The IDF has increased air strikes and created a buffer zone in Gaza to stem the increasing wave of Kassam rocket attacks on Israeli towns since the Disengagement.

Tuesday morning, Israel's Air Force fired two missiles at targets in northern Gaza. The missiles struck structures used by the Al-Aqsa Brigades terror group, which is affiliated with PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah Party. "One structure, in Beit Lahiya, was used as a recruitment center," the IDF spokesperson announced, and the other, in Gaza City, was used as a center of activity."

During the night, the IDF also fired missiles at a bridge near the town of Beit Hanoun, from which rockets are fired on the western Negev. Six additional access routes to launching sites in northern Gaza were targeted as well.

According to PA reports, the power supply to northern Gaza was cut during the strikes.

The retaliation comes after a Kassam rocket nearly hit a kindergarten in Kibbutz Sa'ad Monday and another rocket fell near the city of Ashkelon.

According to Yediot Aharonot, Air Force planes are preparing to drop leaflets on Gaza informing residents to stay in their homes to avoid injury as Israel targets anyone involved in firing rockets at Israeli towns.

The report also quotes security sources saying that the IDF will not embark on a ground operation in Gaza, but that a three-mile security buffer has been delineated, within which strikes will be carried out on a more regular basis against those involved in firing rockets. Israel may also ask members of the PA police to evacuate the area as their presence has not been effective in preventing rocket fire.

The Al-Aqsa Brigade terror group claims to have Russian-made Grad missiles, which have a 25 kilometer (15 mile) range. The terror group is warning that if the IDF attempts to establish a buffer zone in northern Gaza, it will not sit idly by, but will opt to launch the missiles against Israeli targets. “The occupation government will be the big loser,” a statement from the group said.

Meanwhile, the Home Front Command has been instructed to speed up the process of providing reinforcement for the homes of residents living within striking range of Gaza. As the range of the rockets fired increased however – the southern Ashkelon industrial zone was struck last week – IDF sources admit it is becoming increasingly less practical to rely on defensive measures.

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2. Chanukah Party Miracle at Kindergarten in Kibbutz Sa’ad
By Hana Levi Julian

A Kassam rocket exploded close to a kindergarten in Kibbutz Sa’ad on Monday, ending a Chanukah party and angering residents.

The Chanukah party was disrupted Monday afternoon when the “Red Dawn” alert system was activated, preceding the rocket explosion which landed nearby. No injuries were reported. “It was a big miracle,” said community director Sarah Evron.

The attack prompted residents to allow the media to identify the kibbutz which has silently suffered through Kassam strikes for months. Kibbutz officials have asked the government for months to fortify their schools, but they remain unprotected.

Residents were further angered by fortification work which began at a nearby IDF army base on Monday after a rocket attack last week injured five soldiers. “In our view, we must first protect children and then soldiers,” said Evron. “It feels as though soldiers who are not protected prompt fortification work but we have children growing up on the border here.”

A second rocket fell Monday afternoon south of Ashkelon.

Government officials were faced with another problem when terrorist group Al-Aksa Martyrs’ Brigade announced they have acquired a new, longer-range missile. The group is the military wing of the ruling Fatah party in the Palestinian Authority.

The “Grad”, officially known as BM-21, has a range of 20 kilometers and is launched from trucks at a rate of 40 rockets in six seconds. Communities at risk in the south will now include Kiryat Gat, Netivot and Ofakim. Sderot has been a constant target of Kassam rocket attacks.

Israeli security officials say they may establish a “security strip” in northern Gaza to put an end to the attacks, a plan that has been considered several times in the past. Al-Aksa Martyrs’ Brigade leaders say they will increase attacks in response to such a move.

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3. 65% of Palestinians Applaud Terror Attacks on US and Europe
By Ezra HaLevi

A poll carried out in the Palestinian Authority shows 65% support for Al Qaeda terror attacks on the United States and European countries - the biggest donors to the PA.

The poll comes at a time when US and European funding of the Palestinian Authority is at an all-time high.

With elections due to be held next month and the Hamas terror group gaining significantly in municipal elections and polls, the survey further illustrates the desire of a majority of PA Arabs to establish an Islamic state, similar to Iran. A whopping 79.9% of Palestinians would like the PA to follow Shari'a - Islamic religious law. Included in the figure are 11.3% of the respondents, who would like to see Shari'a supplemented by the laws of a PA Legislature.

"What is striking is the willingness of Palestinians to turn against even the Western countries upon whom they are so totally dependent in order to progress," said Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) Director Itamar Marcus. "The poll underscores what PMW has been documenting for years - the profoundly negative impact hate education has had on PA society…Palestinians are not in direct conflict with the US, and certainly have counted on the Europeans as active allies. And yet an overwhelming majority desire to see Europeans and Americans killed by a religion-based terror organization."

The poll was conducted by FAFO - a Norwegian-based NGO not known for sympathy toward Israel or antipathy toward the PA. FAFO says it conducted the polling among the Palestinian population "in order to assess political feelings after Israel's voluntary withdrawal from Gaza in late-summer 2005." The poll results were reported in the PA newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida last Friday.

Last month (November 18th), in a sermon broadcast on PA-controlled television, Islamic leader Suleiman Satari offered the following prayer:
"Destroy the Infidels and the Polytheists! Your [i.e. Allah's] enemies are the enemies of the religion…! Count them and kill them to the last one, and don't leave even one."

According to PMW, prayers to annihilate all “infidels” have been included in Friday prayers on PA TV at least six times in recent months. Two such sermons were delivered by Yusuf Jum'a Salamah, PA Minister of the Waqf Religious Authority - the most important religious office in the PA. Even though PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas was present on at least one of these occasions, similar prayers for genocide continued on the PA-owned and controlled TV in subsequent weeks.

Just weeks before the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001, Dr. Ikrime Sabri, the Mufti of Jerusalem and the highest-ranking Islamic figure in the Palestinian Authority said on PA radio: "O Allah, destroy America and its supporters and collaborators. O Allah, destroy Britain and its supporters and collaborators." Click here to view the clip.

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4. Netanyahu Addresses Central C´tee, Vote Called into Question
By Hana Levi Julian and Ezra HaLevi

The Likud Central Committee focused on unity, image and cleaning out corruption on Monday evening in Tel Aviv at its first meeting since Binyamin Netanyahu was elected party leader.

The theme of the gathering, reflected in a huge banner, was the party’s new “path of renewal.”

In his address to the Committee, the Likud Chairman called for the approval of Silvan Shalom as number two candidate on the Likud’s Knesset list, as an expression of unity. “We must close ranks,” he said. “There are no camps and no factions. We are one camp.”

Shalom echoed Netanyahu’s words with his own call to “back the elected head and march to victory. There are no more camps,” he reiterated.

Netanyahu’s next proposal underscored the party’s need to clean up its image. “Criminal elements have entered our movement,” he charged. “Their place is not among us. They can go elsewhere, to another party.”

In a move that recalled better times while presenting a new face to the Israeli public, Netanyahu said he will make a formal motion to disallow any candidate who has been convicted of a crime. “We want a clean movement,” he emphasized, “like we learned from Menachem Begin.”

Netanyahu's move is known to target Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) faction leader Moshe Feiglin, who served time in prison for organizing non-violent civil disobedience to protest the undemocratic nature of the Oslo Accords and the arming of the Palestinian Authority. Menachem Begin himself was wanted by British authorities prior to Israel's founding for taking part in the bombing of the King David Hotel, which served a a base of British operations.

A vote on Netanyahu's ammendment will take place when the Central Committee meets again this Sunday.

Netanyahu also took a stab at Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Kadima Party. "The real election is between our policies and policies. . .that encourage terror," he said.

Trying to gerner support from the south and voters wearing the IDF uniform, Netanyahu promised to give “spacious apartments” to discharged soldiers, to be located in southern Israel.

Netanyahu also reviewed his past performance as Finance Minister, insisting that his “proper economic policies” had lowered unemployment, added 200,000 new workers to the economy and added “billions of shekels” to the nation’s coffers. He promised to “help the weak more," promising: “That’s the first thing I’ll be doing as prime minister.”

The Committee approved the propsal to reserve the second spot on the Likud list for Shalom, along with a clause postponing the party's primaries to January 12th, a week later than originally planned.

Attorney Shai Galili, who is running for a slot on the Likud's Knesset list, has filed a petition calling for the decision to be cancelled as he claims it was illegal and constituted vote-stealing.

Galili told Arutz-7 that two resolutions were bunched together in order to insure that the primaries would be pushed off. Party members that supported one proposal but not the other were effectively disenfranchised Galili said.

The attorney, who has represented anti-expulsion activists such as high-profile IDF refuser Cpl. Avi Bieber, quoted the Likud's charter in his petition to the party's high court. "The binding of proposals that have no connection to one another to be voted upon as one is improper and nullified," reads the charter.

"There is absolutely no connection between reserving the number two slot for Silvan Shalom and the pushing off of the Likud primaries," Galili said. He added that he has invested much time and money toward a campaign leading up to the current date. Galili asked that the court freeze the process of postponing the primaries until it has issued a verdict.

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5. New Film Calls on N. American Jews to Move to Israel
By Israel National News Staff

A provocative film calling for North American Jewry to "Free your mind" and come home to Israel has been spreading rapidly over the Internet since its release on the first day of Chanukah.

The film, which uses allegories developed in the Matrix series of films, was produced and directed by Kumah, a grassroots movement dedicated to encouraging and facilitating mass Aliyah to Israel by all Jews of the exile.

"The original Matrix film portrayed people living a life that seemed normal, but was essentially a physical prison and a mental illusion," an explanation accompanying the film explains. "Their slavery did not seem like slavery at all; quite the opposite - it seemed like the good life.

"The Matrix movies also contain a sense of personal-messianism - the power of an empowered person to help others and subsequently change the world. A person can break out, free himself from the shackles of that prison and take part in a revolution of freedom - but first he has to wake up!"

The film portrays the process of personal awakening that thousands of North American Jews have undergone, leading them to choose a sometimes difficult life in the Jewish State over the American Dream.

The lead character in both the original Matrix films as well as the "KuMatrix", as members of the Kumah production team call their film, is named Neo. The ideology of Kumah, which calls for an Aliyah Revolution of Jews moving to Israel by choice and joining the Jewish project in the Land of Israel, is self-described as Neo-Zionism.

The film may be viewed at AliyahRevolution.com

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6. Train Collides With Bus - No Serious Injuries
By Ezra HaLevi

A bus was stuck on the train tracks near Zichron Ya'akov Tuesday morning, but thanks to the quick response of the driver, all the bus's passengers escaped unharmed.

The crowded bus was traveling from Haifa to Ben Gurion International Airport when it stalled on train tracks near Zichron Ya'akov at 6:30 AM. The driver tried to restart the vehicle but it would not budge. He quickly realized the danger his passengers were in and yelled for everyone to quickly get off the bus.

The passengers disembarked and waited on the side. Within moments of the last passenger leaving the bus, a speeding train came barreling down the tracks and tore the bus to pieces.

Magen David Adom ambulances flocked to the scene of the smashed bus, expecting mass casualties. Instead they found scores of shocked travelers thanking G-d for what they are calling a "Chanukah miracle."

Three of the train's passengers suffering light scratches as a result of broken glass.

Last summer, a train wreck resulted from the impact between a speeding train and a truck that had stalled on the tracks. Eight were killed and scores injured in the accident. A number of similar accidents have taken place in recent months, resulting in new laws calling for the installing of barriers that completely block passage onto the tracks when a train is approaching.

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7. Python, Rare Birds Recovered
By Ezra HaLevi

A python and several rare birds missing from various parks and zoos have been found and returned in recent days.

A python named "Zion" who escaped from the Hamat Gader park in the Golan Heights was found Monday by soldiers patrolling Israel's border with Jordan. Zion had been missing for almost six months.

The snake lost a third of its weight and was thought to be dead, because it was not moving. The paralysis was due to the cold weather, however, and aside from an injury to the python's jaw, Zion is recovering.

The 10,000 shekel reward that owners of Hamat Gader had offered for finding the python will be given to the soldiers who discovered it.

In the Galilee, a joint mission by the Nature Reserves Authority and the Akko police has netted ten rare birds, all protected species that were illegally trapped and stolen. Three searches were carried out at the homes of poaching suspects.

Charges are being brought against all three suspects, Arab males from the village of Kafr Yassif.

Click here to learn more about rare birds native to the Land of Israel.

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8. Diverse Artists Celebrate Chanukah
A7 Radio's "The Beat" with Ben Bresky
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Today on IsraelNN.com:
Two Hanukah miracles on train and near kindergarten

No More Self-Denigration
In the ghetto, we had no choice but to accept the Jewish leaders we had and understand that to survive, they were often forced to collaborate with our enemies, to trade what was good in the long term for what would let our people survive today. We are not in the ghetto anymore.
Paula R. Stern
Reach for the Purple Pill
I have been living in California long enough to know that this is a section of the country that can feel passionate about Botox and animals. However, when it comes to anything political, especially when it concerns Israel, they could not find it on the map.
Arlene Peck
Chanukah and the General
The military victory, the Maharal explains, was a great miracle. Yet, the source of such a great miracle can usually be confused with military power and tactics. The Divine origins of such a victory can be lost amidst the din of the pompous self-adulation of the victors.
Moshe Kempinski
The Mystical Understanding of Chanukah
In mystical thought, oil is symbolic of chochmah, the highest aspect of the intellect, from which inspirational thought is derived.
Avi Lazerson
Genesis 2000
Museum of Psalms
Ariel Sharon Bobblehead

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