Friday, August 19, 2005

"We will not forget or forgive"

חדשות חב"ד

"We will not forget or forgive"

Wandering Jew. R. Yigal Kirshenzaft's son leaves Gush Katif
A full gallery of hair-raising pictures of the expulsion that took place today in Gush Katif.

כוחות הגירוש בדרכם להשמדת הישוב היהודי בארץ ישראל

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A story of the Rebbe #25 - Banishing the �Mora Shechora�

A young man once came to the Rebbe for yechidus, and the Rebbe asked him, �Why are you such a �mora shechora�nik� [meaning �depressed�]?� The young man remained silent, and the Rebbe continued, �I can�t stand having any �mora shechora� in my daled amos. Go to the window and throw out all of your �mora shechora.��


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