Friday, December 16, 2005

DAILY DOSE: Einstein's G-d


Einstein's G-d

Einstein received acclaim for demonstrating that energy and matter are one. The scientist who demonstrates how all forces are one in a unified theory will receive even greater acclaim. So, since we all agree that someone will eventually establish this, why not accept it right now, and we'll call it G-d?

A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe
-words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman
Kislev 15, 5766 * December 16, 2005


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TODAY IN JUDAISM: Shabbat, December 17, 2005


Due to Shabbat observance, the Shabbat edition of Today in Judaism is sent on Friday. Shabbat Shalom!

Kislev 16, 5766 * December 17, 2005


* Laws * Customs * Jewish History * Daily Quote * Daily Study *

Today is: Shabbat, Kislev 16, 5766

Daily Study

Chitas and Rambam for today:

Chumash: Vayishlach, 7th Portion Bereishit 36:20-36:43 with Rashi
• English Text:

Tehillim: Chapters 79 - 82
• Hebrew text:
• English text:

Tanya: Kuntres Acharon, Essay 7
• Lesson in Tanya:
• RealAudio:
• Windows Media:

• Sefer Hamitzvos:
• 1 Chapter: Rotseah uShmirat Nefesh Chap. 11
• 3 Chapters: Shevu`ot Chap. 4, 5, 6

Hayom Yom:
• English Text:


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LESSONS IN TANYA: Shabbat, December 17, 2005


Due to Shabbat observance, the Shabbat edition of Lessons In Tanya is sent on Friday. Shabbat Shalom!

Kislev 16, 5766 * December 17, 2005


Today's Lesson:

Kuntres Acharon
Essay Seven

[Tzedakah, as we shall presently appreciate, sensitizes the Jew who practises it so that the superrational degree of Chochmah in his Neshamah is able to light up the innermost recesses of his heart.

As mentioned in the introduction to Kuntres Acharon, the Rebbe observes that this is one of several Essays that would appear to belong more logically in Iggeret HaKodesh.

The Rebbe also notes that the subjects discussed in this essay are elaborated upon in Likkutei Torah, beginning of Parshat Re'eh, and in the maamar beginning Amar R. Yehoshua ben Levi, BeChol Yom..., which the Previous Rebbe delivered in 5688 (1928).]

It is written, "...and charity like a mighty river" (1) (Amos, end of ch. 5). (2)

[The verse begins by saying that justice should become manifest like water that gushes into revelation from the hidden depths of the earth; it goes on to say that tzedakah ("charity") should likewise reveal and maintain its intensity like the surging current of a mighty river (Heb.: Nachal Eitan).]

The meaning in spiritual terms is, that [tzedakah] resembles a mighty river which issues from the state of Eitan.

["River" suggests a downward flow, in this case emanating from Chochmah, which is termed Eitan.

For this word, as is known, (3) has three meanings:

"toughness", (4) and
"antiquity". (5)

All three meanings relate to the soul's element of Chochmah, and are reflected in the tripartite written form of the letter yud (commonly representing Chochmah), which comprises the basic point of the letter and its upper and lower tips.

This level of Eitan (Chochmah) flows down into the intellectually expansive "river" called Binah.]

In this state it is known [in Kabbalistic terms as] (6) "the point in its chamber," and as (7) "two comrades [who are inseparable]."

This phrase can refer either:
(a) as above, to the seminal point of Chochmah being drawn into the
broad chamber of Binah, or
(b) to the essential self-nullification of the soul that derives
spontaneously from Chochmah (which transcends the loving self-
nullification that is consciously produced by the meditation
exercised by Binah) being drawn into the innermost point of
the heart - the "chamber" for the issue from Chochmah.

The continued existence of all creation depends upon the constant union in Atzilut of the Supernal Sefirot of Chochmah and Binah.]

The letters that spell the [Hebrew] word Eitan [each] indicate the future tense.

[At a deeper level, this term thus hints at future revelation: in the Time to Come there will be a revelation of the spiritual degree called Eitan.]

This means, (8) "I am destined to reveal myself"; [that which is presently in a state of concealment is destined to become manifest in the Time to Come]; as it is written, (9) "Behold, My servant will prosper..." - [i.e., in the future].

This means that at that time - [with the arrival of Mashi-ach, about whom the verse states "My servant will prosper"] - the [infinite] Ein Sof light and the Divine Unity will be revealed within the innermost point of one's heart, by the calling forth of the "mighty river," which is a radiance of the Supernal Wisdom that will illuminate the inwardness of the heart, so that one will be nullified utterly in the Divine Unity, from the depths of one's heart, after it has been cleared of the [obscuring] orlah of physical lusts, and so on.

[When the metaphorical orlah (lit., `foreskin') will then be removed (as in the verse, (10) "And you shall excise the orlah of your heart," and likewise, (11) "The L-rd your G-d will circumcise your heart"), nothing will hide the innermost core of the heart.

It will then be possible for the heart to experience the utter self-nullification of the Neshamah to G-d, that derives from the revelation of Chochmah in the soul.

This essential soul-level reflects all three above-mentioned connotations of Eitan - the resolute "vigor" of the soul's essence, its unswerving "toughness", and the hoary "antiquity" of this bequest to the Jewish people from the Patriarchs of old.]

At present as well, during the exile of this folk, (12) counsel is offered [herewith] as to how to bring a glimmer of the illumination of the light of G-d from the state of eitan into the innermost point of the heart, as in the Time to Come.

This is [attained] by arousing the abounding Divine mercies for the G-dly spark within one's soul.

For in truth, so long as a man does not merit the revelation of the light of G-d from the state of Eitan in the innermost core of his heart, so that he becomes nullified in the Divine unity, until the very expiry of the soul, then the spark within his soul is indeed to be pitied.

For that spark is drawn from the state of the Supernal Wisdom itself, and when it cannot illuminate from its own state - from the state of Chochmah that is utterly nullified to G-d - into the innermost core of the heart, which is the proper place for the revelation of this illumination, then it is really and truly in exile.

[For what is exile if not the shackling of one's gifts?]

Through the plentiful Supernal mercies, however, [that are drawn down upon the soul], it goes out of exile and imprisonment, and illuminates the innermost core of the heart with this great love, as is known from the verse, (13) "For...Jacob who redeemed Abraham," as expounded in Likkutei Amarim, chapter 45.

[The Midrash (14) teaches that Abraham was saved in the future merit of Jacob, who was destined to descend from him.

In spiritual terms: (15) When Abraham's characteristic attribute, kindness and love, remains latent within a Jew, it is revealed and redeemed by Jacob's characteristic attribute - mercy.

Since we are speaking here of Supernal Mercy, there must first be a sufficiently vigorous "arousal from below" that will cause it to descend to this lowly world.

The required arousal initiated from below must therefore spring from the palpable realities of this lowly world.

In plain words, as the Alter Rebbe will now conclude, this is the practice of tzedakah.]

It is known (16) that an arousal from above is specifically dependent on an arousal from below, meaning [that the abundant mercies from above are secured] by an arousal of great mercies in the hearts of "the compassionate...and the kindly," [as Jews are characterized in the Gemara, (17) so that they bestow physical gifts of gold and silver, and the like.

Thus the effect of tzedakah is actually the effect of the "mighty river" [Nachal Eitan].

[For the "arousal from below" expressed by the practice of tzedakah draws forth the loving self-nullification of the vigorous essence (the "eitan") of the soul, so that it becomes revealed - through the "river" of Binah - within the innermost core of man's heart.

The Alter Rebbe now goes on to write that oneÕs tzedakah should be given unstintingly, without regard for limitations.

Just as a person in jeopardy spends without limit in order to save his life, so, too, should one hold one's own G-dly soul in high regard, and give tzedakah boundlessly.]

All know the verse, (18) "Skin for skin," (19) [i.e., a person will protect one limb at the expense of another], "but all that a man possesses he will give for his soul" - [he will give away everything in order to save his life. The Alter Rebbe adds a word to the quoted verse, so that it ends], "...for his G-dly soul."

[One should be willing to forego everything for the sake of his G-dly soul], in order to illumine it with the light of life - the Infinite One, blessed be He. (20)


1. Parentheses are in the original text.
2. Verse 24.
3. Sefer HaMaamarim 5703, p. 71ff.
4. Sotah 9:5.
5. See I Kings 8:2 and Targum there.
6. Cf. Zohar I, 20a.
7. Zohar III, 4a.
8. See Likkutei Torah, Parshat ReÕeh 18d.
9. Yeshayahu 52:13.
10. Devarim 10:16.
11. Ibid. 30:6.
12. Ovadiah 1:20. The phrase may alternatively be translated as
"this valley."
13. Yeshayahu 29:22. Note of the Rebbe: "The verse states beit
Yaakov (`the house of Jacob'). However, Sanhedrin (19b) and
Bereishit Rabbah (63:2) explain plainly that it is `Jacob who
redeemed Abraham.'
The phrase is likewise cited in many ot her sources. Indeed, this
too is the meaning in the continuation of this very verse (quoted
in Sanhedrin, loc. cit., and elsewhere): `Now will Jacob not be
14. See Bereishit Rabbah, loc. cit.
15. Note of the Rebbe: "Cf. Tanya, ch. 45."
16. Zohar I, 88a, et al.
17. Yevamot 79a.
18. Iyov 2:4.
19. Note of the Rebbe: "At the end of Epistle XVI in Iggeret
HaKodesh, this verse is quoted [in its entirety] as well.
This is not the case at the end of Epistle X [which quotes only
the conclusion of the verse, `but all that a man possesses he will
give for his soul'], and so too in many other places.
Evidently, since the opening phrase (`skin for skin') signifies a
limited degree of tzedakah (as in the plain meaning of the verse),
this phrase is quoted only when the Alter Rebbe speaks (also) of
this degree of tzedakah."
20. The conclusion of this letter appears in Igrot Kodesh (Letters)
of the Alter Rebbe (Kehot, N.Y., 5740), p. 95.


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"TODAY'S DAY": Shabbat, December 17, 2005


Due to Shabbat observance, the Shabbat edition of ''Today's Day'' is sent on Friday. Shabbat Shalom!

Kislev 16, 5766 * December 17, 2005

"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"

Monday, Kislev 16 5704

Torah lessons: Chumash: Vayeishev, Sheini with Rashi.
Tehillim: 79-82.
Tanya: "And charity (p. 625)...blessed be He". (p. 627).

A fundamental principle of Chabad philosophy is that the mind, which by its innate nature (1) rules over the heart, (2) must subordinate the heart to G-d's service by utilizing the intellectualization, (3) comprehension (4) and profound contemplation (5) of the greatness of the Creator of the universe.

Footnotes: (1) Lit. "from birth."
(2) See Tanya Ch. 12, p. 49.
(3) Haskala - the mind's creative power, related to
Chochma. (See Translator's Notes, p. 118).
(4) Havana - comprehension, grasp; from Bina, the
second state of intellect.
(5) Da'at - the third state of intellect.


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Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).

For a glossary of terms used in "Today's Day" please click here:

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DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Shabbat, December 17, 2005


Due to Shabbat observance, the Shabbat edition of Daily Mitzvah (Maimonides) is sent on Friday. Shabbat Shalom!

Kislev 16, 5766 * December 17, 2005

D A I L Y M I T Z V A H (M A I M O N I D E S )

Today's Mitzvot (Day 106 of 339):

Negative Mitzvah 62

Negative Mitzvah 62: We are prohibited from taking vain oaths

-Exodus 20:7 "You shall not take the name of the L-rd, your
G-d in vain"

This Negative Mitzvah teaches not to make a "Shevuat Shav",
which means a "vain promise."

A Shevuat Shav can be one of three different types of promises:

1) To swear that something is not what it really is.

For instance: When Sarah got her new bicycle she told her
friends that it cost $10,000. If Sarah would have sworn that
her bicycle costs $10,000, when it did not - this would have
been a Shevuat Shav.

2) To swear that something exists, when such a thing is

For instance: After Danny went to the zoo with his parents,
he told his friends that in the zoo he saw an elephant with
wings and the elephant flew through the air. If Danny would
have sworn that he had seen such an elephant, which is
impossible, he would have made a Shevuat Shav.

3) To swear about something which is plainly obvious.

For instance: To swear that a cow is a cow.

4) To swear that you will not keep one of the Mitzvot in the

For instance: to swear that you will not say Shema today is
considered a Shevuat Shav.

All these promises are part of the prohibition of Shevuat Shav,
and neither they, nor anything like them, should be made - even
if they are made in a joking manner!


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A7News: Shooting Attack in Hevron Hills

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Preliminary: Shooting Attack in Hevron Hills, One Wounded
Terrorists shot an Israeli motorist, wounding him critically and injuring two others in the southern Hevron Hills region Friday afternoon.
Full Story Below

 1. Preliminary: Shooting Attack in Hevron Hills, One Wounded
 2. Feiglin: No Difference Between Silvan Shalom and Netanyahu
 3. PA Arabs Vote Overwhelmingly For Hamas Terror Group
 4. Counter-Terror Operations in Gaza and N. Samaria Widen
 5. Arab Convoys From Gaza to Hevron in Coming Weeks
 6. Photo Essay: Nature Preserve on Partition Wall Chopping Block
 7. First Time Visitors to Israel and Stopping the Fence
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Editor: Ezra HaLevi
Friday, December 16, 2005
15 Kislev 5766

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1. Preliminary: Shooting Attack in Hevron Hills, One Wounded
By Ezra HaLevi

Terrorists shot an Israeli motorist, wounding him critically and injuring two others in the southern Hevron Hills region Friday afternoon.

The attack took place in between Beit Haggai and Har Manoah - a region slated to be left on the "other" side of the Partition Fence.

The critically injured victim was transported to Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem.

IDF forces have deployed in the region to search for the terrorists.

There have been increasing rock and Molotov Cocktail attacks in the region in recent weeks.

Hevron Hills Mayor Tzviki Bar-Chai called upon Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to order an all-out offensive on terror groups operating in the region. He blamed Israel's planned facilitation of Arab convoys from Gaza to Judea and Samaria for the brazen attack.

A full closure has been placed on Judea and Samaria and Gaza following the firing of Kassam rockets at Ashkelon Thursday night.

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2. Feiglin: No Difference Between Silvan Shalom and Netanyahu
By Ezra HaLevi

"The difference between Netanyahu and Silvan Shalom is that Netanyahu could have actually stopped the expulsion," Moshe Feiglin said Friday, responding to calls to drop out of race to head Likud.

According to polls, Jewish Leadership Faction head Moshe Feiglin trails behind ex-Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom in the race for Likud party chairman. The primaries are scheduled for this Monday.

Political analyst Dr. Aaron Lerner of Independent Media Review Analysis (IMRA) outlined the argument of those pressing Feiglin to pull out. "There is every indication that potential Feiglin supporters [in the Likud] will play a pivotal role [in Monday's primary]," Lerner wrote. He explained that supporters of Feiglin's Jewish Leadership faction, who would vote for Netanyahu if a second round of voting were to take place, should realize that Feiglin does not have a chance to win and vote Netanyahu in the first round to make sure Sharon-sympathizer Silvan Shalom does not take the election.

Feiglin told Arutz-7 Friday that there is no chance that he will pull out of the race. He said that those in Judea and Samaria who believe Netanyahu will save their homes from destruction are misguided.

"The bottom line is that both Netanyahu and Silvan Shalom left the voters for the Disengagement," he said. "The only difference between the two is that Netanyahu's influence could have actually stopped the expulsion and Shalom could not have. I really don't understand how people can still think that Netanyahu is less dangerous for Jewish settlement than Shalom. He actually had it within his power to stop the Disengagement and chose not to." Feiglin insists that Netanyahu knew he could lead a successful struggle from outside the government, but Shalom could not have.

"I can't understand how people can still think that voting for something that failed so many times is the answer instead of developing their own beliefs and alternatives," he said.

An alternative argument for voting Netanyahu, advanced at an informal meeting of Land of Israel Likud voters in the Binyamin region north of Jerusalem, is that a strong Netanyahu, untainted by the 'extreme' image the media have painted Feiglin with, could win many middle-of-the-road voters away from Ariel Sharon's Kadima Party. Netanyahu, they argue, is the only one that could beat Sharon's Kadima Party and thereby prevent the destruction of communities like Beit El, situated outside the Partition Fence.

Feiglin responded to this reasoning: "If people think that the danger to Beit El with Netanyahu is less than that posed by Sharon, they are wrong. This thinking is what brought us to the collapse of the settlements. Instead of taking the bull by its horns, we are trying to think in a manipulative manner. The result of that kind of thinking is that all candidates know they have our votes because we are in their pockets. If I leave the race, the only forces pushing Netanyahu will be from the left. Look at [recently withdrawn candidate] Uzi Landau. Do you think he has any influence on Netanyahu? Netanyahu gave him a commitment just like he gave the Chabad rabbis before he became prime minister last time. It won't matter when [US Secretary of State] Condoleezza Rice tells him to erase Beit El and Shilo."

Feiglin says that should he be elected as Likud Party chairman, he would be happy to have Netanyahu serve as his finance minister.

Feiglin is urging everyone with a membership in the Likud to disregard the polls, which have repeatedly been revealed to be merely tools used to tell voters how to choose, and come out and vote in Monday's primaries.

"I believe that within five years, Israel will have a real Jewish leadership," Feiglin concluded. We must understand that our lives depend on it."

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3. PA Arabs Vote Overwhelmingly For Hamas Terror Group
By Ezra HaLevi

With the general PA elections a month away, Hamas victories in major PA-controlled cities foreshadow the election of the terrorist group as the representatives of the Arabs of the PA.

Hamas is responsible for many of the world's most gruesome attacks on civilians.

Hamas has won an estimated 75% of the votes in the municipal elections in Shechem (Nablus), 72% of the votes in El-Bireh (Ramallah's twin city) and took the leadership of the terror-capital of Jenin as well. In Ramallah, long the seat of power of Yassir Arafat and the ruling Fatah group, the PFLP terror group took the elections.

In a previous round of voting, Hamas and the PFLP won elections in Bethlehem and Beit Jala, both just south of Jerusalem. Fatah only chalked up a victory in the Bethlehem suburb of Beit Sahur.

Local elections in Gaza and Hevron were delayed by the PA election committee. PA sources say the delay was due to concern of a wider-scale victory for Hamas, which appreciates massive support in both locales.

Crowds of Hamas supporters in Shechem celebrated in the streets Thursday night. The Hamas leadership, meanwhile, is promising future victories. "The big party will be when we win the parliamentary elections" Hamas spokesman Yasser Mansour said.

Hamas is listed as a terror organization in the United States and Europe. Fundraising for and affiliation with the group is a crime. It is unclear whether the world's nations, including Israel, will continue to assist the Palestinian Authority if a party advocating the destruction of Israel sits at its helm. In a recent election video, Hamas declared that it will not give up its armed struggle until Israel is destroyed.

In the aftermath of previous gains by Hamas and other terror groups, some commentators have suggested that support for Hamas indicates a rejection of Fatah corruption and not support for the group's terror attacks and public adulation of suicide-bombers. In the recent local elections, however ten other parties, many of them unaffiliated with terror groups, submitted candidates, yet Hamas won popular support.

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4. Counter-Terror Operations in Gaza and N. Samaria Widen
By Ezra HaLevi

With the firing of eight Kassam rockets from Gaza and an attempted bombing of the Gush Etzion Tunnel Road Thursday, the IDF has returned to Gaza and northern Samaria.

Nearly every night this past week, the IDF has carried out a counter-terror operation in Gaza. Following Thursday night's attacks, Israel's Air Force and artillery targeted thirteen roads in the area of Beit Hanoun and Jabalya, in northern Gaza. The IDF said that the routes are regularly used by terrorists to reach the areas from which they launch Kassam rockets at Israeli towns.

In northern Samaria, the region from which two Jewish towns were forcibly removed and destroyed during the Disengagement Plan, the IDF continues to thwart terror attacks on a daily basis.

During the past week, the following attacks were thwarted by the IDF presence in and around Shechem (Nablus) and Jenin:

* An explosives laboratory was uncovered by the IDF and General Security Service in the Massaken Sha'abiya neighborhood in Shechem. In the laboratory, forces found: an explosive belt ready for use, a projectile rocket, 160 pounds of explosives, an electronic system used for cellular activation of a network of explosive devices, a small explosive device and a large quantity of raw materials used for the manufacturing of explosives. The explosives laboratory was detonated in a controlled manner by IDF sappers.

* A number of explosive devices, weighing hundreds of pounds, were uncovered in a well in the village of Kabatya, southeast of Jenin. The explosives were detonated in a controlled manner by sappers. Four wanted Islamic Jihad terrorists were arrested in the operation, during which the Arabs opened fire several times at the force and activated two explosive devices. In addition, a Border Police officer was injured lightly when Arabs hurled firebombs and rocks at additional forces in the area.

* Two metal cans filled with explosives were found in the possession of a 15-year-old Arab boy who arrived at the Hawara Crossing, south of Shechem. A 6-inch knife was found on an Arab man at the crossing and three other men were found with four firebombs and a number of rifle bullets.

* Two pipe bombs were found and confiscated at a temporary roadblock west of Jenin and a belt full of ammunition confiscated at such a roadblock south of the city.

* A 16-year-old Palestinian tried to stab Border Police at the Salem Crossing after a metal detector determined he had a large knife on his person. An Arab woman was found with a large knife on her person at the Beit Eba checkpoint near Shechem. The woman admitted that she intended to stab soldiers at the checkpoint.

* Soldiers were alerted of contact with the separation fence near the Jenin suburb of Kafin and were targeted with an explosive device when they arrived at the scene.

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5. Arab Convoys From Gaza to Hevron in Coming Weeks
By Ezra HaLevi

Despite a Cabinet decision not to implement such an arrangement until the PA acts against terror groups, the Sharon government has agreed to allow convoys between Gaza and Hevron in the near future.

Sharon committed to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that Israel would begin facilitating “safe-passage” from Gaza to the Tarkumiya crossing near Hevron Thursday, but they were delayed due to the bombing of the Sharon Mall in Netanya last week and again due to the barrage of Kassam rockets Thursday.

Following the Netanya attack, the Cabinet decided to freeze talks on such convoys until the PA takes measures against terror groups. Such steps have not been taken and it is unclear whether the cabinet has retracted its decision or whether Prime Minister Ariel Sharon plans to implement the convoys regardless.

IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz told Army Radio Monday that the convoys will not operate until rocket fire on Israeli towns stop and Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz announced Thursday that the convoys would be delayed.

Defense Ministry officials report that another reason for the convoys’ delay is the violation of recently made agreements regarding the Rafiah Crossing from Gaza to Egypt. Data on who is using the crossing has not been transferred to Israel in a timely or comprehensive manner.

US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs C. David Welch told a London conference of donors to the PA Wednesday that bus convoys would begin as scheduled, regardless of Israeli reservations. "We fully expect Israel and the Palestinians to implement all aspects of the movement agreement on schedule and we will help them to do so," Welch said.

Deputy Defense Minister Ze'ev Boim (Likud) sharply attacked the plan on Army Radio, calling it foolish and saying Israel should “just say no” to US demands.

Some Israeli reservations include the demand that one route instead of three separate routes be operated, that men between 16 and 35 not be allowed to use the safe-passage and the amount of time travelers are allowed to stay be limited to ten days.

Security officials are concerned that with Gaza now in the hands of various terror groups, the convoys will serve to import Gazan terrorism to Judea and Samaria.

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6. Photo Essay: Nature Preserve on Partition Wall Chopping Block
By Ezra HaLevi

Residents of Gush Etzion took to the streets Thursday to protest the Partition Wall and physically block efforts by the Defense Ministry to cut down a nature preserve to build the wall.

Email subscribers, click here to view the photo essay
(Photos: Ezra HaLevi)

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7. First Time Visitors to Israel and Stopping the Fence
A7 Radio's "Malkah Fleisher and Alex Traiman Show"
Israel has seen an explosion of new visitors, people who have never been here before. Who are they, and why are they coming? Plus: activists succeed in halting the Partition Wall - is this the return of successful Jewish activism?

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The Great Krembo Debate
What do you give a boy who has everything? Malkah offers a creative idea for an unforgettable bar mitzvah present. Plus: a match made in heaven. Learn why two cosmopolitan Jews decided to get married in Israel.

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