Saturday, August 27, 2005

Shloshim of Ephraim A'H: Video of Shlichus

חדשות חב"ד

Shloshim of Ephraim A'H: Video of Shlichus

In the winter 5763, Ephraim Vexler A"H traveled to Goa, India for a special three-week shlichus that included the week of Chanukah.  He joined the family of R. Kobi Mazuz, who went to India to print Tanyas there and spread the light of Chanuka.  A key part of their shlichus, naturally, was spreading the Rebbe's message of redemption.

In honor of the shloshim since Ephraim A"H's passing, presents a video of Ephraim together with Yechiel Kupchik, distributing the freshly printed Tanyas in Goa.  Hundreds of Israeli tourists in India are overjoyed to receive the Tanyas and thank the shluchim over and over for their activities. 

To watch the video, click here.


Chof Av Rally in 770

חדשות חב"ד

Chof Av Rally in 770

In the yearly tradition, children of summer camps in the New York area arrive in 770 on Chof Av for mincha in the minyan of the Rebbe, in honor of the Yom Hilula of the Rebbe's father R. Levi Yitzchak Schneerson.  Mincha was especially lively with the hundreds of campers in attendance.  The children said the twelve pesukim and sang camp songs on the Geulah.

More pictures in full article.
To watch a video of a Chof Av gathering with the Rebbe, click here.

Protest, Mourning, Hope

חדשות חב"ד

Protest, Mourning, Hope

The International Campaign has printed up two new "orange" flags.  One expresses the bitter protest and lament at the expulsion:  "We will not forgive or forget".  The second expresses the hope for the only real solution:  Moshiach ben David.  Ten thousand of each flag have been printed, and will be distributed in the coming weeks.


"Our Shlichus Has Not Ended"

חדשות חב"ד

"Our Shlichus Has Not Ended"

In a special interview with Beis Moshiach, R. Yigal Kirshenzaft, shliach of the Rebbe in Gush Katif says "Our shlichus has not ended."

"No one can take away our spirit.  No one can arrest our holiness or jail our faith.  No roadblocks, mortar shells or rockets can stop our faith, that is now going forth to conquer the land and finally bring Moshiach."

R. Kirshenzaft refers to the first letter that he received from the Rebbe when went on shlichus in 1988:  "The Rebbe told us that our shlichus is to bring Simcha to the people.  At the time I did not realize the prophecy in the Rebbe's words. Now I understand - my shlichus is to uplift the spirits of the people in Gush Katif who have been expelled, and instill faith in them."

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