| | Living in a Cage of Gold Eleven weeks after the disengagement, many of the expelled families continue to be shuffled along from one short-lived proposed solution to another. Reports from Katif, Slav, Bdolach and Jerusalem. more | | | Buy medication direct from Israel and save!Why spend so much money unnecessarily on medication? Do you take high blood pressure or heart medication? No insurance and tired of paying such high prices for medication? Save up to 70% on both Brand name and generics. Have your prescription filled by a registered pharmacist in a licensed Israeli pharmacy. Click Here | | | Rent a Cellphone from Arutz Sheva Don't miss any calls when you visit Israel! Arutz Sheva will provide you with an Israeli cellphone at the best price! Delivery in USA and Israel. Call 1-646-432-4542 in the USA and 02-652-2353 in Israel. More Details | | | Editor: Hillel Fendel Friday, November 04, 2005 2 Cheshvan 5766 | | Visited Your Mother Lately? Our Matriarch Rachel Emeinu's Yartzeit is on the 11th of Cheshvan, Sunday November 13th. She has been awaiting our return for 2000 years! Arutz Sheva's Israel National News and the Jerusalem Capital Development Fund are organizing a special visit to Kever Rachel (the Tomb of Rachel). The trip includes bulletproof buses, a guided tour of the area, refreshments, singing, dancing, and praying. When: Sunday, Nov 13th, 11th of Cheshvan Where: Meet at Binyanei Ha'Umah at 9:30AM Cost: 80 NIS We will return to Binyanei Ha'Umah at approximately 2:30PM To Join, email: Marketing@israelnationalnews.com Please include your Name, # of persons, and cell phone number Veshavu Banim Legvulam! | 1. Living in a Cage of Gold
| | | By Hillel Fendel
Eleven weeks after the disengagement, many of the expelled families continue to be shuffled along from one short-lived proposed solution to another. Reports from Katif, Slav, Bdolach and Jerusalem.
| Former Gush Katif residents and several Likud MKs met this week at the Jerusalem Gold Hotel, where many of the families have been deposited. One woman from N'vei Dekalim cried out, "What do you want? That we should just evaporate? Every plan that arises falls a second later because there is no money or whatever. You had money to put up new gravestones, so that there wouldn't be a scandal - but money for a roof over our heads you don't have. What harm did we do to you? Everyone says that the disengagement is behind us - but behind who? We're jailed here in the hotel. Our lives are stuck in a container and we don't see an end."
B'Sheva correspondent Ariel Kahane visited the Gold Hotel this week, and reported, "Two and a half months after the erasure of the communities, and the emotional stability of the residents is deteriorating. Thousands of them are still closed up in cages of gold, conducting lives on the fringe of sanity. Children are sometimes locked out of their parents' automatic-lock rooms, while others receive a cold stare of rebuke from hotel workers for having taken an apple from the kitchen between meals. Some teenagers steal out of their rooms in the middle of the night to who-knows-where, while their parents in the other room have no control; their own situation is not much better."
"This impossible situation," Kahane writes, "weakens their stature, and accelerates fissures in their family structure. Many of the adults are not working, and there are already couples that are beginning to crack because of the forced idleness."
The problems do not exist only in the hotels. Many of the several hundred families in the new caravila [small and temporary pre-fab housing] village of Nitzan, north of Ashkelon, have no jobs and an uncertain housing future. The former Gush Katif community of Bdolach is a prime example:
Some 35 Bdolach families (out of close to 40 that lived there on the eve of the expulsion) are currently in Nitzan - but of these, 30 were farmers, and only one of them has begun to work the fields!
"That particular man was both industrious and fortunate," said Chaim B., who lived in Bdolach for the last six months of its existence, "as his parents had a plot of land on a moshav that they were not working, so he took it over. But everyone else is reduced to waiting for solutions from the government - and this involves finding land, problems of its distance from their homes, what type of agriculture, beginning anew, and the like. For people in their late 40's and 50's, it's not easy to start again - and especially when so much is settled."
Chaim said that though there was much to do until now - "all sorts of arrangements, preparing for the holidays, etc." - now begins a potentially dangerous period of near-total idleness and boredom. "Some of the men used to study for an hour or two each day in the nearby Torat HaChaim yeshiva in N'vei Dekalim [which has re-located to Yad Binyamin, a half-hour drive away - ed.], but that arrangement has not yet been reinstated... They need jobs!"
For others, the problems of boredom have not yet begun - because they are still busy figuring out where to live for the coming months. Some 30 families of the former Moshav Katif have moved to the King Saul Hotel in Ashkelon, after having lived for two months in the dormitories of the Kfar Pines Girls High School. Ten other Katif families moved to the Atzmonah "Faith City" (Ir HaEmunah) encampment near Netivot, hoping to join up with their former townsmen as soon as possible.
Though they have chosen a site for the new permanent community they wish to build - in the Lachish area - they have been on a roller-coaster ride regarding where to live for the coming two years. The possibility of Eibim near Sderot was nixed at the last moment by the government; Nehushah was on the table for a while but became irrelevant; Even Shmuel was then proposed - and now Moshav Amatziah appears to be the most likely.
Aryeh, of Moshav Katif, told Arutz-7 today, "Some of our people are right now on a tour of Amatziah, and this could be the best option, as it is very close to our permanent site. Even the government appears to be coming towards us, hoping that we will be their first successful community; until now the government has not succeeded in finding a communal solution for even one town! The high-rise apartment building for Kfar Darom is still stuck, etc., and they're hoping that they can succeed with us. They've even offered to build a new road between Shomeriyah, where Atzmonah is supposed to go, and Amatziah, so that we'll be able to send our children to school there. We have also asked for special consideration - larger caravans - for our large families. We hope that within a week or two, we'll have answers as to whether, once and for all, something will finally work out."
Aryeh explained that Moshav Katif is currently divided up into four different locations - two Ashkelon hotels, Yad Binyamin, and Ir HaEmunah - and that they greatly fear that they will not end up together in one community. "One of the main reasons we are so anxious to remain unified," he explained, "in addition to simply wanting to retain our beautiful community, is to help the 6-7 families that for various reasons are not eligible for government help. We don't want them to fall by the wayside."
One community that did not survive the expulsion and simply shattered into small pieces is Slav. Formerly located in the southwestern tip of the Gaza Strip, Slav was a small and young town of only 12 families - each of which is now on its own. One family with two children had been living for the past several weeks in one room in the Otzem pre-military preparatory yeshiva, where the husband studied, but the conditions finally became unbearable; they moved this week, on their own, to a private apartment near her parents. Other families live in Ir HaEmunah, Yad Binyamin, or on their own - and the community of Slav no longer exists.
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| | 2. IDF Fears Gaza Terror Gangs Moving to Judea and Samaria
| | | By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
The IDF fears Gaza terror gangs, including terrorists from the PA's ruling Fatah party, are planting cells in Judea and Samaria. The army damaged one terror gang, but "there are a dozen more."
| The IDF has arrested several Arab terrorists trying to bring Kassam rocket technology and parts into Judea and Samaria, but intelligence officials do not how many have slipped by. One soldier who patrols the Judean Desert said, "You wouldn't believe the weapons we have caught in smuggling attempts."
Residents in the Tel Aviv suburbs in the Sharon area said Friday they also are concerned about the increasingly likelihood of rocket and mortar shell attacks and have asked the government to install Red Dawn alert systems as has been done in Sderot and Ashkelon. The siren alert gives residents 20 seconds to run for cover in the event of an attack.
Brig.-Gen. Yair Golan, head of the IDF forces in Judea and Samaria, feels that the truce called by the terror organizations in their war against Israel is essentially dead. "We see in all the [terror] organizations processes of building the infrastructure, with weapons [and] organization, so that if this truce ends, we will face... an operational challenge," Golan told United Press International (UPI).
Referring to last month's suicide bombing in Hadera that killed five Israelis, Brig.-Gen. Golan said he doubts claims by Fatah that it was behind the attack. He told UPI he is "99 percent" sure that Hamas launched the attack.
But the Hamas terrorists often act on behalf of the Popular Resistance Committees, which sprung up in Gaza at the beginning of the Oslo War in September 2000. Its attempts to transplant terror cells from Gaza to Judea and Samaria were revealed to the public last month when three of its senior members were arrested after having crossed from Gaza to Sinai en route to Jenin.
Both the lengthy Egyptian-Israeli border and the Judean Desert, where there is no security fence, provide terrorists with an open area to transport weapons and ammunition. Gen. Dan Harel, who recently left his post as head of the IDF Southern Command, said earlier this week that the 250-kilometer (155-mile) international border along the Sinai Peninsula is a cause for worry,
In Samaria over the past two weeks, soldiers targeted several Islamic Jihad terrorists who headed a gang in the Jenin area.
"We harmed this terrorist cell quite significantly but this is not the end," said Brig. Gen. Golan, He said he believes the Islamic Jihad has about a dozen more cells.
In the south, Arab terrorists continued to fire mortar shells and Kassam rockets on the western Negev this week, wounding one soldier and one woman. "We will not accept a situation of even half a Kassam fired from Gaza to Israel," according to an unnamed Southern Command officer quoted by UPI. Back to Headlines Comment on this story
| | | 3. Wanted: Strategy for Expulsion Protestors Facing Legal Action
| | | By Hillel Fendel
Indictments and summons to court sessions are being mailed these days to an estimated 400 people, mainly youths - a result of the anti-disengagement activities of this past spring and summer.
| Many of the youths are unsure as to how to proceed. They are turning to the Honenu organization, which has several suggestions - but these have not yet been implemented.
Throughout the months preceding the expulsion from Gush Katif and northern Shomron, beginning roughly in February, hundreds of youths were arrested in the course of protesting the planned disengagement. Most were arrested while blocking roads, and were even held in prison for various amounts of time. A special wing in the Maasiyahu Prison in Ramle was even set up for the disengagement protestors.
Coming to their rescue was largely Honenu, a voluntary legal rights organization. Honenu had been established four years earlier to help citizens whose spontaneous acts of self-defense in life-threatening situations had embroiled them in legal trouble.
Honenu hired lawyers, at group discounted rates, to represent the protesting youths and others at the first stage of their arrest, trying to help them avoid being incarcerated until the end of the proceedings and other restrictions. The lawyers advised them regarding such issues as whether to identify themselves and the like.
The young inmates forged close ties as they experienced jail together "for the cause," and for the most part drew much admiration for their ideals and behavior while in prison. The commander of the Maasiyahu Prison reportedly told MK Effie Eitam that he hoped his own children would grow up like them.
One yeshiva high school junior who spent eight days in prison after passively participating in a road-blocking wrote on the Ynet Hebrew news site,
"I'll tell you frankly: I wasn't supposed to be [arrested]. I was arrested for nothing. Really. But I'm not sorry for one second that I was there! To me, those 'law-breakers' gave so much... The Sabbath that I had there in prison - I don't remember such a Shabbat in my life. Such righteous boys and girls! What an amazing and uplifting Kabbalat Shabbat [Friday evening prayer service]! ... I don't think there was one person there who hadn't gone on the face-to-face campaign [of meeting people in their homes and explaining to them about Gush Katif, Judaism, etc. - ed.] at least five times. So whoever thinks that these road-blockers don't care about the People of Israel should sit on the side and learn from them about true love of their fellow Jew. Even in jail they tried to do the face-to-face campaign. We did it with the jailers, with other prisoners, with police officers, etc."
Now, however, the situation has changed: the arrestees are no longer "together," their plight is no longer of great public interest, and Honenu's funds cannot be stretched to cover all the legal fees that are now arising.
Shmuel "Zangy" Medad, the founder and head of Honenu, told Arutz-7, "We simply do not have enough money. At the first stage, our help was critical, because people were in shock over being arrested, and they needed immediate help, to avoid being jailed until the end of proceedings and the like. We would like to continue our help, but we simply can't - it's too much... But we can help now in other ways: For one thing, one who receives a court summons can take lawyers from among those who are still in our pool, at discounted prices [roughly a third to a quarter of normal lawyers' fees]. Or, of course, he or she can take a public defender; this is free, and some of them are of high quality. In that case, we can advise him on what he needs to be eligible for such representation. Or if he wants to defend himself, we have lawyers who can advise him."
Medad then said that a fourth option exists: "We don't officially recommend it, but it's important to mention - and that is for the defendant to state straight out that he or she does not recognize the courts because of their non-Jewish orientation. We know that only isolated individuals are able to take this approach, however."
One of them is Medad's wife Ettie, who was taken yesterday by force to a court in Kfar Saba - a day earlier than her scheduled court date, sentenced to a three-month suspended sentence, and released. She spent most of the month of August this year in prison on two-year-old charges related to alleged "child neglect" having to do with her protest against the eviction of a widow from her hilltop home. She said at the time that she prefers to "sit in jail, despite the suffering my family and children will face, rather than cooperate with the evils perpetrated against our people. I will not cooperate with the forces who are expelling David Hatuel... [or that] permitted the eviction of Livnat Ozeri and the destruction of her home, [or] with the forces that are planning to build a casino in Elei Sinai. If this is the price we have to pay, so be it."
Clearly, however, only a small number are willing to take this approach, and Medad says that within a few days, he hopes to have a meeting of all of them to decide on a joint strategy.
Others who have been helped by Honenu would like to enlist the organization's help in holding another gathering - of those who are not willing to take the above approach. The mother of one young defendant said that she was told by the Rabbi of Yitzhar, David Dudkevitch, that there must be a group strategy for those in the "mainstream" who don't wish to clash directly with the legal system.
One man close to the matter, a resident of Kedumim who is in close contact with Honenu, told Arutz-7 that he would like to organize such a strategy: "It's a realistic goal, but it has to be organized by a group. My idea is that we all saw and all agree that the system is corrupt and has to be changed - but it can't be done overnight. We also have to recognize that there are still some individuals, even in the system, who can be convinced when they see that something is wrong. Last week, for instance, a report was issued showing how unfairly all the disengagement protestors were treated - and it made some waves. We have to keep the pressure on; we have to lead to a situation where there is much scrutiny, both here and abroad, of their decisions; we have to show the judges reports and investigations, asking questions like, 'How do you expect me to cooperate with a system that does this and this?'; and of course we have to aggressively contest the actual charges. We need to hold a press conference that will present this position and turn it into news, and then meet together and make decisions."
For some of the defendants, the above might be too late, as their court dates are coming up in the coming days. "We might be able to push off the court date," one mother said, "and if so, the [above-mentioned] strategy is the way we would like to go."
The people mentioned in this article are in contact with one another, and hope to work together to implement their strategy for the benefit of as many of the young defendants as possible.
Medad said, "Keep in mind that after the Yamit/Sinai expulsion in 1982, then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin closed all the files against the protestors - but Sharon has not done this. He has been sending a consistent message ever since he first announced his disengagement plan that he wants to break the national-religious-settler camp. But he won't succeed. The tide is turning against him, and people believe in our way. We believe that the State of Israel is a great thing, and we thank G-d for it - but the way is now open for it to become a truly Jewish state. For this, we have to struggle."
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| | 4. Israeli About-Face: We Won´t Interfere if Hamas Terrorists Run
| | | By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
The Sharon government, in a 180-degree turn, said it will not interfere if Hamas terrorists run in PA elections. PM Sharon said last month," We will never agree" to their participation.
| Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz told Army Radio of the new Israeli policy following his meeting with United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Washington on Wednesday.
Mofaz repeated the American position that Hamas participation in the Palestinian Authority (PA) legislative elections scheduled for January is an internal PA issue. Last month, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Mofaz both said that Israel would actively interfere with the PA elections if Hamas fields candidates without first disarming. The Prime Minister stated Israel would set up roadblocks to prevent people from reaching polling stations.
"We will never agree that this terrorist organization, this armed terrorist organization, will participate in the elections," Sharon was quoted in the Washington Post. "We will make every effort not to help them in their elections." Prime Minister Sharon made his statements following his speech in late September to the United Nations General Assembly, where he was congratulated by dozens of world leaders for carrying out the expulsion of Jewish residents from the Gaza and northern Samaria regions.
Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said two weeks ago that Hamas' participation in the legislative elections would be a "stroke of insanity." A Foreign Ministry statement added, "The participation of Hamas in the PA elections would be nothing more than a bid by this group of Islamist extremists to seize power from moderate Palestinians who are interested in coexistence with Israel."
Defense Minister Mofaz said Israel opposes Hamas' participation in elections because of its hard-line stance against Israel.
His about-face reflects repeated statements by the State Department that though Hamas is an outlawed terrorist organization, its participation in PA elections is a "local" issue.
Hamas has maintained backing of more than 25 percent of voters in polls and has claimed credit for the expulsion and the withdrawal of IDF forces. It also has proven itself to be more organized than the ruling Fatah party of PA leaders and provides social services for tens of thousands of Gazans.
Brig.-Gen. Yair Golan, head of IDF forces in Judea and Samaria, offered reasoning that may be behind the government's sudden change of mind. "Let us not delude ourselves. We cannot run the politics of the Palestinians," he said recently in an interview with the Hebrew newspaper Ma'ariv. He added, "It may very well be that the feeling of persecution will bring Hamas more votes."
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| | | By Ezra HaLevi
A conference this week unveiled the Sanhedrin project to the public, shifting away from euphoric satisfaction with the launch of the Court one year ago and moving toward broadening participation.
| Since it was launched in Tiberias last year, the Court of 71 rabbis has strived to fulfill the halakhic (Jewish legal) requirements for renewing authentic semicha (rabbinic ordination passed down from Moses) and for reestablishing the Great Court, which was disbanded 1,600 years ago. At Sunday’s conference, distinguished members of the Court, led by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel (Steinsaltz), presented a humble, yet exhilarating plan to widen the scope and acceptance of the Court to truly move toward becoming the restored Sanhedrin of old.
Along with the increasingly modest references to the current institution of a Court or Sanhedrin project came new high-caliber participants in the project. Rabbi Even-Israel publicly accepted the position of Nassi, President of the Sanhedrin, and Rabbi Re’em HaCohen – head of the Otniel Hesder Yeshiva - delivered the first address of the morning. Kiryat Arba Chief Rabbi and Dayan (Rabbinical Court Judge) Dov Lior spoke both at the conference and later at the festive meal.
Also participating in the conference were Rabbi Yisrael Rozen, who heads the Tzomet Institute, and Rabbi Ratzon Arussi, Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Ono and a member of the Chief Rabbinate. Both spoke about the relationship of Torah Law with the law of the State of Israel, with Rozen focusing on the grassroots desire for honest and sincere leadership in Israeli society following the crisis of the Disengagement, and Arussi outlining the critical importance of the formation of a unified court of Torah monetary law.
The crowd attending the conference, which took place in a synagogue in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood, overflowed onto the street and consisted of many stripes of religious Jews, with a sprinkling of secular Jerusalemites interested in the return to biblical concepts.
“While it would be easy to write off secular Jewry as not interested in the preservation of Jewish tradition and therefore not meriting consideration by the Sanhedrin,” said Rabbi Re’em HaCohen in his opening address, “the authority and divine inspiration of the ultimate Sanhedrin comes from the Divine Presence, which our rabbis tell us rested upon the Jewish people at Sinai because not one single Jew was left out or excluded. The Sanhedrin project is a vehicle toward unity, and unity is what will be the vehicle that will restore the Divine Glory to the Sanhedrin.”
Rabbi HaCohen also expressed the opinion that the project should refer to itself as a Court more often than a Sanhedrin, in order to allow the recognized Gedolim, Torah Greats, to join the effort.
The prevailing opinion of most of the senior members of the Sanhedrin is that the Sanhedrin has not yet achieved full halakhic (Jewish legal) status on par with its status before it was disbanded 1,600 years ago, but that its restoration is truly underway.
In his speech accepting the position of Nassi, Rabbi Even-Israel said that the task of building the Sanhedrin will take some time - but that the ark that Noah built took 120 years to build. He expressed his opinion that the project should steer clear of political pronouncements – a point that was challenged by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel of the Temple Institute, who said that publicly opposing the expulsion and supporting those Jews expelled from Gaza and northern Samaria could not be referred to as political. The diverging viewpoints gave those in attendance a glimpse of the manner in which Sanhedrin members disagree with one another, recognizing their responsibility to enable the body to provide a wide spectrum of religious Jewish thought.
Members of the Court delivered reports outlining how the nascent Sanhedrin is already working toward fulfilling some of the primary functions that the ultimate Sanhedrin must fulfill – the role of societal leadership. In ancient times there was the Nassi, the legal head, and there was the Av Beit HaDin, Father of the Court, who served more on a societal level. The Sanhedrin was the ultimate authority of Jewish law one the one hand, and a body of leadership for Jewish society on the other hand.
Among the projects currently being worked on are the Beit Din Bein HaAm v’HaMedina, the Court Dealing With the Relationship Between the Nation and the State. This Court, which is subordinate to the Sanhedrin, recently grabbed headlines in the daily Maariv newspaper. The paper reported on an arrested disengagement protestor, who was allowed by an Israeli secular court to obtain a ruling from the Sanhedrin regarding whether or not to agree to restricted conditions in exchange for release from prison.
Ettie Medad, wife of the director of the Honenu legal assistance organization, accepted the Sanhedrin Court’s ruling to refrain from agreeing to the restrictions, even though it meant indefinite continued incarceration with her small child. She was released three days later after informing the secular court of the ruling.
Currently in the courts is the case of a teenage girl who was arrested in the former northern Samaria town of Sa-Nur and is refusing to be tried by secular courts, asking to be tried by the Sanhedrin’s Court instead.
The Beit Din Bein HaAm v’HaMedina is also engaged in high level discussions with the Ministry of Education in an attempt to improve the way in which Bible is taught in Israel’s public school system.
Other topics addressed at the conference included the following:
* Rabbi Shabtai Sabato commended those behind the Sanhedrin project and Rabbi Even-Israel (Steinzaltz), saying that the Sanhedrin has withstood its first year, “in spite of all the derisiveness” toward the endeavor from some sectors.
* Rabbi Nachman Kahane, currently the Av Beit HaDin, spoke about the Sanhedrin project in light of world events and the failure of the United Nations to reject the Iranian calls to eradicate Israel.
* Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, Vice-Av Beit HaDin, spoke about the Sanhedrin’s achievements over the past year, including its interactions with the Ministry of Education.
* Rabbi Yehuda Edri summarized the various opinions regarding the precise location of the Holy Temple, a topic examined in depth by the Sanhedrin this year.
* Rabbi Gideon Charlap, a master architect, summarized conclusions of the Sanhedrin’s committee regarding the site of the Holy Temple - though the Sanhedrin has not yet ruled on accepting the committee’s conclusions at this time.
* Rabbi Michael Shlomo Bar-Ron spoke about the Sanhedrin’s mission to the B’nei Noach, non-Jews who observe the seven laws of Noah. He emphasized the high caliber and self-sacrifice of the Noahides he met on behalf of the Sanhedrin who are coming to Israel in Tevet (January) to be ordained as a high council for the B’nei Noach.
Sanhedrin spokesman Prof. Hillel Weiss, speaking with Israel National TV (Click here to view - segment begins at 1:35 mark), said that the Sanhedrin seeks to gain the support of the Jewish Nation not through coercion or animosity, but through love, which will eventually culminate in a basic law being put forth in the Knesset restoring the Court to its proper authority.
One of those who took the day off from work to attend the conference was Efrat resident Jeremy Gimpel. “I had read everything written about the renewed Sanhedrin with such excitement, I had to see for myself,” Gimpel said. “What struck me is that ever since Mt. Sinai, there were always 70 elders leading the Jewish people and I believe that G-d, in His infinite wisdom, knew the Jews would be dispersed among the 70 nations. To see all these rabbis and leaders gathered back in the land of Israel, bringing with them different traditions, cultures and approaches to Torah is a humbling experience and an answer to our daily prayer of Hashiva shofteinu k'varishona, Return our judges as of old.” Back to Headlines Comment on this story
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