Wednesday, December 21, 2005

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By the Grace of G-d

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"TODAY'S DAY": Thursday, December 22, 2005


Kislev 21, 5766 * December 22, 2005

"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"

Monday, Kislev 21 5703

Torah lessons: Chumash: Vayeishev, Sheini with Rashi.
Tehillim: 104-105
Tanya: Compiler's foreword (p.xii) the gates
(she'arim) (p.xiv).

Learn Mishna by heart, each person according to his capacity, and then while walking in the street, review Mishna from memory; you will thereby merit welcoming Mashiach.

Chassidim must study Chassidus; all chassidim on Mondays, Thursdays, and Shabbat; T'mimim an hour every day. (1)

Footnote: (1) Former (in this context) students of Yeshivat Tomchei Tmimim, the Lubavitcher yeshiva; see Elul 15, (p. 87 in the published


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Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).

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DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Thursday, December 22, 2005


Kislev 21, 5766 * December 22, 2005

D A I L Y M I T Z V A H (M A I M O N I D E S )

Today's Mitzvah (Day 111 of 339):

Negative Mitzvah 157

Negative Mitzvah 157: It is forbidden to go back on our word

-Numbers 30:3 "He shall not break his word, he shall do according
to all that proceeds out of his mouth"

Sometimes, we are not careful enough about what we say and then,
we are forced to explain ourselves because of a misunderstanding.

Often we'll hear someone remark:

"Oh! I wasn't even thinking when I said that!"
"Did I say that?" I didn't really mean it."
"I just said the first thing that came to my mind!"

The Torah teaches us to be responsible for what we say.

If a person made a commitment to do something or take upon himself
some job or responsibility, he should not go back on his word.


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LESSONS IN TANYA: Thursday, December 22, 2005


Kislev 21, 5766 * December 22, 2005


Today's Lesson:

Likutei Amarim
(Conclusion of Compiler's Foreword)

I speak, however, of those who know me well, each and every one of Anash of our country and those countries nearby, with whom affectionate words were often exchanged [in private audience], and who revealed to me all the hidden recesses of their heart and mind in matters related to the service of G-d which is dependent on the heart.

To them shall my words seep through, and (16) my tongue shall take the form of a scribe's pen, in these pamphlets entitled Likutei Amarim ("A Compilation of Teachings"), being compiled from books and teachers, heavenly saints, who are well known to us.

[The "books and teachers" alluded to have been explained above, in the comments on the title page.]

Some of these teachings, the wise [for whom "a hint is sufficient"] will find alluded to in the sacred letters of our teachers in the Holy Land.

[As mentioned above, the Alter Rebbe considered certain senior disciples of the Maggid of Mezritch as his mentors, especially Rabbi Mendel of Vitebsk, who then resided in Eretz Yisrael.]

Some of them I heard from their saintly mouth when they were here with us [before they moved to Eretz Yisrael]. All of them are answers to many questions posed continually by Anash of our country seeking advice, each according to his stature [in the service of G-d], so as to receive guidance for themselves in the service of G-d, because time no longer permits [me] to reply to everyone individually on his particular query, and also because forgetfulness is common.

I have therefore recorded all the replies to all the questions, to be preserved as a sign, and to serve as a reminder in everyone's mind. (17) No longer will one need to press for a private audience, for in these Likutei Amarim one will find tranquillity for his soul, and true counsel on everything that he finds difficult in the service of G-d.

Thus his heart will be firmly secure in G-d who completes and perfects everything for us.

He whose mind is too limited to understand how to derive advice from these pamphlets, let him discuss his problem with the foremost scholars of his town and they will enlighten him.

Of [these scholars] I request that they not lay their hand upon their mouth, [i.e., not to keep silent when asked for advice, for fear of appearing to be proud in their knowledge], to conduct themselves with false modesty and humility - [for misplaced modesty is falsehood].

It is well known how bitter is the punishment of him who (18) "withholds food," [i.e., who withholds Torah knowledge from him who seeks it], and also how great is the reward [granted to one who provides such knowledge. This is well known] from the comment of our Sages (19) on the verse,(20) "G-d enlightens the eyes of them both."

[The verse reads, "The pauper and the wealthy man meet; G-d enlightens the eyes of them both." The Gemara applies this to a pauper in Torah knowledge and to one who is wealthy in Torah. When they meet, and the wealthy one teaches the pauper, G-d enlightens the eyes of both of them - with a light that transcends them both.]

Thus G-d will cause His face to shine upon them, with the light of the countenance of the King [which provides] life.

May He who provides life to the living grant us the privilege of living to see the days when (21) "no longer will one man teach another...[to know Me], for they will all know Me, [... from the smallest to the greatest]," (22) "for the knowledge of G-d will fill the earth as the waters fill the sea."

Amen. May this be His Will.

As the aforementioned pamphlets have been distributed among all the Anash mentioned above, by means of numerous transcriptions at the hands of sundry and diverse copyists, the multitude of transcriptions has given rise to an exceedingly great number of textual errors.

[As mentioned above, the words "sundry and diverse (copyists)" may well allude to two kinds of errors - the intentional as well as the innocent.]

Therefore the spirit of the noble men mentioned on the previous page (23) has generously moved them to make a personal and financial effort to have these pamphlets published, cleared of all dross and copyists' errors [- another possible allusion to the two types of errors mentioned above, with "dross" representing the forgeries], and thoroughly checked. I congratulate them on this worthy deed.

Inasmuch as the verse states explicitly, (24) "Cursed be he who encroaches on his fellow's border," and where the expression "cursed" is used, it implies both damnation and excommunication, (25) G-d preserve us, [it is actually superfluous to add any further prohibition on violating the copyright of the publishers].

I come therefore only [to reinforce the words of Scripture] as [the Talmud cites] a mere practice in Judah in order to reinforce an explicit Scriptural statement, (26) invoking a strict prohibition on all publishers against printing these pamphlets, either themselves or through their agents, without the permission of the above-named, for a period of five years from the day that this printing is completed. (27)

May it be pleasant for those who comply, and may they be blessed with good.

These are the words of the compiler of the aforementioned Likutei Amarim.


14. Mishlei 31:23.
15. Torat Shalom p. 56.
16. Tehillim 45:2.
17. As in the expression concerning the tefillin (Shmot 13:9): "They
shall be for you as a reminder between your eyes."
18. See Sanhedrin 91b on Mishlei 11:26.
19. See Temurah 16a on Mishlei 29:13.
20. Mishlei 29:13.
21. Yirmeyahu 31:33.
22. Yeshayahu 11:9.
23. Referring to the partners R. Shalom Shachna and R. Mordechai; see
approbation of Rabbi Zusya of Anipoli and footnote 11 there.
24. Devarim 27:17.
25. Shevuot 36a (in inverted order); and Rambam, Yad, Hilchot
Sanhedrin 26:3.
26. Kiddushin 6a.
27. As above, in the approbations: Tuesday, Parshat KiTavo, 5556.


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PARENTING: In Defense of the Jelly Bean


Kislev 20, 5766 * December 21, 2005


In Defense of the Jelly Bean
By: Avrohom Kass

Should a parent give a child a tangible reward when he or she has behaved properly or performed some important task such as doing homework or helping around the house?

Understandably, many parents are hesitant to use incentives such as prizes or food treats to influence their children, especially considering the negative comments by many (though not all) contemporary parenting experts. For many parents, giving their children rewards feels like bribery, and should be thus avoided. Some parents object to giving rewards because they feel that a child will end up wanting a reward for everything he or she does.

What is the Jewish perspective on all this?

Maimonides (1135-1204), one of the greatest Jewish thinkers of all time, advises motivating a child by promising, "read, and I will give you a nut or a fig." Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, author of the Chassidic text Tanya, explains, "since a child's mind is immature, he or she desires and loves small things of inferior worth." In other words, the mind of a child has not yet matured into a mind that is capable of being motivated by altruism; according to Rabbi Schneur Zalman, children will not do things just because they are the right thing to do.

In truth, almost all adults will only work and sacrifice if there is a reward. Typically, the reward is in the form of a paycheck, but sometime the reward might be personal honor, or fame. Children are no different!

There is a danger in not accepting that children require motivating. Children, when their efforts are not acknowledged, can be "turned off" to learning and cooperative behavior, which then can lead to developmental and social difficulties. At times, simple praise may be enough to acknowledge a child's accomplishments. Often, however, and especially with very young children, praise needs to be combined with something tangible like a sticker, or candy, or an allowance.

As parents, we must be realistic and practical. We cannot motivate a child with things they don't want, even if our intentions are to educate them in the "true and noble ways" of life. We all want our children to be cooperative about doing their homework, be helpful around the house, and respectful to others. Yet to accomplish these correct goals, we need to bend-down to the mental and emotional level of the child and offer a "jelly bean" with our a bit of praise.

Certainly, not all good behavior needs to be, or should be, rewarded. Most children seek to please and want, at times, to cooperate. However, if the child resists complying for whatever reason for certain tasks or attitudes, this is a sign that probably a reward for compliance should be offered. Sometimes, a negative consequence should be assigned for refusal to cooperate, if the reward does not sufficiently motivate.

To be effective, rewards should always match the child's level of maturity. Maimonides suggests that when the child outgrows a desire for "dates and honey," he or she should be offered "nice clothes or money."

As our children mature, it should be our goal to decrease external rewards and encourage more internal, self-motivating ones, and ultimately, if the child grows-up with spiritual and religious values, true altruism.

Children are very receptive and excellent learners. When they repeat a behaviour many times it becomes "second nature." If we want our children to become exemplary adults, we must insist upon, and encourage, proper behavior and attitudes when they are young.

Once a behavior or attitude becomes second nature, it no longer needs to be externally encouraged. For example, if a child develops good study habits when young, as a result of parents having rewarded him/her for this behavior, typically, as a teen and adult, he or she will continue to have good study habits, because it has now become a personal value, and external rewards are no longer necessary.

The Jewish way is to acknowledge a child's accomplishments by giving generous praise and rewards. Tangible rewards help children improve in learning and good behavior. Self-esteem is also enhanced, since the child is being recognized for behaving properly. A child, and even a teen, likes to know they are doing a good job, and a tangible reward sends that message loud and clear.

- Rabbi Avrohom Kass, publisher of Wisdom Scientific self-help educational programs, is a registered Social Worker, registered Marriage and Family Therapist, certified Hypnotherapist and award winning educator. Avrohom and his wife Golda live in Thornhill, Ontario, where he currently operates a successful private practice in personal, couple and family therapy, and have seven children and two grandchildren.

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TODAY IN JUDAISM: Thursday, December 22, 2005


Kislev 21, 5766 * December 22, 2005


* Laws * Customs * Jewish History * Daily Quote * Daily Study *

Today is: Thursday, Kislev 21, 5766

Today in Jewish History

• Satmar Rebbe Rescued (1944)

The Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum (1887-1979), was rescued from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, along with 1,368 other Jews, through the efforts of Rudulf Kastner, head of the Zionist rescue operation in Hungary (an earlier transport 1,686 Jews had been rescued on Av 29). The Satmar community celebrates the 21st of Kislev as a day of thanksgiving.

Daily Quote

One should cast himself into a C rather than shame his fellow in public

- Talmud, Sotah 10b

Daily Study

Chitas and Rambam for today:

Chumash: Vayeishev, 5th Portion Bereishit 39:1-39:6 with Rashi
• English Text:

Tehillim: Chapters 104 - 105
• Hebrew text:
• English text:

Tanya: Likutei Amarim, end of Compiler's Foreword
• Lesson in Tanya:
• RealAudio:
• Windows Media:

• Sefer Hamitzvos:
• 1 Chapter: Mechirah Chap. 3
• 3 Chapters: Nedarim Chap. 7, 8, 9

Hayom Yom:
• English Text:


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Kislev 20, 5766 * December 21, 2005


Parshas Veyeishev

Do you dream in your sleep? Many people do. Sometimes we dream about important things. But often, we forget our dreams when we wake up. Sometimes, we might not even remember that we dreamt at all. But when a Tzaddik, a righteous man, has a dream — and especially when that dream is mentioned in the Torah — the dream holds a lesson for us.

Let’s take a closer look at Yosef’s first dream and compare it to Pharaoh’s dreams, which we will read about next week. In his dream, Pharaoh is a bystander, watching what happens to the cows and the corn stalks. He’s not doing anything himself.

Yosef’s dream begins with activity. “Behold, we are standing in the fields gathering bundles of sheaves.” A Jew is always busy. “Man was created for work,” our Rabbis teach us. HaShem has made us His partners in Creation and has instructed us to make this world a home for Him.

What type of work must we perform? Yosef’s dream also teaches us a lesson about that. What are Yosef and his brothers doing in the dream? They are gathering stalks of grain and bundling them together. Each stalk grows separately, but Yosef and his brothers bring them together.

The world around us appears to be full of separate things, and we don’t always see a connection between them. But everything is really part of HaShem’s oneness. It is our job to show that there really is Achdus in everything HaShem created; His holiness is found in every part of creation. That’s why the Jewish people are called “One nation in the world.” Through the Torah and its mitzvos, we bring out the oneness of the world.

At the end of Yosef’s dream, all the bundles of grain bow down to his bundle. In every generation, there is a Jewish leader who tells people how to carry out the mission of revealing Achdus in this world. The strength to carry out this mission comes from bittul, giving ourselves over to the leader’s guidance and following his instructions on how to carry out HaShem’ s will.

(Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. III, Parshas Vayeishev)


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TORAH STUDIES: Parshat Vayeishev


Kislev 20, 5766 * December 21, 2005


Parshat Vayeishev (Genesis 37:1-40:23)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last week's Parshah, Vayishlach, had Ya’akov Avinu returning to his father's house after 22 years away. This week’s Parshah opens with Ya’akov dwelling where his father had lived, in Canaan. This aliyah begins the interesting story of Yosef, Ya’akov's firstborn son from his wife Rachel. Ya’akov favored Yosef and made him a fancy coat. Yosef reported bad things about his brothers to their father. Yosef had dreams implying that he would eventually rule over his brothers. All this added up to his brothers hating him, and as we'll see in a later aliyah they'll plot to kill him.


In the second aliyah Yosef's brothers go off to tend to their father's flock in Shchem. Ya’akov sends Yosef to see how the brothers and the flock are doing. They see him approaching and plot to kill him, but Reuvain suggests that they don't kill him, and instead throw him into a pit. Reuvain's plan was to secretly rescue Yosef from the pit, but in the end he never really gets a chance to rescue him.


In the third aliyah, when Yosef arrives where his brothers are, they strip him of his fancy coat and cast him into a pit. They subsequently sell him to a caravan traveling to Egypt where he is sold to Potifar, the captain of Pharaoh's guard. Meanwhile, the brothers dip Yosef's coat into blood, and show it to their father Ya’akov as evidence of Yosef's being devoured by a wild beast. Ya’akov then begins what Rashi points out will be 22 years of mourning while Yosef is missing. Rashi further says that these 22 years where Yosef doesn't honor his father by letting him know he is alive correspond to the 22 years that Ya’akov himself didn't communicate with Yitzchak his own father while Ya’akov was in Lavan's house.


In the fourth aliyah the story of Yosef is interrupted by the episode of Yehuda and Tamar. Yehuda is one of Yosef's brothers, in fact the one who suggested selling him. After their father Ya’akov is grieved over the loss of Yosef, Yehuda goes off and marries, and has three sons, Er, Onan, and Shelah. He found a wife named Tamar for his first son Er, but Er spilled his seed and died as a result. Yehuda had his second son fulfill the mitzvah of Yirbum, of marrying his childless deceased brother's wife, but he too spilled his seed and died. Yehuda hesitated to give his third son to Tamar, so she returned to her father's house as a widow.

Eventually, Yehuda's own wife passes away and he goes on a business trip. Tamar dresses like a prostitute and sits by the side of the road. Yehuda doesn't recognize her and visits her and leaves his signet ring, and she becomes pregnant. A few months later, when her pregnancy is evident, Yehuda orders her to be burned. While she is being taken out to be burned, she produces the signet ring and says the owner of this is the father. She is very careful not to embarrass Yehuda in public (she would rather be burnt if he didn't admit he was the father).

From this we learn to what lengths we must go to avoid embarrassing someone. In any case, the child from this union begins a long line that leads to King David, then on to Moshiach, indicating that this entire story was a Divinely orchestrated plan in fulfillment of the purpose of creation: the Messianic era, may it be fulfilled speedily in our days.


In the fifth aliyah the Torah returns to the story of Yosef. Yosef has been brought down to Egypt and sold to Potifar, the captain of Pharaoh's guard. The Torah says that G-d is with Yosef, therefore Yosef and even Potifar do quite well during this time.


In the sixth aliyah, after a while of Yosef's success in Potifar's house, Potifar's wife becomes very attracted to Yosef because he is very handsome. She makes advances toward him, but he steadfastly refused her. One time during one such advance, he runs away, but she holds on to his coat. She uses the coat as evidence saying that it was he who made the advances, and Potifar has Yosef put in prison. But G-d is with Yosef still, and he does very well in prison, and he is put in charge of all the prisoners.


In the seventh aliyah, two of Pharaoh's staff are put in prison: his butler and baker. They both have dreams that sadden them, and Yosef interprets them. The butler dreams about grape clusters from which he squeezed wine out and gave to Pharaoh. Yosef's interpretation is that the butler would be restored to Pharaoh's service, which turns out to be true. The baker dreams about baskets of baked goods that a bird ate. Yosef's interpretation is that the baker would be hung, which also turns out to be true.

Yosef asks the butler to mention his plight to Pharaoh, but the butler forgets to do it.


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PARSHAH IN A NUTSHELL: Week of December 18-24, 2005 (Vayeishev)


Kislev 20, 5766 * December 21, 2005


TORAH PORTION: Vayeishev (Genesis 37:1-40:23)

Torah Reading for Week of December 18-24, 2005

On the Web:

- * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -

Jacob settles in Hebron with his twelve sons. His favorite is 17-year-old Joseph, whose brothers are jealous of the preferential treatment he receives from his father, such as a precious many-colored coat that Jacob makes for Joseph. Joseph relates to his brothers two dreams he has which foretell that he is destined to rule over them, increasing their envy and hatred towards him.

Shimon and Levi plot to kill him, but Reuben suggests that they throw him into a pit instead, intending to come back later and save him. While Joseph is in the pit, Judah has him sold to a band of passing Ishmaelites. The brothers dip Joseph's special coat in the blood of a goat and show it to their father, leading him to believe that his most beloved son was devoured by a wild beast.

Judah marries and has three children. The eldest, Er, dies young and childless, and his wife Tamar is given in levirate marriage to the second son, Onan. Onan sins by spilling his seed and he, too, meets an early death. Judah is reluctant to have his third son marry her. Determined to have a child from Judah's family, Tamar disguises herself as a prostitute and seduces Judah himself. Judah hears that his daughter-in-law has become pregnant and orders her executed for harlotry, but when Tamar produces some personal effects he left with her as a pledge for payment, he publicly admits that he is the father. Tamar gives birth to twin sons, Peretz (an ancestor of King David) and Zerach.

Joseph is taken to Egypt and sold to Potiphar, the minister in charge of Pharaoh's slaughterhouses. G-d blesses everything he does, and soon he is made overseer of all his master's property. Potiphar's wife desires the handsome and charismatic lad; when Joseph rejects her advances, she tells her husband that the Hebrew slave tried to force himself on her and has him thrown in prison. Joseph gains the trust and admiration of his jailers, who appoint him to a position of authority in the prison administration.

In prison, Joseph meets Pharaoh's chief butler and chief baker, both incarcerated for offending their royal master. Both have disturbing dreams, which Joseph interprets; in three days, he tells them, the butler will be released and the baker hanged. Joseph asks the butler to intercede on his behalf with Pharaoh. Joseph's predictions are fulfilled, but the butler forgets all about Joseph and does nothing for him.

* * *


- Israel loved Joseph more than all his children… And his brothers envied him (37:3, 11)

"Love is strong as death" (Song of Songs 8:6) -- this is the love with which Jacob loved Joseph… "Envy is harsh as the grave" (ibid.) -- this is the envy of the brothers to Joseph. What can love achieve in face of envy? (Midrash Tanchuma)

- And they took Joseph's coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood (37:31)

G-d pays back man measure for measure -- even the righteous does He pay back measure for measure. Jacob deceived his father (Isaac) with goatskins (as per Genesis 27:16), and his sons deceived him with the blood of a goat… And, Judah, who deceived his father (Jacob) with the blood of a goat, was deceived by Tamar with a "kid of goats" (as per Genesis 38:17). (Midrash; Rashi)

- It was told to Tamar: Behold, your father-in-law is going up to Timna to shear his sheep (38:13)

Yet in the case of Samson it says, "And Samson went down to Timna" (Judges 14:1). For Timna sat on the slope of a hill: one ascended to it from one side and descended to it from the other. (Rashi)

The town of Timna is thus the prototype for all of life’s destinations. One never simply goes to Timna -- one either ascends or descends to it; the same is true of the journey of life. There are no two parallel points on the slope of human development, where every step is either a step up or a step down from its predecessor.

This is also the lesson implicit in the lights of Chanukah (which always falls in proximity with the Torah reading of Vayeishev). One who kindles a single flame on the first night of the festival observes the mitzvah of kindling the Chanukah lights in the most optimal manner possible. But to kindle that same flame on the following night is not only a failure to increase light but a decline in relation to yesterday’s achievement: on the second night of Chanukah, a single flame represents a less than optimal observance of the mitzvah. For in the "diagonal" trajectory of life, our every deed and endeavor either elevates or lowers us in relation to our prior station. (The Lubavitcher Rebbe)


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A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe
-words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman
Kislev 20, 5766 * December 21, 2005


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Seasons - A Chanukah Thought

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Yad Eliezer
Dear Friend,

Chanuka – Festival of Lights.. A time to be thankful that we are be able to live our lives with dignity and honor- free of persecution and coercion.

But for all too many of our brothers and sisters in Israel, who struggle every minute of the day to put food on their table, who don’t know from where their next meal is coming, the joy of Chanuka is often compromised.

Poverty is a reality in Israel. The recent ouster of the legendary Shimon Peres from the leadership of Israel’s second largest party, by a relatively unknown Amir Peretz, whose agenda called for nothing more than bringing social issues to the forefront of Israel’s priorities, is very telling.

At Yad Eliezer, we have been feeding the most desperately poor for more than two decades by providing basic food staples to over 8000 families, 50,000 people, on a monthly basis. By supplying food to the home, rather than having the indigent leave the setting of the home, we have succeeded in easing the plight of the neediest, while maintaining their dignity and honor.

Forty dollars provides a food basket of a month’s worth of staples: rice, flour, beans, oil, canned goods, detergent.

This Chanuka, as you light up your home with the warmth of the beautiful Chanuka candles, bring a ray of light to the lives of so many who ask for no more than to feed their families


Sori Tropper

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A7news: Syria/Iran Pact to Resist Int´l Pressure, Hide Weapons

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Israel Threatens to Turn Off Gaza´s Electricity
With three Kassam attacks against Ashkelon in recent days from Gaza, Israel threatened to turn of Gaza's electricity for two hours - but then realized that the hospital there has no generators.
Full Story Below

 1. Israel Threatens to Turn Off Gaza´s Electricity
 2. Kassams Continue Apace Despite Withdrawal from Gaza
 3. Syria and Iran Sign Pact to Resist Int´l Pressure, Hide Weapons
 4. Mother Sent Sons on Suicide Missions, Becomes Hamas Candidate
 5. Knesset Committee Demands Review of Disengagement Arrests
 6. Netanyahu Trying to "Moderate" the Likud
 7. Wallerstein: "We Must Shift Moderate Voters Away From Sharon"
 8. Economic Indicators Climb; Employment Continues to Rise
 9. A Chabad Holiday - Alter Rebbe Released from Prison
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Editor: Hillel Fendel
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
20 Kislev 5766


1. Israel Threatens to Turn Off Gaza´s Electricity
By Hillel Fendel

With three Kassam attacks against Ashkelon in recent days from Gaza, Israel threatened to turn of Gaza's electricity for two hours - but then realized that the hospital there has no generators.

Three rockets have landed this week in or very close to Ashkelon and its sensitive installations - the Rothenberg power plant, an oil pipeline from Eilat, among others. One of them came down yesterday on an IDF base just south of Ashkelon. In general, Palestinian terrorists have fired rockets regularly over the past two weeks from Gaza to other western Negev locations. The total number of Kassams since the withdrawal from Gaza now tops 150; see below.

Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz is guiding the Israeli military to find a rocket-stopping solution that does not involve sending ground forces into Gaza. Haaretz newspaper reports that Israel informed the Palestinian Authority earlier this week that it would cut off electricity to Gaza for two hours if Kassam rockets continue to be fired towards Ashkelon. The purpose would be to sway PA public opinion against the terrorist organizations and their rocket attacks at Israel. However, it was realized that patients hospitalized in Gaza would be at risk, since the hospital has no generators. The threat to cut off the electricity will therefore have to wait until the hospital is hooked up to generators.

Israel is also considering other non-military options. Minister Mofaz continues to try diplomacy, and is set to meet with Egypt's Intelligence Chief Gen. Omar Suleimon in Tel Aviv today. He will reportedly ask Suleimon to use his influence with Palestinian Authority leaders to have them crack down on the rocket-firing terrorists. Suleimon is to meet today with PA chief Abu Mazen as well.

Agriculture Minister Yisrael Katz, fresh off his last-place finish in the Likud primaries this week, said this morning that the IDF should bomb several areas in Gaza, "with the purpose of causing Arabs to run away to Sinai."

Yoav Limor, Channel One’s military correspondent, said today that a ground-forces entry into Gaza is not in the cards. "Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is not likely," Limor told Army Radio, "to endanger practically his sole accomplishment of his term - the disengagement from Gaza - while paying a heavy political, international and even economic price... Not to mention his bad experience with [Israel's entry into] Lebanon [in 1982 when Sharon was Defense Minister]..."

Limor said, "There is no real military solution to Kassam rockets. The only time there could have been was on Jan. 30, 2001, when the first mortar shell was fired from Gaza, landing on a house in Netzarim. Israel should have responded then, but now it's too late. Another date on which action could possibly have been taken was three months ago, on Sept 14, 2005, when the first post-disengagement shell was fired from Gaza."

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2. Kassams Continue Apace Despite Withdrawal from Gaza
By Hillel Fendel

IDF figures show that the Disengagement from Gaza did not bring about a drop in rocket attacks against Sderot and the western Negev.

After a month of post-withdrawal quiet, there were 62 Kassam attacks in September (all in the second half of the month), 16 in October, 29 in November, and 49 so far this month. In total, then, there were 156 rockets since Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza this past August. Over 80 more Gaza-fired Kassams landed during this period inside Gaza, short of their targets.

Twenty-five Israelis, including 22 civilians, were wounded in the attacks, though none seriously.

Close to 6,000 rockets and shells were launched from PA-controlled Gaza at Israeli targets between January 2001 and August 2005 - an average of over 100 a month. The vast majority of them fell on Jewish communities in Gaza, and a relatively small portion were fired at the Negev.

Nir Hasson, writing in Haaretz today, states, "The continued Kassam firing has destroyed the hopes of the local residents, and of the architects of the Disengagement, regarding 'quiet that would reign in the area around Gaza after the withdrawal.' In addition, the evacuation of the northern Gaza Jewish communities enabled the Palestinians to bring their shooting positions closer, and the Kassams are now able to reach the southern industrial zone of Ashkelon [and the] Rothenberg power station."

The Al-Aksa Brigades of Fatah and the Jerusalem Company of Islamic Jihad have both claimed responsibility for yesterday's Kassam rocket attacks towards Sderot and Ashkelon. Some of the rockets were fired from the ruins of the former Jewish community of Dugit in northern Gaza, which was destroyed in the Disengagement Plan.

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3. Syria and Iran Sign Pact to Resist Int´l Pressure, Hide Weapons
By Ezra HaLevi

Syria has agreed to store Iran's nuclear material, and Iran will grant asylum to Syrian officials implicated in the murder of former Lebanese PM Rafik Harriri, according to Jane's Defence Weekly.

According to the London-based defense magazine, the two counties signed a strategic accord to help each other resist international pressure regarding their weapons programs and misdeeds.

Jane's quoted diplomatic sources saying that Syria has agreed to store Iranian materials and weapons if the United Nations imposes sanctions upon the Islamic state. The sources said that Iran committed to protecting any Syrian intelligence officers indicted by the UN or Lebanon.

"The sensitive chapter in the accord includes Syria's commitment to allow Iran to safely store weapons, sensitive equipment or even hazardous materials on Syrian soil should Iran need such help in a time of crisis," Jane's said.

Another aspect of the agreement that directly affects Israel is that Syria committed itself to continue to supply the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah terror group with weapons, ammunition and other equipment.

Hizbullah currently has 15,000 missiles and rockets that it received from Iran deployed on Lebanon’s border with Israel.

Also affecting the Jewish State is an Iranian commitment to supply Syria with the technology necessary to produce weapons of mass destruction and provide training to the Syrian army. Iran would upgrade Syrian ballistic missiles as well as chemical weapons systems, according to Jane's, and has even agreed to operate "advanced weapon systems in Syria during a military confrontation.”

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4. Mother Sent Sons on Suicide Missions, Becomes Hamas Candidate
By Baruch Gordon

Arab mother Um Nidal sent three children on anti-Israel death missions. Now she is the first female candidate on the Hamas list in the upcoming Palestinian Authority (PA) parliamentary elections.

Um Nidal, also known as Mariam Farahat, became famous when she was filmed bidding her 17-year-old son Mohammed farewell to die through terror. She ordered him "not to return except as a shahid [martyr for Allah]" - and he followed through.

Political observers in the PA are convinced that Hamas' fielding Um Nidal as a candidate will gain the terrorist group votes.

Palestinian Media Watch Director Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook commented on Nidal's nomination, "It is striking, and indicative of the very nature of Palestinian society as one that accepts and values terror as a way of life, that a woman could be chosen to be a legislator solely by virtue of her celebration of her son's terrorism and death."

Marcus is quick to add that the phenomenon is not limited to extremists in the PA: "We are trying to point out that the adoration of mothers who send their sons to die is not a fringe sentiment in PA society. It is mainstream, promoted by the leaders and the academic infrastructure as well."

In the film that made Nidal famous, she advised her son on combat techniques before he murdered five Jewish students in the Gush Katif town of Atzmona on March 7, 2002.

The five students, who were taking part in a Torah lecture at the time at the local pre-military religious academy, heard explosions and gunfire; they turned off the lights and lay down on the floor. The terrorist then entered the lecture hall, spraying gunfire and throwing grenades at the unarmed students. In addition to the five murdered, 24 others were wounded, including three seriously.

In another interview filmed after the terrorist attack, Nidal explained that it was a mother's love for her son that motivated her to be joyous over his Shahada (martyr's) death. With the distribution of the two filmed segments, Um Nidal instantly became a heroine and role model among the Arabs of the PA.

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) released the video depicting Nidal sending her 17-year-old son to his death, as well as her interview after his attack. The PMW video starts with a short segment of her starring in a new 25-minute Hamas election video released this month.

Click "play" below to view the PMW video
click here if video does not appear

Nidal's son Nidhal was eliminated by the IDF in 2003 while preparing for an attack against Israeli troops.

Her third son Rawad was in a vehicle laden with Kassam rockets earlier this year when an Israel Air Force helicopter scored a direct missile hit on it, abruptly terminating his terrorist career.

Um Nidal has three more sons.

President of Al-Quds University Sari Nusseibeh, hailed as a moderate in the West, had strong words of praise for Nidal during an Al-Jazeera interview:
Sari Nusseibeh: "What comes to mind as I listen to sister Um Nidal is the verse 'Paradise is under the feet of the mothers'. Praise is due to this woman, and to every Palestinian mother..."

Um Nidal (explaining why she sent her son to die): "My son is not dearer than Islam. I have offered him as a gift and a sacrifice to Allah, may he be glorified, and to His true faith..."
[Al-Jazeera, July 14, 2002]

Marcus points out, "Moderation in PA society is relative to people who may be suicide bombers, but relative to western standards, even the most moderate Palestinians have extreme terror-promoting ideology."

Arab society in the PA responded to Um Nidal by dubbing her the "Al-Khansa of Palestine (see Palestine Info website). Al-Khansa is a heroic figure from Islamic history who is glorified and revered solely for celebrating the deaths of her four shahid (martyred) sons. The PA has underscored the importance of joyfully sacrificing sons for Allah in many different ways. In Bethlehem, Jenin, Nablus, Khan Yunis and Rafiah, girls' schools were named after Al-Khansa, sending a clear message to young girls about their future role as the mothers of shahids.

Al-Khansah was honored in a televised play and official sermon by the PA on International Women's Day.

Marcus says, "Transforming Palestinian society into one that unabashedly embraces terror has necessitated terror promotion at all levels of its social, educational and political infrastructure. One of the most important components has been the indoctrination of mothers to see the deaths of their sons as positive - even beneficial - for their sons and their family status."

Armed with numerous examples of video documentation which appear below, Marcus concludes, "The Palestinian Authority has accordingly made it a principle to honor not only suicide terrorists but also the mothers who actively send their sons on suicide terror missions, as well as the mothers who express joy after their sons' Shahada - Death for Allah."

  • In the clip below, a mother describes the suicide death of her two sons as a "wedding."
    Click here to play video.
  • In this clip, a mother describes how she prayed during her pilgrimage to Mecca for her son to die as a shahid. Click here to play video.
  • A Palestinian Authority social welfare official explains how the governing bodies teach "daughters and granddaughters" to celebrate the death of sons as a wedding. Click here to play video.
  • A mother describes how her son sought Shahada in order to marry the "Dark Eyed" - the 72 maidens (or virgins) of Paradise. Click here to play video.
  • A mother describes how she hoped her son would die because "I wanted the best for him," and because it would bring honor to her entire family. Click here to play video.
  • A PA TV video clip, broadcast for years, directed mothers to send their sons to battle. The actress portraying a mother is shown expressing the traditional sound of joy after her son is killed. She then hands his gun to her next son and sends him into combat. Click here to play video.
  • The mother of a murderer of three Israelis describers her joy upon hearing of her son's death, and recounts that he aspired to Shahada because, in the son's words, "72 Dark Eyed [Maidens] of Paradise are waiting for me." Click here to play video.

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5. Knesset Committee Demands Review of Disengagement Arrests
By Hillel Fendel

The Knesset Law Committee asked the Police and State Prosecution to reconsider their decisions to indict 600 mostly young anti-disengagement protestors. Justice Minister Livny (Kadima) objects.

The demand was raised at this morning's stormy Knesset Law Committee session. Committee Chairman MK Michael Eitan (Likud) said that there exists a strong fear that the police and prosecution acted out of "vengeance and collective punishment" in deciding to hand down the indictments. He said that the civil rights of the protestors were not preserved, and that they were treated with dis-proportionate harshness in comparison with other protestors, such as university students and Arabs.

Atty. Amikam Hadar, counsel on behalf of the Honenu civil rights organization for many of the accused youngsters, participated in the session. He told Arutz-7 afterwards that in many cases, legal requirements regarding the indictment of minors were not fulfilled.

"The law is that minors must be brought before a testing officer," Hadar said, "to see if they should be indicted, but in many cases - in most cases in the Tel Aviv district, for example - this did not happen. Instead, many youngsters aged 13-14 and up were indicted, their cases are being quickly processed, and our requests to delay the proceedings have all been rejected by the Attorney-General, the State Prosecution and the police."

MK Sha'ul Yahalom (National Religious Party) blamed Justice Minister Livny for "turning the justice system into a government servant."

Minister Livny, who left the session before the end, said, "You may not speak in terms of vengeance; this is not acceptable to me." Chairman Eitan said, "Answer to the point, don't lecture me on ethics."

Atty. Hadar said that most of the indictments are on minor charges such as illegal assembly, acting wildly, blocking roads, and, in a minority of cases, attacking policemen and interfering with the investigation. It should be noted that in almost all cases in which the charges involve attacking policemen, the accused youngsters say they were merely defending themselves or responding to police force.

"There is no need now to have criminal proceedings against these youngsters," Atty. Hadar said. "The disengagement is over, and they are very positive youth. In addition, I see that because of the proceedings against them, some of them are already being told that they can't enlist in the army - or they themselves don't want to enlist. What does our society gain from this?"

MK Yitzchak Levy (National Union) also participated in the session, and said afterwards, "The committee officially filed a request to Attorney-General Mazuz to review the 600 indictments handed down by the police - but not the 100 more serious ones that the State Prosecution decided on. We were informed that there was no uniform policy by the various police departments in determining when to indict, and often the youngsters did not see a testing officer, etc. ... Mazuz has our request, and we will have to follow this closely."

MK Zahava Gal'on (Meretz) was also present, and mainly said that the religious MKs were only concerned about their population sector and not about other injustices.

In conclusion, Atty. Hadar said, "I'm not very optimistic, because we've been here before, but we'll keep trying. Keeping these minors out of the army is harmful to all of us."

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6. Netanyahu Trying to "Moderate" the Likud
By Hillel Fendel

Newly elected Likud Party Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu has offered the defeated Silvan Shalom the second spot on the party list. Both are seeking ways to remove Moshe Feiglin from the party.

Netanyahu was elected on Monday to lead the party, six and a half years after he resigned the same position. On May 17, 1999, as incumbent Prime Minister, he lost the national election to Ehud Barak, and then immediately announced that he was stepping down from the party leadership. He was replaced soon after by Ariel Sharon.

Following his victory on Monday night, Netanyahu met with Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, his former challenger - some say he still presents a threat - for three hours on Tuesday. Netanyahu offered Shalom the #2 spot on the list of Knesset candidates for the upcoming election. The party's constitution, which states that candidates for all positions must be chosen in internal elections, must be changed in order to allow this, but objectors to such a move are expected to be few.

Netanyahu announced that Shalom, who opposed the Disengagement from Gaza only when it was first announced, will be "at my side in setting the Likud agenda."

Finance Minister Ehud Olmert, a personal rival of Netanyahu and a leading figure in Ariel Sharon's Kadima party, said today that the Likud - his former party - is now "an extremist group of Netanyahu, Landau and Feiglin."

Upon arriving today at Metzudat Ze'ev - the Likud headquarters in Tel Aviv - Netanyahu said, "The attempts to portray us [the Likud] as an extremist marginal party are total nonsense, and they must be stopped... we must burn away the extremist margins."

Netanyahu said he intends to drive out of the party all of its "criminal and negative elements." Many assume that he is referring to Moshe Feiglin and the Jewish Leadership faction.

Netanyahu was asked, but did not respond to, a question about whether he was referring to MKs Yechiel Chazan, Naomi Blumental and Michael Gorolovsky - all of whom face criminal charges on various matters.

The Jewish Leadership faction notes that many Likud MKs, such as Gilad Erdan, Ayoub Kara, Michael Ratzon and others, have taken part in its gatherings in the past.

A major issue facing the Likud is whether its Cabinet ministers should resign from the government or not. Netanyahu, who resigned shortly before the implementation of the expulsion from Gaza, says that Ministers Shalom, Livnat, Naveh and Katz should quit, in order to be able to attack the present government from without. The ministers themselves, however, feel there is no reason to rush to give up their Cabinet positions. The matter has not yet been resolved.

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7. Wallerstein: "We Must Shift Moderate Voters Away From Sharon"
By Hillel Fendel

Pinchas Wallerstein, speaking on Arutz-7's newsmagazine after the Likud election, explained why he and his colleagues on the Yesha Council supported Netanyahu over Moshe Feiglin.

Wallerstein's main point was that in order for moderate right-wingers to vote for the Likud and not Kadima, the Likud must not have an "extremist" image. The former chairman of the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza said:

"We endorsed Netanyahu in order not to remain in a narrow and idealistic framework that is enjoyable to be in, but will not reach the leadership levels. The Likud can bring the moderates among this nation to join, but Feiglin can't do this. Who can cause the people of the development towns not to support Sharon? This was the only question that stood before me, and nothing else, and this was why I preferred Netanyahu.

"It was clear to me that every day of internal discord in the Likud causes it to lose strength, and that we had to try to avoid a second round [in the event that no candidate would have received at least 40% of the vote - ed.]. We have a responsibility to prevent a discussion on the fate of Jerusalem, and to make efforts to include in the right-wing public even those who consider themselves moderate."

Wallerstein rejected remarks by Manhigut Yehudit figures to the effect that the Yesha Council is merely a group of wheeler-dealers. "Those who took part in building and settlement, as well as in funerals and the like, were us - and not those who now attack us," he said.

Arutz-7's Amatzia HaEitan asked, "Let's say that Netanyahu wins - will he go in the way you want?" Wallerstein responded, "It's clear that we have to keep on working and make sure that he has a strong right-wing camp behind him. We have to have a right-wing bloc that will prevent the formation of a Sharon-led government - and if we do, then we will still have to stand on guard. But if we don't, then we will face very difficult days ahead - but we won't give up."

Wallerstein added that it is "imperative that we have a united NRP-National Union list, which will hopefully receive as many votes as possible, so that we not continue to fight among ourselves, but rather fight the urgent and immediate threat that a Sharon government will pose to every Jewish community behind the partition wall, such as Beit El, Ofrah and many others."

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8. Economic Indicators Climb; Employment Continues to Rise
By Scott Shiloh

The Bank of Israel reported that a leading gauge of economic activity, the State of the Economy Index, rose by 0.2% in Nov., suggesting the economy is continuing to expand at a satisfactory rate.

Since September, the index has risen by 0.6%.

The Bank’s report, analyzing the various components making up the index, said the index of revenue from goods and services rose by 1.2% in October, after climbing by 1.9% in September.

The export index bounced back in November, rising by 6.8%, after declining by 7.1% in October. The import index fell by 2.7% in November, following a 1.3% drop in October.

The manufacturing index dropped by 1.9% in October, after rising by 0.2% in September.

The Bank’s report painted an increasingly rosy picture for employment in Israel. The number of persons employed in the business sector rose by 1.5% to 1.75 million. That statistic represents an increase of 22,000 employees in just one month.

Since July 2004, an estimated 73,000 new employees found jobs in the business sector, an increase of 4.4%.

The State of the Economy index is expected to rise by at least 4.5% in 2005, after moving up by 6.5% in 2004.

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9. A Chabad Holiday - Alter Rebbe Released from Prison
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Also on Yishai and Alex:

A Chassidic Holiday & Moving Forward as a Unique Jewish Nation

Rabbi Mordechai Weiss teaches us about the Chassidic "19th of Kislev" holiday in which the Alter Rebbe was freed from prison. Also, responding to a listener's letter about the general direction of the State of Israel.

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Today on
Netanyahu wins Likud leadership race

Same Difference
At this point, there are three contenders for prime minister. Each of them has a track record of endorsing Oslo appeasement, Israeli capitulation and Israeli self-abasement. Having noted this, there are nevertheless significant differences among the three, and the results of the next election do matter.
Steven Plaut
Too Much Snow is Blinding
While the Almogs and Zer-Avivs were enjoying their day and the people of Trondheim were reveling in the stunning beauty of the Geiranger fjord, which UNESCO had named as a World Heritage site, sinister events were unfolding that would change Oren Almog's life forever.
Angela Bertz
Vayeshev: Countering the Voice of Temptation
"A magical word that will deliver me from the brink of temptation? Please share it with me," the man begged.
Rabbi Lazer Gurkow
Was I Born by Accident?
My birth was a bit of an accident - my parents said I was a surprise, and I was born six weeks premature. Is there any meaning in celebrating the day that I wasn't really supposed to have been born?
Rabbi Aron Moss
The Harps of David
Telecom Communications
Hebrew Art
Israel Gifts Flowers

Exchange Rates
Updated: Dec 20, 03:00
 Currency basket 5.1058
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 Euro 5.5006
 Pound 8.1164
 Can. $ 3.9282
 100 Yen 3.9447
 Swiss Franc 3.5444
 Australian $ 3.3984
 S. Africa Rand 0.7255

Wednesday's forecast
11-7°C / 51-44°F
Intermitent Rain
Tel Aviv
16-12°C / 60-53°F
Intermitent Rain
16-11°C / 60-51°F
Intermitent Rain
10-6°C / 50-42°F
Intermitent Rain
The Plains
15-9°C / 59-48°F
Intermitent Rain
9-5°C / 48-41°F
Intermitent Rain
17-9°C / 62-48°F
Intermitent Rain
Beer Sheva
17-7°C / 62-44°F
Intermitent Rain
Dead Sea
24-14°C / 75-57°F
Partly Cloudy
22-10°C / 71-50°F
Partly Cloudy

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Israel Charities
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'Israeli Salad' #117
with Yoni Kempinski

- Lone soldiers reunited with their parents.
- French high-school graduates visit Israel.
- Dealing with the expulsion trauma.
- Newborn quadruplet born into the Jewish nation.
- Abel Pann’s art depicting stories of the bible.

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