14th of Adar, 5785 י״ד בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Friday, November 01, 2002

War in Iraq Rebbe King Moshiach's Prophecies

Shalom uBrocha!
(Greetings and blessings!)

Here is a collection of prophesies from the Sichos (Public Chassidic Discourses) of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach ( learn about who? what? why? is Moshiach here http://www.ohrtmimim.org/torah/moshiachessay.htm ) and from the Holy Zohar concerning coming war with Iraq most of the info here was published only on a few sites online and few offline publications during the last year and is not widely known outside the audience of those few sites. The reader is encouraged to explore hyperlinks found in the text to more fully understand subject and terms used and the context the quotes are taken from.
Study and draw your own conclusions. Please email me any questions or comments you might have.
This Sicha was said 11 years ago. In the end of the Sicha on Parsha (Weekly Torah portion) Ki Tissa 16th of Adar 5751 2 days after Purim and end of the Gulf War (which the Rebbe King Moshiach also prophesied about see http://www.sichosinenglish.org/books/sichos-in-english/47/ and if you are extra skeptical do a search in the archives of New York Times, CNN and other major media from that time)
4 Our Sages note that even after the Purim miracle, we remained servants of Achashverosh. Similarly, we are also "servants of Achashverosh." Nevertheless, although we are in the midst of exile, the dominant nation in this exile is a generous country, a country who offers assistance to many nations and offers assistance to its Jewish residents. In appreciation, may G-d grant that country success in its war against Basra and may we soon merit the fulfillment of the prophecy, "Who is that coming in soiled garments from Basra?" with the coming of redemption. entire Sicha can be found at http://www.sichosinenglish.org/books/sichos-in-english/47/19.htm Yiddish original and Hebrew translation can be found www.otzar770.com
Now please keep in mind the name Basra (here transliterated as Batzra) and read this:
from the Holy Zohar. (The Zohar was written about 1800 years ago from the words of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, one of the most important sages in Jewish history, lived over 1800 years ago. Teachings in his name abound throughout the Mishnah, Talmud, and Midrashim, while the Zohar, the primary source text of Kabbalah, is built around Rabbi Shimon's revelations to his inner circle of disciples. During the hours before his passing, on Lag b'Omer, he disclosed the "most sublime" secrets of Torah, in order to ensure that the day would always be an occasion for great joy, untouched by sadness because of the Omer period and mourning for him. The seminal importance of the Zohar in Jewish thought and the annual pilgrimage to his resting place in Meron on Lag b"Omer are testimonies to his success.
Zohar Torah portion of Va'era page 32a

Come and see - for four hundred years the supervising angel of Yishmael beseeched G-d. He said "whoever is circumcised has a portion with you?" G-d replied, "Yes." He said, "Well, Yishmael is circumcised; how come he doesn't have a portion with you like Yitzchak?" G-d replied, "This one (Yitzchak) is circumcised properly, and this other one (Yishmael) is not (Muslims don't perform "pri'ia and metzitza parts of the curcumcission). Also, this one does it properly on the eighth day (Most Muslims do it at 13 even though Yishmael was 13 at the time of his curcumcission and Abraham was 99 see the story in the Bible descendants of Abraham were commended to bring their children into the covenant on the 8th day after birth) ." He asked him "And despite all this, even though he is circumcised he gets no reward?" G-d responded by distancing the children of Yishmael from Himself in the upper worlds, and He gave them a portion below in the Holy land, because they are circumcised. In the future, the children of Yishmael will rule over the Holy land for a long time while the land is empty, just as their circumcision is empty and without completion. And they will hinder the children of Israel from returning to their place, until their merit in the Holy land runs out. In the future the children of Yishmael will stir great wars in the world. And the children of Edom [the West] will gather against them, and make war with them, one on the sea, and one on the land, and one by Jerusalem; and each one will prevail over the other but the Holy land will not fall to the hands of Edom. At the same time, a nation from the end of the world will be awakened against wicked Rome.(Rome here is said to reffer to the spiritual center of western civilization)and And it will make war against her for three months, and many nations will gather there, and they will fall by her hand, until all the children of Edom will gather against her from all corners of the earth. And then G -d will awaken Himself against them, as it says, "a sacrificial slaughter for the Lord in Batzra", and it says, "to shake the corners of the Land". And after this, the children of Yishmael will be finished from the world. And all the supernal powers of the nations will be broken, {please check out explanation on this fraze by Rabbi Moishe Yess here at the end of the folling link http://www.rabbiyess.com/WHEN.html } and no power will remain above except for the power of Israel alone. (In answer to anticipated question about destruction of Yishmael does it actualy mean destruction of every living descendant of Yishmael? see the answer of Rabbi Simon Jacobson at http://www.torah.5u.com/jacobson.html (He concludes that only those among the descendants of Yishmael who will not abide by 7 Noahide Laws ( recognized by U.S. Congress to be "the foundation of all civilized societys" in Education Day USA Resolution of Public Law signed Every year for over 20 years on the Lubavitcher Rebbes birthday 11th of Nisan check out Whitehouse.gov site for recent one or see a copy at www.7for70.com ) .
And here is another Sicha (Talk) from the Rebbe King Moshiach http://www.sichosinenglish.org/books/sichos-in-english/47/10.htm
The exile in Egypt is the source of all exiles and the redemption from Egypt, the source of all redemptions. In particular, the exodus is related to the future redemption as reflected in the verse, "As in the days of your exodus from Egypt, I will show you wonders." Indeed, the parallel between the two is further emphasized by our Sages' explanation that, ideally, the redemption from Egypt should have been the ultimate redemption. Directly after leaving Egypt and receiving the Torah, the Jews should have entered Eretz Yisrael, never to be exiled again. For certain reasons, however, G-d brought about a series of events that led to further exiles beginning with the exile in Babylon and concluding with the fourth and present exile, the exile of Edom, so that the Jews' inheritance of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Yisrael) will come about as a result of their own efforts.As explained above, the emergence from exile is associated with two factors:
a) the elevation of the sparks of holiness that have fallen into exile. This is accomplished through our observance of Torah and mitzvos and our service of "May all your deeds be for the sake of heaven" in which we use the material substance of the world for a spiritual intent.
b) The destruction and nullification of those negative factors which cannot be elevated to holiness. For this reason, we find many prophecies describing the fall of the nations which ruled over the Jews, e.g., "Babylon has fallen and she will be broken," "There will be a slaughter for G-d in Batzra," "And saviors will ascend on Mount Zion to judge the Mount of Esav." The only nations which will remain will be those which help and support the Jewish people, as it is written, "I will send refugees from them... and they shall bring their brethren from among the nations an offering to G-d... upon My holy mountain Jerusalem." At that time, "I will transform all the nations to a pure tongue, so that they will all call upon the name of G- d, to form a single block." Then, after the ultimate redemption, the service of the Jewish people will be fulfilled in a complete manner, "as the mitzvos of Your will." Indeed, the observance of the mitzvos will be on such a high level that our present observance will be considered merely as "signs" for those mitzvos. For this reason, the Torah associates the mitzvah of tefillin with the entry into Eretz Yisrael (Land of Yisrael). Here, the intent is on the ultimate fulfillment of the mitzvah, its fulfillment in the Era of Redemption, therefore, it is associated with the entry into Eretz Yisrael, i.e., the ultimate entry into Eretz Yisrael. There, in "the palace of the king," the Jews will establish a complete connection with G-d through the observance of the mitzvos (plural from word "mitzvah"-comandment also shares a root with word connection since fullfilling the comendment connects the limited human being to unlimited G-d whose "mitzvah" he is obeying ).
And now description of Basra (Batzra) from an Arab site. Looks like an Iraqi NYC : Basra Iraq's second largest city and main seaport, Basra is situated 130 km from the Gulf and 550 km southeast of Baghdad. Originally intended as a military base, the city was founded in AD637 by Caliph Omar. During the 16th century it became an important departure point for Arab trading ships sailing to the Far East. Because of its location, it was the site of many battles between the Turks -- as it was at this time part of the Ottoman Empire -- and invading Persians or Marsh Arabs. A Persian attack in 1624 was successfully thwarted by Caliph Ali Pasha and a period of peace and stability ensued. At this time Basra became an important centre for thinkers and poets, but fighting against the Marsh Arabs resumed under the rule of Ali Pasha's son, so this peaceful period was regrettably short. Modern Basra consists of three main areas: Ashar, which is the old commercial centre, including the Corniche and the bazaars Margil, which includes the port and modern residential areas Basra proper, which is the old residential area, where many beautiful, old-style houses are to be found. There are three museums in Basra -- the Floating Navy Museum, containing war relics; the Basra Museum, containing some Sumerian, Babylonian and Islamic objects; and the Museum for Martyrs of the Persian Aggression, containing displays relating to the sufferings of the ordinary people of Basra during the Iran-Iraq War. Basra's Bazaar in the Ashar district is full of old houses with balconies leaning over into the narrow streets and beautiful wooden facades in the style of old Arab architecture. It once contained a gold bazaar, selling fine pieces of gold jewelry, but it is not known whether this is still in existence.
See also The Purim Of Basra story from the history of the Jewish community in that city.">
So what is the bottom line? Moshiach is coming NOW! We got to prepare, Jews should strengthen and increase their study and observance of the Torah without compromises and their trust in G-d. If you are not Jewish should learn and observe 7 Laws of Noah see www.7for70.com and in greater detail see the online version of the book "Path of Righteous Gentile" found here www. Moshiach.com/action ,and for most important thing develop a connection with the Rebbe King Moshiach write a letter to him asking a blessing and or advice then as countless others before you your faith in G-d and in Moshiach will be increased after you receive the amazing and miraculous reply thru the Igrot Koidesh ( www .igrot.com ) read it or have it translated to your language at your local Chabad Lubavitch center (find one near you at www.Chabad.org or your Yellow pages ) and follow the advice in the letter when you do you are assured G-ds blessings and success.
Part of the above article regarding War with Iraq with explanations making the quotes from primary sources easier to understand is found at www.RabbiYess.com click on article titled "When?"
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Anonymous said...

I suggest you read this book:


Some of your claims are very disturbing. I don't think you yourself understand them. Such as wishing that Sharon would die, for instance. Etc. A Jew is not to wish for another person's death, ever. Ever. He is to wish that the person might see the error of his ways, not that I'm implying Sharon is in error.

Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...

Shalom uBrocha!
1)I read this book. Do you have a particular claim in it that you want me to explain?
2)I never made such a claim. I simply defended Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Shlit"a from being demonized on another blog for suposedly wishing Sharon should die. I said I don't understand how that blogger can say that it's wrong from the pespective of Judaism (to wish or pray that someone who is doing and planning to do things which Sharon is doing which hurt many Jews and place many more in danger should die) I didn't say it's best prayer under the circumstances I simply said that I can understand why a Jew would pray Sharon should die.
Brocha veHatzlocha!
Ariel Sokolovsky
Long Live our Master our Teacher and our Rebbe King Moshiach Forever and Ever!

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