18th of Adar, 5785 י״ח בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Sunday, April 03, 2005

New Blog just in: www.DonkeyMoshiach.blogspot.com

By the grace of G-d
Shalom ubrocha!
Announcing a new blog dedicated to elevating the side of holiness by putting down the other side (as described in the well know "demon rebbe" story of Menachem Mendel Horodoker's Chossid who overcome the devil incarnated as a chassidic rebbe by repeatedly telling him in the name of Reb Mendel that his is "nothing".

Created especialy to help him to win the courtcase by making judges aware they are dealing with Moshiach here and should listen or else.:-)

PS:Yudel says: I'm already the top candidate for Moshiach on Viewpoint.com http://search.viewpoint.com/pl/websearch?iss=d-www-en-us_i-E9245H19DH7K51PP_s-69&vb=2&tn=0&k=king+moshiach
with your help he'll recapture the top spot on Google and very soon we shall take over the world!
PSS.Very soon this blog will also feature an audio shiur full of amazing chidushim and remozim on the DonkeyMoshiach that has humored thousands of people in Crown Heights.
Yechi Yudel LeOilom!
Long Live Yudel Forever!


Anonymous said...

testing comments

Anonymous said...

Ariel, this page is awesome, very oriffesiinally made

Anonymous said...

Ariel don't you know our Rebbe Yudel clearly forbade us to publicize that he is the Moshiach?
He says that if we do that now people will not learn his Chassidus and he will lose his jihad to recapture the 770?

Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...

By the grace of G-d
Shalom uBrocha!
Your info is not up to date.Rabbeinu Yudel recently reversed his decission saying that since the rabbonim have already paskened that he is the Moshiach in a well known ruling mentioned here http://www.yudelkrinsky.com/recognized.html it shows that Moshiach has been revealed in this world and the only thing that is left is for the people to accept his kingship (like it was done in the 7th generation with the Rebbe see http://torah.5u.com/Rebbe-King-Moshiach-Shlita-Uncensored-Video-at-Moshiach.tv.html and http://otzar770.com ) and for the connection between the people and the king to be reveled.
be'kavod u'brocha with secere hope for the hasty revelation of Yudel as Moshiach and his triumphant return to the downstairs main shule in 770 from where he has been exiled ever since 24th of Adar 5763 in fullfillment of the prophecies about Moshiach mentioned here http://www.yudelkrinsky.com/chazal.html

Ariel Sokolovsky

Yechi Yudel LeOilom!

Anonymous said...

The author of the Yudel Krinsky.com says Yudel is the 7th generation see: http://www.yudelkrinsky.com/prophecy.html why do have to insist that he is the 8th generation?

Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...
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Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...
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Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...

By the grace of G-d
Shalom uBrocha!
7 is within nature thus we see that the Rebbe - Moshiach of the 7th generation usualy acted within nature and always within

the limits of Jewish law.
8 is above nature and thus we see that the behaviour of Rabbeinu Yudel is totaly miraculious and he often acts outside the accepted limits of Jewish law ignoring the rulings of the community Beis Din http://www.chabad.info/index.php?url=article_en&id=3694using secular courts to fight wars of G-d and informing to non Jewish authorities on those who disagree with him causing them to be thrown in prison http://www.chabad.info/index.php url=article_en&id=3650.
This clearly proves that Yudel believes he is King Moshiach "ve'eino al gabav elo Hashem Elokav"-"and there is none above him

except Hashem his Lord" thus like Charles the 1st before him, Melech Yudel is a strong believer in the Devine right of kings.
The Rebbe King Moshiach of the 7th generration said that our generation is the last generation of golus and first generation
of geulah since we know that the length of a generation is equal to the length of life of the leader of the generation this clearly proves that we are the 8th generation and the second generation of redemption at least for the duration of the eternal life of Rabbeinu Yudel see http://www.yudelkrinsky.com/eternal.html
However as we know "the Torah has 70 faces" and the interpretation of the author of YudelKrinsky.com that the Yudel is the

7th generation is also true it's just not the practical halocha.
be'kavod u'brocha:
Ariel Sokolovsky.
Yechi Yudel LeOilom!

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