Shalom uBrocha!
"You want to build a palace for me in Kfar Chabad? Build a palace!" answered the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlit"a to a proposal to built a house for Him in Kfar Chabad. A Chosid Rabbi Zusha Rivkin is reteling a complete story from the idea to laying the cornerstone with the video clips of the Rebbe's blessings and the plans of the palace.
for more videos on various topics check out
If you lack a highspeed connection needed to view some of the videos please contact me and I'll burn them onto a cd-rom that can be played in a computer or a dvd-player and will send it to you for only $5 (limited time offer price subject to change) one cd-rom can hold 20 or even more videos from or other public site choose those you want and email me the list with links to them and pay $5 thru the PayPal link on or send a check cash or money order to my addres listed there.
With respect and blessing:
Ariel Sokolovsky
PS:Copyright/Halachik issues in doing this are addresed in my post on
Long Live our Master our Teacher and our Rebbe King Moshiach Forever and Ever!
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