15th of Adar, 5785 ט״ו בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Sunday, May 15, 2005

How to achieve true unity?

By the grace of G-d

Shalom uBrocha!
Ever since I posted the Rebbe's recent answer thru Igrot Koidesh about the importance of unity within Chabad I was deluged with questions what do I think Rebbe King Moshiach Shlit"a means by unity.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I have (Thank G-d!)stumbled upon a picture that is a perfect illustration of unity within Chabad.

With a Glenlivet box serving as a backdrop, Rabbi Yoel Kahan and Rabbi Hillel Pevzner share a laugh at the Pevzner-Wilhelm wedding Wednesday night in Oholei Torah.
(photo compliments of Shmais.com )
Judging by their public statements Rabbi Kahan and Rabbi Pevzner would be on the opposite sides of a "theological spectrum" within Chabad as far as publicizing the identity of Moshiach is concerned.

bellow is a quote about the activities of Rabbi Pevzner (and everyone knows that Rabbi Kahan spoke publicly many times giving different opinion about these issues):

The Chabad community in Paris is preparing for Gimmel Tammuz, when its members will participate in a day of inspiration and hiskashrus to the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach. It will include a series of activities, mivtzoyim and farbrengens called "24 Hours with the Rebbe." The program will be conducted within the spirit of the belief in the eternal physical existence of the leader of the generation, in accordance with the rulings of Rabbi Hillel Pevzner and it will not include anything that is not in accordance with this belief. The programs will take place in the Sinai educational campus. Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Pevzner, director of the educational institutions in Sinai, Heichal Menachem and Kitov, is the driving force behind the programs."

Yet, look at the photo above, look at their smiling faces picture of true Chassidic unity and love of ones fellow Jew.
I call upon the readers of my blog and the authors of other Chabad blogs to follow the example of our Mashpiim and try as much as possible to treat each other with great love and respect (without giving up ones point of view but finding ways to express it in loving and respectful way as is befitting Chabad Chassidim.)May each of us learn Lev haTanya (Tanya chapter 32) http://www.chabad.org/library/archive/LibraryArchive2.asp?AID=7911 by heart and always keep it in mind.
And may this nullify the cause of golus and lead to complete and final redemption.

With respect and blessing:
Ariel Sokolovsky

Long Live our Master our Teacher and our Rebbe King Moshiach Forever and Ever!


Anonymous said...

why does the name of this blog have 'tv' in it????

didn't the Rebbe tell us how evil tv is????


Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...

By the grace of G-d
Shalom uBrocha!
The Rebbe never said the TV or any other thing in this world is inherently evil you seem to be ignorant of the basics of Chassidus Chabad to say such a thing.The Rebbe had his farbrengens broadcast on TV and some Mashpiim also have TV programs. The Rebbe simply said that since there are many things on TV which are inapropriate for a Jew to watch one generaly speaking shouldn't have one in the house.
This is a blog of my website http://www.Moshiach.TV which is why it's called Moshiach.TV Blog
May you blessed with more wisdom, understanding, and knowlege:-)

Ariel Sokolovsky

Long Live our Master our Teacher and our Rebbe King Moshiach Forever and Ever!

Anonymous said...

so UM according to you theres nothing wrong with having a tv in your house as long as um you are sure youre only going to watch the right things.

ok, then i'm off to get that plasma screen i always felt too guilty about buying.

and here i was thinking that you are only causing destruction with all your posting.

you're a real life saver

yechi ariel!

Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...

By the grace of G-d
Shalom uBrocha!
My dear Anonymous friend!
Did you actualy read my post? Where did I say it's ok for you to have TV in the house?
The Rebbe gives various reasons not to have TV in the house even if you are planning to watch only the right things (do a search here http://www.otzar770.com to find what the Rebbe said about this and other topics)
I sugest that if you have further questions about your own situation as far as having the TV in the house ask your local Chabad Rabbi.
It's very ironic that you accuse me of "only causing destruction" with my posting in a comments to the post encouraging unity within Chabad.:-)
Brocha veHatzlocha!
Ariel Sokolovsky
Long Live our Master our Teacher and our Rebbe King Moshiach Forever and Ever!

Anonymous said...

back to the original question, why put 'tv' in the name of your blog?

Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...
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Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...

Ariel Sokolovsky said...
By the grace of G-d
Shalom uBrocha!
1)Here is a typical Jewish answer for you: Why not? :-)
2)TV stands for TeleVision a word imported from France (Tzarfat=Ufaratzta=770=BeisMoshiach)
Tele means "far" in French
Vision means: Unusual competence in discernment or perception; intelligent foresight: a leader of vision.
Thus you can see that the inner meaning of Moshiach.TV is:
A device created to help people to open their eyes and see Moshiach, to live with Moshiach...:-)
The Gematria ktana of TV is 11 (Tet+Beis)a number conncted with the Rebbe King Moshiach in many ways including the Roshei Teivos of the 1st two words of the holy proclamation "Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu veRabbeinu Melech haMoshiach LeOilam VoEd!) MoreoverThe full Gematria of Moshiach.TV is 770 (Moshiach=358+"."=which can be (counted as a Yud since it's made of a dot)+Tav+Beis=770) Gematria of Ufaratzta,Beis Moshiach, Hokhma Bina Daas, and interestingly Arenu veLoi Ato= I see him but not now from the prophecy of Bilaam seeing describing Moshiach far in the future.Which is again connected to the word Tele which means far in French and Greek :-)
This clearly shows us kol ma She Barah haKodosh Boruch huBeOilamo LoBarah Ela leKvoido (even Yudel see special update from January 10 here http://moshiachtv.blogspot.com/2005_01_01_moshiachtv_archive.html )Even an annoying Anonymous shmendrick like yourself who seemingly came here to ridicule, bother me and waste my time was actualy sent by HaKodosh Boruch Hu to help us understand the true inner meaning of the name of my site Moshiach.TV .
Yehi Shem haShem Leoilom Amen veAmen!-May the G-d Almighty's holy name be blessed forever and ever!

Brocha veHatzlocha!

Ariel Sokolovsky


Long Live our Master our Teacher and our Rebbe King Moshiach Forever and Ever!

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