Tuesday, August 16, 2005

R. Kirschenzaft's Miracle

חדשות חב"ד

R. Kirschenzaft's Miracle

R. Yigal Kirshenzaft, shliach of the Rebbe to Gush Katif, was injured two weeks ago by a mortar shell that landed right near him.  He was hospitalized in serious condition and is now recuperating at home.  In a letter of encouragement to residents of Gush Katif, he told of an amazing miracle that happened to him:  One of the pieces of shrapnel that entered his body, that showed up on the X-rays, had simply disappeared!

"On Monday, when they changed the bandages, they found that the wound in my back had disappeared!  I felt my back and it was smooth as ever.  I called my family over and they were all shocked. The doctors came, and looked for the shrapnel in my stomach and all over, but it had disappeared.  How could that be?  Where did it go?  It showed up on the X-rays; there was a wound there that was bleeding.  Then suddenly it was gone."

Click on full article to read his entire letter, translated in English by Chabad.info.

It was a normal Sunday morning in Neve Dekalim.  Zeev, my guest from America, and I got out of my car near the home of the Lilethals.

Suddenly there was a strong explosion and I found myself flying and landed on the sidewalk, with my entire body covered with warm and sticky blood.  My friend Zeev was sitting on the sidewalk and both his feet were immersed in a puddle of blood that grew from moment to moment.  As a veteran resident of the area I immediately understood that our bodies were the "lucky" recipients of a fair amount of contaminated metal, sent to us by our enemies YM"SH.  I bandaged the wound on my head and tried to call for help.

Immediately, my neighbors and members of Hatzalah arrived and evacuated us under fire.  "Don't leave us!"  one of the medics screamed in my direction.  "We need you!  Keep awake!"  Slowly, I felt my head spinning and the world went black all around me.

I turned to my Father in Heaven and pleaded with Him.  "Please!  Let me stay here in this world.  I still have a lot of work to do here."  I said a chapter of Tehillim that I could still remember by heart.  Besides for the pain in my head, I also felt a strong pain in my lower back and the stretcher was soaked with blood.
"Everything is fine.  We bandaged the wound in your hip," the medic told me.  "No," I said.  "There is still a wound in middle of my back."  The medics flipped me over on to my side and bandaged the wound in my back.  Two ambulances and a helicopter came for us - I guess to give as many Jews as possible the merit of helping us.

During the helicopter flight, I called the captain over and told him:  "You have carried out your obligation to evacuate Gush Katif.  This is the last evacuation that you need to do."

In the hospital, I was X-rayed many times. They found two pieces of shrapnel in my back: One a centimeter from the spine, and one in the hip.  The shrapnel put great pressure on my lower back and I could not sit or walk.

The whole world prayed for our recovery.  In South America, North America, Europe. Schools, kindergartens, yeshivos, paused their learning to say Tehillim.  Even people waiting in line for the dentist...

Then, on Monday, wonder of wonders!   When they changed the bandages, they found that the wound in my back had disappeared!  I felt my back and it was smooth as ever.  I called my family over and they were all shocked. The doctors came, and looked for the shrapnel in my stomach and all over, but it had disappeared.  How could that be?  Where did it go?  It showed up on the X-rays; there was a wound there that was bleeding; I wasn't able to move normally.  Then suddenly it was gone.  Since then I was able to sit normally, get out of bed, walk around - Baruch Hashem.  

My friends!  This is the power of prayer.  If a piece of shrapnel and an ugly wound can disappear in a moment, so can evil decrees be gone in the blink of any eye.

Those of us who are afraid of "what we will eat tomorrow..." I advise them to look into the bentchers we use to say Birchat hamazon:  "He provides for the entire world with his goodness, with grace and kindness and mercy..."  What do we have to worry about?  Is G-d on strike or vacation?

It has been proven that anyone who places their trust in mankind will be disappointed.  "Just as in the days that you left Egypt, I will show you wonders."  We find ourselves now in the special days of redemption, just like when we went out of Egypt.  Like childbirth, it is painful, but we must have patience.  Every pang brings the birth closer!  The long road is already behind us.

Then, the Egyptians were behind us and the desert around us. The sea was in front of us. Today we have terrorists, the government, the media, the police... and the answer to them all is:  "Speak to the Jewish people and t! ravel!"  Go forward!

To go on? What will be?  What will we eat tomorrow?  Go forward!  Don't worry.  We have a devoted father who cares for all our needs.  Let's continue to fulfill His mitzvos: To plant, to build, to educate, to smile, to develop.

Let's stop poisoning ourselves with the false media reports and rumors, and lets not be convinced by the false promises of man...

Like the Rebbe says, "Think good and it will be good!"
Someone who is bound up above will not fall down!  And when the waters reach our nostrils, the sea will split and we will merit the true redemption, immediately.  Let's strengthen our Ahavas Yisroel and rely on our Father in Heaven.

Teshuva, Tefillah and Tzedaka can remove the harsh decree.  It's been tried and tested.  Whoever does not believe is invited to come and see.  And again, thank you to everyone for the prayers and help.

Respectfully yours,
Yigal Kirschenzaft, Neve Dekalim

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