| Urgent Update: Chabad of New Orleans | | | Rabbi Nemes and the people that he was sheltering in his home have been safely evacuated and are now on their way to Memphis, Tennessee. For more information on the Chabad response to Hurricane Katrina, and to find out how you can help, enter full article
| חילוץ במסוק מגגות הבתים | | ממתינים לחילוץ | At present, nearly all of New Orleans’s residents, including 12,000 Jews, have evacuated the city. Evacuees may be without permanent homes for a month or more. Chabad is working with its network of centers in the areas to which the people evacuated to provide food shelter, and emotional and spiritual comfort to these thousands of people. Evacuees to Houston, Austin, Dallas, Little Rock, Memphis, Nashville, Atlanta, Birmingham, Tallahasee, and the rest of Florida can contact the local Chabad representative for assistance.
Rebuilding Lives Homes, businesses and lives have been destroyed by this storm. Residents of the area will need assistance in rebuilding their lives and homes. Chabad will do all it can to be part of this rebuilding effort. Although private insurance and Federal Assistance will help put up houses, Chabad will be there to help people with the painstaking process of turning those houses into homes! Chabad will be there to provide emotional and spiritual comfort to people that have lost everything. Continuing to Serve Chabad will continue to provide needed Jewish services in the areas of adult and child education, Jewish outreach and social services to the returning community. Chabad is committed to playing a leading role in the rebuilding of the Jewish community of New Orleans and the area. We are confident that Jewish communities around the world will stand with us as partners in this effort. We are committed to continue our existing projects and assist the community as whole in its efforts. Planning on the construction of the Rohr Jewish Student Center is continuing, Torah Academy, Chabad’s Jewish Day School, has experienced a 25% boost in enrollment this year and many other Chabad activities are growing. Chabad’s growth will, G-d willing, mirror the rebuilding effort. To read more and to contribute, enter the website of Chabad of Louisiana.
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