Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Yeshiva in Manhattan's Business District

חדשות חב"ד

Yeshiva in Manhattan's Business District

Last night, a benefit dinner was held for a new yeshiva that opened last year in Manhattan's business district, home of the former Twin Towers.  The purpose of the yeshiva is to provide a place for boys who have not been successful in traditional yeshivos, to teach them a trade while still enveloping them in a nurturing yeshiva environment.

The yeshiva was founded by the brothers Mendy and Shmuly Chanin. Shmuly is the president of the successful BPS corporation, which works in a Zevulun-Yissachar partnership together with Rabbi Shmaya Katz, shliach in Wall St.  There are currently 10 boys studying in the yeshiva, learning a trade while attending daily shiurim and joining a minyan for Shacharis and Mincha.

Last Thursday, the yeshiva held a benefit dinner on a yacht floating around Manhattan Island. Over 150 people participated, including businessmen, friends of the yeshiva, parents, and staff.

Gallery of pictures in full article.

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