18th of Adar, 5785 י״ח בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Sunday, October 09, 2005

A7news: Arab Citizens Convicted of Plot to Blow Up Azrieli Towers

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Arab Citizens Convicted of Plot to Blow Up Azrieli Towers
Three Arab citizens of the State of Israel were convicted Sunday of plotting to blow up the Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv, and a plot to plant a bomb on railroad tracks near Netanya.

 1. Arab Citizens Convicted of Plot to Blow Up Azrieli Towers
 2. IDF to Recommend Increasing PA's Weapons Cache
 3. Hotel Cuts Utilities to Katif Refugees Just Before Sabbath
 4. Elei Sinai Update: Down But Not Out
 5. MK: Gov´t Has Better Things to Do than Promote Yom Kippur
 6. Hamas & PA Reduce Infighting and Target Judea & Samaria
 7. Cornerstone Laid on Gush Katif Ruins for New Arab City
 8. Shochat Retires, Shinui Nixes Successor
 9. Yehiam Fortress National Park

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Sunday, October 09, 2005
6 Tishrei 5766


1. Arab Citizens Convicted of Plot to Blow Up Azrieli Towers
By Scott Shiloh

Three Arab citizens of the State of Israel were convicted Sunday of plotting to blow up the Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv, and a plot to plant a bomb on railroad tracks near Netanya.

The Tel Aviv District Court also convicted the Arabs of attempting to provide assistance to a foreign enemy during time of war. One of the Arabs was convicted of contacting a foreign enemy agent.

The three Arabs, Dubian Natzirat, 27; Amir Zivati, 20; and Mugahad Dukan, 19; all from Taibe, admitted their guilt and were convicted under a plea bargain arrangement.

Dukan, the prime suspect in the case, was originally from the Arab camp of Balata, just south of Shechem, the largest Arab-populated city in Judea and Samaria. Dukan received his Israeli citizenship when his parents attained permission to legally immigrate to Israel a number of years ago.

Although the family moved to Taibe, another large Arab-populated city within Israel’s pre-1967 borders, Dukan never lost touch with his previous residence.

Balata has been a breeding ground for Arab terrorists over the past four decades. A few months ago, a wanted terrorist from Balata made contact with Dukan and asked him to help plant a bomb inside Israel. Dukan agreed.

Not wanting to waste Dukan’s efforts on only one bomb, another wanted terrorist from Judea and Samaria, Ahmed Casey, asked Dukan to help plant three bombs, one of them on the railroad tracks near Netanya.

Casey’s first idea was to plant the bomb in one of the cars, but Dukan objected to the idea of becoming a suicide bomber and suggested blowing up the train tracks instead.

A few days later the two met, and Casey explained to Dukan how to attach the bomb to the tracks and set it off. Casey told Dukan he would hand him the bombs at an army roadblock, located on the pre-1967 line, after hiding them in a sack of clothing.

Dukan met his co-conspirators back in his new residence of Taibe, about thirty minutes drive from the Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv. Ironically, it was Zivati, a life-long Israeli citizen and Taibe resident, that suggested that Dukan use the bombs to blow up the Azrieli towers in Tel Aviv.

The Azrieli Towers, among the tallest buildings in the Middle East, are modern Tel Aviv landmarks. The three modern steel and glass buildings, built around an up-scale shopping mall, are as much icons of the Tel Aviv skyline, as the Twin Towers were in New York.

Natzirat, another co-conspirator from Taibe, agreed to take part in the plan, but only if Dukan agreed to let him have one of the bombs for his own, private terrorist mischief against Israel. Dukan agreed and decided to let Natzirat take one of the bombs into Taibe via tractor.

Impatiently waiting for an okay to get the bombs, Dukan called Casey on October 5, 2004. Casey said the bombs would be ready on the 10th. Dukan was arrested on the 9th and the security forces stopped the attack in its tracks.

The prosecution will ask the court to sentence Dukat to 15 years in jail, and eight years for both Natzirat and Zivati.

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2. IDF to Recommend Increasing PA's Weapons Cache
By Scott Shiloh

The PA doesn't need to smuggle weapons underground to build a well-equipped army. Now, the PA can acquire additional rifles, bullets, and armored personnel carriers with IDF approval.

The head of military intelligence, Maj.Gen. Aharon Ze’evi Farkash, told the government at a cabinet meeting on Sunday that Israel’s military establishment will recommend enabling the Palestinian Authority to become equipped with armored personnel carriers (APC’s).

American pressure is purportedly behind the IDF’s recommendation. The recommendation represents the first time Israel has allowed PA troops to use APC’s since the PA began fighting Israel with the onset of the Oslo War in September 2000.

Israel destroyed all of the PA’s APC’s during that war.

Defense sources have emphasized, however, that the APC’s will be used solely for carrying PA troops. The APC’s themselves will be unarmed and unable to fire.

Israel expects that the PA will use the APC’s in order to quell violence spurred by the Hamas terror organization. Hamas operates in Gaza as a rival to the PA. Its goal is to replace the PA as Gaza’s governing authority, and continue an all-out struggle against the Jewish State.

Farkash told the cabinet that PA chief Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) could strengthen his position in Gaza vis-a-vis Hamas, if he “wakes up” and keeps the Hamas in check.

“The Hamas is losing ground,” he said. “The PA has an interest in preserving quiet,” with Israel.

Farkash said that the terrorist group’s main purpose was to “harm normalization, and cause children in Gaza to go hungry for bread.” According to Farkash, that policy, ironically, serves to strengthen Hamas, providing an impetus for attacks against Israel.

Israel’s offer to the PA regarding the APC’s will be presented to Abbas by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at their meeting scheduled for Tuesday.

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz has already given the PA approval to purchase hundreds of thousands of rifle bullets. Many leaders of the defense establishment have said recently that Israel should also allow the PA to purchase thousands of new rifles. Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, so far remains opposed to allowing the PA to purchase more rifles.

The acquisition of rifles and other armaments by the PA was a focal point of contention between right and left-wing groups prior to the implementation of the Oslo accords in the early 1990’s. Many right-wing groups, especially those affiliated with Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, vehemently opposed arming the PA, contending that the weapons ultimately would be used against Israelis and IDF troops.

Although they were condemned at the time, particularly by the press, of being soothsayers of doom and opponents of peace, their grim forecasts proved correct early on the in process. When Israel opened an underground tunnel in the Old City of Jerusalem to provide access to buried sections of the Western Wall in 1996, PA troops opened fire and killing numerous IDF troops.

In September 2000, after Ariel Sharon, then opposition leader, took a tour of the Temple Mount, PA forces used their weapons, much of which was provided by Israel, to launch a brutal war against IDF troops and Israeli civilians, resulting in well over one thousand deaths and thousands of injuries, over a five-year period.

Also ahead of Tuesday’s meeting between Sharon and Abbas, a committee of ministers will meet by Monday to decide on releasing Arab terrorists many of whom were convicted of murder. The committee is expected to distinguish between terrorists who murdered Arabs suspected of providing assistance to Israel in the war on terror, and those who murdered Jews. At this stage, the committee is expected to approve only the release of terrorists who murdered other Arabs.

Terrorists released under the guise of strengthening the hand of the PA are often back working for terrorist organizations shortly after their release. Many are caught and then sentenced a second time for cutting short more innocent lives.

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3. Hotel Cuts Utilities to Katif Refugees Just Before Sabbath
By Hillel Fendel

The expulsion aftermath has brought out the best in many, but the worst in some. An Ashkelon hotel turned off water/electricity on its 50 Gush Katif guest families just 3 hours before the Sabbath.

The management abruptly turned off the utilities due to a financial disagreement between the management of the Shirat HaYam Hotel and the Disengagement Authority. Some people were caught in mid-shower, while the thoughts of others turned to the fast-approaching Sabbath. Guests who called the hotel desk to inquire about the situation were told, "Yes, the electricity and water have been turned off. You have to leave."

It's not that the guests had no idea that trouble was brewing. A week ago, just over a day before the onset of the Rosh HaShanah holiday, the 50 families received notice that they had three hours to evacuate the hotel. An arrangement was reached later in the day, enabling their continued stay until at least later this week.

The agreement apparently did not hold up, however, and the expellees - from Elei Sinai and assorted other Gush Katif communities - were informed via their electric plugs and water faucets that they had outlasted their welcome.

Tzuri Genish, formerly of the northern Gaza community of Elei Sinai, confirmed the above facts, and added, "When I left the hotel at 7 AM this morning [Sunday], there was talk of possibly moving into the King Saul Hotel in Ashkelon as early as today."

Another expelled Elei Sinai resident, Avi Farhan, who has chosen not to live in a hotel as he searches for where to build his future, related the following:
"On Friday afternoon at 4 PM, Rabbi Yishai Bar-Hen - the rabbi of the three northern Gaza communities of Elei Sinai, Dugit and Nisanit - told me that the hotel had just turned off the electricity and water on all the guests. At first I told him that this simply couldn't be, that it was impossible that they would do such a thing. When he assured me that it had in fact happened, I called my friend Shai Hermesh, the treasurer of the Jewish Agency, who proceeded to call the whole world, including Disengagement Authority head Yonatan Bassi. Bassi sent over many representatives from the Authority to negotiate with the hotel owners, who said that they had a contract with the government for 100 rooms, but that only 80 rooms remained occupied. There were negotiations to take the 22 Elei Sinai families [currently staying in an encampment outside Yad Mordechai] to the hotel, but the families refused. In the end, some agreement was reached, and - get this - two minutes before the onset of the Sabbath, they turned the water and electricity back on."

Farhan himself is a veteran of two expulsions. A resident of Yamit in the Sinai up until 1982, he and his neighbors were thrown out to make way for the Egypt-Israel peace treaty. Farhan, with the encouragement of the government and then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, founded the Elei Sinai - "Towards Sinai" - community in northern Gaza, from which he was expelled two months ago in the framework of Sharon's Disengagement Plan.

Chaim Altman, spokesman for the Disengagement Authority, told Arutz-7 his version of the events:
"We originally had a contract with the Shirat HaYam Hotel until the end of September for all of the hotel's 130 rooms. Beginning this month, we simply don't need that many rooms - but the hotel demanded that we renew the contract under the same terms. Last Sunday, we reached a verbal agreement that the guests would stay until today, Oct. 9, under the terms demanded by the hotel. Then suddenly on Friday, they did what they did, and held the guests as hostages - and we had no choice. On Friday afternoon, we agreed that the guests will remain, again under the same terms, until Saturday night, Oct. 15. We expect to find other arrangements for all the families involved by that date."

Arutz-7's correspondent attempted to reach the Yam Suf Hotels chain that owns Shirat HaYam, and was referred to a public relations agency that no longer represents the chain. In a follow-up call, and in one to the hotel itself, the respective secretaries said that a spokesman would "get back to you." No response had been received by the time this article was published.

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4. Elei Sinai Update: Down But Not Out
By Hillel Fendel

The former northern Gaza community of Elei Sinai is divided into three groups, only one of which is basically confident of its future.

Arutz-7 spoke with long-time Elei Sinai resident and founder Avi Farhan, for whom the recent expulsion was his second in recent decades. His hometown of Yamit in the Sinai was leveled in 1982 as part of the Egypt-Israel peace treaty. With the encouragement of the government, Farhan then founded Elei Sinai in northern Gaza, from which he was expelled two months ago.

"Where are you now, Avi Farhan?" Arutz-7 asked him today.

Farhan: "Before I answer you, let me tell you the following. My neighbor, Itzik Levy, had two giant olive trees opposite the window of our bedroom. Every evening hundreds of birds would nest there, making a racket with their chirping, and every morning they would wake us up the same way. On that last Friday of the expulsion, Itzik uprooted the trees for replanting in his new home, leaving two big holes in their place. That afternoon, the birds came - and looked for their trees. They formed a dark cloud overhead and circled up and down, back and forth, looking for their trees... It was a horrifying sight.

"We too - my wife and I and our son Ofer - are in a similar situation. We have three married daughters, two of whom were also thrown out of Elei Sinai, and 12 grandchildren - the youngest one just had a brit [ritual circumcision] on Rosh HaShanah - and we spend our time going from one to another. One lives in Kibbutz Mefalsim, near Sderot, and another in Gvar'am north of Sderot, and another one also in the area, in Bat Hadar. When I met with President Katzav, I told him that my neighbor who uprooted his trees was told by tree experts that most trees cannot withstand two uprootings, but that olive trees are stronger and should be able to. I said that I hoped we were like olive trees, and would be able to withstand our second uprooting."

Farhan then proceeded to reveal a hint of his future plans:
"I am in the process of forming a core group for a new community. I plan it to be more ideological than Elei Sinai - a community that will be actively involved in social issues, not only within the community itself, but within the entire country. It will be proactive in issues such as unity and giving and involvement, areas where unfortunately Gush Emunim and the isolated and detached Yesha Council failed. My goal is to unite the 'orange' and the 'blue' [the anti-disengagement and the pro-disengagement forces], the religious with the secular, new immigrants and veterans, Sephardim and Ashkenazim, Yesha settlers and those in Tel Aviv."

A-7: "A tall order. How will you accomplish it?"

Farhan: "First of all, by setting these goals as the target, and then by beginning to talk and listen to people - not from above, but rather as equals... I wrote an open letter to the Yesha Council way back in January of this year, and I criticized them for not having opened the leadership and the communities to a wider following. They turned the struggle for our homes and for parts of our country into a private struggle of a small group of perceived Messanists..."

A-7: "Can you be more specific about your plans for the new community?"

Farhan: "I'm on my way right now to a meeting on this topic, but in general, I'd rather not divulge details of the plans; blessing is found only on that which is hidden from the eye. I can say that in order to receive recognition as a community, we need 20 families, and I believe that we will have them, from northern Gaza and from elsewhere in Gush Katif. I want people who have proven themselves to be givers. Unfortunately, there were some in my old community who refused to take time out to stand in intersections and pass out literature explaining the utter folly of including the three northern Gaza communities in the disengagement plan. They were busy negotiating with the government for their future homes - what Tzvi Hendel and others called the 'insurance policy' approach.* But I said that it was impossible to fight for our homes and also talk about giving them up at the same time. By way of comparison, the entire State of Israel is under constant attack, and its existence is always in danger. Can you imagine if we dedicate our all to building up the IDF and fighting our enemies and making this our Jewish national home - and at the same time, we lease out some lands somewhere in Canada 'just in case'?"

*[Hendel and other Katif leaders explained in the past that meetings with the government regarding post-expulsion options were "only an 'insurance policy' for the purpose of calming the fears and concerns of those residents who are particularly worried about the future," emphasizing that the main objective is to "remain in our homes and defeat the Disengagement Plan." - ed.]

Of the 90 families that once populated Elei Sinai, a group of some 25 is on its way to Talmei Yafeh, just southeast of Ashkelon. A third group, some 22-23 families, is currently encamped outdoors just outside Yad Mordechai, north of Gaza. They are awaiting a communal solution from the government, and say they will not leave their tents before then.

One former resident of Elei Sinai, Tzuri Genish, described the situation at the encampment in somewhat more detail:
"The people there put on a brave front publicly, when they're at the encampment, but when they go back to the hotel - to visit friends, or where one of their family members has a room - then they begin crying. They are very confused, and many of them are being led astray... The problem is that they originally demanded a beautiful place near Nitzan, but as it began to be clear that this would not work out, three other options began to be raised - and no clear consensus has been reached."

Genish said that the residents will have no problem remaining there even during the winter. "They have family tents within a very large tent, with heating and many other provisions," he said.

Many families of Elei Sinai have been insistent all along that only a communal solution would enable them to brave the expulsion plan, in accordance with the opinions of psychologists accepted by the government. Community leader Edi Amit recently Israel Resource News Agency researcher Toby Klein Greenwald that residents who believed that the government might propose such a solution were later those who became the most opposed to the government because of its failure to do so.

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5. MK: Gov´t Has Better Things to Do than Promote Yom Kippur
By Hillel Fendel

Knesset Member Avraham Poraz of Shinui demands that the government stop sponsoring a campaign promoting participation at Yom Kippur prayer services.

In a letter to the Prime Minister's Bureau he released this morning, MK Poraz wrote, "It is not the job of the Prime Minister's Office in particular, nor of the State in general, to use public funds to publicize ads whose purpose is only to encourage Jewish repentance and participation in Yom Kippur prayers. The State has more important needs on which to spend money than this unnecessary campaign."

Poraz later explained that the State has no business sponsoring a campaign geared to encourage Jews to become religious, "or at the very least, to awaken religious feeling."

A spokesman for the campaign explained that an increasing number of requests have been received from people who would like to understand and take part in religious services, and that it is the purpose of the campaign to assist those who so desire.

MK Zevulun Orlev, leader of the National Religious Party, had sharp words for his left-wing Knesset colleague. "Poraz once again has revealed the anti-Jewish face of the Shinui Party," Orlev said this morning, "which would like to remove Yom Kippur from the Jewish calendar. Congregational prayer on Yom Kippur symbolizes the attraction and bonds of the Jewish masses to the Jewish tradition, and is a paradigm of Jewish unity."

In light of Prime Minister Sharon's recent political overtures to the Shinui Party, Orlev called on Sharon "not to sell the State of Israel's Jewish soul to the Shinui movement."

Shas Party leader MK Eli Yishai (pictured) said, "Poraz wants to erase everything that has even a smidgeon of Judaism and tradition. His war against tradition shows that he apparently wants to be the anti-Jewish censor. I'm sorry that [he did this] on the eve of Yom Kippur. He still has a few days left to repent."

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6. Hamas & PA Reduce Infighting and Target Judea & Samaria
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Arab terror gangs and the PA announced a truce as the PA tries to show it is in control, but Hamas still patrols in several Gaza towns. Firebomb and shooting attacks against Jews on the rise.

"Any action aimed at spreading chaos or internal strife ... will be considered treason," according to a statement at a Gaza news conference of eight terrorist groups, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Several of the leaders were masked.

The statement came after the tables were turned on Hamas, and several of its members were kidnapped and later released, a tactic Hamas has used frequently against the Palestinian Authority (PA) and foreigners. The latest kidnapping occurred Friday morning, and the Associated Press reported that the PA was behind the incident. The PA Interior Ministry denied that the security forces were involved. "This is an absolutely false allegation," said spokesman Tawfiq Abu Khoussa.

The truce gives the PA a better image for PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who is to meet with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon this week and with U.S. President George W. Bush next week. Abbas wants to show that the PA is overcoming anarchy.

Beneath the surface, Hamas still competes with the PA and controls several Gaza towns, including parts of the strategic border city of Rafiah, a smuggling point for weapons and terrorists from Egypt. Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom revealed on Saturday that weapons and ammunition still are being smuggled from Egypt through Rafiah and added that he "hopes that the Egyptians will act against it."

Hamas also is trying to take over in Judea and Samaria, where attacks against Israel have been on the rise the past few days. The IDF arrested several teenagers on Saturday for hurling firebombs and rocks at Israeli vehicles on the main highway from Jerusalem southbound to Gush Etzion. No injuries were reported. The IDF reported several shooting attacks and at least three stabbing attacks against soldiers last week.

"Hamas no longer listens to the Palestinian Authority," Israel Security Agency director Yuval Diskin recently said.

"It is impossible to disconnect the string of terrorism between the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria," Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said last week in an interview. "Today in Judea and Samaria, both Hamas and the (Islamic) Jihad are reorganizing to carry out terrorist attacks."

Hamas announced last month it has imported rocket technology into Judea and Samaria and will shoot at nearby major population centers, such as Netanya, Kfar Saba, Afula and Jerusalem. Arabs fired over 5,900 rockets and mortar shells on the western Negev before and after the August withdrawal from Gaza.

Arab terrorists have not attacked from Gaza for several days, but the recent intra-Arab battles and Saturday's truce are seen more as a lull in anti-Israel activity rather than a change in strategy.

Hamas is trying to manipulate a way to run in the PA legislative elections, which already have been postponed from this past summer to January. The PA is threatening another delay. PA chairman Abbas wants to co-opt Hamas rather than fight its terrorists. Israel has warned it will interfere, passively, with PA elections if Hamas participates and remains armed.

Dov Weisglass, a close aide to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, is to meet with PA chief negotiator Saeb Erekat again on Sunday following Friday's discussions toward this week's Sharon-Abbas summit. The summit is not expected to produce any dramatic changes, according to Reuters News Agency.

The PA is expected to demand that Israel release more Arab terrorists, and Sharon may agree to freeing those "without blood on their hands," according to Foreign Minister Shalom.

"The real problem is that the PA is not really willing to fight Hamas," he added.

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7. Cornerstone Laid on Gush Katif Ruins for New Arab City
By Hillel Fendel

The Palestinian Authority has broken ground for a new city on the ruins of the Israeli community of Morag in southern Gush Katif/Gaza. It is not planned to house long-suffering Arab refugees.

The new town will be named Sheikh Khalifa City, in honor of the president of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who is donating the $100 million its construction will cost. Khalifa's brother, UAE Information Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, attended Saturday's groundbreaking ceremony.

[photo "Morag: My Home" courtesy of Katif.net]

The new town will not be used to ease the housing crisis in the PA's refugee camps, but will rather house relatives of those killed in the years of violence against Israel, other casualties such as the wounded and arrested, and families whose homes were razed during the war.

The Arabs have claimed for close to 60 years that the establishment of the State of Israel is that which prevents the permanent settling of Arabs displaced by the 1948 War of [Israel's] Independence.

Despite this, writes analyst and former IDF Intelligence officer Yonatan D. HaLevy, the PA's pointed refusal to use the newly-recovered areas for the refugees indicates its desire to "perpetuate the Palestinian refugee problem. The Palestinian Authority zealously refrains from settling the refugees, who are the large majority of the population of the Gaza Strip, in new communities that are to be built in the areas of the demolished [Jewish] towns. Even though settling these refugees would not detract from the PA's negotiating demands, it appears that the PA prefers to leave the refugees to be used as a central lever in the crucial stage of the conflict."

PA chief Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) said at the groundbreaking ceremony, "The Palestinian nation will continue its campaign towards the liberation of the West Bank and Jerusalem, and towards the construction of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital."

The new town is to have 25,000 residents, living on an area of only one square kilometer (less than 40% of a square mile). Despite this, PA officials say that schools, mosques, medical facilities, a community center and green spaces will also be included in the planning.

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8. Shochat Retires, Shinui Nixes Successor
By Hillel Fendel

Veteran Labor MK Avraham (Beigeh) Shochat announced his retirement from politics today. The Shinui Party demanded that his successor, ex-minister Salah Tarif, be banned from the Knesset.

Shochat, a Knesset Member for 17 years, served as Finance Minister in the 25th, 26th, and 28th governments, under Prime Ministers Yitzchak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Ehud Barak. A resident of Tel Aviv, he is 69 years old, and is married with three children.

At a press conference today, Shochat said that he would resign from the Knesset Finance Committee immediately, and from the Knesset at the end of next month. He said he would enter the business world, but his aides said that no position has yet been offered him.

Former Minister without Portfolio Salah Tarif, a member of the Druze community who was Israel's first and only non-Jewish cabinet minister, is next on the Labor Party list of Knesset candidates to replace Shochat in the Knesset. However, Tarif was convicted of having given a bribe to the head of the Interior Ministry's Population Registry, on behalf of a friend from the Palestinian Authority who wished to receive a permit to reside in Israel. Tarif is currently appealing his conviction.

In light of the above, the Shinui Party Knesset faction has asked the Knesset House Committee to disallow Tarif's return to the Knesset until his appeal is decided. MK Reshef Hen, head of the Shinui Knesset faction, said, "This is a man who was convicted of a grave crime."

If Tarif is not permitted to serve in the Knesset, ex-MK Sofa Landver, representing the Russian-immigrant population, would take Shochat's place.

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9. Yehiam Fortress National Park
Yehiam Fortress is located in Kibbutz Yehiam, in the western part of the Galilee. When the kibbutz was settled in 1946, its original residents lived in the fortress ruins.
No one knows exactly when the Yehiam Fortress was built, but apparently it was initially part of the of the so-called king's fortress settlement in Mi'ilya. It was later sold to the Teutonic order, which purchased this area and the nearby Montfort Fortress. In 1265 the royal sultan Baybars captured and destroyed the fortress.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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