14th of Adar, 5785 י״ד בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Monday, October 24, 2005

First in New York - 40 Sukkah-Mobiles!

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First in New York - 40 Sukkah-Mobiles!

Following the success of the mitzva tank parades on Yud Shvat and Yud Aleph Nissan, and the menorah car parade on Chanukah, the Tank Committee undertook this year to organize a Sukkah-Mobile parade.  On Thursday morning at 7AM, the trucks arrived from the rental agency, and were quickly outfitted with sukkos by the staff of temimim.  By 9AM, all the sukkah-mobiles were ready to hit the road.  Each sukkah was equipped with a set of Daled Minim, pamphlets in various languages, cake and l'chaim for leisheiv basukkah.

The bachurim and children manning the tanks returned to the neighborhood at nightfall, after a full day of activity, just in time to take part in the simchas beis hashoeva.  The organizers consider this year's parade a great success, especially considering that this was the first year, and all the sukkos had to be built from scratch, which took many days.  All the posters were also new and were flown in from Israel.

Enter full article for a gallery of pictures by Shmulik Gwirts.

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