Tishrei 24, 5766 * October 27, 2005
Parshat Bereishis
How To Win
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Mr. Benson was just getting in to his weekly Sedra lesson, that the whole story of Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of Knowledge and getting sent out from the Garden of Eden all took place on the sixth day of Creation
Ben was just getting comfortable sitting back in his chair, thinking. What was he thinking? Not about Creation. Rather, about the last level he just reached victoriously on his cyber space game and the new level that he was going to challenge after school. He was going to get past the monsters that were trying to stop him landing his spacecraft on planet Sulizta. Turning a tiny bit of his attention to the teacher for a moment, he thought If G-d wanted me to listen in class then He wouldn’t create such cool games.
The question is, the monster in the front of the cave was saying, while the class-room walls, ceiling and desks dissolved away, How could the Torah say at the end of the sixth day and G-d saw all which He had made and behold it was very good if on that very day Adam and Eve sinned and were punished by being driven out of the garden of Eden?
That is an interesting question Ben thought. It must be the clue how to destroy the monster.
Let me give you another clue, said the monster. Our rabbis explain the verse and G-d saw it was very good it is referring to the Yetzer Hara, the Evil Inclination. How can G-d say that the Evil Inclination is good?
Ben listened fascinated. He was coming close to the secret of how to destroy the monsters! And the monster in the large cave was itself giving the clues!
To answer the question said the monster we must understand that everything is created by Hashem, G-d, which means that all bad things although they seem bad on the outside they really are good on the inside.
Does that mean that the monster is good on the inside? wondered Ben.
If a person does something bad and then repents, he is sorry, and now he does much more good, he has turned the bad thing into a force for good. This means that the bad has become a force for good! That’s the secret, thought Ben, excited. The seemingly bad monster is really a force for good, if we only know how to turn it that way!
So today, continued the monster, to celebrate the fact that we have begun studying the very beginning of the Torah, the rest of the lesson will be a class party.
The monster began giving out different kinds of nosh and soft drinks. Instead of being a dangerous monster, it turned into kind Mr Benson, smiling and telling jokes to the boys, giving them nice goodies to eat for the rest of the lesson. The cave turned into a pleasant, familiar classroom.
“I've won!” thought Ben. The ultimate challenge!
By Dr. Tali Loewenthal, Director of Chabad Research Unit, London
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