17th of Adar, 5785 י״ז בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

"TODAY'S DAY": Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Cheshvan 28, 5766 * November 30, 2005

"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"

Friday Cheshvan 28 5704

Torah lessons: Chumash: Tol'dot, Shishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 135-139.
Tanya: To understand the (p. 597)...on Pekudei.)
(p. 599).

The concept of Divine Providence is this:

Not only are all particular movements of the various creatures
directed by Providence, and not only is that Providence itself
the life-force and maintained existence of every creature -
but even more, the particular movement of any creature is in
general terms related to the grand design of Creation...

The aggregate of all individual acts brings to completion
G-d's grand design in the mystery of all Creation.

Ponder this:

If the swaying of a blade of grass is brought about by Divine
Providence and is crucial to the fulfillment of the purpose of
Creation, how much more so with regard to mankind in general,
and Israel (the people close to him) (1) in particular!

Footnote: 1. Tehillim 148:14; Siddur p. 36.



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Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).

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