14th of Adar, 5785 י״ד בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Thursday, December 22, 2005

A7news: Rockets Strike IDF Base Near Ashkelon, Five Wounded

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Rockets Strike IDF Army Base Near Ashkelon, Five Wounded
For the second time in a week, Kassam rockets fired from Gaza have struck an IDF base near the city of Ashkelon – this time wounding five soldiers.
Full Story Below

 1. Rockets Strike IDF Army Base Near Ashkelon, Five Wounded
 2. Netanyahu Bid: Push Off Primaries to Get Feiglin Out
 3. Three Terrorists Killed in Counter-Terror Operations
 4. Israeli Nobel Laureate Classifies Disengagement as ´Disaster´
 5. Rabbi Elon Says No, Merger Seems Further Than Ever
 6. Knesset Passes Final Laws as Speaker Laments "Bad Apples"
 7. Pioneer Youths Beaten by Police, Condemned by Leaders
 8. Family of "Our Man in Damascus" Tells Story
 9. A7radio: Holocaust-Denial Shattering Prof. Slams Arab World

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Editor: Hillel Fendel
Thursday, December 22, 2005
21 Kislev 5766


1. Rockets Strike IDF Army Base Near Ashkelon, Five Wounded
By Ezra HaLevi

For the second time in a week, Kassam rockets fired from Gaza have struck an IDF base near the city of Ashkelon – this time wounding five soldiers.

Two rockets landed on the Zikim army base just south of Ashkelon late Thursday morning. They struck near the base’s mess hall, which was filled with officers at the time.

Five soldiers were wounded by shrapnel or treated for shock in the Zikkim attack, including battalion commander Lt.-Col. Yossi Drori.

Another rocket fell near the Ashkelon industrial zone, where one of Israel’s largest power plants is located. Earlier this week a rocket hit the power plant but failed to cause any damage. Rockets also struck a different IDF base in the region earlier this week. Soldiers sleeping in tents nearby escaped unharmed; they have demanded the army provide them with fortified barracks.

IDF forces and helicopters quickly moved toward northern Gaza and fired artillery toward the launching sites to respond to Thursday's attack, killing one Arab.

Chief IDF Engineering Corps Officer Shimon Daniel, who commands the base hit by the rocket, was informed of the attack while attending a meeting of the Home Front command dealing with the reinforcement of army barracks in the region. “I am sure that the soldiers will receive proper protection,” Daniel told Army Radio. “The IDF knows how to give the best protection there is.”

On August 15th, on the eve of the implementation of the Gaza withdrawal, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon appeared on television and told the nation: “We will hold out our hand with an olive branch, but we will respond to attacks [after the Disengagement] in an unprecedented manner.”

In the months preceding the expulsion, both Deputy PM Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Sha’ul Mofaz touted Israel’s ability to respond harshly to attacks following the withdrawal as arguments for the implementation of the expulsion.

Military sources were quoted following Thursday’s attack saying, “There is no magic solution to eliminate Kassam fire.”

“We are not looking for magic, but merely security!” responded former IDF Southern District Commander Brig.-Gen. (res.) Tzvi Fogel on Israel Radio. “We must declare that whoever approaches these known launching sites will be shot. They will say that it prevents Gaza residents from going to work in the fields, but if given a choice between enabling the residents of Gaza or the residents of Ashkelon to go to work – the State of Israel must choose Ashkelon… Why can’t the IDF display the kind of determination it used in the Disengagement in its efforts to stop the rockets?”

Agriculture Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) issued a statement in response to this week's earlier attacks demanding that the IDF bomb Gaza, even if it means forcing residents to flee to Sinai.

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2. Netanyahu Bid: Push Off Primaries to Get Feiglin Out
By Hillel Fendel

The newly elected Likud Chairman is already scheming to get Moshe Feiglin out of the Likud - by initiating a change to the party charter that would disqualify him. Likud MKs are silent.

Netanyahu has met with Tzvi Cohen, the Likud's Election Committee chairman, who approved the initiative. It involves a change to the party's constitution that would ban anyone with a criminal record and a jail sentence of at least three months from running for Knesset.

The change would take at least two weeks, and therefore Netanyahu is also willing to postpone, for another week, the primaries in which the party's Knesset candidates will be chosen. A Central Committee vote will be held on the matter on Jan. 5. To facilitate this, the primaries will be pushed off from Jan. 3 to Jan. 9.

In Nov. 1997, Feiglin - as leader of the anti-Oslo Zo Artzeinu (This is Our Land) organization - was sentenced to six months in prison, which he was permitted to convert to six months of public service. He had been convicted two months earlier of "sedition" for organizing massive road blockades in the framework of anti-Oslo protests in 1994. In handing down the sentence, the judges said that the government should learn from this affair to be more attuned to the opinions of large sectors of the society. They said that the defendants carried out a "sincere protest" in pure faith, and that they represented the opinion of many who felt that the government was purposely ignoring them.

Some Likud MKs who supported Netanyahu against Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom in the recent party leadership race are reported to be "unenthusiastic" about his latest move. They have not come out publicly, however.

MK Ehud Yatom, asked his opinion on Netanyahu's move, said, "I think the Likud should behave according to the law." Asked to elaborate, he said he has no obligation to do so.

MK Michael Ratzon, who was also contacted this morning by Arutz-7, said, "I spoke to Netanyahu this morning, and he said nothing about this... I don't think it is the right thing to do; there are people to the left of him - should they be thrown out as well? ... I don't think it will happen."

Another potential candidate who would be affected by Netanyahu's bid is Shlomi Oz, a supporter of Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom and Kadima MK Omri Sharon, the Prime Minister's son. Oz was sent to prison in 1989 for 14 months on charges related to counterfeiting, debt collection and the like.

If Netanyahu succeeds, Feiglin will be prevented from running for the Knesset in the Likud.

Feiglin was not allowed to run in the last Knesset election, by Supreme Court order. In January 2003, the Court sustained the Election Commission's ruling to disqualify him, claiming that his conviction on charges of "sedition" - for organizing road-block protests of the Oslo Accords - was a crime involving "moral turpitude." Israeli law states that conviction of such a crime makes one ineligible to run for Knesset for seven years. At the time, Feiglin's lawyer, Haggai Yekutiel, said that the ruling was a "blow against democracy," as thousands of people had registered with the Likud party for the express purpose of voting for Feiglin, and that the decision "prevents these citizens from voting for their chosen candidate."

Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership), the Likud faction headed by Feiglin, is considering a petition to the Supreme Court to stop Netanyahu from banning Feiglin. Another possibility is to field another Manhigut candidate for Knesset; Feiglin has frequently said that he need not be his organization's highest-placed representative.

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3. Three Terrorists Killed in Counter-Terror Operations
By Ezra HaLevi and Hillel Fendel

Three terrorists were killed in a shootout with IDF forces Thursday. The IDF continually faces gunfire as it continues daily operations in northern Samaria.

Bashar Hanani, the local commander of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), was killed in Shechem on Thursday, together with two accomplices, while resisting arrest.

Hanani was responsible for the bombing of Tel Aviv’s Carmel Market over a year ago and the attack on an Israeli bus stop at the Geha Junction two years ago. Seven Israelis were murdered in those attacks and dozens were wounded.

Wednesday, an elite Border Police unit attempted to arrest the Hamas terrorist responsible for the killing of St.-Sgt. Yonatan Evron in November. The terrorist, Ziad Moussa, fired at the soldiers and tried to escape, but was shot dead.

Security forces also apprehended Islamic Jihad terrorist Muhammad Kashua Wednesday night. Kashua, from the village of Ilar, near Tul Karem, assisted in carrying out the terror attack in Hadera two months ago in which six Israelis were murdered.

Six wanted Islamic Jihad and Hamas terrorists were also arrested Wednesday night in the villages of Kafin and Ilar, both near Jenin and in Bethlehem. Knives and guns were confiscated during the arrests.

In other incidents Thursday, Arabs threw three firebombs at an Israeli car, northwest of Ramallah, and rocks at Israeli cars near Shechem... Arabs threw rocks at soldiers in a protest west of Ramallah... IDF forces arrested a wanted Islamic Jihad terrorist in Hevron... A wanted female terrorist was arrested north of Ramallah... An Arab woman was convicted in a Jerusalem court of attempting to stab to death an Israeli policeman on the Temple Mount a year ago...

An Arab resident of the Palestinian Authority living in Israel was indicted Thursday on charges of knowingly driving a terrorist to carry out the afore-mentioned murderous attack in Hadera two months ago.

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4. Israeli Nobel Laureate Classifies Disengagement as ´Disaster´
By Ezra HaLevi

Nobel Laureate Prof. Yisrael Aumann addressed the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Wednesday, calling the Disengagement a “disaster” and pleading for patience on the part of the gov't.

Aumann, who recently received the Nobel Prize for Economics due to his work in game theory, explained the basic principles of game theory to the committee. He also explained the application of those principles in reaching a final-status arrangement with the Jewish State’s Arab neighbors.

Using lessons from his innovations, Aumann attacked the unilateral removal of Jews from Gaza and northern Samaria last summer. He said that continued withdrawals would only lead to bloodshed, as they signal that Israel does not know what to do and is merely taking an action for the sake of “doing something.”

Click "play" below to view IsraelNN TV's interview with Prof. Aumann
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The Hebrew University professor told the Knesset committee that the urgency with which the government seeks to reach a settlement with the Arabs poses a great danger. He said patience and proper preparation on the economic and social levels are what will bring true peace to the region.

“The current drive for peace now, not tomorrow,” Aumann said, “is liable to bring about the opposite.”

The Nobel Laureate said that Israel’s Arab neighbors - “our cousins,” as he referred to them – must be convinced not that we are desperate for peace, but that we are willing to be patient and live with the current situation.

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5. Rabbi Elon Says No, Merger Seems Further Than Ever
By Hillel Fendel

Rabbi Moti Elon - Yeshivat HaKotel dean and renowned lecturer and educator - has turned down the proposal to head a unified religious-Zionist list of the National Union and National Religious Party.

Just minutes after NRP leader Zevulun Orlev intimated to an Army Radio interviewer that Rabbi Elon was likely to accept the offer, the same station released its "scoop" that the rabbi had in fact turned it down.

The National Union (NU) and National Religious Party (NRP) have been conducting talks for the past several weeks on the option of running on a joint list in the upcoming elections. Despite the widespread support for a merger among both their publics, and despite calls for a merger by rabbis across the religious-Zionist political spectrum, the talks have not succeeded. The main issue of contention is the question of who will head the list.

Both parties say their top man - Benny Elon of the NU (pictured, left) and Zevulun Orlev of the NRP (right) - should head the list. Asi Talmon, aide to MK Tzvi Hendel (NU), has said in the past, "Look, it was clear all along that Benny Elon would head the list... the fact is that many National Union voters simply will not vote for this joint list if Orlev heads it. He has spoken in favor of Avigdor Lieberman's plan [of trading parts of Arab-populated Israel for parts of Judea and Samaria], he wants to join a future government at almost any cost, he is associated with the uprooting of Jewish communities [because the NRP remained in the Sharon government until November 2004]. In addition, we ran a sharp campaign against him demanding that he leave the government. For all these reasons, he simply cannot lead our joint list, and the NRP knows this."

National Union officials also say that in addition to currently having six MKs compared to the NRP's four, polls show far greater support for the NU than the NRP.

Orlev, on the other hand, says that an objective survey should be held to see who would garner more support for the joint list. He says that of the NU's six MKs, two - Effie Eitam and Yitzchak Levy - were elected on the NRP list, but later dropped out and joined the National Union.

Speaking on Army Radio this morning, Orlev said that he had spoken to Rabbi Moti Elon - Benny Elon's younger brother - earlier this week. Orlev explained that Rabbi Elon "represents exactly the type of new agenda that we feel should be presented to the Israeli public - education, social welfare, and the Jewish character of the State, together with a consistent fight for the Land of Israel."

MK Tzvi Hendel (National Union) has said that members of his party and leading rabbis have been in contact with Rabbi Elon for two weeks, and that the matter "needs to be dealt with slowly."

Asked if he feels that Rabbi Elon will accept the offer, Orlev said that the rabbi had not decided yet, but that he - Orlev - felt he was close to acceptance.

Five minutes later, Army Radio correspondent Amit Segal announced dramatically that Rabbi Elon had turned down the offer. Segal intimated that part of the reason was because of Orlev's early publication and credit-taking: "Rabbi Elon is a rabbi, not a politician, and here he got a taste of politicking on his back, and it looks like he was scared off."

MK Hendel, as well, gently blamed Orlev for leaking the news too early.

Orlev himself said later that he had coordinated his announcement with Rabbi Elon himself.

Asked if Orlev is an obstacle to unity, MK Gila Finkelstein (NRP) said, "I don't think so. He was elected democratically, in a secret ballot, to head the party." Asked if she and her colleagues might tell Orlev that it was time to step aside and allow Benny Elon to head the list, she said she would speak to her colleagues and ask for an urgent meeting on the entire matter today.

MK Nissan Slomiansky (NRP) said, "First of all, check with Orlev and see what he says. Secondly, I'm no longer sure that everyone wants unification - and it could be more on the other side than on the NRP side... The National Union keeps blaming it on Orlev, but they keep piling up obstacles themselves..."

Both parties say that there are voters who will not vote for a joint list headed by the other party.

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6. Knesset Passes Final Laws as Speaker Laments "Bad Apples"
By Ezra HaLevi

The 16th Knesset approved dozens of pieces of legislation on its last day, Wednesday. Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin spoke with reporters about the “bad apples” in the outgoing Knesset.

“One bad apple can spoil a whole barrel,” Rivlin told reporters, "and forty bad apples can do it even quicker” - an exaggerated reference to the many MKs involved in corruption and misdeeds during the current term.

Rivlin scolded voters, saying they should make sure to elect better officials for the next Knesset. MKs in the 16th Knesset were caught double-voting, appointing political allies to professional positions, accepting bribes, violating campaign finance laws, and engaging in fraud and tampering with evidence, among other crimes.

The Knesset speaker stressed that most of the members of the 120-seat parliament had done a great job, specifically mentioning Likud coalition whip MK Gideon Sa’ar by name.

A “report card” issued to the 16th Knesset Wednesday named NRP MKs Shaul Yahalom and Gila Finkelstein as “legislative champions” for successfully passing 14 laws. Finkelstein said that a 15th piece concluded this week had not made it into the statistics. Second place, with 11 laws successfully passed, went to Shinui MK Ehud Ratzabi and third went to UTJ MK Moshe Gafni, with ten.

Virulently anti-Zionist MK Abdul Malik Dahamshe (United Arab List) gave the most speeches in the Knesset this session: 553.

There were a total of 250 no-confidence motions filed during the last session.

Dozens of bills were handled Wednesday, the last day of the session prior to the upcoming elections. The Knesset usually votes on a half-dozen bills a day at most, but dozens of pieces of legislation were brought before the parliament this week in order that they pass their second reading and remain on the books to be discussed in the 17th Knesset. Hundeds of bills that did not pass their second reading will be discarded and must be submitted anew next session.

The Knesset is ending the session early to avoid populist legislation aimed at garnering electoral gains. Laws submitted in recent days included a vote on the obligations of corporations to consult with residents on the construction of cellular antennas; a law submitted by MK Eliezer Cohen (National Union) giving polio victims over 40 a pension of 7,000 shekels a month for the rest of their lives; two bills submitted by Shinui MKs outlining equal employment opportunity guidelines; a project proposed by MK Ran Cohen (Meretz-Yahad) allotting 200 million shekels for an institution for at-risk youth; and a Holocaust reparations bill creating an authority to handle claims with an annual budget of at least 32 million shekels a year.

The 2006 budget has not even been submitted to the Knesset for approval by Finance Minister Ehud Olmert (Kadima). Instead, the government will use the 2005 budget for the first quarter-to-half of 2006, updating it monthly according to the index. The 17th Knesset will work to pass the 2006 budget as soon as possible following the March 28th elections.

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7. Pioneer Youths Beaten by Police, Condemned by Leaders
By Hillel Fendel

Young Shomron settlers have sent an open letter and video to rabbis and other community leaders, complaining that they were both beaten by the police and condemned by their own leaders.

This past Oct. 26, the day after the Sukkot holiday, hundreds of youths from around the country attempted to build four new neighborhoods in the Yesha (Judea and Samaria) communities of Efrat, Kedumim, Elon Moreh and Kiryat Arba. "Expansion in Place of Destruction" - har'havah bimkom hah'ravah - was the motto of the new initiative, in the wake of the destruction wrought upon Gush Katif and northern Samaria just two months earlier.

In at least one of the cases - in the new outpost near Kedumim, in the Shomron (Samaria) - the police and army forces employed particularly strong violence in order to evacuate the youth. The idealistic teenagers later related accounts of girls being dragged by their hair across rocky ground, punches to the ribs and face, and more.

"But not only were they physically beaten," says Orit Strook of Hevron, considered the leading human rights activist of the nationalist right-wing camp, "they felt that they were beaten a second time when they were widely condemned by their own rabbis, MKs and public figures, who did not bother to first find out the entire story."

The story that was widely publicized in the media at the time was that the youths had been violent towards the security forces. Strook says she remembers Yesha Council officials and others who immediately took to the airwaves to condemn their behavior. "It took the youths a while to get their act together," she told Arutz-7, "but now they have put together a very powerful movie [in Hebrew, but with footage of the violent evacuation] that shows exactly what they went through."

The movie was sent, on a disk, to some 50 leading rabbis and Knesset Members, with an accompanying letter written by the youths explaining the double disappointment they felt - from the physical violence, and the condemnations they received.

Excerpts from various people who appear in the movie:
"We held tight to each other... the police tried to neutralize each of us by holding the groin and choking; one policemen choked me for about 15 seconds while holding me in the groin... They laughed and joked as if they enjoyed using the force... Two policemen dragged a girl by her ponytail - without holding her in any other way, across the ground and the rocks, and she was really in pain; she cried out, 'Stop, I'll go,' but they kept on; I came over and tried to help her, one policeman took me and pushed me against the wall, twisted my arm and pushed my face up, I cried and told him he was breaking my arm, and he put his face very close to mine and threatened me... When there were no cameras around, they used extreme violence; when there were cameras, they used only moderate violence... I saw them pick up girls and throw them and drag them, and then the girls would fall down and couldn't walk, so the police would kick them and pick them up and throw them down... I saw them drag my sister out by her leg, over the rocks and ground, her skin and back was all scratched up... One policeman suddenly came over and gave me such a slap; I don't know how it helped him... I saw a bunch of girls walking down the path, leaving on their own - but 4-5 policewomen were running after them, hitting them, kicking them - it was just a terrible sight. In particular, one policewoman was brutally violent against one of the girls, kicking her and throwing her, over and over; I tried to stop her, but I wasn't able to... One boy was being beaten, and other policemen came and pushed them away so that they could hit him too..."

Though IDF officials and others accused the youths in Elon Moreh of employing violence against the soldiers, one of the leaders of the settlement initiative, 16-year-old Yirat, told Arutz-7 at the time,
"I can tell you that the army and police were shockingly violent - and then blamed us for all their violence. The police hit, took yarmulkes, threw cameras and phones out the window, and the like. They were without name tags... the boys were infuriated by this, and so they set alight two benches in the old bus onto which they loaded us... In addition to their violence, the soldiers took a lot of our equipment from the site - such as a bicycle, three tables, projectors, chairs..."

Strook told Arutz-7 that one of the police commanders told a woman during the evacuation that they were acting so strongly "in order that you not make us come out [to evacuate you] every Monday and Thursday."

The letter accompanying the movie was written by Rabbi Daniel Shilo of the Yesha Rabbis Council, Kedumim Mayor Daniella Weiss, and Merav Vaserteil of the Land of Israel Youth task force. Excerpts:

"We are turning to you following a difficult experience of violence on the part of the Israel Police - and an even more difficult and painful experience of being condemned and blamed by those who are supposed to be our leaders and the heads of our camp...

"As if the brutal attack wasn't enough, 'our' public leaders rushed to condemn the youth, and there were not enough courageous leaders and rabbis who would speak openly in the media about our idealistic youth. Precisely because we do not plan to give up our struggle on behalf of our hold on the Land of Israel, and in light of what awaits us, we have made this effort to bring directly to your home or office these testimonies and pictures that document what really happened, and who was the victim and who was the aggressor..."

Strook recalled the incident several months ago in which nails and the like were found on a highway in an apparent attempt to protest the disengagement - and the strong condemnations by religious-Zionist leaders that immediately followed it. "That was the morning before one of the major road-blockings," she said, "and I warned them that their condemnations - without finding out who was behind it - would be interpreted as a general condemnation of all the road-blockers, and would simply abandon those idealistic youths to strong police violence - and that's exactly what happened..."

The youth organization in question plans to establish additional outposts in Yesha in the coming days. Of the original four neighborhoods established after Sukkot, two of them are frequented by large groups on a weekly basis, while in Kedumim there is a daily presence, and in Elon Moreh, there are those who sleep there as well.

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8. Family of "Our Man in Damascus" Tells Story
By Debbie Berman

Maurice Cohen, brother of Israel's greatest spy Eli Cohen, talks of his brother’s courageous acts of espionage and his family’s yearning to bring Eli’s remains to a proper Jewish burial.

Maurice Cohen spoke with Israel National Radio's Tovia Singer.
Press "Play" below to listen to interview with Eli Cohen's brother.Click here if player does not appear.

Eli Cohen worked as an operative for Israel's Mossad intelligence service in Damascus and successfully infiltrated the highest ranking levels of Syrian government. Cohen was responsible for transmitting crucial information that enabled the Israeli army a swift and decisive victory in their battle with the Syrians over the Golan Heights in the Six Day War. With the assistance of Soviet intelligence, the Syrians caught Eli while he was transmitting a message to Israel. Despite international protests, Eli Cohen was executed by the Syrians in a brutal public hanging on May 18, 1965 (pictured above).

“I am very proud of my brother, but it also a big agony that I lost him. I could not help him, I could not save his life,” Maurice Cohen, himself a retired Mossad agent, stated.

Remarkably, Cohen was recruited to work in the same Mossad unit as his brother Eli, but neither of the brothers had any knowledge of the nature of the other's work. “We didn’t discuss anything about his job. When he was recruited he told us that he was going to work for the Ministry of Defense to assist in the import of computer parts for military purposes. He said he would be working for the army and would be staying in Europe,” explained Cohen, adding, “I was also recruited and served in the same company that communicated with my brother. We did not know anything about each other.”

Cohen explained how he accidentally happened on information that revealed to him his brother's true identity as an Israeli Mossad agent in Syria. “At the end of one official message, Eli sent a private message where he asked ‘Did Nadia receive the sewing machine?’” said Cohen, saying that his superiors in the Mossad claimed not to understand the code words "Nadia" or "sewing machine." Cohen says he became suspicious of his brother when he visited his sister-in-law Nadia’s home and indeed saw a brand new Singer sewing machine that she had just received from Eli.

“After several weeks, the Mossad sent a private message to Eli, which read ‘Miss Fifi has taken her first steps.' Immediately, I knew that Fifi was my brother’s nickname for his daughter Sophie. I went to my sister-in-law’s house and saw my chubby little niece walking. I didn’t have any doubt then that our man in Damascus was none other than my own brother,” Cohen conveyed.

After finding out the truth about Eli, Maurice kept the secret from his family and the two brothers never even discussed the matter amongst themselves. “At the time I couldn’t reveal it to anybody. I kept this secret buried deep in my heart. To reveal it would endanger Eli and betray my own country, which would go against the goals of my brother. I was partially very anxious about it, but also very proud of my brother who was serving his country and homeland,” Cohen stated.

Eli Cohen convinced high ranking Syrian military officials to plant trees near their bunkers in the Golan Heights. "Eli suggested the planting of eucalyptus trees to create shade for the Syrian soldiers and to camouflage all the bunkers,” explained Maurice. “Israel needed the information that Eli supplied to the Mossad." In the 1967 Six Day War, Israeli pilots bombarded houses surrounded by eucalyptus trees, scoring direct hits on all the enemy's secret installations.

Despite his determination to convince Syria to return Eli’s body to Israel, Maurice Cohen says he would not be willing to give up the Golan Heights in negotiations with Syria. “My brother gave up his life for this. My brother’s soul is already in heaven, his body has become dust, and nothing remains of him. I would not want to give back the Golan Heights to Syria. They hurt their own country, and kill their own brothers. So we have to protect ourselves and keep the Golan Heights. Nobody else will protect us. My brother and other soldiers gave their souls and bodies to get this place. Syria is the worst enemy we ever had,” explained Cohen.

Eli's wife Nadia also expressed her strong desire for the return of her husband's remains. She told dignitaries who were headed for Syria to raise the subject with the Syrian dictator Assad. Assad's only words uttered in response were, "When the time comes, we'll discuss it."

Click "play" below to view the TV report on Eli Cohen and interview with wife (November, 2002).
click here if video does not appear

Maurice Cohen spoke about the desire of the Cohen family to secure the transfer of Eli’s remains to Israel as something that would grant them tremendous personal peace. “I want to see my brother’s remains back in Israel, because I made a promise to my mother on her deathbed to bring Eli back to be buried in Israel,” said Cohen, adding “It would be a humanitarian act. Dead bodies cannot harm anybody. We should be able to lay a stone and go to pray and visit and say Kaddish for his soul. Our family has suffered for forty years not having the remains of our brother.”

More information about Israeli spy Eli Cohen can be seen at his website: www.elicohen.org

Maurice Cohen conducts a tour of the Golan Heights several times a year and tells his brother's story.

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9. A7radio: Holocaust-Denial Shattering Prof. Slams Arab World
A7 Radio's "The Tovia Singer Show"
A7 Radio's "The Tovia Singer Show"

Skeptical of Claims that Sharon is in 'excellent condition'?

Upbeat reports are pouring out of Sharon's inner circle describing the prime minister's health following his 'mild' stroke. How do we sort out reliable information from misleading propaganda? What difference does a stroke make? Also, what can be learned from Feiglin's strong showing in the Likud elections?

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Also on Tovia Singer:

The Professor who Shattered Holocaust Denial Slams the Arab World

World renowned professor Deborah E. Lipstadt, author of the groundbreaking book Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, blasts Middle Eastern countries where Holocaust denial is a national pastime. Also, Professor Paul Eidelberg and Singer debate vital issues that confront the 'right.'

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For more A7 Radio, visit www.IsraelNationalRadio.com.

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 S. Africa Rand 0.7234

7°C / 44°F
Intermitent Rain
Tel Aviv
11°C / 51°F
Intermitent Rain
11°C / 51°F
Intermitent Rain
6°C / 42°F
Intermitent Rain
The Plains
9°C / 48°F
Intermitent Rain
5°C / 41°F
Intermitent Rain
9°C / 48°F
Partly Cloudy
Beer Sheva
8°C / 46°F
Partly Cloudy
Dead Sea
14°C / 57°F
Partly Cloudy
11°C / 51°F
Partly Cloudy

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'Israeli Salad' #117
with Yoni Kempinski

- Lone soldiers reunited with their parents.
- French high-school graduates visit Israel.
- Dealing with the expulsion trauma.
- Newborn quadruplet born into the Jewish nation.
- Abel Pann’s art depicting stories of the bible.

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