Tuesday, December 13, 2005

DAILY DOSE: Life That Works


Life That Works

We have found a way of life that works.
We have 3300 years of testing under every possible condition to prove that.

Yes, you could test all the possible styles of life, make comparisons and come to your own conclusions.
But what a waste of precious time it will be, for yourself and for the world that could be benefiting from you. After all, how much life will you have left after reaching your conclusions?

A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe
-words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman
Kislev 12, 5766 * December 13, 2005


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Miracles - A Chanukah Film

A morning sun rises in fiery splendor; a newborn baby enters the world. We witness miracles everyday and may sometimes take them for granted.

Watch this inspiring film:



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