Due to Shabbat observance, the Shabbat edition of ''Today's Day'' is sent on Friday. Shabbat Shalom!
Kislev 30, 5766 * December 31, 2005
"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"
Tuesday, Kislev 29, Fifth Day of Chanuka, 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: Mikeitz, Shlishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 140-150.
Tanya: Ch. 4. In addition (p. 13)...(that he violates).
(p. 13).
The sins of Israel in the time of the Greeks were: Fraternizing with the Greeks, studying their culture, profaning Shabbat and Holy Days, eating Treifa and neglecting Jewish Tahara. (1) The punishment-tribulation was the spiritual destruction (2) of the Sanctuary, death, and slavery in exile. Through teshuva (3) and Mesirat Nefesh, (4) that great, miraculous Divine salvation - the miracle of Chanuka - came about.
Footnotes: (1) Purity. The term "family purity" (for Taharat
Hamishpacha) describes Torah laws concerning marriage,
particularly Mikva, and all observances related to
family sanctity. See Sh'vat 21; Nissan 10.
(2) The defilement of the Sanctuary, its altar, and the
famous cruses of oil. The physical destruction
centuries later was by the Romans.
(3) "Return," or "repentance," a frequent theme in Torah
and Chassidus. See for example Tishrei 3 to 8.
(4) Total devotion, to the point of martyrdom.
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Wishing you and your family a Happy Chanukah!
Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).
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