Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"TODAY'S DAY": Thursday, December 15, 2005


Kislev 14, 5766 * December 15, 2005

"T O D A Y ' S D A Y"

Shabbat, Kislev 14 * 5704

Torah lessons: Chumash: Vayishlach, Shevi'i with Rashi.
Tehillim: 72-76.
Tanya: "David! Do you call (p. 621)...his time of
trouble. (p. 623).

Birkat hamazon (pp. 88-94) is said over a cup of wine even without ten (people having dined together).

The cup is held in the palm of the hand, the fingers extending upward. Hold the cup from Rabossai Mir Velen Benchen (1) until after the third B'racha, (2) when it is placed on the table.

In one of my father's Sichot, he explained a subject, of which this is the core:

There are Tzadik, Yashar, Tamim and Chassid.

Tzadik (3) is so called regarding his fulfillment of the positive mitzvot, thereby eliciting revelations inherent in the creative order. (4)

Yashar (5) is so called regarding his fulfillment of the negative mitzvot - which draws forth revelations beyond the creative order.

Tamim, (man of) earnestness (6) elicits revelations (from a level of G-dliness at which) "the taste of the tree and its fruit is the same"
- the co-joining of the Encompassing (soveiv) (7) and Permeating
(memalei) (8) modes of Divine influence.

Highest of all is Chassid, and here there are three levels:

(a) Worldly affairs do not disturb or distract him. Every
individual can, and every individual must, attain this level.
(b) All his affairs "are G-dliness." (9) Though this level "is not
distant from you etc.," (10) it is still not within everyone's
(c) The level described in Tikunei Zohar, "Who is a chassid? He
who conducts himself with benevolence towards his Creator -
towards His nest" (11) - which means that he seeks to unite the
Holy One blessed be He, and His Shechina (12) within those who
dwell in the lower worlds - not merely to quench the thirst of
his own soul; as explained in Tanya. (13)

Footnotes: * This day marks the marriage, in 5689 (1928) of the
Rebbe with the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka of
blessed memory, daughter of the Previous Rebbe of
blessed memory.

1. "Gentlemen, let us say the Blessings."
2. I.e. after the words "...who in His mercy rebuilds Jerusalem.
Amen." (p. 91).
3. Lit. "saintly person."
4. Seder hishtalsh'lut, "The Order of Downward Progression."
5. Lit. "upright person."
6. Cf. Tishrei 4, p. 93.
7. A mode of G-d's creative force transcending the creative order. 8. Divine Immanence, enclothing itself within the creative order.
See Translator's Notes (p. 120 in the printed version).
9. See Supplementary Footnotes, (p. 130 in the printed version). 10. Devarim 30:11. 11. Introduction to Tikunei Zohar 1b. 12. See Supplementary Footnotes, p. 130. 13. See Supplementary Footnotes, p. 130.


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Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe. Note: day of week and Torah lessons indicated are from 5703 (1943).

For a glossary of terms used in "Today's Day" please click here:

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