Tevet 17, 5766 * January 17, 2006
D A I L Y M I T Z V A H (M A I M O N I D E S )
Today's Mitzvot (Day 137 of 339):
Negative Mitzvot 141, 142, 143
Introduction to Negative Mitzvot 141-144:
Eating "Ma'aser Sheini" in Jerusalem
Positive Mitzvah 128 commands us to separate a second tithe in
addition to the tithe given to the Levites.
The Mitzvah of "Ma'aser," tithe, expresses appreciation.
We give a tenth of our harvest to the Levites, those dedicated
people who serve the Beit HaMikdash.
In certain years (See Negative Mitzvah 154), we must set aside
a second tithe, "Ma'aser Sheini."
It is brought to Jerusalem and we express our thanks to G-d by
enjoying the fruits of our toil, in His holy city.
As people gather from all over, they share their feeling of thanks
to HaShem for making things grow and blessing their hard work.
There, near the Beit HaMikdash where Hashem's presence is felt
most, they would listen to each others' words of praise and join
together in thanking HaShem.
The following Mitzvot deal with the Ma'aser Sheini.
Negative Mitzvah 141: We are forbidden to eat grain set aside for
Ma'aser Sheini outside of Jerusalem
-Deuteronomy 12:17 "You may not eat within your gates the tithe of
your corn"
This Negative Mitzvah prohibits us from eating portions of grain
which we have set aside as Ma'aser Sheini outside of Jerusalem.
Negative Mitzvah 142: We are forbidden to drink wine set aside for
Ma'aser Sheini outside of Jerusalem
-Deuteronomy 12:17 You may not eat within your gates the
tithes...of your wine"
This Negative Mitzvah prohibits us from drinking wine (or its by-
products) which we have set aside as Ma'aser Sheini outside of
Negative Mitzvah 143: We are forbidden to use oil set aside for
Ma'aser Sheini outside of Jerusalem
-Deuteronomy 12:17 You may not eat within your gates the
tithes...of your oil"
This Negative Mitzvah prohibits us from drinking oil (or its by-
products) which we have set aside as Ma'aser Sheini outside of
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