Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Who is in charge in Chabad , or what's wrong with Moshiach flags?

By the grace of G-d

From Sefad to Brooklyn to Chicago

Some comments from 770Rambler

Avodas Avoda said...
Thank you Ariel.

Look, you've all just demonstrated that your biases have twisted your rational judgment. Now I ask again, and try to be rational here: What's so bad about putting Yellow flags on your house? Admittedly, I wouldn't do it, but what's so bad about it?

I looked at the Moshiach Center website, and it looks like they run Moshiach programming. They're Mishichistim, so you don't like them. But, b'poel, it looks like they do programs that attempt to bring closer to the Rebbe and to the inyan of Moshiach.

What's the problem?

1:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Their entire existence there is to discturb the Shluchim. Sure it looks good, until you know what they are up to -- undermining existing Chabad institutions in existence for 40+ years.

7:01 PM

Josh said...
"undermining existing Chabad institutions in existence for 40+ years."

Very well said. That's what most of the tzfatim are doing. However to the extreme they are undermining the Rebbe.

1:37 AM

Ariel Sokolovsky said...
By the grace of G-d
Shalom ubrocha!
Rebbe King Moshiach Shalit"a made every Jew his Shaliach, he never created "protected teritories" for "official shluchim" he said in a sicha from 5747 every Chabadnik should put up a sign Chabad House on his home (see more on this with links here at the end of my bio, he said all Jews should welcome Moshiach publicize his identity and accept his kingship with joy.
Honest Jews in many cities across the globe are upset that some of the "official shluchim" are ignoring the Rebbe's explicit words so they open "competing" Chabad Houses. Competition creates better quality product in the long run and some anymosity in the short run...
It's very telling that Mashichistim usualy quote in clear context sources within the Rebbes teachings for what they are doing while those from the so called establishment brush them of without adressing the issue because they have nothing to say to justify their own inactioon and opposition except unjustly acusing us of misinterpretation of the Rebbes teachings without even trying to prove this baseless alegation.If such case would go before a goyish judge he would throw out the charges against Mashichistim as fast as the judge threw out charges against me without me having even to say one word in my defense (see updates Dac 28 thru Jan 21 on my site
brocha ve'hatzlocha

Ariel Sokolovsky

Long Live our Master our Teacher and our Rebbe King Moshiach Forever and Ever!

9:55 AM

Anonymous said...
Ariel - If you guys are right, why didn't the Rebbe leave you in charge? Clearly Aguch and Merkos is in charge? Why hasn't the Rebbe "stopped" what they are doing if it is wrong...

Oh wait, you're a ba'al teshuva who was never part of the Rebbes secretariat....But you seem to know what's going on...Ok, that makes sense.

1:17 PM

Anonymous said...
Yechi Hamelech!

2:54 PM

Ariel Sokolovsky said...
By the grace of G-d

"Anonymous said...
Ariel - If you guys are right, why didn't the Rebbe leave you in charge? Clearly Aguch and Merkos is in charge? Why hasn't the Rebbe "stopped" what they are doing if it is wrong...

The Rebbe never said that every Lubavitcher must be botel to Aguch and or Merkos.
The Rebbe left public orders for everyone willing to fulfill them.
If people in charge of the Aguch and Merkos were given orders by the Rebbe to censor his teachings to exclude whatever they fill is controversial (it's not only about Moshiach campaign they often censor other things too)the burden of proof is on them to prove it.If they can't prove it it's my and your right and obligation to fulfill Rebbe's published orders but understand that if Aguch Merkos or anyone else seems to be doing something against what the Rebbe told everyone to do there must be a need for it in the world (it's called rotzon ha'hitzon in Chassidus)in this case the Rebbe mentioned in the Sicha about eternal life (Chaiei Sarah 5752) that Moshiach and many others will have "eterrnal life" and some will have very long life but in the midle of that there will be concealment like it says in Ishaiah 54:7 and 8 (which hints at Gimel Tamuz see my article )
Bottom line heads of Merkos and Aguch do things that seem to be against the Rebbe's revealed orders exersising their freedom of choice however on a deeper level the Rebbe is "forcing" them to do it since for various reasons there is a need for their actions in the world just like there was a need for Pharoh to harden his heart...

"Oh wait, you're a ba'al teshuva who was never part of the Rebbes secretariat....But you seem to know what's going on...Ok, that makes sense. "

#1 One often gets a clearer picture when looking from the outside.
#2 I met many on the inside who have the same views I do.
#3 Ultimatly you have to agree that Yudel, Shem Tov and the rest of the "insiders" never had a valid claim that the Rebbe said they understand things better than everyone else around them and everyone must treat them colectivly or individualy as a "new Rebbe" (G-d forbid!)
If you would see them eating pork would you claim they have been given secret instructions from the Rebbe ordering them to do so?:-)
How is this any differnt.
With respect and blessing
Ariel Sokolovsky
Long Live our Master our Teacher and our Rebbe King Moshiach Forever and Ever!

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