15th of Adar, 5785 ט״ו בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Arutz-7: Important update to ensure email delivery

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Dear Arutz-7 Subscriber,

Many Arutz-7 subscribers are not receiving the daily news consistently due to blocking or filtering systems put in place by internet providers and email companies. 

In order to ensure that these "Spam filters" will not block Arutz-7 emails from reaching you, you must take a few simple steps to define our email address as "friendly". Please choose your internet provider or email software below and follow the step by step instructions.

If you have any questions or problems contact us

Arutz Sheva Technical Staff

P.S. If you feel you are receiving this email in error, this is likely because you once tried to subscribe to the Arutz-7 Israel news list, but our emails were blocked. Now that our email has finally reached you, follow the above instructions to ensure consistent delivery.

To unsubscribe now from the Arutz-7 news list, click here.

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