16th of Adar, 5785 ט״ז בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Thursday, October 06, 2005

No Charge for Union Mikveh During Tishrei

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No Charge for Union Mikveh During Tishrei

Good news for Tishrei guests and Crown Heights residents:  During Tishrei, there will be no charge for using the Union Street mikveh adjacent to 770.  The Vaad Hakohol, who have taken responsibility for maintaining the mikveh, announced that the maintainance of the mikveh for the month of Tishrei will be in memory of Harav Hachassid R. Schneur Zalmen Gurary A"H, whose yahrtzeit is Rosh Hashana.

It is important to not that the expenses of the mikveh during Tishrei are much higher than usual, as the number of users increases two- or three-fold.

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