14th of Adar, 5785 י״ד בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Calling all Bookworms

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sign up today for the second International Bookathon
  1. REGISTER on line at www.bookathon.org and print out the sponsor sheet and reading cards (or by calling 1-877-4Merkos or 1-718-778-0226)
  2. PICK out the prize you want. (Choose from Jewish toys, books & computer games, plus scooters, iPods and a whole lot more)
  3. SIGN up sponsors
  4. GO FOR IT - Read lots of Jewish books from Nov. 13 - Dec. 3
  5. COLLECT & send in the donations together with your prize choice.
  6. ENJOY your prize and whatching your local Jewish library grow.

NOTE: The Book-A-Thon is a program developed and run by Kehot Publication Society to increase Jewish literacy and build Jewish libraries. All proceeds raised go towards purchasing Jewish books for the Library of your choice.

ORGANIZATIONS: The Book-A-Thon can be run by your organization to promote Jewish Literacy and build your Jewish Library. All materials and prizes are provided free of charge. This year your library will be able to purchase from a large selection of Merkos, Kehot, Hachai and Feldheim books.

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