15th of Adar, 5785 ט״ו בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Thursday, November 10, 2005

ONCE UPON A CHASID: Living With The Times (Lech-Lecha)


Cheshvan 8, 5766 * November 10, 2005


Parshat Lech-Lecha

The Section of Lech-Lecha (chapters 12-17)

In 1941, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok of Lubavitch related an experience of over 50 years earlier, when he was a child of eleven:

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Living With The Times

It was early in the morning of the Shabbos in which the Torah portion of Lech-Lecha is read, before the morning prayers, when I entered my father's room. I found him sitting at his table in very high spirits, reviewing the Torah reading of the week. Tears were streaming from his eyes. I was very confused, for I was unable to understand how the two come together - an elated mood and tears - but I didn't dare to ask.

That Shabbos, as every Shabbos, father prayed till late. As was his custom during winter Shabosos, he made kiddush after praying and then went to pray mincha. After mincha, shortly before sunset, he sat to the Shabbos meal.

After Shabbos, father would test me on what I had studied during the week and on the mishnayos I had reviewed by heart. If he was satisfied, he would present to me a gift: either a story, whose moral he would point out and explain, or a manuscript of a maamer (discourse of chassidic teaching). This was the arrangement in winter of 1890-1.

The same took place the evening following that Shabbos Lech-Lecha: Father tested me and then gave me the discourse 'Ner Chanukah 5643' as a gift. I very much wanted to know why father had been crying, and yet in such an elevated mood, while reviewing the Torah portion that morning. I stood there in confusion, unable to decide whether I should ask or not.

Father noticed my confusion said to me: "Why do you stand there like that? If you wish to say something, say it..." I decided to ask.

Father answered me:

"Those were tears of joy."

He explained: "Once, in the early years of his leadership, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi told his chassidim: 'One must live with the times.'

"The younger chassidim asked the older ones what the Rebbe's statement meant. The elders discused the matter between themselves. (Years later, Rabbi Schneur Zalman's son and successor, Rabbi DovBer, was to elaborate on this saying in his unique style of 'binah' - a broad, comprehensive treatment of his father's nuggets of wisdom. But when Rabbi Schneur Zalman first said these words, even the great chassidim struggled to understand their meaning.) Finally, Rabbi Schneur Zalman's brother, our great-uncle Rabbi Yehudah Leib, explained what the Rebbe meant.

" 'One must live with the times' means that every day one should 'live with' and experience in one's own life the Torah portion of the week and the specific section of the week's portion which is connected to that day.


Featured Audio!

Audio Classes on Lech Lecha

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Listen now: http://www.chabad.org/324565

More Audio: http://www.chabad.org/multimedia/default.asp


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