14th of Adar, 5785 י״ד בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

From the Golan Heights to Wales

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From the Golan Heights to Wales

Rabbi Y. Haber welcomed by Rabbi M.Wollenberg-Wales,U.K.-Sept.'05
After a very busy Succos and Simchas Torah at the Beit Chabad in Chispin on the Golan, Rabbi Yisrael Haber- area shliach on the Golan, was invited to speak in the United Kingdom. His talks took him to CARDIFF, the capital city of WALES, at the invitation of Rabbi Mordechai Wollenberg.  A record number of  nearly one hundred Jewish families attended the event. Rabbi Haber also spoke in the north of England --in the town of CHESHIRE by invitation of Rabbi Aharon Mordechai Lipsey. Rabbi Haber addressed the Jewish Young Adult Association on the picturesque equestrian polo grounds.


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