14th of Adar, 5785 י״ד בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

New Building for Cheder Ohr Menachem

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New Building for Cheder Ohr Menachem

The students of Ohr Menachem, the new all-Yiddish cheder in Crown Heights, recently moved in to their new building on President St.  The grand opening celebration was attended by rav of Crown Heights R. Aharon Yakov Schwei, member of Vaad Hachinuch R. Refoel Wilschansky, and members of the board, including R. Shmuel Malamud, former head of the CHJCC, who put up a mezuzah on the front door of the building.  After putting up the mezuzah, all the children filed into the building, kissing the mezuzah on their way in.  The children shone with excitement as they entered their freshly renovated new cheder building.  Up until now, the Cheder has been housed in Frankel's shul.  Much thanks to the members of Frankel's shul for their hospitality to the new cheder.
Gallery of pictures in full article.

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