Living Jews
The sages tell us that our father Jacob never died. "Since his children are alive, he is alive."
Each and every Jew is the personification of his father Jacob, and the heart of each and every Jew is alive and beating strong. To say about any one of them that he is spiritually dead is to pronounce our father Jacob dead. If to you it appears that way, the fault is in you, not in the Jew you observe.
G–d sees only good in them. He will make great miracles for them and they will be safe.
A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe
-words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman
Tevet 8, 5766 * January 8, 2006
Featured Audio Class on Chabad.org:
Vayigash - Joseph's Leadership Role
By Moshe New
The lesson from Joseph: the strength and ability to be a leader and sustain society not just physically but spiritually as well.
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