Tevet 9, 5766 * January 9, 2006
D A I L Y M I T Z V A H (M A I M O N I D E S )
Today's Mitzvot (Day 129 of 339):
Negative Mitzvot 135, 136
Negative Mitzvah 135: A Priest who is not circumcised is forbidden
to eat "Terumah"
-Leviticus 22:10 "A tenant of the priest or a hired servant may not
eat of the holy [food]"
Circumcision is the most important sign of a male's connection
to HaShem. Without circumcision, the male lacks that special
A non-circumcised priest may not eat "Terumah." He also is forbidden
to eat other sacrificial meat.
Negative Mitzvah 136: An impure Priest is forbidden to eat "Terumah"
-Leviticus 22:4 "Any man who is of the seed of Aaron...shall
not eat of the holy [food]s, until he is pure"
A priest who has become impure may not eat from Terumah.
He must first purify himself according to the Torah's instructions
and he is then allowed to eat his Terumah.
Featured Audio Class on Chabad.org:
Vayechi - Jacob's Unrequited Desire
By Moshe New
“Jacob called for his sons and said, ‘Gather and I will tell you what will happen to you at the end of days”. Rashi explains: He attempted to reveal when Moshiach would come, but the Shechinah withdrew from him. So he began to say other things.
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