14th of Adar, 5785 י״ד בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Monday, September 05, 2005

Chof Av Protest Rally at Israeli Consulate

חדשות חב"ד

Chof Av Protest Rally at Israeli Consulate

Thursday evening, Chof Av, hundreds of Lubavitchers gathered across from the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan under the banner ‘When Silence is A Sin.’ Three powerful speakers broke the silence following the Churban Aza/Northern Shomron: Rabbi David Hollander, Rabbinic Activist, Spiritual Leader and Columnist; Rabbi Yehoshua Hecht, Spiritual Leader of Beth Israel Westport/Norwalk, Connecticut; and Rabbi Sholom B. Kalmanson, Director of Chabad of Southern Ohio. The Master of Ceremonies was Rabbi Tzvi Lang, Vice Chairman, Crown Height Jewish Community Concil.

 Continued in full article

Rabbi Hollander opened the program by screaming “Why are we here? It already happened, it’s over.” After decades of being a leader with staunch Jewish values – and a staunch follower of the Rebbe – Rabbi Hollander’s spirit and sharp wit has only strengthened with time. “The answer is in the Chumash,” answered Hollander. He went on to explain how when Yaakov was shown the bloodied shirt that made him draw the conclusion that Yosef was no more, Yaakov mourned but he did not accept consolation. Because Yosef was still alive.

“We are mourning, but we are not allowed to accept consolation for that which is still alive. We are not giving up on those people in the consulate. One day they will do Tshuva and recognize the evil of their deeds. And the land will come back to us.”

Rabbi Hollander warned the Americans, “The Arabs are already saying, ‘Today Aza, Tomorrow Jerusalem. Soon they will be saying, Today Jerusalem,! Tomorrow America, G–d forbid. Americans take note while there is still time.” 

Following Rabbi Hollander, Rabbi Hecht also addressed the consulate: “When will the people who are across the street realize the truth of what has transpired?” asked Rabbi Yehoshua Hecht, “They fly the flag with such joy, yet they do not realize that the events of last week were a debacle of horror for all decent people, a nefarious and terrible plan of rewarding terrorists.

“There are those who claim that American Jews should be silent, but the Shulchan Orech tells us differently. We are obligated to be concerned for Jews wherever they are… including Jews in Eretz Yisroel.

“This time the major Jewish organizations were co-opted into silence and approval. We cannot let that happen again.”

Rabbi Kalmanson explained many details about the folly and tragedy of the eviction of Jews from their homes; the obstruction of justice and democracy that led to this scenario;! and the clarity of the Rebbe throughout it all. He stressed t! hat all is not lost, we must still try to prevent the evacuated areas from being handed over to the enemies.

“Everything the Rebbe forecast is a reality. If the Rebbe said giving land is a mistake, it is a mistake,” said Kalmanson. “The Rebbe was asked by right wingers why he did not use the name Israel. ‘This is not Medinas Yisroel,’ the Rebbe answered, ‘it is Eretz Yisroel.’ Four thousand years ago G–d made a covenant with Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov, giving them this land. The term Medina is only since 1948. It was given by the UN and it can be taken back by the UN. Eretz Yisroel is permanent and not dependant on the UN.”

The program also included a presentation by Rabbi Mendel Morozov, Shliach of Brooklyn College; Tehilim led by Rabbi Yekutiel Rapp; and the 12 Posukim led by a group of children. 
The event was a coalition effort by www.truepeace.org, Crown Heights Vaad HaKohol, Americans For a Safe Israel and Chabad Chassidim to Ensure the Safet! y of Jews in Eretz Yisroel.

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