16th of Adar, 5785 ט״ז בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Shleimus Haaretz Meeting Monday Night

חדשות חב"ד

Shleimus Haaretz Meeting Monday Night

Leibel and Miryam Swerdlov will be hosting a Shlaimos HaAretz program featuring Moshe and Chaya Belogorodsky on Monday evening, 22 Elul, at 8:30, at their home 484 Crown Street. Separate seating.

Fourteen year old Chaya Belogorodsky was recently released from jail in Ramle, (not far from Kfar Chabad.) Moshe Belogorodsky has come with his daughter to raise awareness of the denial of civil rights to those who oppose evicting Jews from their homes in order to reward terrorists.

(Continued in full article)

Chaya was accused of standing on the sidewalk while her friends proceeded to block traffic. Chaya was asked by a policewoman to leave the area. She refused, saying that she was not doing anything illegal, that she had every right to stand on every inch of the Land of Israel... For her first week in jail, Chaya was kept in solitary confinement. She was not allowed to shower or call home. She was not given packages from home with fresh clothing and fresh food.She was given food that did not meet her level of Kashrus. She was denied a fan in her cell in the stifling heat of summer. Once a week she was degraded by having male jailers search her personal

Chaya is not alone in her experience of being arrested and mistreated. Youth from Crown Heights who were in Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel and attended anti-disengagement rallies experienced the same treatment, along with severe beatings by police.

This p! ast week eleven young girls were incarcerated in Eretz Yisroel. The hunt continues even past the disengagement, because the disengagement process is still in full swing! All those who are aware of the Rebbe's call to action to do what we can to stop the retreat from the Holy Land cannot rest. Our evil opponents are not resting, they are busy planning their next disengagement.

The Belogorodsky's are coming to Crown Heights to tell their story. Let us show them their story is important to us… they are important to us! They are upholding – with great Mesirus Nefesh – the Rebbe’s message of Shlaimos HaAretz.

In Volume 28 of the Rebbe’s letters, on page Kuf Tzadik Hey, the Rebbe speaks about the lack of democracy in Eretz Yisroel and he says, “The most painful point is that nobody protests against this because, anyone who is not in agreement should have protested with all their strength.”

Chaya and her friends, the Crown Heights youth who were arrested, an! d the thousands of other upright Jews who have been arrested b! ecause t hey protest the evil regime in Eretz Yisroel, have all been helped by the experienced and dedicated lawyers who show up right away to defend the innocent from a court system guilty of corruption. As badly as Chaya and others have been treated, without the presence of these lawyers, the situation would be much, much worse.

These lawyers are organized by and their expenses are paid by Honeinu Legal Defense Fund. The Monday evening event is being held to benefit Honeinu.

The event is being organized by Sarah Chana Schreiber in the Zechus of Tzvi Yehuda ben Esther Saks of Pittsburgh, may he have a miraculous, speedy, complete recovery.

Please try to come to hear the Belogorodsky’s. This is a rare opportunity to hear first hand a story of Mesiras Nefesh for Shlaimos HaAretz and Pikuach Nefesh.

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