16th of Adar, 5785 ט״ז בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Shofar Factory in Sydney, Australia

חדשות חב"ד

Shofar Factory in Sydney, Australia

In Sydney Australia, three of the smicha students/shluchim remained for two weeks after completing their smicha to run a shofar factory. The bachurim met over 1,000 children and made shofars at Jewish schools, local private schools, shuls and many public schools. (In Australia, religious programming is allowed on public school property.) 

At one public school the bachurim completed the program and the kids went to line up.  The bachurim asked the principal if they could blow the shofar for the entire school. He himself was excited to hear the shofar and gave his permission. The school has about 350 children of whom 50 are Jewish.   Many children learned for the first time about Rosh Hashana and about the "great shofar" that will be blown when Moshiach comes.   One teacher remarked, "it put the kids in the Rosh Hashana mood."

Thanks to Yossi Shuchat who came from New York to make the program happen and Yossi Kopfstien, Benyamin Kosofsky and Shmuly Kopel.  May we merit to hear the "big shofar" blow.

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