14th of Adar, 5785 י״ד בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Spirit, Strength, Victory – Nahal Haredi

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  Dear Friend,

There are times when it hurts to love Israel so much. At moments like these, when trust between Israel's government, its army and its people is at an all-time low, we need something to help us restore our faith in Israel and its institutions.

Allow me to tell you about a very special group of courageous young men. These are devout and brave combat soldiers, sons of Haredi and religious society, who are injecting much-needed religious spirit and values into the IDF. They are highly trained, extremely motivated, and have shown extraordinary strength in combating terrorism. And they are changing the face of the Israeli army – bringing greater unity to the IDF and ensuring eternal victory, both physical and spiritual, for Israel over its enemies.

These are the young men of the Nahal Haredi.

Founded in 1999 by a group of rabbis in conjunction with the Israel Defense Forces and the Ministry of Defense, Nahal Haredi provides men, aspiring to the highest religious standards, with a Torah-true framework in which they can receive top training and perform meaningful military service within a group of equally committed soldiers.

What started in 1999 as a group of 30 new inductees has swelled into a battalion of close to 1,000 soldiers. The success of the Nahal Haredi program is unprecedented. With 400 new recruits per year, Nahal Haredi is expanding at a remarkable pace and is setting its sights on reaching the threshold for designation as a fully operative infantry brigade.

The IDF, Ministry of Defense and the Nahal Haredi Organization are partners in this vital social, nationalistic project. The participation of the Nahal Haredi Organization as an advisory board and financial contributor is key to the program and without its participation in both aspects; the program would not be viable. That’s where YOU come in.

Your tax-deductible contribution enables the fulfillment of the unique religious needs of close to one thousand soldiers per year.


It helps arrange for the soldiers to participate in special military courses within an appropriate environment. It provides for shiurim, Torah lectures by eminent rabbis and for on-site personal rabbinic guidance to encourage individual and spiritual development and affords these young soldiers with a year of education/vocational training. The Nahal Haredi Organization raises funds to establish adequate synagogues/batei midrash and recreational facilities that are so necessary.

Your contribution fosters Ahavas Yisroel and provides the spiritual and educational backbone which makes the Nahal Haredi program so successful, ensuring that religiously striving young men will always have an appropriate place where they can serve their country with pride and be able to provide for themselves upon completing their service.

Nahal Haredi is much more than just a tight-knit crack fighting force. It is a palpable reminder that physical strength is not enough… that the spirit of Torah and Mitzvot linking us to our 3,000-year old inheritance of Eretz Yisrael, must underlie our military accomplishments if we wish to achieve eternal victory.


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