18th of Adar, 5785 י״ח בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Arutz Sheva News Report

This news item from Arutz Sheva has been sent to you by: Ariel Sokolovsky

Message: By the grace of G-d
Shalom uBrocha!
Just thought these videos might be interesting to many of my readers. Caution some of the videos contain songs sung by women. While there are those who are linient as long as it's not a live performance etc. other men should avoid those or watch them with sound off , Zeh Haiah Beiti in particular.
With respect and blessing.
Ariel Sokolovsky
Long Live our Master our Teacher and our Rebbe King Moshiach Forever and Ever

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A number of movies, home-video and photo-montages are available on the internet, documenting the expulsion and mourning the destruction of Gush Katif. The following is a sampling of those clips.

An emotional video that has been making the rounds via email is a photo-montage of Gush Katif set to a classic Israeli song mourning the withdrawal from Yamit, remade and updated by hip-hop group Kele 6. <a href="http://tinyurl.com/cu7ab" class="wntu">Click here</a> to view the video, the words of which are translated below:

<u>Zeh Haya Beiti</u>

This was my home
With a garden and a chicken coop, it was my home
It was yours, it was mine, it was ours
With daybreak foreigners will live here
An we, with all our memories, will disappear

We battled so much
That we forgot for what
For me it’s a war
For them its for profit
For me it’s home
For them it’s another line on a map
Long ago this transformed into much more than just land
Perhaps I don’t agree, but understand without a problem
We made the desert bloom and this is what you give in return
The memories didn’t die, they just moved apartments
Yamit was resurrected

My imagination plays flashbacks of my memories
From the day I wrote my first verse
Running against the clock
Separating between dream and reality
In my photo album, beautiful years
Memories of a childhood, 100 percent
Nothing will stop the time
The clock ticks, the hands moving forward
And I am growing distant, “There’s no place like home”
It’s not just another line from the heroine in The Wizard of Oz

This was my home
With a garden and a chicken coop, it was my home
It was yours, it was mine, it was ours
With daybreak foreigners will live here
And we, with all our memories, will disappear

And now it is theirs
We will no longer create memories there
I remember the first night, the first kiss
A separation without return
Where I sweat from the heat
Quarrels and reconciliation, everything happened just like that
When we betrothed and I lifted you through our doorway
Doubled over on the ground, taking a handful of earth
This is my home, my childhood, my soul
In the morning I rose and breathed in the air and the ash
Between us until today, the house was part of the relationship
Don’t believe that it’s finished now that all is taken
Hand in hand we’ll always be and disappear like the wind

This was my home
With a garden and a chicken coop, it was my home
It was yours, it was mine, it was ours
With daybreak foreigners will live here
And we, with all our memories, will disappear

Lit candles will no longer be seen
In the windows since we left
Lit candles will no longer be seen
In the windows since we left

When you left, they went with you
All the friends, with them we always laughed

This was my home
With a garden and a chicken coop, it was my home
It was yours, it was mine, it was ours
With daybreak foreigners will live here
And we, with all our memories, will disappear

<a href="http://www.xagoon.com/gush/index_l.php" class="wntu">This video clip</a> was produced by Shmuel Benamu. It consists of photos of Gush Katif sites before and after they were destroyed, put to music. (<a href="http://www.xagoon.com/gush/index_l.php" class="wntu"><b>Click here to view</b></a>-must wait for video to load and the push 'play')

A <a href="http://www.israelreporter.com/files/video/netzergerush.wvx" class="wntu">5-minute video clip (click here to view)</a> was produced by Avi Abelow (friendsofnetzer@gmail.com). It provides a visual documentation of the explusion of the Jews of Netzer Chazani. The video covers the expulsion of the well-known Tucker family, including agricultural entrepreneur Anita Tucker, her children, and grandchildren.

<a href="http://www.col.org.il/pics/inbox/8822595_0.7994.wmv" class="wntu">This clip (click here to view)</a> is a Hebrew-language television program that was aired by Channel 10. It is an overview of the destroyed communities and documents their destruction. It features interviews with residents as they watch their homes being crushed under bulldozers. Another interesting aspect of the programs is its focus on the anti-expulsion leadership’s cooperation with the police and security forces to thwart active opposition to the withdrawal. Yesha Council members are seen arranging with police the time and manner in which the synagogue would be broken into and members of the Gush Katif municipality are seen strategizing with police on how to clear the masses of teenagers blocking N’vei Dekalim’s gate.

The video also includes heart-wrenching scenes of intense prayer in the synagogues of both N’vei Dekalim and Netzarim prior to their being emptied of Jews by force.

Arutz-7's <a target="_blank" href="http://www.israelnnTV.com" class="wntu">INN TV</a> has produced video documentation of the expulsion of several towns as well. <a href="mms://msmedia.a7.org/arutz7/eng-video/05/aug/netzer-100.wmv" class="wntu">Click here to view</a> the expulsion of Netzer Hazani's Jews, <a href="mms://msmedia.a7.org/arutz7/heb-video/05/sep/nezarim-100.wmv" class="wntu">click here to view</a> (in Hebrew) the expulsion of Netzarim, <a href="mms://msmedia.a7.org/arutz7/heb-video/05/aug/ganei-tal-100.wmv" class="wntu">click here to view</a> (in Hebrew) the expulsion of Ganei Tal and <a href="mms://msmedia.a7.org/arutz7/heb-video/05/aug/atsmona-100.wmv" class="wntu">click here to view</a> (in Hebrew) the expulsion of Atzmona.

Arutz-7’s Kobi Finkler also produced a short amateur clip of the desolation and destruction that the towns of Gush Katif have become. <a href="mms://msmedia.a7.org/arutz7/misc/video/aza4.wmv" class="wntu">Click here to view.</a>

Though not a video, <a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/mishkaegli2/344.html" class="wntu">this site (click here to view)</a> gives an in-depth look into the tent city many Gush Katif residents have been living in since their expulsion one month ago.

Videos from before the expulsion include an <a href="http://www.israelreporter.com/files/video/sylvia.wvx" class="wntu">interview with grandmother Sylvia Mandelbaum</a> by freelance journalist Shlomo Wollins of <a target="_blank" href="http://www.israelreporter.com/files/video/sylvia.wvx" class="wntu">IsraelReporter.com</a> as she packed up her house and said goodbye to the home she built in the N’vei Dekalim sand dunes.

Wollins also posted <a href="http://www.israelreporter.com/files/video/hilberg-h.wvx" class="wntu">a clip (click here to view)</a> of bereaved mother Rina Hilberg speaking (in Hebrew) prior to the uprooting of her son, killed in Lebanon while serving in the IDF, from his grave.

The <a href="http://www.israelreporter.com/files/seruv.wmv" class="wntu">heroic refusal (click here to view)</a> of American oleh (immigrants to Israel) IDF Corporal Avi Bieber also remains archived and is a reminder of the fact that IDF soldiers could have said “no” - and that many indeed did. Avi has now been released from army jail and is considered a hero by many in the Land of Israel movement.

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