18th of Adar, 5785 י״ח בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Chabad Leaders Meet Yuschenko at UN Summit

חדשות חב"ד

Chabad Leaders Meet Yuschenko at UN Summit

Rabbi Avraham Berkowitz with President Yuschenko
During the General Assembly of the United Nations in NY, the President of Ukraine, Victor Yuschenko met with Jewish leaders to discuss issues and concerns of the Jewish community in Ukraine. Their conversation focused on recent acts of anti-Semitism in the country and the situation concerning the restitution of Jewish communal property confiscated under the Soviet regime.

Avraham Berkowitz, the Executive Director for the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS and Baltic Countries, also participated in the meeting. He spoke to President Yuschenko about the continued development of Jewish life in Ukraine and gave a brief overview of the network of communities run by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine. Mr. Berkowitz also took this opportunity to thank President for his support he has provided and concern he has voiced for the protection and growth of Jewish communities in Ukraine.

This meeting was organized by the National Council on Soviet Jewry (NCSJ), which is headed by Mr. Mark Levin.

President Yuschenko assured the leaders of his government's commitment to a 'no tolerance' policy to any anti-Semitic act on the part of Ukrainian citizens or government officials, as well as suggesting that the leaders set a plan into motion in regards to specific buildings they are looking to be returned to Jewish community ownership.
In addition, Yuschenko requested the support of these Jewish leaders – so that they may use their influence in the USA to assist Ukraine graduate from the Jackson-Vanik Amendment.

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