| Special Event for Women in Central Park | | |
| Entrance to Conservatory Garden, Central Park | Jewish Women United for the Redemption will be holding a special event entitled “The King is in the Field,” an afternoon in Central Park to celebrate the month of Elul. This Sunday, 21 Elul 5765, September 25, 2005, from 2 – 6 PM, at the Conservatory Garden Fifth Avenue & 105th Street in Manhattan. Box lunch, guest speaker, garden tour, fishing, and more… Please tell your friends! Suggested donation: $25 The event is co-sponsored by the Cohen family in honor of Sophie's bas mitzva. “Now, especially, we must strengthen and increase in our adherence to all customs connected to the concept, “A goodhearted person feasts always.” This means to utilize every possible opportunity to arrange joyous events connected with mitzvos, affording much joy and beauty – literal joy and gladness of heart – with the participation of an innumerable amount of Jewish people.” - The Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, 10 Elul, 5751
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