18th of Adar, 5785 י״ח בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Siyum Harambam in Sacramento

חדשות חב"ד

Siyum Harambam in Sacramento

Over 200 people gathered in Sacramento, California for a Siyum Harambam.  At the event, the 800th year since the Rambam's birth was also noted.  Ten shluchim from surrounding areas also participated.

The event was held on Yud Alef Elul, the second Yahrtzeit of R. Yosef Motchkin, father-in-law of R. Mendy Cohen, shliach to Sacramento.  R. Cohen distributed a booklet with explanations of the Rambam as well as a biography of R. Yosef Motchkin.

Amongst the speakers at the event were:  R. Naftali Estulin of the Beis Chabad for Russian immigrants; local rav R. Feldman; R. Mordechai Farkash; R. Resnick, the newest shliach to N. California, R. Kadosh and R. Zirkind.

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